Language Does Matter!



  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    Language evolves, deal with it.

    So, the evolving of language means we should not try to keep up and have some comprehension of it and how to communicate properly? Or, did I take that the wrong way?

    It can be an evolution of language. There's a reason why we don't speak like Shakespeare. Language is ever-changing, and there are some scholars that even argue for the teaching of Ebonics, widely considered to be horrid way of spelling and extremely grammatically incorrect.

    I do think Language is important and it does matter SOMETIMES. But I also think Geography, History and Math is pretty important. I'm not going to knock anyone for not understanding basic arithmetic, or World History or not knowing where Lebanon is on a world map.

    On top of that, I don't think grammar is reflective of a person at all. Rather, grammar,among many other things, is reflective of the poor state of our education.

    I think language is more important than just sometimes if people have no clue what a person is saying, therefore the communication comes to a standstill. I' not knocking anyone. I'm just saying that language is more important than people are willing to admit.
  • janet_pratt
    janet_pratt Posts: 747 Member



    This is very funny!
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    i can understand, but most of my friends now I suck at spelling and gramer, but not by choice. I have learning disablities which make it hard for me to write and to understand.
    ...which is one reason why we shouldn't make such quick judgments about people just from their writing. And I say this as a writing instructor (especially one who isn't always formal or even careful about editing).

    When I see "text speak" in a forum, I don't assume the writer is ignorant. I tend to suspect the person is young or texts a lot. I am neither young nor an avid texter; I also come from a different background; therefore, I don't expect everyone's writing to be like mine.

    In the classroom and in business, I do expect the use of standard English. For those who need more help, I'm always willing to offer it, as well as resources that can assist people with their language challenges. Playing writing one-upmanship and/or putting people down has never yielded better writers or smoother communications.
    I really respect your way of thinking. It's nice to see people like you, especially educators.
  • Froggy1976
    Language evolves, deal with it.

    So, the evolving of language means we should not try to keep up and have some comprehension of it and how to communicate properly? Or, did I take that the wrong way?

    It can be an evolution of language. There's a reason why we don't speak like Shakespeare. Language is ever-changing, and there are some scholars that even argue for the teaching of Ebonics, widely considered to be horrid way of spelling and extremely grammatically incorrect.

    I do think Language is important and it does matter SOMETIMES. But I also think Geography, History and Math is pretty important. I'm not going to knock anyone for not understanding basic arithmetic, or World History or not knowing where Lebanon is on a world map.

    On top of that, I don't think grammar is reflective of a person at all. Rather, grammar,among many other things, is reflective of the poor state of our education.

    I think language is more important than just sometimes if people have no clue what a person is saying, therefore the communication comes to a standstill. I' not knocking anyone. I'm just saying that language is more important than people are willing to admit.

    One of my favorite lines in the movie "Idiocracy" is by the narrator. It's also scary that you can almost see it happening. Here it is:
    "Unaware of what year it was, Joe wandered the streets desperate for help. But the English language had deteriorated into a hybrid of hillbilly, valleygirl, inner-city slang and various grunts. Joe was able to understand them, but when he spoke in an ordinary voice he sounded pompous and faggy to them. "
  • ZombieSlayer
    ZombieSlayer Posts: 369 Member
    The demise of proper language skills IS a real problem.

    She speaks the truth.
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, but does anyone here know how to make a Pine Cone Bird Feeder?

    I DO!

    I also know how to make a pirate hat from a folded newspaper. :smile:

    Can you please share your knowledge? I really need a new hat.

    Here you go:

    How to make a paper hat

    1 step: Get Newspaper or normal paper sheet

    2 step: Fold on center . Position the folded crease at the top of your workspace.

    3 step: Fold top corner to the center line, creating a diagonal crease.

    4 step: Fold the other top corner to the center line, creating a diagonal crease.

    5 step: Fold up the bottom edge, top layer only, to cover the edge of the two previous folds.

    6 step: Turn over the paper.

    7 step: Fold in the left outside edge partway to the center of the paper.

    8 step: Fold in the right outside edge partway to the center of the paper

    9 step: Adjust to fit. The distance between the outside edges can be adjusted, more or less, to fit the size of your head.Fold up bottom edge

    10 step: Open the hat, and place on your head.
  • MissO﹠A
    MissO﹠A Posts: 906 Member
    A childhood acquaintance of mine, who happens to post frequently on Facebook, can't even construct an intelligible status update. A simple sentence is about all she can manage; this doesn't even include typos. Her use of English language is so poor, I have to stop and ponder what thought she was actually trying to convey. She's a grown adult and she doesn't care. I find it sad, really.

