Carb Conscious Peeps - May 2009



  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    My blood sugars are getting too low, time to start playing with my Met doses and upping my carbs just a hair.........

    That means I can add in some higher carb veggies and some slower glycemic fruits for myself.

    I woke up with my sugar being at 77 this morning. :noway: Just last week, my fasting BS was up around 160 or 170.............
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Morning/afternoon all!! Hope everyone is having a stellar day!

    I'm amazed that my blood sugars are actually lower than when I was taking the Metformin. Happiness :drinker:

    Good job! I really enjoyed "the Protein Power Lifeplan" they explain the science behind the carb controlled way of eating as a corrective diet for a variety of health problems as well as a way to lose weight.
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    I am having chinese for lunch today.

    I ordered beef and brocolli, no rice and extra brocolli.

    Drinking some unsweetened green tea today along with my daily water intake!!!

    Still pondering on what I want for supper tonight.
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    My blood sugars are getting too low, time to start playing with my Met doses and upping my carbs just a hair.........

    That means I can add in some higher carb veggies and some slower glycemic fruits for myself.

    I woke up with my sugar being at 77 this morning. :noway: Just last week, my fasting BS was up around 160 or 170.............

    Wow Lioness - 77?? I can't seem to get my fasting below 110 yet. But it will shortly, I'm thinking! I had my 2 eggs for breakfast - fried and a cup of coffee and my b.s. was 104 2 hours later. 2 weeks ago it was 124 2 hours after the same meal. :noway: My doc just wanted my post meal checks to be under 140 - I really like them under 120. Guess I'm pickier than my doc! :laugh:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Morning/afternoon all!! Hope everyone is having a stellar day!

    I'm amazed that my blood sugars are actually lower than when I was taking the Metformin. Happiness :drinker:

    Good job! I really enjoyed "the Protein Power Lifeplan" they explain the science behind the carb controlled way of eating as a corrective diet for a variety of health problems as well as a way to lose weight.

    Hi Stillkristi
    I just order all three ofheir books. the more I learn the better. Should be here next Monday I am so please with this Low carbs eating. andthe weight is just fallen off. My blood sugar is fine . I have only had one low since I started. Will let you know how I like the books.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi MTGirl, Sounds like you are doing great. Proud for you. I go in tomorrow for a stress test and May 13 I go into the hospital to check my blood circulations and put in a stinte hope that is spelled right
    if I need it, Be glad when it is all over with.

  • cloverluv
    cloverluv Posts: 413 Member
    Sounds like you're doing great MT! Callie...I'm jealous that you have weight just 'falling off.' I still haven't weighed in but I am going strong and I feel good. That is what this is all about right?!? Now I'm off to make a yummy salad for lunch.

    Have a great day everybody!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Crys---- so glad you are feeling so good. I so dearly love this thread. Thanks Lioness for getting it started. I not been up to parr today. I think I had to much of Richard Simmons DVD yesterday . Sort of sore today so taking a day off from exercise and let it heal.

    I think we started our diet about the same time. Don't know what i will do come Monday when I can sart adding Fruits and bread once again. However If I have a good 2 weeks lost I may just stick to a min, of carbs. But I am so hungry for a big old juicy strawberry. Just one would help.

    Have a good evening

  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    My blood sugars are getting too low, time to start playing with my Met doses and upping my carbs just a hair.........

    That means I can add in some higher carb veggies and some slower glycemic fruits for myself.

    I woke up with my sugar being at 77 this morning. :noway: Just last week, my fasting BS was up around 160 or 170.............

    Wow Lioness - 77?? I can't seem to get my fasting below 110 yet. But it will shortly, I'm thinking! I had my 2 eggs for breakfast - fried and a cup of coffee and my b.s. was 104 2 hours later. 2 weeks ago it was 124 2 hours after the same meal. :noway: My doc just wanted my post meal checks to be under 140 - I really like them under 120. Guess I'm pickier than my doc! :laugh:

    Wow, my Doc told me this.........

    Fasting Sugar Range should be: 90-110
    2 hours after meal Range should be: 111-126 (anything higher is too high)

    These are the most optimal of ranges that will get you off your meds............
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    Crys---- so glad you are feeling so good. I so dearly love this thread. Thanks Lioness for getting it started. I not been up to parr today. I think I had to much of Richard Simmons DVD yesterday . Sort of sore today so taking a day off from exercise and let it heal.

    I think we started our diet about the same time. Don't know what i will do come Monday when I can sart adding Fruits and bread once again. However If I have a good 2 weeks lost I may just stick to a min, of carbs. But I am so hungry for a big old juicy strawberry. Just one would help.

    Have a good evening


    CalieCat - If you are satisfied with the way you have been eating and just want to add in berries, such as big juicy strawberries, then go for it!!!

    Strawberries are very low in carbs, high in vitamin C and fiber!!! Vry good for you.
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    Morning/afternoon all!! Hope everyone is having a stellar day!

    I'm amazed that my blood sugars are actually lower than when I was taking the Metformin. Happiness :drinker:

    Good job! I really enjoyed "the Protein Power Lifeplan" they explain the science behind the carb controlled way of eating as a corrective diet for a variety of health problems as well as a way to lose weight.

    Protein Power Lifeplan is very similar to the book Atkins for Life.............

    I have both books, both are very great reads as they go in depth into the science and how low carb actually works.............

    On another site I belong to, someone posted a You - Tube video sequence, it is 5 parts that goes deep into the science of The Atkins Diet, but could be applied to any other low carb plan.

    If anyone is interested in listening to these video clips, let me know and I will post the links to all 5 parts............It was really fascinating to listen to.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    My doctor wnats me to keep it at 140 before meals. I hink when you are on insulin they want it higer so you want have a low. But I am having a hard time keeping it steady. But I test 6 times a day to keep a close tab on it. What is the best thing to eat when you have a low reading? I have been grabbing a yogurt and that's work out fine. I think I will try 1/2 of orange next time.

  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    My doctor wnats me to keep it at 140 before meals. I hink when you are on insulin they want it higer so you want have a low. But I am having a hard time keeping it steady. But I test 6 times a day to keep a close tab on it. What is the best thing to eat when you have a low reading? I have been grabbing a yogurt and that's work out fine. I think I will try 1/2 of orange next time.


    I opt for something like a couple slices of an orange or drink a small bit of orange juice........then have some protein. Should level out pretty quick.

    If you are having a hard time keeping your BS steady, then time to see the doc to start reducing the amount or type of insulin you are using.........

    That means the eating plan is working!!! Wouldn't it be fabulous if you could get off your meds completely!!!

    Diet and exercise would be your meds?? :drinker: :drinker:
  • cloverluv
    cloverluv Posts: 413 Member
    Just curious LL mostly since you've made Atkins a part of your everyday you have your cravings under complete control? What do you do if you get them?

    My problem is that one day I just feel hungry ALL DAY long and the next I can barely eat. I personally don't think this is 'normal.'

  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    Just curious LL mostly since you've made Atkins a part of your everyday you have your cravings under complete control? What do you do if you get them?

    My problem is that one day I just feel hungry ALL DAY long and the next I can barely eat. I personally don't think this is 'normal.'


    For the most part I have my cravings under control. For that time of the month, I get some cravings, and I battle the sweet cravings with salty stuff........

    Like Pickles!!! Low calorie, low carb and take away the sweet tooth.......

    I posted a healthy pumpkin pudding recipe in our recipe forum so that might help you out too........
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Hey all! How's it goin?? We went to the YMCA for our orientation tonight. Got to test out most of the stationary weights. Pretty cool! I'm excited. Have my water aerobics early in the a.m. - so I'll see you all on the flip side :heart:

    BTW - good news, my blood sugar after lunch was 98!! And I stopped taking meds Sunday. Pretty happy - If I keep up my low carb eating and working out consistantly - I should be :smokin: by the time I see my doc again late June. :drinker:
  • cloverluv
    cloverluv Posts: 413 Member
    Hey all! How's it goin?? We went to the YMCA for our orientation tonight. Got to test out most of the stationary weights. Pretty cool! I'm excited. Have my water aerobics early in the a.m. - so I'll see you all on the flip side :heart:

    BTW - good news, my blood sugar after lunch was 98!! And I stopped taking meds Sunday. Pretty happy - If I keep up my low carb eating and working out consistantly - I should be :smokin: by the time I see my doc again late June. :drinker:

    That's great! Congrats and keep it up!! We are all here for you :drinker:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    was doing great until the afternoon blahs came and grabed me. so today new start.
    had a good breakfast already, doing a treadmill walk today. lower back real sore for some reason. just started yesterday afternoon. going to baby that for awhile.
    off to surf some more.
    check back later. :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    High all,
    Lionewss---I am ansious to try that pumpkin recipe.

    Hi chipper, you will get back into it, You have lost too much to backslike.

    MTGirl--- Oh what great news off of medication. Good for you. YMCA sounds grea

    Crys--Hi my friend. you are doing great

    Good morning to all that follow. Have a very plesant day.

    I am off to get my stress test done. And hopefully fine out more what my doc. plan on doing next week.

    Yours, Caliecat
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Mornin' all!! Kind of busy here at work. I've popped in a couple of times, but didn't make it this far yet! Water aerobics at the Y was great - my arms are gonna be hurtin later. :happy: Have a busy day - dd (the one who think's I'm worse than the devil :laugh: ) has a band concert tonight so gonna be another day on the run. We've had somewhere to be every single evening this week - and Sat is the Montana Women's Run. My daughter, my mom, and I will walk/jog the 2 mile course. Very excited, but also ready for a rest!! All this rush, rush, rush. Getting tired :yawn: Hopefully we will find something fun and relaxing to do this weekend. Hope everyone has a great day - I'll pop back in when I can. :heart: