Modest Women?

PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
Any other intentionally modest women on here?

I gave up wearing pants a few years ago. I wear them only when I go to the gym, or physio.

My skirts are knee length over leggings, but most of my preferred skirts are calf to floor length.

I do not wear " tight " clothing.

I do not wear clothing that shows cleavage.

I do not wear sleeveless shirts, tank tops, or anything that bares my midriff.

Anyone else like this? It's not for religious reasons.. I just don't like showing off my body.


  • KJVBear33
    KJVBear33 Posts: 628
    Any other intentionally modest women on here?

    I gave up wearing pants a few years ago. I wear them only when I go to the gym, or physio.

    My skirts are knee length over leggings, but most of my preferred skirts are calf to floor length.

    I do not wear " tight " clothing.

    I do not wear clothing that shows cleavage.

    I do not wear sleeveless shirts, tank tops, or anything that bares my midriff.

    Anyone else like this? It's not for religious reasons.. I just don't like showing off my body.

    Some people are like this..........I am not modest, but I am not going to show off my body either. I wear pants all the time. Now if I was skinny mini, yes.......I'd probably wear stuff that showed off some of it........I go by "if you've got it, flaunt it"
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    Please don't be offended by this (because I'm really not trying to be rude) but are you uncomfortable showing your body because of insecurity, or because you just feel that it's your body and only you and your partner should be seeing it? I'm honestly just curious, since you mentioned that it's not for religious reasons.

    I'm kinda the opposite. Once I stopped hating my body and started embracing every curve and imperfection, I'm quite proud to show it off (even though it's not rock solid or anything).
  • Farfourah
    Farfourah Posts: 899 Member
    I was taught to be modest in the way I didn't work. ;(
  • maxmariesfo
    maxmariesfo Posts: 173 Member
    I'm a very modest dresser. I do wear pants but they are always loose.

    I've just never been fond of tight or revealing clothing. I love the wrap-around skirts from Tznius.

    To respond to Meredith - I'm not a modest dresser because I'm insecure about my body. I'm quite confident. There once was a time when I was weight training and was rock solid. I could put my roommate's 18inch choker (he was a Chippendale's Dancer) around my waist. Even then my average outfit was jeans, hiking boots and a long sleeve tee.

    It's me. I am not a thing to be oogled or envied.

    I don't need a fancy car to define me either. I'm happy on my scooter. I don't care who might think I'm a dork.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I was taught to be modest in the way I didn't work. ;(

    Hahaha same here. Tip: if you want your daughter to be modest and demure, DON'T send her to Catholic school for the majority of her life. It has the opposite effect you'd think it would.
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    I'm not sure, honestly!

    I had no problem flaunting myself when I was younger and in hot shape.

    However, as a mum of 3, I no longer desire men staring at my body. The idea of wearing pants so tight that the contours between my thighs are visible just plain old weirds me out. Same thing with cleavage. ( Mind you, I'm barely a b cup, so it's really not hard to avoid showing cleavage ).

    I'd love to wear ATTRACTIVE clothes, but not ATTRACTING clothes, if that makes sense.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I'm fairly modest in my dress. Never show cleavage, never wear a skirt that's above the knees and never wear shorts. EVER. My toes have never been viewed by someone who wasn't a member of my household even! Haha.

    I do wear pants, but not pants that are too tight.
    And I do wear short sleeves but not shirts with sleeves that are any shorter then mid upper arm.

    My reasons for dressing as I do have a lot to do with it's my skin and nobody has any right to be looking at it if I don't want them looking at it! Haha. No, really, I just feel more comfortable and confident when I'm covered up.

    I hate it when people look at my chest and not my eyes, hate it when people look at my body instead of speaking to ME and so I subtly cover bits and pieces that may be distracting. :blushing:

    Anyway, my sister dresses JUST LIKE YOU! Haha. She even covers her head at all times but her reasons are religious.

    Good for you for choosing what you like and ignoring societal pressures.
  • Farfourah
    Farfourah Posts: 899 Member
    I was taught to be modest in the way I didn't work. ;(

    Hahaha same here. Tip: if you want your daughter to be modest and demure, DON'T send her to Catholic school for the majority of her life. It has the opposite effect you'd think it would.

