You Know You're A Mom (or Dad) When....



  • becky3277
    becky3277 Posts: 64 Member
    When you become the tunnel of the kids choo choo game while trying to do lunges, planks, stretches, or any other activity that involves you making some sort of tunnel shape with your body.

    When you can now do crunches, flutter kicks, reverse crunches and leg lifts with a 30 lbs toddler sitting on your stomach.

    when there is more crayon on your walls than there is in the BIG box of Crayola.

    HAHAHA!!! I was in the best shape ever when I used my kids as exercise equipment!
  • manderann
    manderann Posts: 189
    -you have Fresh Beat Band songs stuck in your head
    -you announce to your co-workers that you have to "go potty"
    -you get vomit in your cleavage and don't flinch
    -poop on the floor doesn't surprise you
    -one of your most used phrases is "just three more bites"
    -you've seen every god forsaken episode of Spongebob

    And my personal favorite, when you find plastic play money coins in the blender... after you mixed the margaritas.
  • vanderandkarl
    (am a mom to teenagers now how i long for the toddler years)

    when you go into their room for the make up and mirror

    when all you here is mommmmmmmmmmmmm got him out of here (thy have a 9 year old brother)

    you are called old and not in the know (i am 33 ffs)

    when you go to check if they are ok and a sleep to be told thy are too old to be checked on and tucked in

    i also still end up with the children's channel on even when kids aren't here
  • m0_0m
    m0_0m Posts: 265 Member
    When you go to put on YOUR jacket and find seashells, goldfish crackers, and snotty tissue in the pockets....none of which are yours. :tongue:
  • Absidey
    Absidey Posts: 116 Member
    When you hum thomas the tank theme for hours on end all day at work...

    LOL!!! this stays in my head for days on end

    OH MY GOD....MICKEY'S "HOT DOG SONG" and have any of you seen Bubble Guppies? Holy heck...I keep singing the Outside song all the time.

    "What time is it? It's time for lunch!"

    I sometimes sing this at work. I caught myself on the Outside song when we walked all our trash to the dumpster last week, but it was a close one.

    ..when it takes you MONTHS to find a purse you like that is large enough to hold all your stuff and the right style to keep apple juice away from your cell phone.
    ..when yoga tests your ability to balance while a toddler climbs up you and sits on whatever bit seems most convenient in the pose. And then getting OUT of said pose without dumping the toddler on their head by mistake.
    ..when the most used app on your phone involves farting fish.
    ...and you let them play it at the table in a restaurant.
    ..when your spouse asks why you're watching Backyardigans while your kiddo naps, you say, "Because I've never seen this one."
    ..when you write your mom a thank you note about how great she was raising you alone. And it makes you both cry.
  • OnMyWeigh464
    OnMyWeigh464 Posts: 447 Member
    Oh...another one...

    When your youngest hasn't been a baby for 9 years yet when you're in line at the grocery store (or any line) and your body just starts swaying on its own.

    When you hear a toddler having a temper tantrum and instead of getting annoyed (Pre kid days) you just think to yourself "been there done that" and you feel bad for the mom.

    When you hear yourself saying "now I finally know why ____________ annoyed MY parents.
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    .... you're lying on your back on the floor, palms out, eyes closed, and Jillian is pep talking you from the TV and that is all your hear as you breathe in and out, in and out....

    ...... because you've learned to tune out the children sitting on your stomach, poking you in the eyes and yelling "GET UP MOM! NO SLEEPING!"

    Let's hear yours!

    LOL this reminds me of my two year old. When i'm doing plank poses he finds it amusing to crawl underneath me!

    Mine is...the overwhelming urge to make animal noises when i see that particular animal...even when he's not with me!
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    DON'T EAT THE TOILET BRUSH! that happened. last night.
  • millers617
    millers617 Posts: 21 Member
    When you are in a public place and smell poop. So you immediately take one 18 month old twin, lift them up, turn their butt towards you, then lift them towards heaven so you can smell their butt. Realize it is not that kid, and repeat with the other twin. Then immediately loudly state, "Yep, this one crapped!"
  • editnonnalynn
    editnonnalynn Posts: 495 Member
    Awwwww. My children are alllll grown away! I want to go rent Mary Poppins now! Love every minute you have with 'em!
  • AmadaLynn
    AmadaLynn Posts: 116
    You go shopping for yourself, glance at toys and children clothes and put 75% of the items you go for yourself back to buy for your babies, but you are more than happy to, the smile on their faces is priceless.

    When you cancel with your friends because you feel guilty about leaving your babies because you work full time.

    When you think twice sometimes three times about any action, because you realize how very valuable your life is to these little angels.

    I LOVE my babies more than anything in this world... no workds to express my love is even an option.

    To the next galaxy and back, as we say :)
  • mommy2AR
    mommy2AR Posts: 2,802 Member
    You cant go to the restroom alone... someone always has to come with you....and for my 4 year old son he is always questioning why I sit done to pee :ohwell:

    Even when school is out they stillmanage to wake up at the crack of dawn and bring their toys in your bed, yanking on your hair as they drive their cars through it.

    You get a drink to only have your child steal it ....but there is no way you will take it back now... you have seen their cheese face and know that some of that is floating in your drink :(
  • linhmaimac
    linhmaimac Posts: 148 Member
    Oh...another one...

    When your youngest hasn't been a baby for 9 years yet when you're in line at the grocery store (or any line) and your body just starts swaying on its own.

    When you hear a toddler having a temper tantrum and instead of getting annoyed (Pre kid days) you just think to yourself "been there done that" and you feel bad for the mom.

    When you hear yourself saying "now I finally know why ____________ annoyed MY parents.

    Yes! I feel bad for parents on airplanes now to. We're pass the annoyed stage.
  • linhmaimac
    linhmaimac Posts: 148 Member
    This thread would make a great book for parents. LoL

    - when you wear the bumbo as a helmet cuz its funny
    - instead of re-rolling the toilet paper, you just say screw it and grab a new one.
    - when you break into song for every mundane task
    "We're getting the mail, mail, mail"
    "Shower, shower...bath bath bath"
    - when youve stepped on a lego, hotwheel, magnet...lordy do they hurt but you keep buying more.
  • gabbingfilly
    gabbingfilly Posts: 106 Member
    When the kiddo finally falls asleep for a nap and the "look" is exchanged between spouse and self that says you'd better get to the bedroom because you're not sure just how much time you have and how long it will be before you can get another chance for some quality alone time.
  • couponfun
    couponfun Posts: 714 Member
    you find the only way to finish your dinner before your kids destroy your plate with flying toys is to literally scarf it down without swallowing.

    you also find that you can't remember the last time that you CAN remember eating an entire meal slowly like a proper human and what that food actually tastes like.
  • 42kgirl
    42kgirl Posts: 692 Member
    When even the neighbor kids talk to you throught the bathroom door. And you don't mind.
  • WildFlower7
    WildFlower7 Posts: 714 Member
    ...when you are never surprised anymore at the odd places you find fruit snacks

    Lol, I found one melted (cause the top is off now that it's warm) to the floor of my jeep on Saturday, fortunatly I can just hose that puppy out, however it was on there pretty darn good. Those things turn into glue when they melt.
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    Step mom....but when you find a Barbi in your fridge and a swim suit (not for barbie but for the 5 year old) in your work bag.
  • WildFlower7
    WildFlower7 Posts: 714 Member
    When you throw a sheet over your head and run around in the dark, hiding under beds and behind doors, because the kids think it's fun when you chase them.