Modest Women?



  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,339 Member
    I am the complete opposite. I don't show my tummy, because it looks like I got mauled by a tiger, but anything else, I'm all about it. I love showing off my body with tight clothes, I love my body
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    I'd say I generally dress modestly. I'm extremely self critical/self conscious and also I don't like people staring at me, especially my boobs. I've had bigger boobs most of my life (thankfully they are smaller now than they have been since junior high) and I don't like that kind of attention.

    That said, I do wear jeans (but not skinny jeans and not super tight) and tank tops (wide straps and higher cut) and skirts occasionally (not super short but above the knee is fine). Fairly fitted but not skin tight clothes. I don't show much, if any cleavage. I have a huge muffin top/spare tireS so I try my best to not accentuate that feature. But I don't like super loose or baggy clothes either b/c they are annoying to me. I wear what's comfortable for me.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,832 Member
    I think everyone should just run around naked all the time.. alot of problems would be solved that way...

    I 100% approve this comment. And shall start doing this once I get home tonight.
  • LifeOnMars_
    LifeOnMars_ Posts: 720 Member
    I think everyone should just run around naked all the time.. alot of problems would be solved that way...

    I 100% approve this comment. And shall start doing this once I get home tonight.

    *peeks in your window*
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    I think everyone should just run around naked all the time.. alot of problems would be solved that way...

    You must live in a warm climate. :laugh:
  • BeautifulRedButterfly
    BeautifulRedButterfly Posts: 316 Member
    show me the bewbies!!!!!!!
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,832 Member
    I think everyone should just run around naked all the time.. alot of problems would be solved that way...

    I 100% approve this comment. And shall start doing this once I get home tonight.

    *peeks in your window*

    Psh, no need to peek! Come on in.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    I don't do cleavage or really short skirts in public. It's just too obvious, in my opinion. I know it can be done without being OVERdone, but it's just not my thing. At home, I'm usually wearing a sports bra and shorts or yoga capris, so it's not that I'm uncomfortable with my body. I just don't like showing that much skin in public.

    Tight jeans ... I think I only have one pair of jeans that wouldn't be described as "tight." It's not that I actively seek out tight jeans; it's just that jeans that fit well are really hard to find, and my go-to brands happen to be more form-fitting in the hip and thigh area.

    Most of my tops are fitted because I am short and small-framed, and I just think loose and relaxed-fit tops tend to overwhelm me and make me look dumpy.

    I have been very, very careful not to become "that girl" who thinks she's a lot hotter than she actually is and wears things that are better left in the closet (or thrown in the trash), but I spent years hiding under my clothes, and I have worked incredibly hard to be in a position where I don't have to do that anymore. As stated above, I do have a line of appropriateness when it comes to how much skin is too much, but I see nothing wrong with showing off the shape of my body.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    I think it's awesome you dress modestly.

    I'm modest up top. I recently bought a dress and my boobs were out and about and the more I tried it on, the more I had hesitations about it. I ended up taking it back.

    I'm all for short skirts and dresses!! :bigsmile:
  • AlayshaJ
    AlayshaJ Posts: 703 Member
    Not at all. I'm the kind of person who find it irritating that I have to put on clothes. I would rather walk around in my underwear, for comfort, not just to show off my bod.

    Haha, Bod...

    But really, clothes are so damn uncomfortable...
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,832 Member
    Not at all. I'm the kind of person who find it irritating that I have to put on clothes. I would rather walk around in my underwear, for comfort, not just to show off my bod.

    Haha, Bod...

    But really, clothes are so damn uncomfortable...

    Clothes are uncomfortable, you're never the right temperature, I mean even now, I'm in a light long sleeve top and boiling! And pants - even if they fit perfectly, they still need to be constantly readjusted.
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    I don't take modesty to the extreme that you do. I generally go by the rule of thumb: "If I wouldn't want my SO's head to turn at some other woman because she was wearing something like this, I probably shouldn't be wearing it in public either." My reasons for modesty do have more to do with biblical convictions rather than insecurity, or mere prudishness, or any other reason. Men are easily turned on by what they see, and I wouldn't want to be responsible for causing someone to lust after me instead of their wife because, according to God's Word, for a man to even have a lustful thought about any woman other than his wife is considered adultery. Look at the story of David and Bathsheba. Their affair started with a single lustful thought in David's mind. That's just my belief/opinion on the matter. You asked, so I answered. I don't expect anyone else to agree with me or even understand my point of view. This isn't meant to stir the pot in any way.

