Gym Pet Peeves?



  • lindsaypashia
    lindsaypashia Posts: 1 Member
    :wink: I love going to Zumba class, but it's always really hot in there, we have to open the back door to not die in there. When there is a class before ours it stinks from all the heat and sweat from the people in there before. Eww...
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    So my newest pet peeve is getting my butt slapped.

    I would LOVE to know how this one came about! LOL
  • Phrak
    Phrak Posts: 353 Member
    Terrible/cheap bars, and not allowing use of chalk. Hello injuries.
  • AmandaBroun
    Yeah, the "travelers" in classes, and people who don't understand aerobics class "spacing." If there are 6 people in a class, there is no reason for you to come in and stand directly in front of me.
  • addisondisease2
    addisondisease2 Posts: 348 Member
    I hate the obnoxious grunter and growlers with a passion.

    THIS. I may grunt on a heavy dead or squat, but my grunt doesn't travel more than 5 feet. Though one time I kind of squealed/whined on a squat and that sure did go across the room, so embarrassing, it was the un-manliest noise to ever come out of me.
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    I only have one...

    girls with the fake boobies who use the push up bras so there is boob spillage on the top and slowly stroll around the gym and for some weird reason they always do the "Morning Glory" exercise -- however, act offended if anyone is staring.

    don't take me wrong I am all about if you have it flaunt it - but really be tasteful in doing so... give yourself some respect!!!
  • WhittRak
    WhittRak Posts: 572 Member
    I can't stand when people are lifting and make obnoxious grunting noises. Come on...if it is too much weight..then take it down a friggin peg. And...if you are sweating all over a machine...CLEAN IT OFF!!
  • JamesonsMommy
    JamesonsMommy Posts: 771 Member
    Okay, so we all have to exercise and the one place that we all go to is the gym.........whether its at home.........whether its a public place.........ect..........and the one thing that is always a factor in all of this is that people can and will do things at the gym that you have an issue with. So, what are your pet peeves?

    Mine? Mine are talking on the phone while you are next to someone else or in the same row as someone else. Yes, phones are convienant and yes, you need to have them for emergencies or if someone is sick and someone calls you to let you in on the latest even when working out..........but honestly, do you absolutely have to chit chat on the phone in front of God and everyone and MAKE them hear your latest gossip if that's all there is?

    Also, blowing your nose or coughing into your workout towel that the gym provides.......can we say EWWWW? If you are sick......STAY HOME!! If you are well, but have allergies, carry kleenex........I promise you, there is a place to put the dirty ones after they are used because you can..........and should........clean your machine after use.

    Oh, and a sub-pet peeve that goes along with the last one...........not cleaning your machine off. Granted, I myself usually don't use the chemical-soaked wipes for cleaning off the machines sometimes..........but I at least wipe it with my workout towel that I don't use at all until I am done with the machine, have a chance to wipe it clean, and then that's when I use it.......but just going off the machine to another without wiping it down is just rude......

    I use my phone at the gym.. My 3 year old has some serious seperation issues when i leave him so sometimes a phone call makes it all better. People that sit back on the machine i want to use and watch tv.. People that save machines and young kids that expect mommy to come and clean off the machines... Grrrr
  • DeeJayTJ
    DeeJayTJ Posts: 355 Member
    oh i also cant stand this dude in the gym, he goes in there wearing his fauxhawk and little ear studs and a bandana with matching colored shoes. trying to look all pretty or something, total doucher

    he takes up machines or benches doing nothing but talking with his friends..

    there are a few of these kinda guys not just one.. and they are worthless.. taking up space.
  • Jipples
    Jipples Posts: 663 Member

    people that stare at you when your going really heavy

    Way to throw in there that you lift "really heavy". :smokin:
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Women and men ages 20-45 who are so self-important that they have to talk loudly on their stupid phone earpiece device like anyone gives a @#$% what the hell is going on in their lives - oh, sorry, I guess we're not as important as your damn social life. If you can spew 1000 words a minute and laugh like that then you're not really working out, you're wasting your time, and you're irritating all the people who are actually there to work out.

    Even if someone leaves a machine sweaty, AT LEAST THEY WERE WORKING HARD.

