Lighten the **** up!



  • cmath81
    cmath81 Posts: 8 Member
    YES, exactly. Thanks for posting. That KitKat chunky will turn into 2 and then I say the hell with it and keep going. I understand some people can stop, but not me.
    Discipline and hard work are keys to losing weight. If losing weight were easy, we would not have the obesity problem we have in this country. Treats should be chosen very wisely.
  • Shelby814
    Shelby814 Posts: 273 Member
    It's all about choices. Everybody has them. What right be right for one or some, might not be right for others. You've gotta do what feels good to & for you. :)
  • Tasha_uk
    Tasha_uk Posts: 70
    Well said. I still eat my cookies and drink wine and i've lost weight.
  • invisibubble
    invisibubble Posts: 662 Member
    Holy crap. I can't believe there's people who take offense to this! :laugh:

    Seriously... what's so hard to figure out? If you're counting every calorie and are happy with your progress and love everything you're eating... that's great. You don't need to lighten up, except that you're taking something personally that isn't directed to you.

    If you're counting every calorie and stressing out over what one candy bar (or cake, pizza, pasta, breadstick, wine, etc.) might do to you... if it's preventing you from living a normal social life and/or you think your friends are trying to sabotage you by inviting you out for munchies or offering you some potato chips... then you need to get a grip.

    So VERY much this.
  • jenncaroon
    I'm trying to get to a point where I can eat just one treat and enjoy it. I've always had a hard time stopping at 1or 2 or 3 or 4... So staying away for now is the best for me, not that I haven't slipped up, which has been part of the learning for me. I don't feel deprived because I also love "good" foods I just have never binged on them. I'm just trying to learn to be in charge of the food instead of the food taking charge of me.
  • natalieg0307
    natalieg0307 Posts: 237 Member
    :heart: Applause!!! :heart:


    PS yesterday I had a butterfinger, DQ sundae, and some sherbet and only went over my daily calories by 15......and I had 3 pretty good meals. Life's too short to deprive yourself of anything.
  • stef827
    stef827 Posts: 215 Member
    I track my calories and follow my macros because it keeps me on goal, and it works. 21.5 lbs gone in 9 weeks with this simple plan and exercise.

    I am a complete and utter junk food addict, and at one point, it was all I was eating, it was an obsession. It was also an unhealthy coping mechanism for my depression. So I take the abstinence approach because I know for me, giving myself permission for one leads to giving myself permission for two, then three and so on, and it's a very dark road I have no desire to go down again.

    Further to that, eating junk food means eating a large portion of my calorie allowance, making it exceedingly difficult to ensure I hit my protein, fibre and calcium goals. So for me, counting calories and restricting junk IS important.

    Nicely said :) I agree
  • Barbara98
    Barbara98 Posts: 60 Member
    I use Fridays as my cheat day. I go dancing so it allows me to have a couple, three or four beers :happy: and we eat Krystal before going. I just work harder the next day and get right back to what i'm suppose to be doing.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Thanks for taking the time to write a nice post. However, I find that if I dont worry about it, I will find myself going down the road full of candy and steaks and stuff. I'm happy with my worrying about the bad day I had or that 1 kit kat chunky I ate because...worrying and fussing over it reminds me that its NOT ok to have days like this, even though in the big picture it wont matter and I know there are some slip ups, why would I try to encourage myself when I do it...?
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    Totally in agreement, this is supposed to be about developing a smart and flexible eating plan. Not a DIE-T cause they just don't work in the long run and just set you up for failure. Go over one day, who cares, takes 3500 calories to make a pound. So eat healthy and the occassional candy bar, ice cream sundae, dinner out, booze, and on and on, is not going to undo you. It will help you have a healthy lifestyle that allows for the occassional splurge. Geez.
  • I1ahunt
    I1ahunt Posts: 72
    I have said this a million billion times.....Listen to your body, it will tell you what you need to know.....we are all different, I adjust my workout plans and food consumption to allow me to not deprive myself of anything......deprivation is the fastest way to quitting.......mix it up a bit....stay healthy, but don't stop being who you are...if you have a weak willpower that won't let you slip without binging on everything that isn't tied down, then perhaps willpower classes or nutritional behavior counseling or something along those lines is what you really need.......if you can only function in a healthy manner by counting and weighing everything you eat, then by all means do so..........but stop telling everyone else they are "cheating" or "ripping themselves off" or "not really trying" smart, work out smart and enjoy life ...just my 2 intentions of hurting anyone's ego.
  • mom2mozart
    mom2mozart Posts: 307 Member
    i'm eating healthier than I ever did, fresh vegetables at most meals, fresh fruits, lean meats, low sodium... And, every day I
    allow myself a treat (or two)... Today, at lunch I had a sliver of chocolate chip cookie cake and am looking forward to a double
    chocolate biscotti tonight for my snack. But, the calories always fit into my daily goals. I like to eat my sugary snacks at night,
    before bed so I'm not getting the sugar spikes and starving an hour or two later... Also, knowing that I will want a treat, encourages me to eat healthier through the day as I want to keep that calorie allowance for later. After I eat my treat, I brush my teeth (so I'm not tempted to eat anymore) and get ready for bed - satisified that I had another sucessful day.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    I eat junk all the time, but it still fits. To alot of people it's about sticking to their goals, staying disciplined and consistent to reach their 3 month or 6 month goal or whatever. Alot of people have trouble plateau'ing in their weight loss, or they get frustrated while they can't lose weight.

