Made me laugh....Silly girls in the gym.



  • acbeck
    I work at a gym, so I get to see all types.

    There was one day when one of our regulars came upstairs and told us that it was too cold downstairs. He was wearing a tank top that was slit down the sides all the way to the hips. I told him to either work harder or put on some clothes :D

    I would hesitate before being snarky about peoples' appearances at the gym. One of my friends at work is a personal trainer who used to weigh 90 lbs before she started lifting. She had to start small due to a growth hormone deficiency. It's not fair to judge people for not working as hard as you are. The important thing is that they are there, and that is a start. I'm proud of every single one of our guests, because in Lululemon or in their boyfriend's old concert t-shirts, they're there to do something positive for themselves.

    That said, my gym is much more "Average Joe's" than "Globogym". It may be different at for-profits, because they tend to be more glamorous.
  • stevewynjones
    stevewynjones Posts: 1,143 Member
    Years ago when I was but a slip of a lad :) I used a gym that had the entire local barbie population as members. Now being 17-18 it was no a chore to go work out but there is a serious side to all this.

    An experienced trainer was setting up a barbell for another guy when "hot girl1" walks in wearing a thong leotard over cycling shorts (remember that look?), anyhow the rest of her group turn up in similar oufits and less. Now trainer guy starts to train client.....but has forgotten to put clamp on one end of barbell!

    bang! weight plate hits floor, client falls over, drops barbell which hits trainer in shin! (I fall over and nearly wet myself)

    thong leotards banned in gym next day.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    when i lived in NYC every now and again i'd see women like this in one of the gym locations.. i later found out that location was notorious for prostitution. not saying that they were all looking for johns, but the ones who were not really working out but just sorta going through motions and paying more attention to who was looking at them were suspect.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I definitely saw the preening (both male and female) at one of my old gyms to be distracting. If you're the type to go all Van Damme and not pay any attention to what's going on around you, all the power to you.

    As for me, I was a spaz at the gym because I used to hate going. I'd have to distract myself by reading or watching TV while on a bike/treadmill to take my mind off actually being there. I already felt like a huge doofus, so someone walking around like they're God's gift to the planet drove me nuts. I fully admit I was being little-miss-judgy-pants, but I couldn't help but scoff and roll my eyes.

    All that changed when I switched to an all-women's gym. No strutting, no preening, just women there getting their workout in. Treadmills, lifting, classes, it's all good-- we all know why we're there, and it's not to pick up guys. Amazing.

    I used to go to an all women's gym by my house. I LOVED it.

    so it went out of business.

  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Note to self for a proper gym work out:

    Lose 40 years off my life.
    Lose another 100 lbs
    Buy baby clothes to wear to the gym.
    Get my hair done
    Buy big perky ta-tas.

    Got it! Now next lesson for today? Anybody???

    you forgot "apply false eyelashes", and "spend all your time texting". :bigsmile:
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I get both sides. yea, I get annoyed (I'm human). Then I realize that maybe they ARE there to meet a guy and not really workout? and I guess that's totally ok right? Nothing wrong with that. AS long as it isn't my man. Then I'm over it. I used to have a problem with this and I'd compare myself to all the super pretty girls at the gym.. I'm getting much better and just working on me.

    I think that what seems to annoy people the most is those non serious people hog gym equipment and get in the way of the people who are actually there to do something. :smile:
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Relevant drawing I did for FB a while ago:

    wow, you're really good!
  • stacenee14
    I know what you mean. I always get the stink eye because I am sweating and they are not! Yesterday a girl was taking pictures of herself walking on the treadmill. I couldn't help but chuckle.

    Which she later facebooked with something lame like "burnin' it up at the gym!!!11!!!"

    HAHAHA this couldnt be more true!!
  • LittleMissNerdy
    LittleMissNerdy Posts: 792 Member
    She probably went to work out right after having dinner with someone or work. I'm fine with that. What I can't stand are people who don't wear work out clothes when they work out. Leather jackets and jeans are not gym suitable.

    I was a member of Gold's and if you tried to work out in jeans they'd tell you to change or leave!
  • valieanneb72
    I haven't started at a gym yet, but I have been a member in the past, But I have thin friends and relatives that are silly with their behavior .
    The post was just a vent..... the women's behavior and intentions of even being in the Gym was off ..... in defense of the poster .... it isn't a big deal but she just wanted to share and vent something that A LOT of others find silly......