Whats your least favorite thing someone has said to you abou



  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    i was asked quietly if i was ill.

    no.. just really healthy now.. geez.

    I got this too...from someone I didn't know very well who apparently wasn't following my Facebook posts about my running and such...she sidled up and whispered it in my ear all concerned looking...I heard she thought I had cancer and that's why I was thin. Geez.
  • alyson820
    alyson820 Posts: 448 Member
    'you're starting to look good! don't ruin it.'

    'wow, you've lost a lot of weight... was it intentional?'
  • Takes2long
    Takes2long Posts: 367 Member
    I was venting about the .6# loss over three weeks. I was told "Just get used to being fat." It was for shock value. Ok...I was shocked all right. And hurt. And pissed right the f*** off. How 'bout I shock you and smack you in the face???
  • Kalynx
    Kalynx Posts: 707 Member
    From the lady next to to me at work:

    (unsolicited) You know Kalyn, Luther Hospital has a great liquid diet you might could try.
    (unsolicited) You know Kalyn, If those people on the Biggest loser can do it I bet you can too.
    (unsolicited) You know Kalyn, Weight Watchers is starting a new class, if you're interested.

    made my skin crawl every time. Thanks for the advice, you think I dont know I'm fat??? That I'm not reminded every day of my life?? eesh.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    "people who count calories are stupid, just eat healthy" - the person knows full well that I count calories.

    "counting calories doesn't work" :mad: :explode:

    when I first started on MFP a year ago, I was talking about it (apparently too often) with a coworker who was also overweight. She commented a few times that I was too "obsessed" with counting calories and worrying about what I ate.

    So...fast forward one year. I've lost 45 pounds, kept it off, love running and feel awesome and healthy. Right after New Year's this coworker decided to go on the Tim Ferris "4 hour diet" eating plan...she's dropped 15 pounds so far, which I have complimented her on...and when I asked if she counted calories on this plan (since I don't know much about it) she was like "oh no...I just eat all the healthy foods on the plan and do my cheat day once a week and I don't HAVE to count calories, it's way easier than what you do" Hmm. I'm happy for her since it's working for her, but she's still acting like my way of doing things is a problem...um...ok. Whatever.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    From the lady next to to me at work:

    (unsolicited) You know Kalyn, Luther Hospital has a great liquid diet you might could try.
    (unsolicited) You know Kalyn, If those people on the Biggest loser can do it I bet you can too.
    (unsolicited) You know Kalyn, Weight Watchers is starting a new class, if you're interested.

    made my skin crawl every time. Thanks for the advice, you think I dont know I'm fat??? That I'm not reminded every day of my life?? eesh.

    I'm sorry. I wanna punch this lady in the nose for ya. Not that I advocate violence, but overall I have really good support from friends, family and even a few coworkers...I hate hearing that people get those kinds of comments :frown:
  • BreeHerm
    Mine is "when are you do?"

    I'm not pregnant... thanks for your wonderful words of encouragement... (sarcastically)
  • Buddhasmiracle
    Buddhasmiracle Posts: 925 Member
    "You look different...I think it's the new glasses."

    (Note, the "new glasses" were several months old; the weight loss was new.)

    I remember getting the "did you done something different with your hair?" a lot at the beginning.
    Yeah i took about 20 pounds off of the thing underneath it.

    Yup. New glasses, new hair style, new lip stick that "compliments" my complexion, but my favorite-- "the new SHOES look fantastic" :ohwell:
  • Trophyyf
    Trophyyf Posts: 218 Member
    So I heard you had the lab-band or gastric bypass

    Not that I would ever knock anyone who has because believe me I tried but it just irritates me and it really irritates me when they say it super loud!!!!
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member

    'wow, you've lost a lot of weight... was it intentional?'

    I have gotten this one, I generally chalk it up to them not wanting to compliment my weight loss if I've been sick or something. My grocer said that the other day then followed up with "ok, good, we like intentional weight loss....just wanted to make sure you didn't get sick or something." It's not exactly how I'd like the compliment delivered but I just trusted he meant it well
  • christenapanzone
    christenapanzone Posts: 18 Member
    Why are you trying? You look great just the way you are.