    As a Christian woman, I have this same mindset. Most women, being wired differently, often don't understand the way the male mind thinks. I have heard and read many pleas from Christian men to their Christian sisters concerning dress. They would rather not look at or think about other women's curves other than their wives, but their eyes are naturally drawn to feminine curves. It's bad enough having to battle against temptation in our sex-saturated society, but they shouldn't have to battle against temptation from their sisters as well! We should be on their side helping them! I respect these guys greatly, and I don't want to do anything to cause them to stumble!
    For all the other guys out there who want to ogle and get whatever peek they can, I'd rather not give them that satisfaction. As I've said before on a thread, the only guy who deserves the pleasure of looking at my unclothed body is the guy who fathered my children, rubs my back at night, and gets up early to fix breakfast so I can sleep in. I dress more revealing when it's just him and me. But before we go out in public, I ask him to check my dress.

    I'll bet those of us who label ourselves as modest probably have a wide variation of guidelines we go by. I like stylish, flattering clothes, but I try to dress slightly more conservatively than the women around me. But a big part of it is mindset. If I want to call attention to myself in a sexual way, I can do that no matter what I am wearing. If I don't want that kind of attention, that will show as well.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    I live in unisex or men's tee shirts and jeans. I've dressed like this since middle school. Part of it was when I was a kid my dad dressed me like a doll, I always had to wear dresses and have my hair down (until he had it cut off when I was 9 because "I was too young to take care of it" ) and I grew to hate the feeling of pantyhose, stockings that were like pantyhose, slips, and the general vulnerability of a dress especially one time I was going down a slide at school and my skirt blew up over my head.

    I've never been comfortable in shirts with tiny sleeves that don't go past your shoulder, tanks or strapless shirts. Heck I didn't even like the amount of skin a one-piece bathing suit shows. I do have V neck tops for nicer occasions but I don't do the cleavage thing. Generally I'm just not very girly. Only within the last 3 years have I begun to wear makeup outside of formal events and worry about my nails and hair. Well until it was taking me an hour to style my hair each day (and it was only chin length) and I shaved my head to not have to deal with it.

    I do own a pin-up style dress I bought and wore only once, to my 21st birthday party, but I had to wear a shrug because it was strapless and leggings because the skirt stopped mid-thigh. I still was uncomfortable in it. It's not to say I'm not stylish with what I do wear, but I can't get into the form-fitting, low-cut low-rise stuff. Not my scene.

    Thankfully my boyfriend loves me for it. He lives in Florida so he sees a lot of women in next to nothing and he says it doesn't do anything for him.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,832 Member
    I don't take modesty to the extreme that you do. I generally go by the rule of thumb: "If I wouldn't want my SO's head to turn at some other woman because she was wearing something like this, I probably shouldn't be wearing it in public either." My reasons for modesty do have more to do with biblical convictions rather than insecurity, or mere prudishness, or any other reason. Men are easily turned on by what they see, and I wouldn't want to be responsible for causing someone to lust after me instead of their wife because, according to God's Word, for a man to even have a lustful thought about any woman other than his wife is considered adultery. Look at the story of David and Bathsheba. Their affair started with a single lustful thought in David's mind. That's just my belief/opinion on the matter. You asked, so I answered. I don't expect anyone else to agree with me or even understand my point of view. This isn't meant to stir the pot in any way.

    As a Christian woman, I have this same mindset. Most women, being wired differently, often don't understand the way the male mind thinks. I have heard and read many pleas from Christian men to their Christian sisters concerning dress. They would rather not look at or think about other women's curves other than their wives, but their eyes are naturally drawn to feminine curves. It's bad enough having to battle against temptation in our sex-saturated society, but they shouldn't have to battle against temptation from their sisters as well! We should be on their side helping them! I respect these guys greatly, and I don't want to do anything to cause them to stumble!
    For all the other guys out there who want to ogle and get whatever peek they can, I'd rather not give them that satisfaction. As I've said before on a thread, the only guy who deserves the pleasure of looking at my unclothed body is the guy who fathered my children, rubs my back at night, and gets up early to fix breakfast so I can sleep in. I dress more revealing when it's just him and me. But before we go out in public, I ask him to check my dress.

    I'll bet those of us who label ourselves as modest probably have a wide variation of guidelines we go by. I like stylish, flattering clothes, but I try to dress slightly more conservatively than the women around me. But a big part of it is mindset. If I want to call attention to myself in a sexual way, I can do that no matter what I am wearing. If I don't want that kind of attention, that will show as well.

    I'm sorry but that is so darn pathetic. Not you, but what you said. Because women are dressing a certain way, it's going to make men stray? And they just can't help it? If me showing off some cleavage here and there is going to make a man "stumble" then I say, "Tell these 'men' to grow a pair of balls and learn self control."
  • maxmariesfo
    maxmariesfo Posts: 173 Member
    While my interpretation of modest is significantly different from the OP, I would completely say I dress modestly. However, I LOVE fashion. While you'll not see any T & A (pants fit well, skirts are appropriate length, no crazy cleavage, ect) , I always try to look as good as possible. No offense meant, but the op's style would not fit in my particular work environment.

    Indeed! Modest does not mean frumpy!! There's another thread about "age appropriate." At 47, I find many women my age dress like OLD LADIES. No thank you.
  • Begood03
    Begood03 Posts: 1,259 Member
    I think everyone should just run around naked all the time.. alot of problems would be solved that way...
    I concur completely!
  • pixlamarque
    pixlamarque Posts: 312 Member
    I don't take modesty to the extreme that you do. I generally go by the rule of thumb: "If I wouldn't want my SO's head to turn at some other woman because she was wearing something like this, I probably shouldn't be wearing it in public either." My reasons for modesty do have more to do with biblical convictions rather than insecurity, or mere prudishness, or any other reason. Men are easily turned on by what they see, and I wouldn't want to be responsible for causing someone to lust after me instead of their wife because, according to God's Word, for a man to even have a lustful thought about any woman other than his wife is considered adultery. Look at the story of David and Bathsheba. Their affair started with a single lustful thought in David's mind. That's just my belief/opinion on the matter. You asked, so I answered. I don't expect anyone else to agree with me or even understand my point of view. This isn't meant to stir the pot in any way.

    As a Christian woman, I have this same mindset. Most women, being wired differently, often don't understand the way the male mind thinks. I have heard and read many pleas from Christian men to their Christian sisters concerning dress. They would rather not look at or think about other women's curves other than their wives, but their eyes are naturally drawn to feminine curves. It's bad enough having to battle against temptation in our sex-saturated society, but they shouldn't have to battle against temptation from their sisters as well! We should be on their side helping them! I respect these guys greatly, and I don't want to do anything to cause them to stumble!
    For all the other guys out there who want to ogle and get whatever peek they can, I'd rather not give them that satisfaction. As I've said before on a thread, the only guy who deserves the pleasure of looking at my unclothed body is the guy who fathered my children, rubs my back at night, and gets up early to fix breakfast so I can sleep in. I dress more revealing when it's just him and me. But before we go out in public, I ask him to check my dress.

    I'll bet those of us who label ourselves as modest probably have a wide variation of guidelines we go by. I like stylish, flattering clothes, but I try to dress slightly more conservatively than the women around me. But a big part of it is mindset. If I want to call attention to myself in a sexual way, I can do that no matter what I am wearing. If I don't want that kind of attention, that will show as well.

    I'm sorry but that is so darn pathetic. Not you, but what you said. Because women are dressing a certain way, it's going to make men stray? And they just can't help it? If me showing off some cleavage here and there is going to make a man "stumble" then I say, "Tell these 'men' to grow a pair of balls and learn self control."

    Can I get an amen?
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    Are you modest, or just have body image issues that led to anorexia in the past?
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    Very interesting.

    I find it particularly interesting that so many people feel women who dress modestly must be uncomfortable in their body.

    EVEN IF I WAS FIT AND TONED - I probably wouldn't wear pants, short skirts, tank tops, or extremely tight clothing.

    I want to look attractive but not attracting. I'm done being a sex object for anyone but my husband. ( And i was... oohhh how I was... ) I still dress differently for my husband than I do while I am out by myself - fitted clothes, shorter skirts, etc etc. Honestly, he'd prefer i dressed like a prostitute, right up until someone else oggled me and THAT made me uncomfortable.
  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    I have ZERO modesty. I don't dress provocatively, but I absolutely don't care who sees what on me.. I've been to a nude beach, I'm a nurse, I used to deliver babies, I've seen the human body in every shape, form and adornment. It's all just skin to me, and it never phases me to show mine.