Gym Pet Peeves?



  • dreamin2bethin
    dreamin2bethin Posts: 111 Member
    So my newest pet peeve is getting my butt slapped.

    I would LOVE to know how this one came about! LOL

    I use the ballerina bar to stretch my legs, I guess if I am thinking like a guy it is a nice view but I have had my butt slapped a couple times when I am stretching. I am not playing basketball, lol.
  • eayal002
    eayal002 Posts: 186
    Groups who take up a machine, rack, bench and just sit there talking and joking for 20 minutes without doing a single rep. Its not happy hour at the club get the F* out the way.
    Few weeks ago, 4 woman taking up 3 benches 3 were on the cell the other sitting there staring at herself in the mirror. If you are in my weight area, do work or get stepin'
  • stellcorb
    stellcorb Posts: 294 Member
    Letting weights slam repeatedly which is usually accompanied by ridiculous gruting and/ or shouting... Probably should reduce your weight a bit if you can't follow it down...
  • kcintron94
    Girls who go to the gym with their hair ironed and wearing the cutest little outfits expecting they're going to meet a guy. -___-
  • wee_wolfie
    wee_wolfie Posts: 40 Member
    The dudes who throw the weights down and the people who wander round in the nip in the changing rooms. The preening pretty boys who block a perfectly decent of the free weights area are a bit of an irritation also ;)

    On a side note though, a few of the comments on this thread have reaffirmed to me that the free weights area is a scary place where "outsiders" are not welcome!
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    As a relative gym newbie, I'm glad I have adopted the attitude that I'm there for ME and if you get offended by anything I do, well this thread is evidence that I couldn't please everyone anyways. I observe the basics like as sanitation and some time and space considerations. Beyond that, I'm not gonna worry.

    Yesterday I was in a full yoga class. I KNOW I was going the opposite direction as everyone else, but since this wasn't a traveling movement type class, I did what was best for me. I knew she was making verbal commands saying "now on your left side..." but as a deaf person who lipreads, I won't catch them all. As a person who is focusing on getting through the exercise, I really don't want to spend my mental energy on constantly thinking opposite as I watch the instructor. It's much easier to mirror the instructor exactly. Did I stick out like a sore thumb? Sure I did. Heck, there was part of the routine where my mat and body were sideways unlike the rest of the class. I can't see above my knees when I'm laying down. I also have to be front and center. I guess my point is if I balked at every thing that might be embarrassing or might offend someone, I wouldn't be able to get through my workout. I usually warn the instructors. Everyone else... Nah.

    As for slow speeds, everyone has different levels of motivation and goals. For some, they are meeting their goals. For others, they might just be trying it out to try to drum up the motivation. I've been there. This is not my first time in the gym but it is my first time to be really serious about it. Sometimes it can take several tries before it really sinks in. Isn't that true for a lot of things? The gym doesn't just belong to the seriously fit or the seriously kicking butt crowd. It also belongs to everyone who is trying to figure themselves out. They may or may not be ready but hating isn't helping.
  • NatalieWiley
    NatalieWiley Posts: 147 Member
    I am sure someone said cell phone but i didnt want to read 5 pages to find it! :P

    I actually am not bothered by the cell phone. It's much nicer to hear only one side of a conversation than have two friends next to you yaking it up! ugh! :)
  • whitneyann0
    whitneyann0 Posts: 327 Member
  • anabell31
    I guess since I use my campus's gym, I understand the reading on the bicycles and treadmills. Sometimes you get so weighed down with homework that you don't have time to go to the gym, so why not kill two birds with one stone? But definitely not if you have to slow your pace to the point of not accomplishing anything. At that point I say pack up and go to the library (after sanitizing your machine and showering, of course!)
  • GoMizzou99
    GoMizzou99 Posts: 512 Member
    I hate fake workout people that "see an old friend" and have a lengthy conversations with them, oblivious to all the people around them, who might be wanting to use that machine, bench, etc. Please....LEAVE THE AREA and let someone else use it. Conversation is NOT an exercise.

    And ... I hate the 2 or 3 weeks after January 1st and the 1 to 2 weeks before spring break.
  • BlessedandBeautifulBrown
    Not hating on the fit females but coming to the gym to look cute like you are going to the club.. Your boobs and butt cheeks hanging out.. I dislike people that used the machine to people watch use it wipe it down with a clean towel and move...
  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    I use the gym on campus and we have sign up sheets where someone signs up for 30min and then whoever is next gets on. I really really dislike when people go over their time limit. Then take their time getting off the machine and cleaning it. The second thing is when some of the people use the unlimited time machines that you don't need to sign up for and they just walk. Not even at a quick pace either.
  • EatClenTrenHard
    EatClenTrenHard Posts: 339 Member
    *kitten* curling in the squat rack

    people that use multiple equipments at once

    people posing in front of the mirror where your working out(especially when they are A shape not IN shape)

    people that don't re rack weights

    people that stare at you when your going really heavy

    people that talk to you about lifting/nutrition when your trying to lift, knowledge aint bad, but broscience is

