Here is what a competitive Bikini model winner looks like



  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    ...yep, I don't like it. And yeah, she has to have fake boobs, or she wouldn't have any at all. :/ Whatever, it's the truth... I could go on... infertility etc. I agree it takes a lot of will power and hard work... but seriously, it's extreme and not a healthy way for a woman to live. (dun-dun-dun...)

    I don't understand how/why people assume that a fit woman would be infertile.

    If you stay at too low of a body fat percentage too long, it would definitely cause fertility problems, since you won't be able to menstruate. That low number is somewhere between 12-15% depending on the woman.

  • Barribomb
    Barribomb Posts: 284 Member
    Certainly some folks do have experience in the area, but I feel like a lot of people just don't understand competitions and that's where a lot of the judgement comes from.

    The 'on-season' for a bikini model really isn't a season. Those of you saying you want the off-season look, that's is her 'look'...depending on how many competitions they do on-season is just a handful of days a year. When you're in a competition, your body is a tool that you use to reach a goal. Those stage pictures are a show of that person reaching that goal. The work they've done is extremely impressive.

    I don't have a tremendous amount of experience in this area, but I have some with weight class competitions (power lifting and judo) in both high school and college. I was never particularly good, but I had an opportunity to train with some amazing athletes. The amount of work they put in and the dedication I saw in my time with them was simply awe inspiring. If you can't respect the look, respect the work, dedication, and sheer force of will on display.

    (i happen to be a fan though, especially Amanda Latona, she's one of my main indpirations!)
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    Would love to know what her dietary regimen is. How did she get soooo lean???!!!

    Just google it....they have them on-line. Be prepared for lots of egg whites, chicken breast, protein shakes, broccoli and a little sweet potato or oatmeal (only early in the day) if you are lucky. That and two a day cardio sessions on top of lifting heavy.....When these girls lean out for a show, it is a very strict diet and they cannot cheat at all......they won't even drink crystal light sometimes! Amanda Latona has her diet all over the web. My aunt is a competitive figure competitor and she eats like a beast when she is trying to gain muscle (3000+ clean cals a day with over 200 grams of protein).....but when she cuts for a show, it is hardcore dedication. These ladies look completely different off season by the way....much softer with the extra body fat.
  • ShilohMaier

    THIS! :) No one likes to cuddle with a bag of forks.

    So since we can't label this woman as "fat", let's state the facts. This woman has a higher than "healthy" body fat percentage. Probably in the high 30s, which qualifies as "obese". She's definitely not in a healthy BMI range. So no, it's not "sad" that someone labeled her as "fat". By all scientific definitions she is "fat". She's beautiful and maybe she's a great person, so really her level of body fat is probably not that important. But she is "fat". And this picture is either photo shopped or she's genetically very lucky. Usually fat does lie that smoothly. There'd usually be more "lumps" and cellulite. So this "healthy ideal" is not only NOT healthy but it's not real or achievable for most women.

    Secondly, Niner posted this to show what a competitive bikini model looks like. He did NOT say "Women SHOULD look like this". He did NOT say "Post your ideal body here".

    Wow, you are way off. 30% body fat? I doubt it. In my before pic to the side, I was at 38% body fat. THAT was obese.



    Exactly. Your example of 30% has some definite flab and hang going on. I'd put this white bikini chick closer to the 25% shape. Just because her hips are wider does not mean they are fat- she could just have wide hips. There's some super skinny VS model with ridiculously wide hips... wish I could remember her name...
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    Would love to know what her dietary regimen is. How did she get soooo lean???!!!

    lots of protein - i.e. chicken, tuna, eggs, no dairy, small amounts of carbs, no processed, fast or fried foods, etc. The cleaner/the leaner.
  • DLDzioba
    DLDzioba Posts: 422 Member
    Kudos to her and her hard work. I personally don't want that much muscle definition, I know some people like it. I'd rather not look like that but she looks healthy not scary so good on her.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I have wide hips too and probably a body fat percentage of 22. I still think white bikini is about 30%. I see no muscle definition.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Would love to know what her dietary regimen is. How did she get soooo lean???!!!

