United Airlines - Overweight passengers

Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
Wonder what everyone thinks about United Airlines charging more for overweight passengers now?

Fair - yea or nay??



  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Wonder what everyone thinks about United Airlines charging more for overweight passengers now?

    Fair - yea or nay??

  • proudmama0118
    proudmama0118 Posts: 433 Member
    I think if you are clearly taking up more than just your seat then it is fair. As much as it may suck for those that get stuck paying extra, how would you feel if you were sitting beside them and you didn't get the your whole chair. I don't think that there should be a certian weight or anything like that, but if you clearly don't fit then I think it is fair. Just one more thing to motivate us all to drop a few since flying is expensive enough as it is!
  • fatstrat
    fatstrat Posts: 216
    Maybe this the reason for the "1lb of muscle weighs the same as 1lb of fat" mumbo jumbo? :huh:
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Maybe this the reason for the "1lb of muscle weighs the same as 1lb of fat" mumbo jumbo? :huh:


    Well keep your 300 pounds of muscle on your side of the armrest. :laugh:
  • fatstrat
    fatstrat Posts: 216
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Well I can see both sides of it really.

    I mean, if a person is so large that they can't put the arm rest down and are intruding into the space of the passenger next to them then that is not fair to THAT passenger and the money THEY had spent for a seat.

    I know how hurtful it can be to the larger passengers though and how having to spend money for an extra seat stinks! I don't know what the best solution is really!

    Hmmm!! :huh:
  • mszSHOGAN
    mszSHOGAN Posts: 2,278 Member
    I think its fair. All passengers are charged the same rate for one ticket so if you are large enough to take up another persons seat it is only right that you should have to just pay for another seat all together. I hope this WILL be motivation for extremely overweight people to realize they need to start getting healthy and in shape. :smile:
  • mszSHOGAN
    mszSHOGAN Posts: 2,278 Member
    I think its fair. All passengers are charged the same rate for one ticket so if you are large enough to take up another persons seat it is only right that you should have to just pay for another seat all together. I hope this WILL be motivation for extremely overweight people to realize they need to start getting healthy and in shape. :smile:
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I think it is fair. You have to pay for the services you get, and if you are getting two seats worth of space, you should pay for it.

    Honestly, how often does this really happen?
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    Why not charge more for people who are too tall and whose knees push up against the seat ahead of them, infringing on that person's space (been there, hurts to have someone's knees pushed into your back an entire flight) or have to have their knees to the side in order to fit, which also infringes on that person's space?

    Or what about having to pay extra to put your seat back so that you're basically in the lap of the person behind you?

    Let's be fair about it, and then I"d have no problem with it.

    To me there's a huge difference between a 600 pound person trying to fit into one seat (impossible) and a 250 pound person. At 275 I could always put a lap belt on, and could put the arms down although it wasn't comfortable.

    The seats were designed based on the size of people in the early 40's, people were shorter and hips were not as wide, etc. Very few people are actually comfortable in airplane seats, even if they are not overweight.

    I think if the person can't fit into one seat, and the flight is full... then they should be given an option to take another flight that is less full, rather than charging them double. Or you should have to give your measurements at the time of reservation so that you know ahead of time you need 2 seats.
  • ericac
    ericac Posts: 2,679
    It's all about the money.....If they weren't trying to cram as many people as possible on a plane....they could make the seats a wee bit wider. I'm tiny but tall and I hate getting on the plane because I know I'm going to be dying by the end of it...your, so cramped up.
    I can see both sides of the argument...I don't see however how they are going to "eyeball" someone and tell them they are paying for an extra seat......can you just hear the arguments at the ticket counters?....yikes!
  • pdxmomof2
    pdxmomof2 Posts: 643
    I personally think it is fair. Unfortunately, I am sure that it is hurtful for the person who is paying more. I have been the person in the seat right next to the person who doesnt fit. 5 hours of being scrunched up in a seat because the other person is in your space, well its not fun. I am sure most people in the situation are embarassed and wish it just wasnt that way...