    My response: I'm 50 lbs overweight according to my doctor. It's about health not beauty!
  • Takes2long
    Takes2long Posts: 367 Member
    I've ALWAYS wanted to reply to the rude comments, but never have, with this little comback: "Every time I look in the mirror, I'm reminded how fat I am. Your stupidity only shows when you open your mouth. I will lose weight. You will always remain stupid."
  • stephc0711
    stephc0711 Posts: 1,026 Member
    There was this guy I liked, I gave him a rose on Valentines day (FIRST time I ever made a move) You know what he did the rest of that year? Laugh at me with the girls in our class, get his friend to tell me I'm fat, And tell every he doesn't like me BECAUSE I'm fat.

    Also, whenever I talk about getting healthier or doing something like that, my "bestfriend" says "You won't do it, you never do, just get used to it.. you're fat!"

    Yup :) THOSE are my reasons for getting healthy, skinny, fit. I want them to eat their words :)

    Some best friend! I say dump her and find some one more supportive! You deserve better than her, and much better than some @hole who is going to treat you like that. I had a crush on a guy in HS but he wasn't interested in me bc I was overweight. Guess What? I might be overweight now, but he is too! AND he's 27 and flips burgers at Mickey D's! :) Poetic justice.
  • Reasie26
    Reasie26 Posts: 102 Member
    I just hate hearing people tell me what I can and cannot eat. I got this all the time before as a vegetarian but it is worse now that I've been using MFP. It isn't that I CAN'T eat the cookies you brought in to work or CAN'T eat a burger, its that I choose not to. Nit picky perhaps but it makes me crazy. "Well, if you can't have this and this and this, what CAN you have?" Ugh. What ever I F-ing fancy, that is what. :)


    I'm vegan and get the "oh, sorry - you can't have that can you?" UGH!! Same with choosing healthier foods.

    YES - "What ever I F-ing fancy, that is what!!!!!!" EXACTLY!!!!! Well said!! :D
  • kirstand
    not weight/diet related but...

    was waitressing and had a customer last night ask "what do you do for a job?"
    i reply "why do you ask?"

    huh!, he says that i "have large hands for a girl"!!!:huh:
    first of all i'm 38y/o, so being called a girl softened the blow :ohwell:
    he even compared my hands with his...we were about the same...:laugh:
    i've only ever had one other person brave enough to comment on my hands, which was about 20years ago. I was entering a night club and shook the bouncers hand, with him saying "you've got man hands"...laughed then...laughed now, but.................

    what does my job have to do with the size of my hands?:smile:

    cant say i've ever liked my hands but not because of their size...because they are outdoor/working hands which are old looking...plus i bit my nails for years and never showed them if i could help it. (nails are long now)

    Hey, could've been worse like "did you forget to shave this morining?" (NOT meaning my legs/underarms/bikini)
    thats another story!!!!:devil:
  • jeyko
    jeyko Posts: 368 Member
    From my husband "don't take this the wrong way, but you're just not very attractive anymore ". He thought it would encourage me to lose weight. He was wrong.
  • mlosesweight
    "my mooooom says people our age shouldn't diet because it's not healthy."
    would you LIKE me to be fat, then?
  • haha oh yeah. I forgot I have another one.

    "what did you eat last night"
    "Oh a friend and I went out for pizza and beer"
    "You can't eat that. I thought you were trying to lose weight"
  • haha oh yeah. I forgot I have another one.

    "what did you eat last night"
    "Oh a friend and I went out for pizza and beer"
    "You can't eat that. I thought you were trying to lose weight"

    Sorry I'm so dumb at posting still. Ok, these have jealous all over them!!!!! People are so dag gone jealous they can't help but be rude. Another thing I hate...."one-uppers." Someone who has done it first,better, etc. when really they just can't take it that you are getting attention!!!! Keep on doing what you're doing and rub it in their face more!!!
  • JBennis1013
    JBennis1013 Posts: 377 Member
    You can't lose weight and still eat things you like...


    at work a co-worker will pick up someones lunch and be like omg this weighs a ton I can't believe that you're going to eat that!!