Gym Pet Peeves?



  • Phrak
    Phrak Posts: 353 Member
    people reading while on the bike - your there to work!!!!!

    I've never understood reading while on the machine. Maybe my form is off but when my heart rate is over 150 (like it should be if you're doing cardio) I can't focus on anything but the music in my ears. I'm bouncing too much to see little tiny words.

    I just pedal to burn calories, i dont want to exert myself to the point where it takes away from lifting. Cant rob peter to pay paul.
  • johnsonje82
    johnsonje82 Posts: 46 Member

    woman standing around naked, with no intention of putting their clothes on while they talk

    Soooooooo.......what gym is this exactly?

    I Second
  • addisondisease2
    addisondisease2 Posts: 348 Member
    Anyone who doesn't squat to depth, if you are hitting parallel or below you don't deserve to use my squat rack.
  • KLK1986
    People just wondering around aimlessly watching everyone else.

    People just sitting on the weight benches taking 5 min breaks between sets.

    People reading newspapers on cardio machines.

    Sometimes I wonder why these guys even go to the gym, well actually I know its just for something to do and have a bit of a perve..

    Overall People in general.

    Surprisingly though, fit people i find quite motivating, just lazy people in the gym get on my nerves, better to do a solid hour then spend 3hrs moping around.

    I don't understand why people reading bother you. I can go really hard on a cardio machine and read at the same time so I'm not bored out of my mind. It's better than going really hard on a machine and staring at a wall or the person's *kitten* in front of me for an hour...
  • johnsonje82
    johnsonje82 Posts: 46 Member
    #1 that I left off earlier.....the skeez that comes up when you are in the middle of a set and goes "Hey, what does that work?" Seriously?
  • addisondisease2
    addisondisease2 Posts: 348 Member
    #1 that I left off earlier.....the skeez that comes up when you are in the middle of a set and goes "Hey, what does that work?" Seriously?

    Haha I've had that question doing clean and jerks... I wasn't about to list ever single muscle required to perform the lift so i just told him "it helps your bench". Maybe he will learn how to do it now, or just throw out his back and never come back, either way I win.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    Not wiping down your machine and when people chit chat while using a weight machine. You should NOT be sitting at the seated row having a conversation with people, if you're done, get up so other people can use the machine!

    OH and my personal fav, these girls at my gym. There are several of them. They are teeny tiny (skinny fat---not a sign of muscle definition on their little bodies), and walk around in tiny shorts and a sports bra. That part is fine...if you're actually there to work out. These girls wear their hair down and have a fresh face of makeup on, and spend like 10 minutes walking on the treadmill and spend the rest of the time walking around like they're going to do something, but the most they do is like 10 reps of 5lb bicep curls and they don't break a sweat the entire time.

    I don't get it. My gym isn't cheap either. You're paying for this expensive membership to walk around half dressed and flirt with dudes? Seems going to a bar would be cheaper.
  • Glamrock82
    Glamrock82 Posts: 22 Member
    Let's see. My pet peeves are.....

    * People who don't wipe down their equipment once they're done. (I don't know where you've been, so I certainly do not want to catch your germs!)

    * Equipment hogs.

    * The gaggle of teenage girls who take up an entire row of cardio equipment just to talk loudly (thank God I bought myself a new pair of earphones.... that week was just BRUTAL.)

    And this may be a minor one to most, but a HUGE one for me.....

    * Having a broken pair of headphones, and 9 times out of 10 the gym music absolutely SUCKS.
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    people reading while on the bike - your there to work!!!!!

    I've never understood reading while on the machine. Maybe my form is off but when my heart rate is over 150 (like it should be if you're doing cardio) I can't focus on anything but the music in my ears. I'm bouncing too much to see little tiny words.

    I can read my kindle just fine on the elleptical with my heart rate over 150
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    No disrespect, but who carries disinfectant around at a gym? lol. surely carrying wipes and sprays is abit over the top? abt of water and paper towels that most gyms dispense is fine by me,

    Idk about other gyms, but at ours they have disinfectant spray with paper towels and disinfectant wipes all throughout the gym to use to wipe down your equipment. Pretty good idea if you ask me!
  • VinaAnderson
    when someone is walking down the isle of treadmills and 'crop dusts' the entire line :laugh:

    This is absolutely the WORST!! Especially when it lingers...

