Apple Cider Vinegar and Virgin Coconut Oil



  • jenna25
    jenna25 Posts: 213 Member
    so excited you posted this! i just bought a bottle of organice acv yesterday that was on sale :) i was curious how much to take a day! thanks for the advice! hopefully it helps with my stubborn belly fat!!!!!
  • RosieWest8
    RosieWest8 Posts: 185 Member
    Didn't read every response so sorry if this has been stated...but I saw some people saying that they took 'shots' of ACV....

    Just want to stress that I don't think it's advisable to take it undiluted. ACV is very acidic and is bad for your teeth/esophagus if you take it undiluted. The OP is good with taking it in 16 ounces of water and also through a straw. Even when it's diluted, it still has a positive effect on acid reflux and still has all of it's benefits.
  • saugonda1
    saugonda1 Posts: 145 Member
    I take Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar and water and yes it does help with weight loss as well as many other things.
  • lisa91263
  • StartingAnewDay
    StartingAnewDay Posts: 319 Member
    Hmmm.. I have this stuff at home, I use it mixed together on my scalp for my hair. i never thought of ingesting it. Not sure i could stomach just chugging a tsp of the coocnut oil. I could probably do the acv since I saw someone mention putting it in tea, i drink 32 oz of green tea a day, maybe i'll drop a tsp in there see what happens. can't hurt right?
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    Well, when I sip 2 teaspoons of AVC added to 16 oz. of water throughout the day, I can feel the revving of my metabolism. My body heats up like wildfire. It has also stopped my aching joints. I can get out of bed so easy in the mornings now with no pain however, from what I gather the coconut oil also can have this effect and it also burns fat and revs your metabolism like wildfire. But, it does contain 125 calories per T.spoon but it's a good fat. Contains the same ingredient found in mother's breast milk. Interesting huh?
    I broke my neck almost 4 years ago and this is the first time since that I have been pain free and swollen free (no swelling in hands, feet, neck, face, and stomach. It's like I'm finally getting my life back.

    I have tried ACV in the past and it helped my heartburn problem. I didn't have some of the problems I have now, but I may try it again as I have trouble getting moving in the mornings and my hands are swollen and hurt most of the time. I mentioned the hands to my doctor and he just said "oh well, we all get old" and said it was probably arthritis. He didn't even look at them. Anyway, I stopped using the ACV because even though I was rinsing my mouth after drinking it (2 tbsp per cup of water) before every meal, my teeth started needing dentist's attention. You should be very careful because ACV can cause rapid deterioration of your tooth enamel. As for belly fat... it never affected the belly fat one way or the other and I *was* dieting at the time. I have heard many miracle stories about ACV, but take them with a grain of salt. :wink:
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    Hmmm.. I have this stuff at home, I use it mixed together on my scalp for my hair. i never thought of ingesting it. Not sure i could stomach just chugging a tsp of the coocnut oil. I could probably do the acv since I saw someone mention putting it in tea, i drink 32 oz of green tea a day, maybe i'll drop a tsp in there see what happens. can't hurt right?

    I have used ACV in the past, but never used the kind you get in the general area of the grocery store, like Heinze. I always got mine at my local health food store. The brand was Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar. It's not as strong tasting as the other. Good luck!

    PS What a cute profile photo! :bigsmile: (@losing4life)
  • ingfit
    ingfit Posts: 180 Member
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Yes, I use both Bragg's apple cider vinegar and Nutiva Coconut oil. I am noticing major differences in my clothes, they are getting too big. :)
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Hmmm.. I have this stuff at home, I use it mixed together on my scalp for my hair. i never thought of ingesting it. Not sure i could stomach just chugging a tsp of the coocnut oil. I could probably do the acv since I saw someone mention putting it in tea, i drink 32 oz of green tea a day, maybe i'll drop a tsp in there see what happens. can't hurt right?