    I'm far from an grammatical expert, but I'm trying to instill in my child a desire to communicate effectively. Yeah, I correct the things she writes. I sit down and help her spell words properly. She knows the difference between 'your' and 'you're' and uses them in the correct context. She's only 4. (Though, I'm fully prepared to break a phone if I see text speak; it is my personal "wire hanger.")
  • HeelsAndBoxingGloves
    Bad spelling/ grammar is perpetuated by the internet, text messaging and ignorance in general. I just want to know why someone who can't figure out the difference between there/their/they're would want to teach young children....
    are you trying to take a jab at me? point out one place where I've indicated that I don't know the difference between their, they're, or there. Or better yet, point out where I've misused any of them. Please. :flowerforyou:

    Language matters. That is what I am taking with me from this thread.

    I bid you adieu with this because this is the mental image I am getting about your posts.


    I think it's time you go take your rag medicine. Good day.

    I seriously just laughed out loud or LOL'd :wink: along with a snort.... the people at my work probably think I'm crazy! And now to remember what I was originally going to type :happy:
  • HeelsAndBoxingGloves
    Bad spelling/ grammar is perpetuated by the internet, text messaging and ignorance in general. I just want to know why someone who can't figure out the difference between there/their/they're would want to teach young children....
    are you trying to take a jab at me? point out one place where I've indicated that I don't know the difference between their, they're, or there. Or better yet, point out where I've misused any of them. Please. :flowerforyou:

    Language matters. That is what I am taking with me from this thread.

    I bid you adieu with this because this is the mental image I am getting about your posts.


    I think it's time you go take your rag medicine. Good day.
    Oh, that's right. I forgot, I'm a female so clearly all of my problems are due to my menstrual cycle. I don't know how I even made my way out of the kitchen long enough to engage in this argument, but let me take my mydol and get back to where I belong. So sorry...

    Honestly, I'd understand being offended by that if a guy posted it... but a girl posted it, get over yourself a little bit and enjoy a laugh. :flowerforyou:
  • yummy♥
    yummy♥ Posts: 612 Member
    I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, but does anyone here know how to make a Pine Cone Bird Feeder?

    I DO!

    I also know how to make a pirate hat from a folded newspaper. :smile:

    Can you please share your knowledge? I really need a new hat.

    Here you go:

    How to make a paper hat

    1 step: Get Newspaper or normal paper sheet

    2 step: Fold on center . Position the folded crease at the top of your workspace.

    3 step: Fold top corner to the center line, creating a diagonal crease.

    4 step: Fold the other top corner to the center line, creating a diagonal crease.

    5 step: Fold up the bottom edge, top layer only, to cover the edge of the two previous folds.

    6 step: Turn over the paper.

    7 step: Fold in the left outside edge partway to the center of the paper.

    8 step: Fold in the right outside edge partway to the center of the paper

    9 step: Adjust to fit. The distance between the outside edges can be adjusted, more or less, to fit the size of your head.Fold up bottom edge

    10 step: Open the hat, and place on your head.

    Thank you, my friend.
    Will this work for tin foil, as well?
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    I'm majoring in early childhood education, of course I value education and I plan on doing my best to make sure that every child I teach gets the best education that they can. However, I recognize that it is harder for some than others and some people will always struggle with grammar, so I refuse to judge people and feel better about myself just because something comes easier to me than it does others.

    NO offense to you personally since I don't know you, but of the 4 teachers my boys have had at school, 2 of these teachers had VERY poor grammatical skills and made typos constantly on newsletters that were sent home to the parents. Since they were teaching preschool and kindergarten respectively, I didn't frown upon it. However, if it had been in higher grade levels, I as a parent would have been very concerned that my child was being taught by someone who made these type of errors, and I would have approached the principal about moving to a different class where they would learn properly. Please keep this in mind in your future endeavors.

    I've had several friends do this exact it does happen.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, but does anyone here know how to make a Pine Cone Bird Feeder?

    I DO!

    I also know how to make a pirate hat from a folded newspaper. :smile:

    Can you please share your knowledge? I really need a new hat.

    Here you go:

    How to make a paper hat

    1 step: Get Newspaper or normal paper sheet

    2 step: Fold on center . Position the folded crease at the top of your workspace.

    3 step: Fold top corner to the center line, creating a diagonal crease.

    4 step: Fold the other top corner to the center line, creating a diagonal crease.

    5 step: Fold up the bottom edge, top layer only, to cover the edge of the two previous folds.

    6 step: Turn over the paper.

    7 step: Fold in the left outside edge partway to the center of the paper.

    8 step: Fold in the right outside edge partway to the center of the paper

    9 step: Adjust to fit. The distance between the outside edges can be adjusted, more or less, to fit the size of your head.Fold up bottom edge

    10 step: Open the hat, and place on your head.

    Hey, thanks!
  • HeelsAndBoxingGloves
    I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, but does anyone here know how to make a Pine Cone Bird Feeder?

    I DO!

    I also know how to make a pirate hat from a folded newspaper. :smile:

    Can you please share your knowledge? I really need a new hat.

    Here you go:

    How to make a paper hat

    1 step: Get Newspaper or normal paper sheet

    2 step: Fold on center . Position the folded crease at the top of your workspace.

    3 step: Fold top corner to the center line, creating a diagonal crease.

    4 step: Fold the other top corner to the center line, creating a diagonal crease.

    5 step: Fold up the bottom edge, top layer only, to cover the edge of the two previous folds.

    6 step: Turn over the paper.

    7 step: Fold in the left outside edge partway to the center of the paper.

    8 step: Fold in the right outside edge partway to the center of the paper

    9 step: Adjust to fit. The distance between the outside edges can be adjusted, more or less, to fit the size of your head.Fold up bottom edge

    10 step: Open the hat, and place on your head.

    Thank you, my friend.
    Will this work for tin foil, as well?

    Bonus: if using tin foil the aliens can't read our thoughts!
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    I'm majoring in early childhood education, of course I value education and I plan on doing my best to make sure that every child I teach gets the best education that they can. However, I recognize that it is harder for some than others and some people will always struggle with grammar, so I refuse to judge people and feel better about myself just because something comes easier to me than it does others.

    NO offense to you personally since I don't know you, but of the 4 teachers my boys have had at school, 2 of these teachers had VERY poor grammatical skills and made typos constantly on newsletters that were sent home to the parents. Since they were teaching preschool and kindergarten respectively, I didn't frown upon it. However, if it had been in higher grade levels, I as a parent would have been very concerned that my child was being taught by someone who made these type of errors, and I would have approached the principal about moving to a different class where they would learn properly. Please keep this in mind in your future endeavors.
    I would absolutely be bothered by that, pre-school or not. In a professional setting, poor grammar and spelling are unacceptable in my opinion. That's not at all what I'm arguing. It's the judgment that bothers me.

    I have always been very adept with language. It has never been hard for me. My argument is based on the fact that that isn't the case for everyone and I refuse to look down on people who might struggle with it. Again, I'm talking everyday life here, not professional settings.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member

    Bonus: if using tin foil the aliens can't read our thoughts!

  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I feel that the original intent of the blog has been misconstrued. Perhaps I need to work on my communication skills. :smile:

    I will make a pine cone bird feeder or a nice pirate hat out of newspaper.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    Bad spelling/ grammar is perpetuated by the internet, text messaging and ignorance in general. I just want to know why someone who can't figure out the difference between there/their/they're would want to teach young children....
    are you trying to take a jab at me? point out one place where I've indicated that I don't know the difference between their, they're, or there. Or better yet, point out where I've misused any of them. Please. :flowerforyou:

    Language matters. That is what I am taking with me from this thread.

    I bid you adieu with this because this is the mental image I am getting about your posts.


    I think it's time you go take your rag medicine. Good day.
    Oh, that's right. I forgot, I'm a female so clearly all of my problems are due to my menstrual cycle. I don't know how I even made my way out of the kitchen long enough to engage in this argument, but let me take my mydol and get back to where I belong. So sorry...

    Honestly, I'd understand being offended by that if a guy posted it... but a girl posted it, get over yourself a little bit and enjoy a laugh. :flowerforyou:
    I find it all the more offensive coming from a female. Sexism is sexism and it's only worse when perpetuated by members of my own gender.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I had no problem understanding any of the posts in this thread, or pretty much any that I have read on MFP. Bemoaning the death of language seems rather premature against this background. How do you like my strawman?

    It is a cause of much consternation to me that some people are more obsessed with the fixed structures governing language rather than the playful, thoughtful and sensual application of it to convey ideas.

    I am sure some people fell off their chairs in horror when some philistines began starting sentences with a conjunction.

    But I digress.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    I feel that the original intent of the blog has been misconstrued. Perhaps I need to work on my communication skills. :smile:

    I will make a pine cone bird feeder or a nice pirate hat out of newspaper.
    I just want to say again that I am not arguing against your blog. I don't think it was offensive and I can see that you're intentions were good.