Question for the guys: "Fake"women uncovered?



  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Ok, I was shopping yesterday and I saw bras that added two full cup sizes and panties with butt Ok now as part of the Itty Bitty Titty Commitee, I admit I got a pushup bra. I got a bf so I don't have to really worry about being "discovered" so to speak, but I was wondering, how do you guys feel when you meet a girl and then come to find out she has fake eyelashes, hair piece/extensions, padded push up bra, etc etc....I mean is it a deal breaker?
    How do you guys feel about all that stuff we put on at times?

    I get the bra thing. self conscious about size. guys are too with their umm "magic stick" :laugh: doesn't bother me at all.

    butt inserts? wtf? lol sorry I find it funny. some guys like boobs...I'm more of a legs man. I probably would be like "ahh man really? it's fake?" and maybe disappointed but as deal breaker? nah

    fake eyelashes, hair, etc etc. yah that would put me off. I like girls with less make-up, not looking like Jersey Shore extras. I know not ALL women that have have the fake eyelashes, hair extensions also wear a ton of make-up but it my experience 90% of them do. so to me it would really put me off.
  • sharishopalot
    sharishopalot Posts: 82 Member

    I have to say I wear hair extensions and I have implants.. Both of which has increased my self esteem tremendously.. I am glad I took that step to increase my girls... And would do it over 100 times...
    I am all for what helps to make a person happy with their appearance. If a person has small boobies and are happy with them then yay for them and if they feel they want to purchase a good push up bra to help increase the size of their girls then yay...
    Who cares what people think.......
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    Ok, I was shopping yesterday and I saw bras that added two full cup sizes and panties with butt Ok now as part of the Itty Bitty Titty Commitee, I admit I got a pushup bra. I got a bf so I don't have to really worry about being "discovered" so to speak, but I was wondering, how do you guys feel when you meet a girl and then come to find out she has fake eyelashes, hair piece/extensions, padded push up bra, etc etc....I mean is it a deal breaker?
    How do you guys feel about all that stuff we put on at times?
    I don't really get the bra thing, but do not mind implants.

    As for make up, hair, eyelashes, etc... I think it looks good on some women (except for the fake tan, it makes girls look like orange aliens) and I even like an extreme look sometimes.
  • cjfitnessme
    cjfitnessme Posts: 97 Member
    hmm I think what ever will make her feel good about her self and improves her self esteem then the more power to her. In other words if looking good in her eyes makes her feel good than go for it baby, cause she will be happier and make everybody else happier to be around her:)
  • nettip
    nettip Posts: 113 Member
    Ok my 1st bra was at the age of 12 and the shop assistant said there is no point giving you a traininng bra and handed me a underwired B cup and im now a F cup, and the whole of my life i get my boobs spoken to not me. i had a on night stand back when i was at college, he was a work mate and after we were chatting and asked where i gt my inplants, as i have no scaring and they look and feel great. i was so pissed of. just because i have gd big boobs doesnt mean they are fake, i wish i had smaller boobs as i feel i would be treated better by men. i wear very make up and mhy wedding day i wore flip flops under my dress and still got told how gd i looked and im not a good looking girl its all abbout how you feel inside. you do not need all the fake stuff u need to take a look at ur self if you think all the fake crap is going to get you a good man ur wrong. i gt with 8 men before my husband who i never reli new before we gt together and my husband was one of my best friends and knew me bad moods,attitude, bed hair no make up the lot . we have now gt 2 children and have been in love for 11 yrs. we couldnt see what happening all of our freinds could be we were just friend that like each other for who we reli are underneeth all the crap.
  • oberon0124
    oberon0124 Posts: 10,527 Member
    The only true fake woman would be the one that is fake between the ears. That would be the dealbreaker! Not a pushup bra or enhanced panties, If a woman is not true to you in the mind, that would be the deal breaker!
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I don't ask for opinions on how I should dress, act or present myself and I don't believe anyone else should either. If a person is comfortable in their skin, that's all that counts.

    If you like a little extra cleavage, go for it. It has nothing to do with what attracts me to a person.
  • muffin_shufflin
    muffin_shufflin Posts: 239 Member
    The only true fake woman would be the one that is fake between the ears. That would be the dealbreaker! Not a pushup bra or enhanced panties, If a woman is not true to you in the mind, that would be the deal breaker!