    Quite easy really, I regularly get much leaner. Just depends how tightly you're prepared to keep your diet, how much cardio and lifting you'll put in.

    Diet however is king.
  • ShilohMaier
    :sad: I think the bikin model looks great. Depresses the crud out of me, but she looks awesome. Even at my lowest BF (12%), I had the gross skin problem from being so obese. I have always wondered how amazing it must feel to have your skin actually fit down onto your muscles. Heck, I'd be happy with the white bikini chicks body... at least her skin is firmly over her body- no dimples or rolls, or saggy droopy gross-ness. ***sigh*** I suppose I should be happy to at least look good in my clothes, but I'm not. :cry:
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    :sad: I think the bikin model looks great. Depresses the crud out of me, but she looks awesome. Even at my lowest BF (12%), I had the gross skin problem from being so obese. I have always wondered how amazing it must feel to have your skin actually fit down onto your muscles. Heck, I'd be happy with the white bikini chicks body... at least her skin is firmly over her body- no dimples or rolls, or saggy droopy gross-ness. ***sigh*** I suppose I should be happy to at least look good in my clothes, but I'm not. :cry:

    That's was one of my points dear. I think even she is photo shopped. I really don't believe that someone with with that body fat level can be free of rolls or dimples. If she is, she's very very lucky.
  • mo_is_here
    I give her a LOT of credit for achieving such an amazing body. That had to take a tremendoud amount of time and effort...good for her.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Why do fitness competitors/bodybuilders eat so much broccoli? Is it because it is filling and low cal or because it is low carb? Or both?
  • ShmoozyQ
    ShmoozyQ Posts: 390 Member
    All of this "women should look like this!" crapola makes my head spin. Women should look how they want to look; what they feel good about.

    This woman clearly is very dedicated to her sport, and good for her! She deserves as much respect as any other athlete.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    Why do fitness competitors/bodybuilders eat so much broccoli? Is it because it is filling and low cal or because it is low carb? Or both?

    it is a natural dehyrdant
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I can see how the look of low body fat % could put people off. This is not an everyday norm. These people spill blood, sweat, and tears to get to this level. In the offseason, she looks more like this


    That is hot.
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member

    THIS! :) No one likes to cuddle with a bag of forks.

    So since we can't label this woman as "fat", let's state the facts. This woman has a higher than "healthy" body fat percentage. Probably in the high 30s, which qualifies as "obese". She's definitely not in a healthy BMI range. So no, it's not "sad" that someone labeled her as "fat". By all scientific definitions she is "fat". She's beautiful and maybe she's a great person, so really her level of body fat is probably not that important. But she is "fat". And this picture is either photo shopped or she's genetically very lucky. Usually fat does lie that smoothly. There'd usually be more "lumps" and cellulite. So this "healthy ideal" is not only NOT healthy but it's not real or achievable for most women.

    Secondly, Niner posted this to show what a competitive bikini model looks like. He did NOT say "Women SHOULD look like this". He did NOT say "Post your ideal body here".

    Wow, you are way off. 30% body fat? I doubt it. In my before pic to the side, I was at 38% body fat. THAT was obese.



    Exactly. Your example of 30% has some definite flab and hang going on. I'd put this white bikini chick closer to the 25% shape. Just because her hips are wider does not mean they are fat- she could just have wide hips. There's some super skinny VS model with ridiculously wide hips... wish I could remember her name...

    Perhaps Candice Swanepoel was the one you were thinking of?
  • reaolliemama
    reaolliemama Posts: 489 Member
    She looks better in the off season!!!
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Yes she has wide hips, but once again she has no muscle definition and is clearly "squishy" If you want to look like that than great! But what I was getting at is why is it okay for mfp to say such rude things about fitness competitors, but god forbid if anyone say a person is too "fat" for their liking?
  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member
    I think she looks healthy haha
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Id take all these girls muscles-and boobs!!