Carb Conscious Peeps - May 2009



  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    Can I join too?
    I'm staying under 80 carbs & 1200-1400 calories (plus some of my exercise calories) daily. It's working pretty well for me. I'm not paying much attention to fats. It doesn't seem to matter.
    I love this WOE.
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    I am aiming for 60 carbs a day

    May 2, 2009
    FOODS Calories Carbs Fat Protein Cholest Sodium Sugars Fiber
    Better'n Eggs - Egg Beaters, 1/2 cup 60 2g 0g 12g 0mg 240mg 0g 0g
    Avocados - Raw, 1 cup, cubes 240 13g 22g 3g 0mg 11mg 1g 10g
    Fresh Produce - Sliced Tomato, 2 slice 6 1g 0g 0g 0mg 2mg 1g 0g
    Pictsweet Steamers - Baby Sugar Snap Peas, 2/3 cup 40 7g 0g 2g 0mg 0mg 3g 2g
    Whole Foods - Organic Fresh Chicken Breasts - Boneless Skinless, 4 oz 120 0g 2g 26g 75mg 70mg 0g 0g
    Dole - Packaged Salads - Shredded Lettuce, 6 oz (85 g) 30 6g 0g 2g 0mg 20mg 4g 2g
    Generic - Fresh Whole Tomato, 0.5 tomato (cup) 18 4g 0g 1g 0mg 8mg 0g 1g
    Marie's - Chunky Blue Cheese Dressing, 2 tbsp 160 0g 17g 1g 0mg 170mg 0g 0g
    chicken and baby sugar snap peas, 1 meal 368 17g 19g 32g 75mg 268mg 7g 5g
    Kroger - Yogurt Fat Free Plain, 1 cup 120 17g 0g 12g 2mg 180mg 17g 0g
    TOTALS: 1,162 67g 60g 91g 152mg 969mg 33g 20g

    Do I take the 20 fiber off of my carbs or is it already included that. Marie

    To get your net carbs you subtract the 20 grams of fiber from the 60 grams of Carbs. You have a net of 40 grams of carbohydrate. Fiber is a carbohydrate that your body can't digest. It is important in your diet because it helps keep your colon clean and helps avoid the development of diverticulitis. It also helps slow the absorption of other carbs, much like fat does. It doesn't impact blood sugar. So if you eat a high fiber, low carb diet you should have the ability to reduce your medication - or you should see your blood sugars in much better control and as you lose weight be able to reduct your medication. Monitor your blood sugars carefully as you do this so you know how your body is reacting to this! You don't want any scary lows :frown:
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Can I join too?
    I'm staying under 80 carbs & 1200-1400 calories (plus some of my exercise calories) daily. It's working pretty well for me. I'm not paying much attention to fats. It doesn't seem to matter.
    I love this WOE.

    Hi Georg!! You bet you can join us!! :drinker: Good job on your weight loss so far - that ticker is moving pretty good from the last time I remember seeing it :love:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Look like I went way over on my fat. Will that be a problem? I sure did enjoy idt tho. The avacada was just too much.

    I want to thank you MTGirl helping me out so much. so nice of you to take time out to do this.
    :heart: :heart: Marie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Can I join too?
    I'm staying under 80 carbs & 1200-1400 calories (plus some of my exercise calories) daily. It's working pretty well for me. I'm not paying much attention to fats. It doesn't seem to matter.
    I love this WOE.
    My understanding this is open to everyone. Just hop right on in. The water is fine. And welcome.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Blue Cheese dressing...yum...:happy:

    It wasn't as good as I thought it would be. 2 T. is just not enought. I'm used to a heapin T.'s I measure this exactly.
    Oh well a little is better than none.

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    boy, go hiking for the day and spend an hour reading....:bigsmile: :laugh: great info.....

    caliecat you have to find what works for you. we are all so different. i was told that veggies were counted if over 3 cups, because they are healthy for you and stay with you. i was also taught that only subtract the fiber from a food if it was over 5 fiber. i count dairy (not cheese), veggies (over 3 cups), bread, was just 15 carb count. to look at the label and not eat anything that was over 15. thats what i had done to lose the 74#s. i didn't count calories at all. there should be a class that your insurance pays for about any of your local hospitals. they are so helpful.

    i am beginning this way again on wednesday. tuesday is my weigh in day and my DH & i have lunch out day. i have major home issues i am dealing with right now. DH lost his job last week (only bread winner) and we may be moving the first of june. so eating to lose isn't top of my list, but, i am keeping a tab on it. to maintain right now would be great.

    well, time to go and relax from a long hot day. hope everyone has a super night.

    later :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Oh Chipper so sorry to hear about your husband losing his job. their is just so much of that now days. One Of the guys on the Senior golden Sneakers Club lost his job a week ago. what a shock to him and all of us seniors feel so bad fo him. He is 57. Such a nice and devoted family guy. I'm sure something will show up.

    Was this unexpected? I will be saying my prayers for you and your husband. Such a wonerful thing you have accomplist with your weight lost and smoking. .

