To all you haters



  • christibam
    christibam Posts: 478 Member


    This is exactly what I was trying to say. The OP's poem is the kind of rationalization that many overweight people (not just women!) come up with. I had the same manner of thinking for YEARS. I wasted my teens and twenties being fat and thinking to myself, "well, it's okay because 'I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and gosh darn it people like me.'" Or some variation thereof. There are entire websites devoted to the idea that "big is beautiful" and the aforementioned "real women have curves." It's all just rationalization for laziness, lack of self-control, and an unwillingness to change (except for the *extremely* small portion of the population that has legitimate medical conditions causing obesity. A few people do have legitimate thyroid problems...many more have Big Mac problems.)

    I know, I know, I'm still overweight and it's like I'm living in a glass house and throwing stones but...well, it took me 15 years to figure it out and get my mindset right for getting healthy. And now, when I see people thinking the way I used to, it makes me rage.

    OH SNAP! I get a citizen cane slow clap!!! I'm gonna call my Mom about that one later. :D

    I actually talked to my therapist today about this thread. Yes, I see an eating disorder therapist because I didn't get to be over 300lbs by being perfectly okay emotionally. But anyway, I broke down and cried about how this thread broke my heart because I see me in a lot of it. The old me. I made excuses for most of my life saying it was okay to be fat because real women have curves. I had about 50 too many curves and should have had a road sign on my back that said, "Switchbacks next 6 miles" or something. Back boobies, while roundish, are not curves.

    The over generalization, delusional rationalization and requirement of validation appears so much throughout posts over the last 11 pages. I guess that's why I was super blunt (and some may say a bit of a *****) but it was either share my new found knowledge of self love and truth or rage quit this entire forum due to all the denial.

    Yes, everyone is beautiful in their own way... but damn... Many people would be a lot prettier if they took care of themselves and showed that they felt they were beautiful and worth enough to save themselves from an early grave due to something 100% reversible.
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    Stop acting like the entire ****ing world is putting you down or putting you on a pedestal. I've had severe social anxiety where in the back of my head I've thought the same thing, but when I'm being RATIONAL I know that's not true. The talk about "haters" is done either in meme culture or to try and sound cool (however it ends up sounding ghetto as ****). Nobody is actually "hating" on you.

    No offense, but BS. If you're fat, people are "hating on you" everywhere you go.

    and just as many hate on the skinny girls everywhere they go,i see it everyday at the gym at work at the grocery store everywhere.
  • christibam
    christibam Posts: 478 Member
    Love this one: "She needs to eat a sandwich." I've heard that so many times by large people referring to girls that are thin and not even sickly looking.
  • VeronicaMcGuinness
    Oh No , I was told I needed to eat a honey bun..LOL! I just laughed , and as far as being "frail" or "fragile" PLEASE?? I bench 195..
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Love this one: "She needs to eat a sandwich." I've heard that so many times by large people referring to girls that are thin and not even sickly looking.

    That's the result of either
    a) skewed perception
    b) sour grapes
  • danibabs
    danibabs Posts: 298 Member
    Stop acting like the entire ****ing world is putting you down or putting you on a pedestal. I've had severe social anxiety where in the back of my head I've thought the same thing, but when I'm being RATIONAL I know that's not true. The talk about "haters" is done either in meme culture or to try and sound cool (however it ends up sounding ghetto as ****). Nobody is actually "hating" on you.

    HELL ****ING YEAH!

    I used to think people were hating on me and my fatness all the time. I'd just be minding my own business at Golden Corral with my giant *kitten* plate of friend food and chocolate and these skinny haters would look at me and whisper to each other about me! HATERS!!!

    Yeah... no. It was the fact that I was cramming food in my face hole.

    Yesterday I was running (yes, actually running) up a pretty steep hill and about ready to die with my fatness and not-able-to-breathe-ness... some really cute guy drove by and gave me a thumbs up! I blushed and ran home to tell my husband.

    I have not noticed a single 'hater' now that I changed my attitude. Y'all be hatin' now.

    Like. I'm FRing you.
  • danibabs
    danibabs Posts: 298 Member
    Ok what the heck does it mean to "HAVE MORE PULL"?

    I was wondering if I was the only one who had no idea what this meant??
  • christibam
    christibam Posts: 478 Member
    lol I think it's supposed to mean to have more leverage, can get more, etc.

    I'm still going with gravitational pull.
  • kyrstensmom
    kyrstensmom Posts: 297 Member


    This is exactly what I was trying to say. The OP's poem is the kind of rationalization that many overweight people (not just women!) come up with. I had the same manner of thinking for YEARS. I wasted my teens and twenties being fat and thinking to myself, "well, it's okay because 'I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and gosh darn it people like me.'" Or some variation thereof. There are entire websites devoted to the idea that "big is beautiful" and the aforementioned "real women have curves." It's all just rationalization for laziness, lack of self-control, and an unwillingness to change (except for the *extremely* small portion of the population that has legitimate medical conditions causing obesity. A few people do have legitimate thyroid problems...many more have Big Mac problems.)

    I know, I know, I'm still overweight and it's like I'm living in a glass house and throwing stones but...well, it took me 15 years to figure it out and get my mindset right for getting healthy. And now, when I see people thinking the way I used to, it makes me rage.

    OH SNAP! I get a citizen cane slow clap!!! I'm gonna call my Mom about that one later. :D

    I actually talked to my therapist today about this thread. Yes, I see an eating disorder therapist because I didn't get to be over 300lbs by being perfectly okay emotionally. But anyway, I broke down and cried about how this thread broke my heart because I see me in a lot of it. The old me. I made excuses for most of my life saying it was okay to be fat because real women have curves. I had about 50 too many curves and should have had a road sign on my back that said, "Switchbacks next 6 miles" or something. Back boobies, while roundish, are not curves.

    The over generalization, delusional rationalization and requirement of validation appears so much throughout posts over the last 11 pages. I guess that's why I was super blunt (and some may say a bit of a *****) but it was either share my new found knowledge of self love and truth or rage quit this entire forum due to all the denial.

    Yes, everyone is beautiful in their own way... but damn... Many people would be a lot prettier if they took care of themselves and showed that they felt they were beautiful and worth enough to save themselves from an early grave due to something 100% reversible.

    I like your style...honest, but not unkind. I hope that someone reading these 11 pages gained something from your wisdom, I know I did, and I never thought the original post was a reflection of a healthy self love or productive in any kind of way.
  • lilchicksta94
    lilchicksta94 Posts: 119 Member
    I have to say that I've never felt hated on for being overweight. I know it's unattractive, even though I always dress nice and do my hair and makeup but I've never felt like people were looking at me or judging me for being heavy. Even when I work out at the gym. But I do have to say that I have some morbidly obese acquaintances that go on rants over how sexy their "curves" are and how "bones are for dogs" on fb and I think to myself, I know you're not really happy with yourself so stop putting up a front. I think I have a pretty face but a fat and unhealthy body, so that is why I'm on MFP. It's one thing to be curvy and another thing to be almost dead from obesity. I think people need to stop making excuses for themselves and just get healthy, not for looks, but to live a long, comfortable, and confident life. Sorry if my opinion offends anyone :-)
  • christibam
    christibam Posts: 478 Member

    I like your style...honest, but not unkind. I hope that someone reading these 11 pages gained something from your wisdom, I know I did, and I never thought the original post was a reflection of a healthy self love or productive in any kind of way.

    Why, thank you, ma'am. :)

    I try to be the same way with others that I am with myself. I sugar coated everything to myself for so many years and I just got sick of kidding myself. I appreciate your kind words and the fact that you did not take it as me being unkind. I'm trying to find that happy balance between being direct enough that people know I'm dead serious and so blunt that it comes off *****y. My goal is to become a life coach when I'm done with college in a couple years sooooooooooo... yeah. lol
  • christibam
    christibam Posts: 478 Member
    I really wanted to just say this quote earlier but wanted to be able to post the picture. It's supposed to be funny and not really an insult to anyone in particular. =X

  • rachellosesitall85
    rachellosesitall85 Posts: 497 Member
    Love it! I never had a problem getting or keeping a man at my size. (18) I married at that size and I'm beautiful in and out and will be at any size. I do wish to be healthy and I know that if I neglect myself it will only get worse. However, these skinny chicks better watch out because a thinner healthier me is going to knock them out of the water ;)
  • lilchicksta94
    lilchicksta94 Posts: 119 Member
    I really wanted to just say this quote earlier but wanted to be able to post the picture. It's supposed to be funny and not really an insult to anyone in particular. =X


  • slegions
    get it girl!!!
  • christibam
    christibam Posts: 478 Member
    I really wanted to just say this quote earlier but wanted to be able to post the picture. It's supposed to be funny and not really an insult to anyone in particular. =X



    lol I was shocked that I hadn't saved it to my computer. I've had a copy of it on my flash drive for yeeeaaars. I love Dr. Phil's attitude for the most part lmao.
  • lilchicksta94
    lilchicksta94 Posts: 119 Member
    I really wanted to just say this quote earlier but wanted to be able to post the picture. It's supposed to be funny and not really an insult to anyone in particular. =X



    lol I was shocked that I hadn't saved it to my computer. I've had a copy of it on my flash drive for yeeeaaars. I love Dr. Phil's attitude for the most part lmao.

    Thank you... I saved it and posted it on my fb lol :-)
  • 32nissy
    amen to that one chicka
  • jfrog123
    jfrog123 Posts: 432 Member
    This is great!
  • DizzyLizzie77


    And just to add my two cents:

    Obese is not thick. Rolls are not curves. A fat *kitten* it not a phat *kitten*.

    I DO think it's great that you're so confident with yourself. I honestly do. However, you know darn well that having so much excess body fat is unhealthy. I don't care if you don't have high blood pressure, diabetes or a heart that's straining so hard to pump right now. But someone who remains morbidly obese will more than likely have a weight related complication and die early.

    I'm on this site because I absolutely love who I am. I'm stunning... and a fat fat fatty. I'm gorgeous... and can't run more than two miles without stopping (yet). I also want to add 15+ years to my life by not being obese so my awesome-sauce can shine brightly through the Universe even longer. I'm not on here to delude myself into thinking being a fat chick is oh so sexy and healthy.

    ^^This. I am all for being confident. I am still working on the awesomeness that is me. I didn't start this weight loss journey because I was happy being morbidly obese. I started this journey so that I could be around for many more years and watch my baby boy grow up. I want to be the best that I can be, not be some slub on the couch, doing nothing day in and out. I'm not knocking that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes, but if you are so happy with being big, then why bother being on here?? Just my opinion. I love my curves. They will be even more awesome-sauce once I am toned and down to a healthy weight.