    I have used ACV in the past, but never used the kind you get in the general area of the grocery store, like Heinze. I always got mine at my local health food store. The brand was Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar. It's not as strong tasting as the other. Good luck!

    PS What a cute profile photo! :bigsmile: (@losing4life)

    Your not supposed to use the regular stuff in the grocery aisle. You are supposed to use the unfiltered, raw Apple Cider Vinegar such as Braggs or Spectrum
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I talked to guys in super supplements about Coconut oil and they explained that how it works is that it gives your body healthy fats that it needs. Coconut oils a very short strand of fat that takes too much work for your body to turn into long strands of fat (the fat your trying to lose). Since it cant turn it into a long strand of fat it burns it right away and your body says "oh ok, I am going to get a steady supply of fat so I can let go of some of the stuff I have been holding on to." You can use it on toast like butter or cook with it. He says its good on toast with cinnamon and your body craves fat. If you give it a healthy steady supply of fat like Coconut oil, your more likely to lose weight.

    I have taken ACV everyday and I find it helps with my joints and helps with weight loss.

    Actually coconut oil are Medium chained triglycerides, not short or long chain triglycerides. The guy at the supplement store needs to do some more learning
  • Karmynzahringer
    Karmynzahringer Posts: 192 Member
    I add ACV into a cup of hot green tea with a couple drops of honey, its delicious!
  • Msjackiei26
    I have been using ACV for years as a salad dressing. I use a couple capfuls along with olive oil. My waist is small due to family genes anyway.
  • marnie4ever
    marnie4ever Posts: 28 Member
    The ACV is like a miracle for many things...I've done the water drinking for lots ...UTI is one..but the weight loss part I'd forgotten about and will start doing that again today!!! It's very cleansing to your whole system..I've not heard about the coconut is that taken?? I put Almond milk on my cold cereal which is yummy...:)
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    I have been taking ACV for a week now, this may be TMI, but I am on my cycle right now, and I have not gained any weight! So, I wonder if this has helped.

    Also, I just wrote to a female body builder about saggy tummy skin from kids. One thing she suggested was to increase my oil that I eat (I only take one Fish oil pill). BUT, then a friend said to check out coconut oil. It sounds like it can help your skin to rebuild. I am going to buy some today. It will be from Walmart because I live in a small town, but I am going to give it a try. But everything that I have read sounds great about coconut oil.

    If this seems successful with firming up skin after babies, or even huge weight loss, I will create a new thread to let you all know.
  • CarrieAnne22
    CarrieAnne22 Posts: 231 Member
    Reading on coconut oil (copied and pasted from another thread I posted on)

    Here is two links on peer reviewed research on this if you are interested -

    Just a health link explaining its benefits for laymen -

    Here is another link just on nutrition from an amazing woman. (I love TED talks) Really inspires me to enjoy as much truely healthy food as I can.

    Dr. Terry Wahls - Minding Your Mitochondria;search:tag:"tedxiowacity"

    bump! this entire thread is so very interesting...i have belly fat, a bum knee & am already halfway to crazy...both sound like something I will need to start incorporating into my diet.
  • bellamia88
    bellamia88 Posts: 149 Member
    I have a friend who used to be overweight and she swears by acv. She excercises and eats right too but uses the acv to help burn off her belly fat and she's been getting leaner by the months. I'm always so skeptical about things like that though. I'd like to try it but I don't know if it's worth the money.
  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    I use the ACV as a dressing over cucumbers and apples. I do 2 tbs with 1 tbs water a packet of truvia and garlic salt. I don't do it daily but when I have a stubborn pound that wont move. I forgot about adding it to water. I will have to try again and I have heard coconut oil is good for you. I will have to try that.
  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    ACV is wicked cheap! I just bought a gallon which will last for a long time for 4.69 and I live in a VERY expensive part o the country.
  • hockeymom95
    hockeymom95 Posts: 157 Member
    Bump. Thanks!