    All you idiots who drive on your cellphones, too. Seriously, who the F wants to talk on the phone that much? Do you really need to feel like you're that important? You're not, so just shut up. Seriously. Sit in peace and quiet and enjoy some "you" time, so I can enjoy some "me" time, and so you don't crash your car into me while I'm singing along to my radio.

  • mskari77
    mskari77 Posts: 142
    *kitten* curling in the squat rack
    people that use multiple equipments at once
    people posing in front of the mirror where your working out(especially when they are A shape not IN shape)
    people that don't re rack weights
    people that stare at you when your going really heavy
    people that talk to you about lifting/nutrition when your trying to lift, knowledge aint bad, but broscience is

    Oh, there were two douche bags curling on one squat rack yesterday, so I had to wait to do my squats. Seriously, go upstairs..that's where normal people do arms!!

    I don't use multiple machines, but I will occasionally super set 2 machines. What annoys me is the person who knows you are using a machine, and then takes it over not asking if you are done, or if they can at least work in with you. Honestly, it's never the guys that do this, only chics.

    Not re-racking is a peeve of mine as well. Especially when they guy who just used it had 5 45# plates on it. Yea, I can handle 45# plates, but why the hell should I have to?

    Oh, and I have been guilty of spying people do heavy sets! Not in a creepy way, I guess I am just amazed that a person can lift that much weight, LOL

    Oh, and the "juiced" guys who come in, stand around drinking their energy drink for 15 min chatting it up, do one set, get a drink, stand around for another 15 minutes, before doing one more set....this goes on for a good hour, hour and a half.
  • kirstyg1980
    girls standing drying there hair or putting their make up on with just t-shirt and pants on or worse full under wear

    woman standing around naked, with no intention of putting their clothes on while they talk

    people reading while on the bike - your there to work!!!!!
  • souperficial
    souperficial Posts: 122 Member
    The gym at school is the worst because you always get the sorority girls who come in groups of 2 or 3, do ten minutes on an elliptical, and then sit on the equipment and chat. And they all have matching pink water bottles.
  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member
    *kitten* curling in the squat rack

    people that use multiple equipments at once

    people posing in front of the mirror where your working out(especially when they are A shape not IN shape)

    people that don't re rack weights

    people that stare at you when your going really heavy

    people that talk to you about lifting/nutrition when your trying to lift, knowledge aint bad, but broscience is

    This too!!!!

    Yep especially the curling in the squat rack. My gym only has one.
  • Jipples
    Jipples Posts: 663 Member

    woman standing around naked, with no intention of putting their clothes on while they talk

    Soooooooo.......what gym is this exactly?
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    People (mostly women) that don't sweat/still look pretty when they are working out and done. I'm bright red and drenched in sweat and I'm sick of people that aren't even trying hogging up all the machines.

    Why bother if you aren't going to make an effort?!?!? You're already there, you might as well try hard. I'm sure these are the same kind of people that go home and complain to their families and friends that they are sick of being fat and don't understand why because they "work out."

  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    people reading while on the bike - your there to work!!!!!

    I've never understood reading while on the machine. Maybe my form is off but when my heart rate is over 150 (like it should be if you're doing cardio) I can't focus on anything but the music in my ears. I'm bouncing too much to see little tiny words.
  • mskari77
    mskari77 Posts: 142
    The gym at school is the worst because you always get the sorority girls who come in groups of 2 or 3, do ten minutes on an elliptical, and then sit on the equipment and chat. And they all have matching pink water bottles.

    Our gym is about 4 blocks from the college, and it's usually the frat boys who come in and strut around the place like they own it, or like they are Mr Olympia hogging up machines.
  • addisondisease2
    addisondisease2 Posts: 348 Member
    I only have one...

    girls with the fake boobies who use the push up bras so there is boob spillage on the top and slowly stroll around the gym and for some weird reason they always do the "Morning Glory" exercise -- however, act offended if anyone is staring.

    don't take me wrong I am all about if you have it flaunt it - but really be tasteful in doing so... give yourself some respect!!!

    Girls who show off that they have big boobs, but the only reason their boobs are are big is because they are fat, and they think they are oh so hot because of their "big boobs". Us guys all know boobs are fat tissue, but there is a difference between big boobs and fat boobs.

    Also guys who think they have big arms but they are only big because they are fat. Fat-ceps (biceps) as I call them. These guys curl like they are arnold, but you can't even see insertion points or any concavity.