You Know You're A Mom (or Dad) When....



  • DestinyDarbi
    DestinyDarbi Posts: 260 Member
    Options function on only a few hours of sleep every night for 15 months and 21 days straight (yep... my son is still not a sleeper!!!) can sing along to all the Disney channel songs. Mhhmmm... "You're gonna love who you turn out to be... hang in there bay-by." have a "night out" and then turn in early because hey, who often do we get to go to bed at a decent hour and then SLEEP THROUGH THE NIGHT!? order your food at a restaurant according to what your kids will want to eat off your plate and not what you necessarily wanted to order.
  • DestinyDarbi
    DestinyDarbi Posts: 260 Member
  • 42kgirl
    42kgirl Posts: 692 Member
    When you're proud and excited that your 9 year old wants to run your favorite 5k route with you. And annoyed because he's way faster! C'mon, Mom, you can do it!
  • LindaLouLu
    LindaLouLu Posts: 271 Member
    ... you have ever fallen asleep in a toddler bed only to wake up and discover the kid is now in YOUR bed asleep and you've been snuggled up to the dog and piles of stuffed animals for the last hour or so... (just happened)
    .... KNOW that you are too big for toddler furniture, but "sit" on it anyway because they really, REALLY wanted to "trade places" with you...
    .... Are excited by someone pooping in a toilet...
    ... Have been cheered in a public restroom (VERY loudly) for NOT peeing on your own pants and making it to the potty...
    ...Know that the sofa is actually a pirate ship and the floor is an ocean full of sharks...
    ...Give up on buying fancy toys and simply give empty boxes, string & sticks as "presents" because they have more uses than toys anyway...
    ...Have spent an hour trying to figure out what sound a camel makes because they saw a picture of it and demanded you do it just like when you do the cows, sheep, horses, etc...
    ...claim that inanimate objects are "napping" because you don't want to pick them up for the millionth time in the same day...
    ...know how to make a proper tinfoil crown, shield, AND sword...
  • angimac
    angimac Posts: 145 Member
    When you've figured the appropriate response to "why?"

    According to my 3 year old grand daughter, the appropriate response to "why" is ...

    "you're supposed to say 'Because', DUH, Gigi"

  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    I became acutely aware of the amazing gift of being a mother when my son came home from Iraq after a year-long deployment and I got to see the man he had become.

    This is beautiful :flowerforyou:
  • soccermoma11
    soccermoma11 Posts: 126
    When you are on mfp at 2am anticipating a 2 month old waking up for the next feeding

    This is so true I've started to wake right before baby does
  • munkey418
    munkey418 Posts: 139
    You can sing the theme songs to Barnie and Sponge Bob Square Pants.
    You know the names of all the Rugrats.
    You have seen The Lion King over 100 times.
    You know how to be a human jungle gym.
    You have turned the entire down stairs into a fort using every blanket and chair in the house.

    I did/knew all of this when I was a kid lol

    you know youre a parent when you hear a baby cry in public and can tell how new or old the inafant is by their cry alone
  • TISH27kidneytransplant
    when you open your bedroom door after a two hour nap and your kids tackle you like they haven't seen you in forever! I just love that:)
  • bluex232
    bluex232 Posts: 135 Member
    You go into Victoria Secrets to buy a cute HOODIE and hear from across the strore (in the best and loudest "look how smart I am mom" 4yo boys voice) "HAHAHA LOOK MOMMY, THESE ARE FOR BOOBIES!" only to look over and see your son waving around a bright pink bra with a big 'ol grin on his face. 8-) Yea, we haven't been back there yet, lol.
  • mommy2AR
    mommy2AR Posts: 2,802 Member
    You go into Victoria Secrets to buy a cute HOODIE and hear from across the strore (in the best and loudest "look how smart I am mom" 4yo boys voice) "HAHAHA LOOK MOMMY, THESE ARE FOR BOOBIES!" only to look over and see your son waving around a bright pink bra with a big 'ol grin on his face. 8-) Yea, we haven't been back there yet, lol.

    LOL!!!! My son the other day was talking to be as I went potty...he said "Mom are you sitting down?" I said yup... he said "yeah....thats what girls do" Then proceeds to tell me that he sits down when he has to poop...everyone sits when they poop... I about died... its one of those moments you wish you could have recorded :laugh:
  • aussiegirl1990
    aussiegirl1990 Posts: 56 Member
    <---Aunty to a 3yr old and 2wk old.

    When you say 'Ta' so much you end up saying it to everyone, including your university teachers.

    It's 3am and you hear knocking on your bedroom door.

    You wake up in the morning and discover that someone is in your bed.

    Your bed feels huge, cold, and empty without them.

    While walking around the shops you makes weird noises and flap your arms around to hear them laugh.

    You had to get changed after burping the baby because they aimed at the spot where your clothes WEREN'T covered! (I was late to class sooooo many times)

    When they drag your favourite skirt around, or wear it as a dress, and ruins it. But you don't mind because they're happy.

    When a dog/animal tries to attack your little one and you overcome your fear to protect them, no matter what happens to you.
  • teeley
    teeley Posts: 477 Member
    didn't read through it all so sorry if it is a double post butt....

    The sound of silence is the scariest s**t ever!!!
  • Gilbrod
    Gilbrod Posts: 1,216 Member
    When your own 7 year old son tells you "daddy, that was a soft fart. Like a girl's fart."
  • Sabresgal63
    Sabresgal63 Posts: 641 Member
    When the phone rings and you start singing the Wonder Pets theme song. The phone, the phone is ringing. Lol.

    Lol! I do that!
  • josery1630
    josery1630 Posts: 205 Member
    I have two boys, ages 9 & 11 now.

    When you find yourself saying things like:
    You have to wipe your bottom when you're done pooping. You can't just pull your pants up.
    Stop peeing off the back porch. You're only allowed to do that when we're camping.
    Stop riding the dog like a horse.
    The dog is not a football...stop trying to tackle her.
    Stop humping the dog.
    Please stop playing with your pee pee and trying to make it "big".
    You need to go potty BEFORE you get into the bath tub.
    Stop sticking (insert inappropriate object here) up your nose.
    Please don't drink out of the dog's water dish.

    Or when a friend's much younger kid squeezes your boobs while you're holding him and it doesn't even phase you.
  • JPod279
    JPod279 Posts: 722 Member
    When you know all the characters on Yo Gabba Gabba

    When you make a concious choice to turn the puking kid towards you as it is easier to clean puke off your shirt than the carpet.
  • Twilightsunflower
    Twilightsunflower Posts: 330 Member
    -when you catch yourself saying in a high excitied voice "good job big guy/girl" to other adults
    -when you pick something out of your kids nose and wipe it on you jeans... gross but ya totally happened at the mall
    -when your purse has diapers wipes clothes and toys in it and you forget your wallet at home on the desk
    -when your little one offers you a bite of their food and you take it no matter how pre slobbered it is because they are learning to share and wont get their little hand out of your face till you do
    -when your sitting in church in the front pew and your (then) nursing child thinks it is a game to try and pull your shirt up, down, open so they can nurse and you almost flash your pastor and the guys playing music.
  • mattelfaige
    mattelfaige Posts: 11
    when at 5:30 in the morning you hear a tiny voice going Mommy wanna go play car; want to eat
  • jend114
    jend114 Posts: 1,058 Member

    when you know more Spanish from watching dora then from taking classes in high school....