    LOL. This is too true, you were a naughty Catholic schoolgirl? I almost was, till my parents decided to home school me instead of letting me complete my last two years of of school. =P
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I'm curious - why are pants not modest?? Last I checked, they cover everything... unless I'm doing it wrong... which is entirely possible.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I'm a very modest dresser. I do wear pants but they are always loose.

    I've just never been fond of tight or revealing clothing. I love the wrap-around skirts from Tznius.

    To respond to Meredith - I'm not a modest dresser because I'm insecure about my body. I'm quite confident. There once was a time when I was weight training and was rock solid. I could put my roommate's 18inch choker (he was a Chippendale's Dancer) around my waist. Even then my average outfit was jeans, hiking boots and a long sleeve tee.

    It's me. I am not a thing to be oogled or envied.

    I don't need a fancy car to define me either. I'm happy on my scooter. I don't care who might think I'm a dork.

    I wasn't suggesting that people only dress that way because they are insecure, I was just curious about her choice, that's all. Whatever makes a person feel their best is exactly how they should dress, regardless of if it's totally covered up or in underwear all the time. No judgement here, just curiosity!
  • maxmariesfo
    maxmariesfo Posts: 173 Member
    A friend of mine and I used to go every weekend to a pub in the city. She was quite the hoochie. She'd wear skirts I'd consider a BELT with high heels. She stopped asking me to go with her because I got more attention that she did - in my jeans, hiking boots and tees.

    PS: Before you give me grief for wearing hiking boots to a pub - consider my friend would regularly get too drunk to walk and I'd have to carry her piggy back - in San Francisco - up hills - to the car.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I was taught to be modest in the way I didn't work. ;(

    Hahaha same here. Tip: if you want your daughter to be modest and demure, DON'T send her to Catholic school for the majority of her life. It has the opposite effect you'd think it would.

    LOL. This is too true, you were a naughty Catholic schoolgirl? I almost was, till my parents decided to home school me instead of letting me complete my last two years of of school. =P

    Oh God yes. I went to Catholic school from Kindergarten through the 8th grade, public high school, then Catholic University. The stories I could tell about going to a Catholic University would make a stripper blush.
  • MyFeistyEvolution
    MyFeistyEvolution Posts: 1,015 Member
    Please don't be offended by this (because I'm really not trying to be rude) but are you uncomfortable showing your body because of insecurity, or because you just feel that it's your body and only you and your partner should be seeing it? I'm honestly just curious, since you mentioned that it's not for religious reasons.

    I had the same thought out of sheer curiousity...I find this interesting.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I'm also curious - is my t-shirt modest? I mean, it is loose and reveals nothing but elbow...

    I'm gonna go with absofreakinglutely!
  • Hottness4Lyfe
    Hottness4Lyfe Posts: 321 Member
    This is great for married Christian ladies. But for the single pals pole dancing and bikini pics are preferred.

    This is why I'm his pal...... I normally wear jeans and a work shirt with a ball cap to work. I look like a boy.... So when I'm off I like to so a lil clevage....I want folks to look.....the problem comes in if they try to touch.

    But you have to wear what makes you feel comfortable. As women we have that choice. What makes you feel sexy and beautiful may not work for the next person...
  • maxmariesfo
    maxmariesfo Posts: 173 Member
    I'm curious - why are pants not modest?? Last I checked, they cover everything... unless I'm doing it wrong... which is entirely possible.

    Skinny leg jeans don't really leave much to the imagination.
  • jnance82
    jnance82 Posts: 149
    I was taught to be modest in the way I didn't work. ;(

    Hahaha same here. Tip: if you want your daughter to be modest and demure, DON'T send her to Catholic school for the majority of her life. It has the opposite effect you'd think it would.

    Yup! went to Catholic school for 12 years! :laugh:

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  • maxmariesfo
    maxmariesfo Posts: 173 Member
    But you have to wear what makes you feel comfortable. As women we have that choice. What makes you feel sexy and beautiful may not work for the next person...

    Amen Sister!!!
  • Camsdette
    Camsdette Posts: 32 Member
    I'm curious - why are pants not modest?? Last I checked, they cover everything... unless I'm doing it wrong... which is entirely possible.

    Pants are not necessarily immodest, but if they're skin tight they could be. I was told once that if someone can tell what kind of coin is in your back pocket, your pants are immodest. :-)
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I'm modest at work... as I should be. But I like attention, and I'm a bit flirtatious, so in my personal life, it is game-on. But I do try to keep it tasteful. I find the more I lose the less modest I become.