    I will go back and reread your post and see what I can pick up from you on this carb stuff. I have been to a couple of classes on diabectic but they don't tell you how to live with it. I just didn't get the right tools. Or maybe I just didn't pay any attention to what they were saying.

    You will never know how much I appreciate all of you girls.

    Do try to keep in touch thru this bad time.And don't go back to smoking and eating too much.

    Marie:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Look like I went way over on my fat. Will that be a problem? I sure did enjoy idt tho. The avacada was just too much.

    I want to thank you MTGirl helping me out so much. so nice of you to take time out to do this.
    :heart: :heart: Marie

    I wouldn't worry about the fat, especially not the fat in the avocado - it's really healthy for your heart and body. I personally find that if I try to focus on too much at one time, I totally lose it! You probably want to keep your fat to healthy fats as much as possible, but concentrate on the carbs mostly. I don't agree with only subtracting the fiber if it's more than 5, but whatever works for you is what works! I usually gage my total success by, at the end of the day subtracting my total fiber from my total carbs and seeing what that number is. Good job! :drinker:
  • cloverluv
    cloverluv Posts: 413 Member
    I think I'm lost or I just don't understand the whole counting fiber less carbs or I know I don't count anything right now. Calories especially.

    I'm really sorry to hear about your husband losing his job. The moving thing I can relate to. We just found out we have to move June 1st because our landlord has gone into forclosure. On the bright side, we want to go ahead and buy a house and my mom bf will rent his out to us until we find our perfect house.

    God bless you all!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I think I'm lost or I just don't understand the whole counting fiber less carbs or I know I don't count anything right now. Calories especially.

    I'm really sorry to hear about your husband losing his job. The moving thing I can relate to. We just found out we have to move June 1st because our landlord has gone into forclosure. On the bright side, we want to go ahead and buy a house and my mom bf will rent his out to us until we find our perfect house.

    God bless you all!!

    HI clovertuv, glad you found us. I am just learning all about this. Your baby is so cute. Look like he is trying. to say he is five year old.
    Your Mother is the same age as my kids. and I have grandkids about your age. And 4 great grankids just about grown. or think they are. Thanks for asking me to be your friend.
    Its about bedtime for this granny. See you all tomorrow. Marie
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Caliecat, you may want to get an effective carb counter. I have done Proten Power in the past and the carbs in your veggies only count if they are effective carbs. Fiber is also a carb, but is not digested, so those carbs don't count. So, for example, lately, I've been snacking on lentils. I just take some raw lentils and soak them in water until they are soft, then rinse. They taste kind of like raw peas, which I love. One ounce has 96 calories, and 16 carbs, BUT it also has 9 grams of fiber, so you only have 7 grams of effective carbs. They have 8 grams of protein, and really take the edge off my hunger.

    As a diabetic, you have to be very careful to make sure you drink a ton of water. AT LEAST a gallon a day. if you don't, you run the risk of damaging your kidneys. And, if you want to lose weight on a low carb diet, you really do need to watch the calories, too. The bottom line for weight loss is calorie deficit. You must eat less than you burn. So, avoiding fatty cuts of meat, if you have an omlette, have one egg and two whites or something. There are a lot of ways to control calories and carbs at the same time.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    mtgirl....yes, the 5 fiber thing is what i learned in class and educator. my sister who too is diabetic was taught to always subtract no matter what the amount. i just sorta gage it.
    caliecat...don't worry, it will all become clear one day. there is lots of info out there and it's just different peoples ways of doing the same basics. it just finding what works for you. yes, my DH is 55, and no he was fired, so not expected. he had some problems with some clients and his boss always took the clients side. thing is he is deaf and didn't hear the whole comversations and things were said. he has filled a claimplant about it. it's more of he said/he said....thanks for the prayers.

    well, need to get ready for church.

    later :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey I have a question, Do these fiber carbs that I don't count play a role with my Insulin. Yesterday I cut my insulin down in half and My readings stayed real good. . I test 6 times a day.. I

    :heart: I want to thank each and everyone who have been so patience with me. and taking the time to explains things to me. I am trying to take it all in. I like hearing how everybody is taking care of themself. Right now I think I will just coast along of counting all carbs till I get the hanged of it.

    :heart: Cathy---Hope everything turns out great for your husband. I am also hard of hearing and always felt like I am missing out on some things. I also wear a hearing aids in both ears all the time Your plan sound really simple to follow. I like the ideal of not having to watch everything I eat. Will check into more deeply . thank you. You are an amazing person on you weight loss and quit smoking too.81 lbs WOW

    :heart: Stillkriste---good morning to you. Are you a diaabetic or just on a low carb to lose weight? I have notice that since I have given up this fake sugar except for Stevia I have been craving more water. I just used it in my plain yogurt. Thats my treat. Congrats on the weight you have already lost. Would like to hear more on how you have lost those 51 lbs.

    :heart: MTGirl--- You have been such a great help to me. giving me all those tips on carbs. You have been so kind to me. Thank you. I think I will be looking at food in a whole new light now.

