Apple Cider Vinegar and Virgin Coconut Oil



  • Zarebeth
    Zarebeth Posts: 136 Member
    I use it to cook with, and in place of butter on things. I don't notice any taste to it at all. I am going to have to find some of that organic ACV though!
  • JenAiMarres
    JenAiMarres Posts: 743 Member totally curbs my appetite!!! I am really interested in trying the coconut oil!!!
  • MJBez
    MJBez Posts: 43 Member
    Bump :)
  • Notta
    Notta Posts: 38
    I don't know about the caps. In the raw jar oil it's 125 calories per T. and total fat 14g but it's a good fat.
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,364 Member
  • iremmy
    iremmy Posts: 77 Member
  • jlemoore
    jlemoore Posts: 702 Member
  • ladycypress
    ladycypress Posts: 19 Member
    I use the virgin coconut oil on my entire body. I did my research on it. It does rev up your metabolism but I tried it for the sole benefit of my hypothyroid condition. My meds have now dropped from 50mg to 7.5 mg and the doctor says that he thinks I don't need my thyroid medicine anymore. He is amazed. I am too! The weight is falling off me and who can't be happy about that?

    Loving this information! Just knowing that it could help with my Hypothyroid condition! I am currently on 125 mg and still feel like I could fall asleep standing up some days! I remember when I was 8 I would drink straight pickle juice until my aunt caught me and told me I had to stop as I would never gain any weight! *sigh* I remember when that was a problem
  • pstaceyca
    pstaceyca Posts: 306 Member
  • dancingqueen2013
    dancingqueen2013 Posts: 63 Member
    Hi this is interesting and I would love to try it. Is there a particular brand for the coconut oil, I think I will have to buy it on line. Thanks
    TONYAGOOCH Posts: 470 Member
    ok drank the acv today...not to horrible. But when I went to the health food store they only had the coconut oil in caps. So I bought them and decided I'd give that a whirl till I can find the raw stuff. I live in a small town so will probably head up to Vegas this week and grab some. My question with the coconut oil is the amount of fat. It says to take 4 of these caps a day and that would be 52 g of fat. That's almost my whole days worth. Suggestions?

    I was looking up the difference in just using the oil vs the caps. It was saying that the caps are VERY processed and you would end up having to take 60-90 caps a day to get the benefit of 1 teaspoon of oil. No thanks. I'm sure the caps are beneficial but not near as much as the real stuff. I was looking for an easy way to get the 2-3 teaspons a day in and thought that would help. Nope!
  • Sparren
    Sparren Posts: 106
  • I remeber that ACV and Blackstrap Molasses was very popular a few years back. However I do take the Pure Coconut Oil, 9 grams in strong black coffee along with a small teaspoon of cinnamon powder - twice in the morning. All three really stoke up the metabolism and get everything fired up ready for the gym at lunchtime.
  • I remember that ACV and Blackstrap Molasses was very popular a few years back. However I do take the Pure Coconut Oil, 9 grams in strong black coffee along with a small teaspoon of cinnamon powder - twice in the morning. All three really stoke up the metabolism and get everything fired up ready for the gym at lunchtime.
  • Daysednconfused
    Daysednconfused Posts: 975 Member
  • Bump
  • Mummsy
    Mummsy Posts: 347 Member here is an article about it. I will come back in a second and post a link to an online store that my aunt buys from. I just got some at my local health food store. I just used a tsp of it tonight with my peppers, chicken, broccoli...tossed in a few cashews. It was yummy. :drinker:
  • dyannajoy
    dyannajoy Posts: 466 Member
    I bought a cheap bottle at Albertson's and I'm using it until I can get over to Trader Joe's for Raw Organic ACV because I heard it's way better. But, in the meantime I haven't had a problem with the cheap stuff. I just put 2 teaspoons in 16 oz. of my brewed green/orange spice tea so you really can't taste it and I sip that throughout the day w/ a straw. My joints/stiffness has almost disappeared! My stomach is just about completely flat but I know that is from also taking the virgin coconut oil each day. I have so much energy and am feeling great compared to just a couple of weeks ago when I could barely walk, no energy. A car accident broke my neck almost 4 years ago and it's been all downhill since. Surgeries, pills, shots, you name it .. nothing worked and each day my body crippled up more and more, to the point where it felt like stone. Pain so severe I just wanted to cry because I didn't know what else I could do. So, I began searching myself just about willing to try anything to get better and get my life back. Natural home remedies, etc. and came across VCO virgin coconut oil and thought what do I have to loose? I had my husband take me to the store and bought it the next night. My neck was so swollen I could barely breath and it felt like I was being choked literally. I took a heaping tablespoon and within less than 15 min. my neck went back to normal, I could swallow, breath and see and feel my collar bones for the first time in almost 4 years! I took another tablespoon an hour later and w/in 30 min. my stomach was almost flat, back to normal. I began adding the ACV the next day in my tea and I keep using my VCO. To me it has been a life saver when all else has failed me miserably. No more pills, shots, etc. for me. I have seemed to do for myself what all the doctors haven't been able to do, cure me. Even my thryoid is almost normal and I've suffered with low thyroid for years. The VCO stimulates underactive thryoid and it stimulates your thyroid period. I am just speaking for myself and what it's done for me. I weighed 161 two weeks ago and I've lost 10lbs since then and have not changed my eating habits and I haven't even exercised (due to weather here). So, good luck to you and here's to hoping!
  • dyannajoy
    dyannajoy Posts: 466 Member
    I bought a cheap bottle at Albertson's and I'm using it until I can get over to Trader Joe's for Raw Organic ACV because I heard it's way better. But, in the meantime I haven't had a problem with the cheap stuff. I just put 2 teaspoons in 16 oz. of my brewed green/orange spice tea so you really can't taste it and I sip that throughout the day w/ a straw. My joints/stiffness has almost disappeared! My stomach is just about completely flat but I know that is from also taking the virgin coconut oil each day. I have so much energy and am feeling great compared to just a couple of weeks ago when I could barely walk, no energy. A car accident broke my neck almost 4 years ago and it's been all downhill since. Surgeries, pills, shots, you name it .. nothing worked and each day my body crippled up more and more, to the point where it felt like stone. Pain so severe I just wanted to cry because I didn't know what else I could do. So, I began searching myself just about willing to try anything to get better and get my life back. Natural home remedies, etc. and came across VCO virgin coconut oil and thought what do I have to loose? I had my husband take me to the store and bought it the next night. My neck was so swollen I could barely breath and it felt like I was being choked literally. I took a heaping tablespoon and within less than 15 min. my neck went back to normal, I could swallow, breath and see and feel my collar bones for the first time in almost 4 years! I took another tablespoon an hour later and w/in 30 min. my stomach was almost flat, back to normal. I began adding the ACV the next day in my tea and I keep using my VCO. To me it has been a life saver when all else has failed me miserably. No more pills, shots, etc. for me. I have seemed to do for myself what all the doctors haven't been able to do, cure me. Even my thryoid is almost normal and I've suffered with low thyroid for years. The VCO stimulates underactive thryoid and it stimulates your thyroid period. I am just speaking for myself and what it's done for me. I weighed 161 two weeks ago and I've lost 10lbs since then and have not changed my eating habits and I haven't even exercised (due to weather here). So, good luck to you and here's to hoping!

    I am sooo happy for you! What an amazing story!