Women who eat more than 1800 calories a day !!!!



  • Axiah
    Axiah Posts: 8 Member
    I moved from eating 1200 calories a day to 1900 cals/daily just over a month and a half ago. Last week I had my first 1lb loss since making the change. It was tough to watch the weeks roll by with no losses, but from everything I had read I knew that it could take some time for my body to adjust. I'm glad I waited it out, because 1900 calories daily feels much better than 1200 ever did. My energy levels are up, and I feel much healthier.
  • meribethd
    meribethd Posts: 92 Member
    Bump to read later!

    Hey there!!!
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
    I'm eating 1800-1900 cals per day and maintaining at 125 lbs!:smile:
    This makes me want to bang my head against a wall. I'm eating the same amount and am no where near 125. Even working out 10 times a week. GRRRR!

    This! I don't get it.
  • Jessamine
    Jessamine Posts: 226 Member
    I started off eating 1200/day + *some* exercise calories, if any. I lost a lot in my first week, but then I gained it back and my weight wouldn't budge. I was dead on my feet at work and fell asleep as soon as I got home. I had no energy at all.

    Reading through these message boards opened my eyes to BMR and TDEE.

    TDEE: 2313
    BMR: 1492

    So now I eat between 1800 - 2000/day. I am slowly losing, I have energy, and I get to EAT.
  • agzer
    agzer Posts: 1
    I'm new to the website and these fitness boards. How do I find the original post - is there an article or something that explains that upping calories leads to more weight loss if combined with more exercise? I'm confused by the various posts. And what does bump mean and do?? Sorry for my ignorance. :)
  • what is this bump all about? Sounds interesting :)
  • astroub
    astroub Posts: 289 Member
    I eat well over 2000 most days and net somewhere around 1800... I like to eat too much to eat any less haha!
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    Anyone can add me if they want, I eat 2400-2800 calories a day, sometimes over 3k if I work out a lot. I've been doing so with lowish sugar and now am reducing sodium impact.
  • FitBlitz
    FitBlitz Posts: 146
    I'm new to the website and these fitness boards. How do I find the original post - is there an article or something that explains that upping calories leads to more weight loss if combined with more exercise? I'm confused by the various posts. And what does bump mean and do?? Sorry for my ignorance. :)

    Bump -- "Bring Up My Post" an acronym on forums to reply to a thread with little to no feedback (usually) other than the intent to gather more attention to the thread. :)

    That said, I've been upping my cals from 1200 and below NET since April 2nd-- had a small gain, but I've already lost nearly 6 lbs since then! :D Feels good to EAT! Working on getting my cals between 2000 and 2200.
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 833 Member
    I eat between 1800 - 1900 a day. I try to eat the same every day regardless of my workout since I can burn anywere from 500 calories to 5000 calories in a day. I am 39 year yound and 5'10'' and my current weight is 152. I don't really care what the number on the scale is, I just care about the body fat which is currently 21.3%.
  • najlaamundson
    najlaamundson Posts: 46 Member
    Thank goodness I found this board! I've only been doing this 1200 calorie thing for about a week - but it is KILLING ME! I am starving, tired, stressed, cranky.

    Bottom line - it sounds like as long as I eat foods that are healthy for me, I can eat more calories and still lose weight? Right?

  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    I'm new to the website and these fitness boards. How do I find the original post - is there an article or something that explains that upping calories leads to more weight loss if combined with more exercise? I'm confused by the various posts. And what does bump mean and do?? Sorry for my ignorance. :)

    The first post on page one of this thread has a hyperlink to the original post... there are two so check which one sends you to the "home" of the forums and which one takes you to the actual original post.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Thank goodness I found this board! I've only been doing this 1200 calorie thing for about a week - but it is KILLING ME! I am starving, tired, stressed, cranky.

    Bottom line - it sounds like as long as I eat foods that are healthy for me, I can eat more calories and still lose weight? Right?


    Yes as long as you're burning more than you eat it will work. For instance I eat 1800-2300 cals/day and burn 400-800 through exercise. I don't NET below 1400. I've lost 104 lbs and still losing even though I'm close to goal. The key is find your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) use an online calculator and eat at least 10-20% below that to lose fat and retain muscle.
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    I'd recommend figuring out your BMR and TDEE and stay somewhere inbetween...I'm currently doing TDEE -15%...still in beginning stages though gained so far no losses yet.

    There is a group "Eat More to Loss Weight"...they have great information and will help figure out your numbers.
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    Thank goodness I found this board! I've only been doing this 1200 calorie thing for about a week - but it is KILLING ME! I am starving, tired, stressed, cranky.

    Bottom line - it sounds like as long as I eat foods that are healthy for me, I can eat more calories and still lose weight? Right?


    Yes as long as you're burning more than you eat it will work. For instance I eat 1800-2300 cals/day and burn 400-800 through exercise. I don't NET below 1400. I've lost 104 lbs and still losing even though I'm close to goal. The key is find your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) use an online calculator and eat at least 10-20% below that to lose fat and retain muscle.

    Or you can do what I did and get a BodyMedia/BodyBugg device, which sets your goals and monitors your daily TDEE as you go, as it is specific to you. I added it to my plan, and upped my calories again, and lost about 6 pounds the first two weeks.
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Oh wow. This thread is amazing. I am learning so much! I could really use some help., though. . .

    I appear to be kind of stuck at around 160. I am 5'6" and really rather muscular (I wear a US size 8) but I definitely have flab that needs to go. ;) I would like to lose 15 lbs and continue to tone up. I do weights/strength training three times a week and cardio at least three, sometimes more. My diet is pretty good, relatively clean--processed foods are low, I try to keep protein above 120g/day, and keep an eye on carbs. But I am really struggling with how much I should be eating. I had been around 1500 and did lose a little, then dropped to 1300 and was MISERABLE--tired, sluggish, and even got terrible headaches. So I went back up to 1500. But even so, on most days, esp. days like today where I really burned a lot (close to 600 calories), that is only netting around 900.

    I figured my BMR to be about 1470. But the rest of it--TDEE, for example--I'm kind of lost.

    i really do buy into the whole idea that your body needs fuel, esp. when you work out heavy/a lot (like I do)--I just don't know how much fuel I need! Can anyone help? Thank you!!

    To figure out your TDEE use this:

    Harris Benedict Formula
    To determine your total daily calorie needs, multiply your BMR by the appropriate activity factor, as follows:

    •If you are sedentary (little or no exercise) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.2
    •If you are lightly active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.375
    •If you are moderatetely active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.55
    •If you are very active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days a week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.725
    •If you are extra active (very hard exercise/sports & physical job or 2x training) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.9


    Then you subtract the 15%- 20% to have the deficit you want.

    I actually only subtract 250-300 calories because I am in the last 10 pounds I want to lose. I have heard and believe that the last 20-15 pounds should be slower so you don't lose as much muscle mass... just my two cents! :wink:

    Holy cow. You guys are totally full of awesome.

    I figured all this out, and hope I did it correctly! I exercise 6 days a week, but I don't know if I should call it "hard" or not so I went in between the 3 - 5 days of moderate exercise and the 6 days of hard (multiplied by 1.6). I do strength training, intervals, and high intensity cardio. Most workouts are 45 - 60 minutes or so. Anyway, that makes my TDEE about 2288, and subtracting 15 - 20% puts me at a calorie range of about 1830 - 1945/day.

    I know I'm not the first to say this, but--WHOA. That is just so much higher than we've been taught to eat while "dieting." I am already eating over 1600 daily, and often over 1700, so this isn't a huge jump! I think I'll try to eat around 1700-1800 for the next couple of weeks, and see how things continue to go.

    Many, many thanks to all who offered advice and help!!

    Don't think of it as dieting.... think of it as fueling yourself for the workouts :wink:

    Just know that some, if not most, will gain weight when they increase their calories because the body stores them thinking that you will cut back again. It takes at least ONE MONTH, if not more, to really see how eating more works for you. With that being said, since you are between 200-300 calories it shouldn't be that big of a surprise for your body, just know that gaining is okay for the first couple of weeks!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    I eat anywhere fom 1700 to a little over 2000. I have my goal set to 1760 and to lose 1/2 pound per week currently but I'm switching it to maintenance next week so my goal will be a little over 2000... I think it will be more like 2100. And that is not including exercise.

    When I was losing more weight (1 pound per week) I had my goal set to 1540 and it worked magically.
    1540 was the setting MFP had me at for losing one pound a week and it didn't work at all. Just wish I had gone up instead of down.
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    I'm around 5'11" with a BMR of 1600 and a TDEE of around 2400-2600. I love to eat, so I have no problem hitting my daily calorie goal. :)

    I'm glad I found this thread. With the preponderance of posts about people trying to net 1200, it can feel a little lonely when one is trying to net around 2000.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    I'm new to the website and these fitness boards. How do I find the original post - is there an article or something that explains that upping calories leads to more weight loss if combined with more exercise? I'm confused by the various posts. And what does bump mean and do?? Sorry for my ignorance. :)
    go to the first post on this thread and see a link to the previous thread - it says something like continued from here.
  • googsgirl
    googsgirl Posts: 76 Member
    I started eating 1750 about 2.5 weeks ago ( my BMR is 1330 and TDEE is 2080). I increased my calories from the 1200 MFP had me at because I just thought that 1200 totally sucked! Im a grown woman- Im not eating like an idiot for the rest of my life. Plus, I had not lost a single pound eating 1200 anyway so what did I have to lose?

    I have lost only one pound since increasing my calories, but I think I have lost some inches. The main point is, I feel great! I sleep great, eat such yummy food without "rules" ( other than nutritious foods, which I have always loved- and some treats)

    Although I only have 10 pounds max to lose, I will eat this way forever, because it feels so good. I just got my TOM and I didn't even see it coming! I used to have cramps, experience mood swings, and feel "fat". This time, I had none of that. I swear, eating lots of great food is really helping.

    I workout about 5 days a week and have tried to just concentrate on staying active, rather than the scale, which is slow moving.
    I love this thread- it's so motivating and I cant wait to hear more from people who are having success with this way of eating.

    We deserve this! No more stupid "diets"- this is how healthy women need to eat to fuel our bodies.