    Question again? What kind of carb goals do you all have? For my beginning I am going for 60 And if I take off 20 for fiber that leave me with 40. Is that too low. or what? I know everyday will not be perfect but I am going to be working real hard at it.

    thanks Caliecat
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    I find it easy to stay under 90 carbs/1200 calories. And that's without subtracting fiber. Controlling carbs is a perfect plan for me because I don't crave foods I shouldn't have after going without for a few days. It's amazing. If I have "just a little" it's all over for me! :devil: I turn into a human disposal!
    Another interesting thing is that after a few months I'm finding I've lost my appetite to a certain extent.
    I've read people here saying they eat to live & don't focus on the food as much. I think I may be making that transition. And that's a HUGE change for me.
    I'm not as interested in eating out. (Huge change!)
    I'd rather not mess up my diary with foods that don't fit.
    I'd rather skip than eat something I shouldn't.
    It's a brand new day for me.
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    Good afternoon.

    My carb goals on Atkins are starting out at 20 grams of carbs or 2 weeks and then adding in more carbs in 5 gram increments until I stop losing weight, then back on 5 grams to keep losing weight.

    All along adding in healthy carbs such as higher carb veggies, fruit, some whole grains (for me oats and barley - i have wheat intolerance).

    For me Atkins works because it is very structured with specific way to start adding back in the carbs. It works for me.

    South Beach and other plans are not structured enough and cause me to veer off the path.

    There are many different ways to go about doing low carb, the main thing is to do it in a healthy manner.
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    Low carbing if you are eating a lot of veggies, fruits, nuts, meat protein, eggs (i eat whole eggs) is a natural diuretic, lower sodium way of eating and an easy way to control calories without counting them.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi LL, I had 3 eggs this morning. Did I over do it cook in 1t of olive oil.. I knew that egg beaters had lots of sodium but so easy to used.
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Hello, Caliecat, you asked if I am a diabetic - no, I am not, but was definitely on that road. Hopefully now I can avoid it. I followed the Protein Power Plan some years ago, and other than now, that is the only significant weight loss I've experienced. I have modified the carb-protein-fat ratio on the food diary to more closely resemble a carb controlling program. The Protein Power Plan suggests in initial phases you consume around 30 to 40 g carbs a day - or about 10 g per meal with a few left over for snacks. They recommend your carb heavy meals be in the morning. They go by effective rather than actual carb counts. The amount of protein you consume depends on your lean body mass. The greater the lean body mass, the more protein you need to sustain it. So, the answer to your question about eggs this morning is relative. If you are a small woman, 3 eggs might be overboard. If you are larger, with more muscle, 3 eggs is no problem. When I make an omlette, I use one egg and one or two whites, because there are 17 calories in egg white, and about 75 calories in the yoke. And like I said before, if you are trying to lose weight, ya gotta watch calories in addition to carbs. I would recommend you get The Protein Power Lifeplan by Drs Michael and Mary Dan Eades from the library. They do a great job of explaining the science behind the plan, especially as it relates to diabetes.

    I have lost the weight by doing the following things:
    1. Keeping a religious food diary. If it goes in my mouth, it goes on the food diary here on MFP.
    2. Drinking water til I am floating in it. At least a gallon a day is my goal. Gotta flush your sytsem.
    3. Cutting out simple carbs, like sugar (so candy, soda, etc) potatos, rice, breads, chips, etc.
    4. I eat approximately every 2-3 hours. So, I don't eat three big meals, I eat 5 or even 6 smaller ones.
    5. I try to avoid processed foods, so most of what I eat is fresh and natural.
    6. I eat lean cuts of meat - with one exception. I will occasionally have bacon for breakfast. Two strips of bacon have 70 calories, compared to two sausage patties with 340.
    7. Exercise. I am still working on this one. My goal is at least 5 times a week. Because of my size, its very difficult to do cardio, and because of my size, if I get moving doing strength training, I AM doing cardio! :laugh: :blushing:

    Thats my plan. Its simple. I treat MFP like an addict treats AA meetings. I have to come here and check in every day and be accountable for what I have eaten and for my exercise.

    Good luck!

    I am thinking chipper should tell her story. She has lost a lot more weight than I have. :happy:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks Krist--- I shorten your name for my menory is not like it used to be and I can't spell either.. or see good and definite not a typist so bear with me.

    Love reading your story. I love MFP too I come here quite often during he course of the day. I like getting To know people.. Yes I would love to hear chipper story. She has done so good on her journey of weight lost.

    You seems to be well on your your dream figure. You are very wise in getting this weight off while you are still young for the older you get the hardy it is to lose.

    I am working on my exercise too. I have nerve damage to my legs and feet. And in lots of pain. I got me a 3 wheel trike the other day . been on it once. And had such pain in my ankle that I had to get off and walk back home. I am having circulatiomns problens and my heart Doc. is lookin into it now. to see if I need a bypass surg. . I have a walker with a seat that I walk around the block and can rest if the pain get too bad. Plus my back hurts a lot too. My little Jack Russell goes with me. And he loves it. His name is Sammy. A great walking buddie I order Sweating to the oldies by richard Simmons and should get it tomorrow. Don't expect to be good at it. But every bit of movement is great.

    Good luck on you journey.