Gym Pet Peeves?



  • spinqueen72
    spinqueen72 Posts: 406 Member
    Three things:

    1) not sanitizing machines
    2) the yellers, grunters and anyone else making an unnecessry amount of noise
    3) those talking on cell phones while on the floor

    Especially the guys that drop the weights on the floor, so that everyone has to hear the big boom!!!
  • spinqueen72
    spinqueen72 Posts: 406 Member
    Mine are:

    1) The guys dropping heavy weights on the floor! REALLY? Is it necessary to make the WHOLE gym think that something exploded?
    2) People congregating on the indoor track! This goes out to the little teeny boppers that watch the basketball players from upstairs, when they should be downstairs congregating on the bleachers!!
    3) People who don't clean their machines! So gross!
    4) People who don't take the time to LEARN how to use the weight machines/resistance machines! Letting the weight plates "slap" down DOES NOT help you!!! You LOSE your resistance when you do that!
    5) Those who have decided not to exercise personal hygiene! If you KNOW you are a sweater, and therefore have body odor.....slap on some EXTRA deodorant for the rest of us...PLEASE!!!
  • VictoriaFitness2010
    I am annoyed by the person who wants to use the machine I'm on and stands right behind me, waiting for me to finish. I am a very courtesy gym member so if its busy, I keep my machine usage to 30 minutes. My frustration increases as the person attempts to get on the machine as I exit the machine. A few months back, one woman in particular attempted to do this.

    She got cussed out.

    I haven't seen her since.
  • ka_bateman
    ka_bateman Posts: 230 Member
    Anyone ever listen to Bob and Tom....on their best of show they have a great bit about spitting in the water fountain. Sooo gross
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Here I was wishing I could afford a gym membership and a babysitter so I could go lift at the gym and maybe find a Zumba class. I'm kind of glad now that I work out at home.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I hate the obnoxious grunter and growlers with a passion.

    THIS. I may grunt on a heavy dead or squat, but my grunt doesn't travel more than 5 feet. Though one time I kind of squealed/whined on a squat and that sure did go across the room, so embarrassing, it was the un-manliest noise to ever come out of me.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Can't stop laughing at the pictures/sounds this evokes in my imagination. :devil:
  • lialuck13
    Mine: All of the girls who come wearing a full face of makeup with their hair down and then stare judgementally at me for sweating. I thought that was the purpose of the gym, but apparently I was wrong. It's to wear spandex and walk at 1 MPH on the treadmill.
  • sandybeachez
    sandybeachez Posts: 70 Member
    I hate the obnoxious grunter and growlers with a passion.

    There is a serious grunter at my gym and another that neighs and snorts like a horse while he is jogging. And the people that sing out loud with their headphones on.

    The tourist ( newbie)that come in during the new year. They join a gym for their new years resolution, then take group excercises and ask if we can cool down. My instructor usuallyask if we want to bust out another number or cool down when there is about 5 minutes left of class, And the newbie, asks for a cool down.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    I was thinking about reinstating my gym membership, but after all this, I think maybe not....
  • kirstyg1980

    woman standing around naked, with no intention of putting their clothes on while they talk

    Soooooooo.......what gym is this exactly?

    I Second

    Haha guys, regardless the last time I checked boys weren't allowed in the female lockers in any gym
  • keenercam
    keenercam Posts: 321 Member
    We are so fortunate that we belong to a YMCA fitness center and people are usually pretty considerate. There are only a few things that annoy me:
    1. Women who walk around naked in the locker room or sit naked on the benches
    2. People who do not wipe off the machine or the mat under the machine which is soaked with their sweat, when they are done
    3. People who talk so loudly to their friends on machines near them that I can't hear my music in my headphones

    Our fitness center has attendants that (1) walk around wiping off machines, (2) enforce the 30 minute rule when the center is crowded, (3) monitor the machines to be sure that if you've taken a number, no one gets on an empty machine before you realize it is empty and it's your turn, and (4) ask people to take their cell phone calls outside the gym.

    I trained to speed walk a bunch of marathons and half-marathons at our center, and notwithstanding my size and lack of physical fitness, the staff have been tremendously supportive and encouraging, and have shared my excitement with each new accomplishment or weight loss milestone (I lost 70 pounds before starting MFP, and it's not reflected in my banner).

    I guess I shouldn't complain, huh? :)
  • lsgordon02143
    lsgordon02143 Posts: 37 Member
    girls standing drying there hair or putting their make up on with just t-shirt and pants on or worse full under wear

    woman standing around naked, with no intention of putting their clothes on while they talk

    people reading while on the bike - your there to work!!!!!

    I think it's fine to be naked in a locker room, just not in the weight room. :) Also, I do read on the bike, while biking; I thought everyone did that. I wish I were self-confident enough to parade around naked even more than the necessary quick back and forth from the shower, actually.
  • HJCsDaddy
    HJCsDaddy Posts: 419 Member
    The dudes in the locker room who walk around/stand in front of the mirror/have a conversation with other people completely nude. First off, yes, I understand it's a locker room but for the love of all decency, have the gumption to don a friggin towel like 95% of the general public. Second, if you're going to gawk at yourself/shave/trim the hedges coming out of your nose, please, PLEASE refrain from rubbing your junk against the countertop/vanity ledge/anywhere anyone else may come in contact. I would greatly appreciate it.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    people reading while on the bike - your there to work!!!!!
    I've never understood reading while on the machine. Maybe my form is off but when my heart rate is over 150 (like it should be if you're doing cardio) I can't focus on anything but the music in my ears. I'm bouncing too much to see little tiny words.