    ^this. I see that all the time
  • trixirn
    trixirn Posts: 130 Member
    No disrespect, but who carries disinfectant around at a gym? lol. surely carrying wipes and sprays is abit over the top? abt of water and paper towels that most gyms dispense is fine by me,

    My biggest hate is people who go in large groups (mainly rugby and footballers at my gym) who take over all the benches, stand around talking and intimidating novice gym members in the weights area, Im not intimidated by these people but a year ago I would have been and they stare like they are a higher class trainer than everyone else, I hate those type of people. no consideration for others. may just be my gym that though, I may need to change gyms lol
    We don't carry our own. the gym provides it.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    The main one I can think of is the girls who come in with a face full of make up OR the ones that touch up their make up BEFORE working out. I watched one chick actually curl her hair and do all of her make up and then ended up on the treadmil in front of me. Seriously?!

    And the typical not wiping down the machines (especially when you're all sneezy/coughy or when you leave your *kitten* print on the seat. Ew!) as well as the typical guys who all form a damn circle around all the weight machines so no one else can use them.
  • lsgordon02143
    lsgordon02143 Posts: 37 Member
    Well, my peeve is stinky people - yes we all get sweaty, but if you reek like that it's because you didn't shower *last* time. And those people who leave their stuff all over benches so you can't use them. And one woman who dries her disgusting sweaty socks right on top of the shared hair-dryer (which I will never be touching again (!)).

    But, since I do the naked-walking and elliptical/bike-reading, maybe I can be more tolerant of other people being annoying ;)

    Re. naked people rubbing up and touching surfaces in the locker room, that is definitely gross, but my presumption is that all surfaces in a locker room are disgusting and not to be touched, so actually it affects them more than me.

    For people who don't want to walk around naked in the locker room, I don't understand how you manage to get *to* the shower without getting your clean towel all grody, or else, you have to get dirty after the shower to carry back your sweaty stuff. Simpler all around to go naked (with flip flops).

    Ooh, another peeve: teeny-bopper girls who take up all the shower/toilet stalls not to do their showering/toileting, but to change clothes, lest anyone catch a glimpse of their bra strap in the locker-room.

    And then there's the guy who always turns the TV channel to something I don't like. ;) Obviously some of this is in the eye of the beholder!
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    There was one time that my friend and I went to the gym on campus, and it's a really small gym. In it, there are 3 ellipticals, 3 bikes and 3 treadmills. There was somebody on all of the treadmills and 2 people on the ellipticals and 2 people on the bikes. One of the girls on the bike, however, was just standing over it and talking on her f*cking phone! And it wasn't just a few seconds to finish the conversation, she was there for a good 10 minutes, not pedaling, let alone not even sitting on the damn thing. Then, once we were a few minutes into the workout, she finally left and was b!tcing about there being no elliptical machines available. I assume she was mad because she didn't have anywhere else in the gym to take up space.

    Another one. I was just starting the C25K, and I was at the same gym that I just descibed. I was the only person on a treadmill, but there was a couple behind me on the bikes. I was about 10 minutes through it (keep in mind, the first week is running 60 seconds and walking 90 in intervals) and I was changing songs on my MP3 player. When there was the little silence in between songs, I heard the girl behind me say "doesn't she know she's not doing anything by running like that?" I wanted to turn around to her and say something about the fact that she was about 50 lbs heavier than me and probably going about 8 mph on the freaking bike.

    This one just came to mind. It's kinda on topic, but not exactly. I entered my name into a drawing for a 30 day free membership for a local gym. My name got drawn, so I went in to talk to somebody about it, and he was up front about just wanting to sell me a membership, which I can't afford, so he got pissy with me. He started to show me pictures of his ex girlfriend who he worked out with and she went from a size 16 to a size 2 trying to use that as leverage. Finally he said "Don't you want to be a size 2?' and I replied with "No, I want to be closer to a 10." and he said to me "So, you want to stay fat?" Great sells pitch!
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    The naked 60 year old man dry shaving in the mirror. Or better yet the two obese men having a naked conversation only feet standing and one sitting.
  • webfactor8
    The 90 year old man who bends over naked and dries his feat with a hair dryer. Talk about low riding
  • BelleHeart
    BelleHeart Posts: 281 Member
    aaahahahaha! lol I hate when people make a big show of what they are doing. Like this one guy came in ( wearing jeans... why??) and decided to work on his arms and do curls. Every 5 reps he would get up and scream and act like he was doing something really major.. Soooooo over dramatic!!!!