    My other pet peeve is the person that constantly looks over at your cardio machine like its a competition. I don't give a damn what incline, speed or level of intensity the person next to me is at, I'm only concerned about what I'm doing.

    My final pet peeve is the chick in the cardio class that watches herself in the mirror the entire time. C'mon!! Where's your focus?
  • rcc1988
    rcc1988 Posts: 125 Member
    Not a peeve exactly, but something that amused me. Our gym/studio lets people have their first class free, and one week at the cardio step class some woman showed up and kept loudly complaining, "Oh my God! I'm SWEATING!" over and over. I haven't seen her since. I guess she didn't realize sweating comes with the territory when you work out!
  • nwhitley
    nwhitley Posts: 619
    There is an older couple at my gym probably in their 70's or so that like to stroll around the walking/running track holding hands. Not only are they holding hands, but they walk in the MIDDLE of the track. Ugh!! Annoying. Go to the park and hold hands. That's what parks are for, not tracks at the gym.
  • Shayyy01
    Shayyy01 Posts: 290 Member
    I just have one... that really grinds my gears.
    This one woman, literally screams when she is running. SCREAMS AND YELLS AND GRUNTS. She was so bad that i almost fell off my treadmill twice, and had to cut my run short. I get it its hard, for sure, but shut the hell up. You are startling everyone else in the gym, and could seriously hurt someone. Go outside and scream your *kitten* off, have at it. But when you are in a gym with 20 other people keep it to yourself. if its a must, make it once in a while and not at the top of your lungs.
  • loftus2005
    this is my biggest pet peeve and I know its trivial and probably none of my business but it REALLY irks me! when I get up early to make it to a 515am spin class working my butt off. Supposed to be at a level 8 out of 10, so working pretty hard and this one douche is going a hundred miles per hour..... ugh. seriously!! put some resistance on that thing and WORK! and when the instructor called him out on it once he said well I went 15 miles!! uhmmm its not about how far, we aren't really racing!
  • Luke_Quist
    Luke_Quist Posts: 43 Member
    Three things:

    1) not sanitizing machines
    2) the yellers, grunters and anyone else making an unnecessry amount of noise
    3) those talking on cell phones while on the floor
  • spinqueen72
    spinqueen72 Posts: 406 Member
    Don't all gyms provide disinfectant and paper towels? I always wipe mine down!

    The teenage girls at the gym annoy me the most.

    I completely agree with you on this!!! We have some that spend 30 minutes in the bathroom primping themselves! Then they come in and hang out inthe weight room checking out guys! Or they congregate on the indoor track watching the boys play basketball downstairs...when they could actually be DOWNSTAIRS watching them from the bleachers!!!!
  • AEB_WV
    AEB_WV Posts: 323 Member
    Ladies coming to the gym in full makeup, hair done, perfume - it's a gym not a pickup place - or am I just naive? Or jealous? But what is the point?

    People who sit on the machines while having a conversation with someone standing there when others are waiting. General socializing in the path of others...

    People who walk up and try to have a conversation with someone on treadmill or other cardio machine...really? Do you want them to slow to the point they can have a conversation?

    Standing right beside me crowding the row in Zumba when the front rows are vacant. I get there early to be in the back!

    Once a family was in my gym and the wife started LOUDLY criticizing her husband for doing machine reps too fast. Saying stuff like 'you might as well not do it if you're going to do it wrong, it won't do you any good' In front of all the other people and their teenage son. AWKWARD! Poor guy and poor kid!
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    I hate when people use their nasty workout towel to wipe machines down (in reality, just smearing their sweat around) instead of the fresh paper towel + disinfectant spray.

    Ha ha!! Okay....well, I will keep that in mind the next time I even think about doing that..........*sheepish grin*.......figured that if I didn't use the towel until I was absolutely done with my machine, that the towel would still be considered "clean" and therefore, no smearing of my own sweat around........but when you really think about it, you are right!

    I'm just being facetious, I don't really care. I got over being drenched in other people's sweat after about two weeks of Muay Thai.
  • mskari77
    mskari77 Posts: 142
    * Having a broken pair of headphones, and 9 times out of 10 the gym music absolutely SUCKS.

    Gah I hate the music my gym plays!! Bruno Mars...really?? Yea, that gets me pumped.... :noway: