Dr. Phil - Open Marriage



  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    I think something's broken inside you if you can't commit completely to one person and have that be enough. Either you're with the wrong person or you have insecurities that you have to fill with promiscuity and outside attention.

    Give me a happy, peaceful home with the person I love, someday maybe kids, my rescued doggies, and I will be happy.

    I do want a bigger kitchen though. :/
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    Why bother to get married then?

    Thank you!! Marriage means you will love honor and sleep with that one person the rest of your life.. If you dont get the commitement than dont get married! Ugh this world we live in these days I dont get it.. The idea of my husband touching and being inside another woman makes my skin crawl no i dont want you porking other woman than coming home to me no thanks..

    There's nothing in the vow of marriage about sleeping with only one person. It's only part of the vow of marriage if that's the commitment you make to one another. Marriage is about commitment to each other that runs much greater than sex. Not to mention a legal commitment. So there's plenty of reason to marry someone even if both parties agree that they want to be intimate with other people.

    And lets not pretend like polygamy is something new. Back in biblical times, it was common for men to have multiple wives. So it's not exactly new or shocking.

    Like I said in my other post, it's certainly something that's not for most people (myself included), but as long as all people involved are consenting, I don't think their lifestyle is any less valid than mine.

    From what I understand the "Vow" is simply the part you say "In front of God and these witnesses". Quick Google on Traditional vows finds these:

    "Forsaking all others, till death do us part."
    "faithfully keep to her/him alone, so long as you both shall live?"
    "and to that I pledge you my faithfulness. "
    "and I promise to love you, and to be faithful to you as long as we both shall live."

    Obviously you don't have to have these specific statements in your vows. But not sleeping with others is exactly what these say. Personally I've never been to a wedding, including one in a judges chamber, where some type of "Forsaking all others" was not in the vow. Yeah, you don't sign a paper with these words on it, but the word "swear" indicates a promise.

    maybe their vows were different. you can write your own. marriage, these days, doesn't mean the same as it did in victorian days.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Ugh, so much ignorance here.

    You CAN be very in love with someone, want to spend the rest of your life with them but also want to satisfy sexual needs or have fun with other people..with or without your partner's involvement.
  • blv0267
    blv0267 Posts: 150 Member
    Just like open marriages and poly relationships are not for everyone, monogamy is not for everyone either. I do believe more marriages and relationships have the possibility of surviving if moved to this type of relationship because communication is key to making it work.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    I think something's broken inside you if you can't commit completely to one person and have that be enough. Either you're with the wrong person or you have insecurities that you have to fill with promiscuity and outside attention.

    Give me a happy, peaceful home with the person I love, someday maybe kids, my rescued doggies, and I will be happy.

    I do want a bigger kitchen though. :/

    i'm with you on the bigger kitchen.. with that i could overlook a few flaws in a spouse :laugh:
  • CurvyBiker
    CurvyBiker Posts: 17 Member
    Never been married and it's unlikely that I ever will. Don't belive in open marriage. Don't believe in monogamy. So the two do not go together.
  • birdieintx
    So many of y'all say that a nonmonogamous marriage isn't marriage or they shouldn't be married or what is the point, etc...All because the people in the relationships have relationships with other people. Let me ask you something, do y'all have close relationships with other people? Friends you like to go out and have fun with, friends you turn to when something is upsetting you or when you have really good news to tell? Yes? Does that mean you are any less committed or married to your spouse or significant other because there are people in your life that also meet your needs?

    My guess is you answered no because you aren't having S-E-X with those people. So is marriage less about who you are emotionally bonded to and more about who you are phsycially bonded to? My guess is you just said no again.

    My point is we all have many people in our lives that fulfill different needs for us, some of them fulfill the same needs (ie the emotional support you might get from your husband and your best girl friend). Sometimes they fulfill different needs (ie a buddy who loves to go to the race track with you and wife who is not interested). Neither scenario makes your marriage any less valid. And neither do nonmonogamous relationships. Sometimes they are about fulfilling a need a spouse can not satisfy, such as in a case of bisexuality, but more often that not the primary relationship is sexually satisfying on its own but the point is to not limit how the other person chooses to interact with those they are close to.

    In a marriage you vow loyalty, commitment, love. Where are those missing in these scenarios? I know several people in open marriages and they are very loyal and committed to each other and love each other in the most unpossesive respectful way that most people will never experience. They recognize that a marriage is not about who belongs to who but a commitment and a choice to be together for the rest of their lives. If everyone involved are consenting adults and are being honestly open about the situation who are we to judge? It might not be for you but monogamy might not be for them. To each his own.

    "In jealousy there is more self-love than love." ~~François, Duc de La Rochefoucauld, Maxims, 1665
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member
    No marriage is the same. We don't have an open marriage...just a ...uh...fun marriage. Whatever the label is, it works for us.

    More details please :bigsmile:
  • andygettinfitt
    We all make our way through life as best we can. If everyone is on board, I fail to see the problem.
    What's right for some may not be for others, but that doesn't make it wrong.
    yup, what ever makes the person happy, there not hurting no one or themselves then I say go for it.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    I think something's broken inside you if you can't commit completely to one person and have that be enough. Either you're with the wrong person or you have insecurities that you have to fill with promiscuity and outside attention.

    Give me a happy, peaceful home with the person I love, someday maybe kids, my rescued doggies, and I will be happy.

    I do want a bigger kitchen though. :/

    So you're telling me that there is no one in the world you'd like to bang? Let's be realistic here, sure it's not for everyone but you can't say people are "broken" for having a different relationship than yours.
  • recriger
    recriger Posts: 245 Member
    Why bother to get married then?

    Thank you!! Marriage means you will love honor and sleep with that one person the rest of your life.. If you dont get the commitement than dont get married! Ugh this world we live in these days I dont get it.. The idea of my husband touching and being inside another woman makes my skin crawl no i dont want you porking other woman than coming home to me no thanks..

    There's nothing in the vow of marriage about sleeping with only one person. It's only part of the vow of marriage if that's the commitment you make to one another. Marriage is about commitment to each other that runs much greater than sex. Not to mention a legal commitment. So there's plenty of reason to marry someone even if both parties agree that they want to be intimate with other people.

    And lets not pretend like polygamy is something new. Back in biblical times, it was common for men to have multiple wives. So it's not exactly new or shocking.

    Like I said in my other post, it's certainly something that's not for most people (myself included), but as long as all people involved are consenting, I don't think their lifestyle is any less valid than mine.

    From what I understand the "Vow" is simply the part you say "In front of God and these witnesses". Quick Google on Traditional vows finds these:

    "Forsaking all others, till death do us part."
    "faithfully keep to her/him alone, so long as you both shall live?"
    "and to that I pledge you my faithfulness. "
    "and I promise to love you, and to be faithful to you as long as we both shall live."

    Obviously you don't have to have these specific statements in your vows. But not sleeping with others is exactly what these say. Personally I've never been to a wedding, including one in a judges chamber, where some type of "Forsaking all others" was not in the vow. Yeah, you don't sign a paper with these words on it, but the word "swear" indicates a promise.

    maybe their vows were different. you can write your own. marriage, these days, doesn't mean the same as it did in victorian days.

    Your right, I wasn't trying to imply that all vows were written like this. you don't need these statements in the vows, as was mentioned in the last paragraph. I'm trying to say that if you don't want to be for that person alone you need vows that reflect what comitment you are making. "My word is my bond". Whatever promise you specifically make, you should live by it. I don't believe Victorian has anything to do with it though. I was married in 2006 and used vows very similar to these.
  • Srdking
    Srdking Posts: 84 Member
    If you wanna screw around with other people in my opinion it's time for a divorce. I don't believe open marriage is in any way cool. I know of a women who let's her husband have his end of an open marriage. I don't see these two making it in the long run. Besides who wants to catch something freaky. I know I don't:)
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    Screw that! With all these diseases out there you want to share the sex with outside partners! Get the frack outta here! Not me no way. I entered into marriage as a sacred union onto God and commitment to my partner. If they want to venture out they can venture out on their own because they ain't bringing jack back to me.
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    I personally believe it's messed up, but it's their choice. Bringing the kids into it is completely wrong. You can teach about all the options as they get older, without involving them into it. They also had a lot of messed up ideas, like the fear and condoms. Couldn't believe it, this is 2012, it's very clear what spreads STD's. And the woman kept throwing out her Harvard education. It was all quite scary to me.

    They started out with the rules, they don't have those anymore, they just have some principals.. Basically sounds like they are going on a "trust" principal.
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    I think something's broken inside you if you can't commit completely to one person and have that be enough. Either you're with the wrong person or you have insecurities that you have to fill with promiscuity and outside attention.

    Give me a happy, peaceful home with the person I love, someday maybe kids, my rescued doggies, and I will be happy.

    I do want a bigger kitchen though. :/
    Imagine all those poor people living wasted lived because they fail to fall into your narrow view.
  • holiday99
    almost every Open Marriage ends up with divorce or a tragic occurrence :yawn:
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member
    The world would be a much better place if people would learn to mind their own f'ing business.
  • ssforcey
    ssforcey Posts: 92 Member
    Not my bag. Can't imagine seeing my boyfriend with anyone else.
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    almost every Open Marriage ends up with divorce or a tragic occurrence :yawn:
    Think about law of averages. You only hear about the ones that fail...not the ones that succeed.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Re: all the "why bother getting married then" responses -

    Remember the marriage doesn't always happen after the discovery of polyamorous or open tendencies. Sometimes couples get married in the traditional sense and as time passes they discover a mutual tendency toward a more open relationship. The depth of the love and commitment doesn't change between the husband and the wife. Humans are quite capable of loving and/or being intimate with more than one person. They are still usually primary partners - still husband and wife. Just now they also have boyfriends and girlfriends too.

    It's a hard lifestyle for those raised traditionally to comprehend.