Whats your least favorite thing someone has said to you abou



  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,212 Member
    Has to be a bloke (stranger) who shouted from one escalator to another in a london underground station to verbally abuse me.. he shouted 'oi you fat B**** ' everyone looked including me and my now husband.. and he said 'yes you know I'm talking to YOU.. go on a diet'!!

    I was so shocked but not shocked enough not to retaliate with 'I looked, to see who the Wan**** on the other escalator is'.

    Both escalators were packed with people there was twitterings of laughter at my response and I must say I wished the world would open me up and swallow me, but I braved it out and hubby to be helped by reminding me he loved me. Ironically I weighed about 2 stone less than I was at my heaviest. Maybe I should have listened to him but he was a d*** and I don't have a habit of listening to people like that.
  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    "You can't eat that. I thought you were trying to lose weight"

    I got this exact same comment from a coworker while I was eating a freaking SUBWAY SANDWICH at my desk.
    Uh... it's not chicken fried steak and a chocolate shake. I wanted to effing slap the freckles off her stupid face. :explode:
    TOYGRRRL Posts: 251 Member
    #1. So many woman are pregnant now in our building! How far along are you?

    #2. Oh Pam... look at you... you have a fat stomach... you are getting fat all over... stop eating so much food and keep moving like I do...

    (This is my mother... constantly if I'm ever larger than a size 6 and even if it is water weight due to my RA medication and I can barely walk, let alone hold a hair brush because of debilitating pain from an RA flare.)
  • ArleneMobley
    ArleneMobley Posts: 44 Member
    years ago, my husband and i went to his sister's house where lots of family were gathered.
    we were newly married and i had put on a few extra pounds. I probably weighed 150 (at 5'7" and 19 yrs old).

    my brother-in-law says to me... "have you lost weight?"
    i say no, with a smile.
    he says "didn't think so!"
    i was crushed. the room went silent. my husband didnt even have a comeback in my defense.
    BUT, it did make me count calories and exercise ~ lost 30 lbs.

    kept it off. 2 yrs. later i got pregnant (very happy)
    told my mother in law and her first remark was "and you just lost all that weight."
    i decided i was too sensitive. they always were teasing me about my weight.
    I am glad they can't see me now @ 198 lbs. :cry: !!!
  • This is the one I hate and I know everyone who has lost a good amount has probably heard. I lost 30 lbs from a strict diet (during the fat free fad) and running every day in the summer. I was 27, no kids yet. I'm 5'6 and got down to 115 so that made me 145 at 5'6 before the loss. I was so excited because I had worked really hard. This is what I heard over and over......
    "God.....how much weight did you lose?" or "OMG you've lost A TON of weight!!!!!" It's hard to explain this on a post because I cannot emphasize enough, how they made it seem like I was a monster before. I guess I hadn't realized how hideous I looked at 145! Well I gained 90 lbs while pregnant. I'm 39 and at 149 now, so I'm bracing myself for these idiots!
  • cufirst84
    cufirst84 Posts: 127 Member
    i always get ..."well your lucky cause your tall you can hide your weight" - trust me us "tall people" get fat too...& dont like it just like you "shorter people" lol
  • ericalynn104
    ericalynn104 Posts: 382 Member
    Once my dad told me that if I wasn't more careful I was going to be like my mom.. My mom has always been overweight. And I still cant believe it was my dad who said that, because it's not like he is the thinnest or fittest person in the world! (Oh and thanks, dad for subtly calling me fat.)

    That was almost 10 years ago and him saying that is still burned in my mind.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    Pre losing weight:
    Head bell-ringer: Some of us have been wondering if you're pregnant again.
    Me: No, I'm just fat.

    At goal weight, having bought my first ever skinny jeans:
    My mum: Well don't be too upset when they stop fitting again.
    Thanks so much for your vote of confidence, mum!
  • mjane166
    I agree - Nothing! Almost 3 months in, down 30-35 pounds... it's noticeable, people. Say something. :\

    I love when people ask how I did it, and I answer "Counting calories and exercising" and their face falls. It's funny that once you start exercising daily and getting off your butt, it's not really THAT difficult to do. You just need the motivation to get the ball rolling!

    I would love for people to say something about my weight loss....reading all of the posts here, I think I know why they won't. We all take these types of comments differently. Someone could say "Wow, you've lost a tonne of weight, you look great!" to me and I would gush and be so pleased whereas I've read here that another poster here felt that same comment was rude because it made it seem like she was a monster prior to the loss.
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    I'm a high school librarian. We have a teacher who makes amazingly good cupcakes, and always shares them with staff. She sent one my way on Friday and my Student Assistant (I have one every class period) begged me to give her my cupcake. Knowing how good they are, and having had a very light breakfast, I wasn't about to give it up.

    Her response?

    "You're just gonna get fat again. If you eat that cupcake you're gonna blow everything and balloon right back up to where you were."

    Wow. All that for a cupcake? Should have smushed it in her face.
  • liljgrafix
    You would be beautiful if you lost some weight.. i hate that. im beautiful now. the weight will only make it better. lol
  • hapoo100
    hapoo100 Posts: 940 Member
    I see my mom only a few times a year. I walked into her house and she said in her caring Mom voice "you've put on some weight, is everything ok?"

    i felt like i was 8 years old.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member

    'wow, you've lost a lot of weight... was it intentional?'

    I have gotten this one, I generally chalk it up to them not wanting to compliment my weight loss if I've been sick or something. My grocer said that the other day then followed up with "ok, good, we like intentional weight loss....just wanted to make sure you didn't get sick or something." It's not exactly how I'd like the compliment delivered but I just trusted he meant it well

    I developed this 'speech': 'it's ok, I did it on purpose and I'm not trying to lose any more.'
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    I'm a high school librarian. We have a teacher who makes amazingly good cupcakes, and always shares them with staff. She sent one my way on Friday and my Student Assistant (I have one every class period) begged me to give her my cupcake. Knowing how good they are, and having had a very light breakfast, I wasn't about to give it up.

    Her response?

    "You're just gonna get fat again. If you eat that cupcake you're gonna blow everything and balloon right back up to where you were."

    I think when its the battle of ownership over a very very good cupcake normal rules don't apply. She obviously thought the gloves were off on this one! :)
  • downsizinghoss
    downsizinghoss Posts: 1,035 Member
    From my husband "don't take this the wrong way, but you're just not very attractive anymore ". He thought it would encourage me to lose weight. He was wrong.

    Wow. Just wow. I am pretty stupid when it comes to knowing what to say to my wife, but even I know better than this one!
  • downsizinghoss
    downsizinghoss Posts: 1,035 Member
    The guy that owns the gym keeps trying to get me to do their "medical weight loss".

    "You know if you started with the HCG and our diet program you could lose some REAL weight."

    I guess 100+ pounds the right way is just a waste of time.
  • interceptor311
    interceptor311 Posts: 980 Member
    "You're obsessed. You don't need to be on a diet"
  • BaDaSsBrUnEtTe
    BaDaSsBrUnEtTe Posts: 518 Member
    my much skinnier friend told me "eew, you look gross". and "you looked better before" so what i should gain the weight i lost back to please you?
  • DOElston
    DOElston Posts: 102
    "You have lost a TON of weight!" (Actually, I NEVER weighed over 2000 lbs.)

    Or - "Did you have surgery?"

    I think people, generally, are too nosy and expect detailed answers when its really none of their business.
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    "You're doing this the healthy way, right?"
    Although I can kind of understand this question (my older sister battles weight issues by just cycling binging and anorexia), everyone I know has heard me talking about running.

    "Oh, I went through a exercise phase when I was your age too, but it never lasts."