    ^ this this this.
  • YMark
    YMark Posts: 65 Member
    But yeah me and my coworker were having a discussion about this the other day at work, and its pretty unfair for men that they never know what is under all of our fakery.

    Most guys aren't as stupid as you make us sound. We can spot push-up and padded bras a mile away. Fake eyelashes can be spotted by a blind guy.
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    Honestly to me it doesn't really make any difference what a woman does as long as she's happy with it. That being said a lot of people on this thread are getting upset at what men are posting, the whole name of the thread is " Question for the Guys " :) Let the guys voice their opinions!! :)

    Unfortunately stereotyping still exists today, blondes aren't as intelligent, red heads are feistier, implants are more for the ditsy superficial women.

    Of course none of it is based in fact but these are stereotypes that float around and it is unfortunate :(
  • The_new_me_76
    The_new_me_76 Posts: 70 Member
    with me what you see is what you get , nothing fake , i dont even like make up i only wear it to go out partying if ive a zit to cover up lol
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I like that the guys are saying "as long as they feel good about themselves". That's refreshing. I hate when guys say "that kind of stuff makes a girl fake" but yet they're the first ones to look at a girl that's all done up.

    Amen. It's always the girls that so look so fake that all the guys love. :( I wish I knew guys who believed that 'as long as they feel good about themselves.'
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    I like that the guys are saying "as long as they feel good about themselves". That's refreshing. I hate when guys say "that kind of stuff makes a girl fake" but yet they're the first ones to look at a girl that's all done up.

    Amen. It's always the girls that so look so fake that all the guys love. :( I wish I knew guys who believed that 'as long as they feel good about themselves.'

    Trust me we do exist! I know not everyone on my side of the species is the same but some of us find a woman who doesn't need 4 inches of makeup very attractive. You can slather on every product on the planet but eventually you'll need to take it off and then we might have a problem.

    There is nothing wrong with some makeup of course, but like anything it's all about moderation and being classy :)
  • paisley2288
    paisley2288 Posts: 913 Member
    I'm curious as to what guys think about girls like JWoww. Is it too much? I plan on tanning after I lose weight. And I do want extensions. I have an underactive thyroid which makes it hard for my hair to get very long. I don't need breast implants but maybe a breast lift.
  • paisley2288
    paisley2288 Posts: 913 Member
    But yeah me and my coworker were having a discussion about this the other day at work, and its pretty unfair for men that they never know what is under all of our fakery.

    Most guys aren't as stupid as you make us sound. We can spot push-up and padded bras a mile away. Fake eyelashes can be spotted by a blind guy.

    My sister wears fake eyelashes and I never even knew until I found them in the bathroom lol
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    Ok, I was shopping yesterday and I saw bras that added two full cup sizes and panties with butt Ok now as part of the Itty Bitty Titty Commitee, I admit I got a pushup bra. I got a bf so I don't have to really worry about being "discovered" so to speak, but I was wondering, how do you guys feel when you meet a girl and then come to find out she has fake eyelashes, hair piece/extensions, padded push up bra, etc etc....I mean is it a deal breaker?
    How do you guys feel about all that stuff we put on at times?
  • Bagman12002
    Bagman12002 Posts: 216 Member
    bump to read later
  • Farfourah
    Farfourah Posts: 899 Member
    But yeah me and my coworker were having a discussion about this the other day at work, and its pretty unfair for men that they never know what is under all of our fakery.

    Most guys aren't as stupid as you make us sound. We can spot push-up and padded bras a mile away. Fake eyelashes can be spotted by a blind guy.

    My sister wears fake eyelashes and I never even knew until I found them in the bathroom lol

    Falsies can be spotted from a mile away!
  • paisley2288
    paisley2288 Posts: 913 Member
    Fake padding in bra = tricked. How'd you feel with a sock pushed down the jeans?

    hahaha i can't stop laughing at this
  • Trail_Addict
    Trail_Addict Posts: 1,350 Member
    It can't be any worse than spending the evening with a guy with a fantastic personality, only to find out later that he's a Summer's Eve.

    Bait-and-switch works both ways. :laugh: