Calling all Geeks & Nerds.



  • Jeannie8726
    there is a book out there that all of you would probably love, it's called Ready Player One, by Ernest Cline. Great Read!
  • revren10
    revren10 Posts: 116
    star wars best movie ever
  • Vaibhav_ace
    Vaibhav_ace Posts: 93 Member
    Oh hello!!!

    I am not into "Star" anything, or Zombies much for that matter. But I am as much of a Geek and anyone here. I like spending my time building things.

    Feel free to add me :D
  • Ashleysh22
    I do LOVE star wars! though not so much zombies.
  • Quiing
    Quiing Posts: 261 Member
    Maybe not zombies and Star Wars, but I like ninjas and anime :]
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I have a Rainman like photographic memory for numbers - still remember the SS# of my high school boyfriend.

    I collect pre 1955 nickels

    Saturdays, I take my children to breakfast wearing our pajamas out in public.... wake up, robe & slippers, out the door

    I greyscale pin-up girl images and recolor them in Photoshop - i.e., "grown people, virtual coloring books"

    My friends describe me as 'bubbly', 'weird' and 'smart' all in the same sentences. I describe my friends as 'dorks'

    I'm a diehard Unico fan and have a running unicorn joke in my nerd-circle

    I often dress in costume for my own amusement

    ADD ME at will!
  • Vaibhav_ace
    Vaibhav_ace Posts: 93 Member
    there is a book out there that all of you would probably love, it's called Ready Player One, by Ernest Cline. Great Read!

    Heard about this, haven't read it yet. Did you like it?
  • DKaye09
    DKaye09 Posts: 109
    I'm loving this nerd thread :bigsmile:

    How many of you attend comic cons?
  • emmamcc1981
    emmamcc1981 Posts: 133 Member
    My friends list always explodes with these threads :laugh: I love it! Where are all the geeky people in my offline life??

    Lol we only come out at night, natural light burns us

    Don't get me started on vampires!! :D i liked them before it was 'cool'.....

    I am a little ashamed to admit, that I may like vampires too. Except teen romance vampires. I've tried them, and I just can't do it. But then again, it wouldn't be right to like teen vampires when I was reading Anne Rice at the same age these girls are reading Stephanie Meyers. I'd rather read about Lestat/Armand/Marius any day over Edward. :tongue:

    Hahaha - this, definately!

    "That's not a vampire, little fangirl. That is a discoball."

    Blade all the way for me.... :D
  • gaberieger
  • TentacleTango
    I wanna be a mongoose.
  • Miranda_the_Phoenix
    Why is there no "friend all" option?!?!

    I'm into all of the above with the exception of tabletop RPG's and I realize that doesn't help my geek cred, but I've dated enough DungeonMasters to totally get the references.

    My major source of social geekery involves a love of all things meeple. Friend me for sure if you know what those are!

    Also, when I figure out how to play Skyrim from my elliptical machine, I will have won at MFP.
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    OHH!!! me me me!!!
  • tageekly
    tageekly Posts: 3,755 Member

    Ordered for the weekend in honour of you all - do i just add you all then in that case do you think?

    Are you inviting us all over to watch? I LOOOVE this movie!
  • twkelly
    twkelly Posts: 91 Member
    Add me! I'm a geek it says so right on my office door!

    Staw Wars, Serenity, Star Trek.... awesome stuff. 20 collectible comic statues fill my book shelves (Moon Knight, Wolverine, Super Man, Batman, Hell Boy, Thor, Captain America, Dr. Strange...)
    My wife didn't know what she was getting into. lol
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    I'm fluent in Klingon. Am I still invited to the party?

    Are you also fluent in Java Script as well as Klingon?
    Absolutely! And the only question I ever thought was hard was "Do I like Kirk, or do I like Picard?"
  • Jeannie8726
    there is a book out there that all of you would probably love, it's called Ready Player One, by Ernest Cline. Great Read!

    Heard about this, haven't read it yet. Did you like it?
    Fantastic from start to finish, It's very nostalgic (lots of 80's references). Try it out!
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    I out-nerd my fiancee in Star Wars.... and we are having a Star Wars themed wedding reception...

    That is pure awesome!
    Love it! My best friend has the Star Wars theme as the exit march at her wedding.
  • lostsanity137
    lostsanity137 Posts: 298 Member
    I'm fluent in Klingon. Am I still invited to the party?

    Are you also fluent in Java Script as well as Klingon?
    Absolutely! And the only question I ever thought was hard was "Do I like Kirk, or do I like Picard?"

  • SoozieQuarks
    SoozieQuarks Posts: 14 Member
    I love Professor Brian Cox.
    That is all.
    Your already on my friend list :P

    You mean the sexiest man in science? Yes, I also love that crazy smart Keanu Reeves look-alike.