    Another motivation to get healthy?! :flowerforyou:
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    adopt- being tall is not something that is within your power to change. and United's new rule specifies that in order to get charged the extra seat price, you must not be able to lower the arm rests, or you need more than one seatbelt extender.

    planes are uncomfortable. but someone else's decision to become morbidly obese should not mean I get to have them squeezing into my space. I also paid full price for my ticket, I should get all of my (tiny) space that I paid for.
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    I think it is fair but I am concerned that it may add to an already uncomfortable situation for the person requiring more than one seat. I've never needed more than one seat but I imagine it would make me uncomfortable flying if I did need more than one seat.

    I wonder if the airline has considered adding a special seat or row of seats on the plane to accomodate passengers who require more than one seat. That way, if I needed more than one seat, I would be comfortable. I mean really even when you raise the armrest there is a tiny space between the two seats. If you decide to sit in the middle of your two seats, you can't use the headrest.
  • Xannthippe
    Xannthippe Posts: 126 Member
    I agree, a lot of these responses are not in tune with people that have actually been big enough to NOT fit into an airline seat. I think the seats were made for 98 pound people not exceeding the height of 5 feet. Not only was I pretty big, I'm also very tall. I agree with adopt4 completely. If you're going to restrict larger individuals, then start laying rules for all...like kids that kick seats for instance...thats's a whole other debate lol:laugh:

    And I think it's happening more than you think, if the population is getting bigger and bigger it's going to start occuring more and more often...unfortunately.

    I like the idea of putting a lifesized chair next to the carry-on test box. If your bag doesn't fit the test box it doesn't get on the plane...if your butt doesn't fit the test chair it doesn't get on the plane...hahah

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Maybe the airlines could install a 2-3 rows in the back that could accommodate larger passengers.

    My hubby refuses to fly now because he was seated next to a 500-lb passenger on his last flight and the guy was literally in my hubby's lap. :noway:
  • paddlemom
    paddlemom Posts: 682 Member
    Does this mean that the little folks who only take half a seat pay half price???? I mean, really!

    I know that in theory all us overweight people need to lose weight, but the reality is that fat people fly too - so do tall people who don't pay surcharges for the bulkhead room....handicapped people who may not need an extra seat, but need other accomodations...people on special diets who have special request meals...I could go on. Accomodating people is part of the business - the airline should get over it, suck it up and learn to provide customer service again. As fare as having to squeeze into a seat beside a large person...again, customer service....give the poor guy his double seat and don't squeeze someone in beside him. If the airlines wouldn't overbook their planes it the first place, they wouldn't need to shoehorn people into the next seat.

    IMO, the loss of revenue from people who stop flying rather than pay for 2 seats is going to be greater than the double seat revenue.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I think it is fair but I am concerned that it may add to an already uncomfortable situation for the person requiring more than one seat. I've never needed more than one seat but I imagine it would make me uncomfortable flying if I did need more than one seat.

    I wonder if the airline has considered adding a special seat or row of seats on the plane to accomodate passengers who require more than one seat. That way, if I needed more than one seat, I would be comfortable. I mean really even when you raise the armrest there is a tiny space between the two seats. If you decide to sit in the middle of your two seats, you can't use the headrest.

    why should the airlines have to accommodate those who have DECIDED to become morbidly obese? They don't have a special smoking section for those who CHOOSE to smoke. they don't have a special hangover section for those who CHOOSE to drink too much. Why should they limit their available sellable space because of the needs of this special interests group? Because someone might be offended in the face of facts? If you cannot fit with the armrests down, if you need more than one extender, you are using more than you paid for. THAT'S not fair.
  • ktthegr8
    ktthegr8 Posts: 479
    I think it is fair. If you go to a restaurant and eat two meals, you get charged for both. By the same right, if you take up two seats you should get charged for both.:wink:
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I think it is fair. If you go to a restaurant and eat two meals, you get charged for both. By the same right, if you take up two seats you should get charged for both.:wink:

    excellent analogy!