Lighten the **** up!



  • azazelrabbit
    Yes! Right! The OP started with a good idea but wholly stuff, what brought all that on? Not us, I hope. I haven't seen any posts damning anyone for anything, but the OP seemed like that was all what this was about!

    I didn't come here to get "permission" (as if I needed it) to eat whatever I wanted to. "I'm human" is a nice excuse that keeps me entirely too plump and also keeps me from taking responsibility for myself and my actions.

    I wanted to say something, didn't have the guts. Thanks!

    I'm not having a go, and this post doesn;t apply to everyone.

    But I think *some* people take calorie counting far more seriously than they need to, that's all.
  • shellbee381
    Thank you for putting into writing what many have thought for awhile but were too afraid to say it!! :drinker:
  • brittanidigby
    brittanidigby Posts: 247 Member
    Exactly. I seriously can't stand people who are like that. Eat what you want, damn!
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    lol!.. great rant!.. I gave up wheat last year as I suspected an intolerance and it helped me lose inches and weight, but I was eating large amounts daily and stuck at 12st 7 for ages!

    Never gave up my brandy & coke or chocolate!!! .. and occasionally have the odd pizza still! :happy:
  • kirstiey
    kirstiey Posts: 243
    I think that sugar's gone to your head......but joking aside, I totally agree!!!!
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Some of us don't like chocolate, Kit-Kat, cakes, cookies, pastries, or sweets in general; so not having them, doesn't mean that we are depriving ourselves of a treat.

    Counting macros and calories is not an obsession for some people, like me; it is a way of life. Please don't judge us and don't think that we are being obsessive. It is just the way we are.

    Have a great Sunday!:love:

    I'm not judging. I just think some people (not necessarily all) are too obsessive when they don't mean to be.

    But are you telling me that you are never compulsive, just choose to have something out of the blue?

    Of course I do!! If it fits within my calories and macros.......:devil:
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    Do what is right for you and don't worry about other people.

    Exactly. And if you nee to feel better about eating it by posting here - clearly your not as no regrets as you say. Do what works for you and that's all we ask.
  • azazelrabbit

    I'm not judging. I just think some people (not necessarily all) are too obsessive when they don't mean to be.

    But are you telling me that you are never compulsive, just choose to have something out of the blue?

    Of course I do!! If it fits within my calories and macros.......:devil:

    Hehe. No, I think that's fine. But some people never eat treats (whatever they may be) and I think they're depriving themselves unnecessarily. They never let themselves go over their calories, even though that can be good for them.
  • kvsmith59
    kvsmith59 Posts: 26 Member
    yeah, I don't get it either. I eat whatever I want. If I go over my goal calories, I just exercise until I get back down to goal.
  • sweetness48
    Thank you so so SO much for posting this! I have been down in the dumps this weekend because my eating has been anything but stellar, Damn you Cinnamon Swirl cake! hehe. I focus way too much on calories and whether or not I am "allowed" to eat that piece of pizza or that cupcake. I really do need to lighten up! There's no way I can go through life and never eat a candy bar or chips again so why am I depriving myself now? Thanks for giving me what I needed to read today :)
  • SLN11
    SLN11 Posts: 210
    :drinker: TOTALLY AGREE !! :drinker:

    As much as looking at daily intake etc its good to let your hair down do not become obsessed and forget the real reason your doing this, you will deprive yourself and go back to your old ways no doubt !

  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    I think it's the OP that needs to lighten the **** up, what a ghastly self opinionated rant.

    Nobody gets to tell me what to eat, whether they belong to the "only eat clean" brigade or the "go on have some chocolate it will do you good" brigade.
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
  • azazelrabbit
    To all the haters, this post is not directed at everyone.
    I understand that some of you are training for serious things, and that's totally cool with me. Eat all your macros and obsess over every calorie. Not my problem.

    But there are people on here looking to make a lifestyle change and they are taking it too seriously.
    You don't have to deprive yourself. Everything in moderation. You know those people who are your inspiration for losing weight? Yeah, they don't obsess.
    They eat healthily and allow themselves treats in moderation.
  • Jen2Bfit
    Jen2Bfit Posts: 125 Member
    Amen!!! I get so upset at my friends when they rant about how they cannot eat this or that. I have been doing very well on my weight loss journey and I refuse to take away some of lifes little pleasures. If I go to a party, I am having the cake. If I go out to eat somewhere I do not go to often, I am going to enjoy. I am not going to eat a salad when my heart wants alfredo. One day is not going to kill me. The reason I gained weight is because I ate that way everyday at one point and time. Today I make healthy choices, and yes, the little spinning calorie counter is always running in my head and I wish it would stop every so often, but I am not going to stop enjoying life due to trying to lose weight. I have made a lifestyle change, and my lifestyle sometimes wants the donut. :-)
  • Luna_Ivoree
    What's a Kit Kat Chunky? I've had green tea Kit Kat, but never heard of a chunky version...

    Although it's probably because, when I get to the candy aisle, I head straight for the coconut Twix and/or Butterfinger :bigsmile:

    There's such thing as coconut twix?! How have I never heard of this?!

    Also, Great post. To a point, if you're trying to lose weight to "look good" some people need to chill out. If someone's doing it because they are severely overweight and have health issues, they should be more strict. All in all, enjoy the one life you have, even if you are a little larger than you'd like.

    I'd rather spend my thoughts on the love of my life or my school work or something important!
  • lisaslim1976
    I think it's the OP that needs to lighten the **** up, what a ghastly self opinionated rant.

    Nobody gets to tell me what to eat, whether they belong to the "only eat clean" brigade or the "go on have some chocolate it will do you good" brigade.
    was waiting for one of those!
  • nikkifk
    nikkifk Posts: 48 Member
    I totally agree, in fact, I've just had a slice of chocolate tart to celebrate having a friend here this weekend.
  • Usbornegal
    Usbornegal Posts: 601 Member
    This is one of the many reasons I love using MFP. I can have anything I want in moderation, just need to figure it into my day. And if I have (or plan to have) something out of the ordinary, I just fit it into what I do or do an extra workout. In my 5 months on MFP I have only gone over calories 2 or 3 times. And I have had mini kit kats fit into it, mini reeses, birthday cake, ice cream, cookies, etc. Even fries and chips. But always in moderation and balance. I don't ever have to look at something I really want and deny myself,. just plan wisely.

    Always denying oneself, 'feeling the sacrifice', always saying never, these are the aspects of a temporary diet. Been there, done that, gained the weight back to prove that is not the way to go. Learning the balances, tradeoffs and alternatives are what make this a lifestyle change so my body will be under my control for the next 40 years.
  • Smudjie
    Smudjie Posts: 126 Member
    Absolutely. I love to have the odd chocolate bar, or piece of cake.

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