    ^^You took the words right out of my mouth....errr, fingertips.... :smile:
  • byukid
    byukid Posts: 55
    I grunt on squats and deads- it's 550+ lbs, so I can't really help it.

    What bugs me is when I'm in the squat rack and someone comes to take a 45 lb plate. I've yelled at several people who have done that, and occasionally threatened them by saying something like, "If I wanted to give you a plate, I'd throw it at your head!" It's very dangerous to come take weights from me while I'm lifting- you or I could get injured.

    Any sort of talking to me while I'm lifting.

    People who use terrible ROM on bench and squat.
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    Okay, so we all have to exercise and the one place that we all go to is the gym.........whether its at home.........whether its a public place.........ect..........and the one thing that is always a factor in all of this is that people can and will do things at the gym that you have an issue with. So, what are your pet peeves?

    Mine? Mine are talking on the phone while you are next to someone else or in the same row as someone else. Yes, phones are convienant and yes, you need to have them for emergencies or if someone is sick and someone calls you to let you in on the latest even when working out..........but honestly, do you absolutely have to chit chat on the phone in front of God and everyone and MAKE them hear your latest gossip if that's all there is?

    Also, blowing your nose or coughing into your workout towel that the gym provides.......can we say EWWWW? If you are sick......STAY HOME!! If you are well, but have allergies, carry kleenex........I promise you, there is a place to put the dirty ones after they are used because you can..........and should........clean your machine after use.

    Oh, and a sub-pet peeve that goes along with the last one...........not cleaning your machine off. Granted, I myself usually don't use the chemical-soaked wipes for cleaning off the machines sometimes..........but I at least wipe it with my workout towel that I don't use at all until I am done with the machine, have a chance to wipe it clean, and then that's when I use it.......but just going off the machine to another without wiping it down is just rude......

    Well, I can't say I have this trouble anymore as I bought everything I need and have it at home now but my pet peeves...
    Getting to the gym to find 2 of the 5 treadmills broken and the other 3 with women walking at 2.0 when I am ready to run 6 miles. Yeah walking is good and all but at least pick up the pace a little wth?

    People taking the remote and leaving it on a machine somewhere. I walked in several times while no one was there and was stuck watching crap because someone had not put the remote back in the bin.

    I always used disinfectant on the machines when I was done because it was expected, I could care less if anyone else uses it, I shower as soon as I am done anyway.

    Guys trying to be sly and eye and flirt, leave me be, I am here to get sweaty not pick up a guy!

    People standing in front of the mirrors in the locker room gossiping, so you can't get to the sinks and mirror. I really don;t care what color bikini you are buying when you lose that belly, go discuss that at the coffee shop or on facebook but seriously, I am here on a mission.

    Thus ended my short stint with a gym. In the end, I love my treadmill, st. bike and stair stepper, go as long as I want, I dress how I want and watch what I want as loud as I want and even talk on the phone if I want. Win, Win!
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member

    What bugs me is when I'm in the squat rack and someone comes to take a 45 lb plate. I've yelled at several people who have done that, and occasionally threatened them by saying something like, "If I wanted to give you a plate, I'd throw it at your head!" It's very dangerous to come take weights from me while I'm lifting- you or I could get injured.

    OMG! What kind of *kitten* does that???

    I find it amusing that MFP doesn't block the word "*kitten*". lol
  • byukid
    byukid Posts: 55

    What bugs me is when I'm in the squat rack and someone comes to take a 45 lb plate. I've yelled at several people who have done that, and occasionally threatened them by saying something like, "If I wanted to give you a plate, I'd throw it at your head!" It's very dangerous to come take weights from me while I'm lifting- you or I could get injured.

    OMG! What kind of *kitten* does that???

    I find it amusing that MFP doesn't block the word "*kitten*". lol

    Stupid ones
  • matthewparmenter
    I've never understood reading while on the machine. Maybe my form is off but when my heart rate is over 150 (like it should be if you're doing cardio) I can't focus on anything but the music in my ears. I'm bouncing too much to see little tiny words.

    THIS! I can't read well at all when am working out... I'm pretty sure that the higher my heart rate gets, the lower my IQ gets :tongue:

    Also, I totally do not understand all the hate for people who use machines at their own pace or CAN read while exercising. Why does it bother you if someone doesn't run on a treadmill? Or if someone pedals faster at a lower resistance level? Or if *gasp* someone reads a magazine or newspaper while they use the machine?

    Sometimes I hit the gym in the morning and just walk slowly for 30 minutes before work. I barely break a sweat but it's a nice way to start the day. Later that night I do my usual *kitten*-busting 1-2 hour workout.

    As long as someone is actually using a machine and not just taking up space talking on it then you should probably mind your own business.
  • Ambrogio1
    Ambrogio1 Posts: 518 Member
    I hate the obnoxious grunter and growlers with a passion.

    THIS. I may grunt on a heavy dead or squat, but my grunt doesn't travel more than 5 feet. Though one time I kind of squealed/whined on a squat and that sure did go across the room, so embarrassing, it was the un-manliest noise to ever come out of me.

    I just can't help it. I mean today I did lockouts with 550...@180 I can't help to use everything I got including my lungs!! I may sound like a tool but I can't help it!!!