    It's one thing to eat whatever you want as long as it fits in your macros and calorie intake (aka IIFYM), but it's another thing to tell people that they are "taking this calorie counting and macro thing way too seriously".

    For your information, it's this calorie counting and macro things that we "take so seriously" that works and works well if it's followed correctly.

    I agree with this. I have a treat occasionally, but I like eating protein, veggies, and fruit all the time. Its yummy!

    Taking things seriously helped me lose the weight and look the way I do. Works for me
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    I should post this on the wall of the person that told me to suck it up and get over my sugar cravings.

    You know who you are. Now I'm going back to eating my bowl of Skittles.
  • sars_68
    sars_68 Posts: 308 Member
    And to think for the past week i`ve been depriving myself of my saturday 14 pints of bitter and a giant mixed grill kebab along with garlic bread, cheese and mushrooms...And the kebab weighs in at a whopping 5 n a 1/2 pounds...

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • azazelrabbit
    Haters gonna hate.

    For every person who hated this thread, there is someone who needed to hear this.

    I don't care if you don't like what I say, some people do. This wan;t directed at everyone, just those people who need it.

    Everyone is different, there are people who need to keep their macros level, there are people who need to abstain lest they binge. But there are people who haven't yet realised that they don't have to be as stingy about their cals as they are. They can splash out if they want.

    I admire the people who have lots of weight lost in their tickers, but have still enjoyed their chosen treat (and no, I'm not just talking about sweets. That was my example. Whether your chosen treat is chocolate, chips, crisps, burgers, cheese, wine whatever. That's not the point. People who take me up on *this* point are just looking for a fight).

    Thankyou to the supporters.

    And to the haters... is it weird that I'm turned on by you...

    Haha x
  • mrsgoodwine
    mrsgoodwine Posts: 468 Member
    AMEN !!!
  • Filatina
    Filatina Posts: 85 Member
    You say it girl!!! Little treats are fine!!! Besides it can get very annoying to people if you are always saying you can't eat with them cuz you are dieting...just do what you can! Portion control is what matters and even if you are a stickler about calories, just work out to make them up!!! That is why I looove MFP!!! It's totally do-able for anyone!!!
  • azazelrabbit
    You say it girl!!! Little treats are fine!!! Besides it can get very annoying to people if you are always saying you can't eat with them cuz you are dieting...just do what you can! Portion control is what matters and even if you are a stickler about calories, just work out to make them up!!! That is why I looove MFP!!! It's totally do-able for anyone!!!

    Thanks! Yes, you can't deny yourself a social life - and often this social life involves treating yourself. An ice cream on the beach with your family, popcorn at the cinema with your friends.
    What does it matter? As long as you keep it in control.
  • dme1977
    dme1977 Posts: 537 Member
    totally agree..... I eat M&Ms ( 5 or 10 at a time)
    I ate cheesecake today... i(it was a cheesecake bite) 80 calories
    I had pizza last night (2 small slices)
    I drink diet sodas
    Im having a t bone steak tonight...
    Its not about depriving yourself its about MODERATION!!!!!

    I dont do all rabbit food and diet mumbo jumbo.... and Im STILL losing weight... about 1 pound a week, and im eating what i like, just serving sizes or less...

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