I hate it when really SKINNY girls complain being fat!!



  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    What really annoys me is when i get called skinny and the next thing that follows is "why do you want to lose weight". Ugh if I had a pound for every time i heard that (of money that is!). As a person earlier on said, just because some of us are not obese, or even nearly, does not mean we don't have the same right to improve ourselves.

    How do you know that the person you just called "skinny", isn't actually at the end of a LONG battle with weight themselves?? You should look to them for inspiration not condemn them.

    This was well put.

    I've told my husband I need to work on me. He rolls his eyes, but he knows I'm getting my body ready to compete again, so am not looking for compliments, but sincerely concerned about getting rid of body fat that cannot be seen with clothes on, but is definitely there in say a competition suit.
  • RyanDanielle5101
    I'm not very overweight. I never complain that I'm fat around bigger women. It is rude.

    Why would it be rude for ME to complain about how I feel about MYSELF around a bigger person??? Why does how I feel about ME have anything to do with anyone else????
  • Fubar_Bill
    Fubar_Bill Posts: 120 Member
    A little sensitivity would be nice.

    I am really trying to lose weight, but I don't call myself fat in front of friends of mine who are bigger than me.

    Now, if the skinny girl wasn't saying it to you, then it is none of your business.

    If, however, she is telling you directly that she is fat, then she needs to grow up and show a little more sensitivity.
  • Connie1979
    Connie1979 Posts: 77 Member
    I hate it when my smaller associates complain about how fat they look when they are 5 times smaller than me, then they in the same breath try to convince me how great I look....thats why I consider them associates.
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    As much as everyone can have their own opinion about their own body, I think we throw around words like "fat" and "skinny" a little too much. It becomes a stigma.

    Why not avoid those words altogether and say things like "I'm not comfortable in my own skin right now. I'd like to lose 5 pounds." Then we're not implying anything about anyone other than ourselves.

    I'm obese but I'm working on it. When people find out I'm now eating healthy and losing weight, they usually ask what my goal weight is. I always say that I want to lose enough that I'm as happy with my outside as I am with who I am inside. I don't attach a number because my goals are more about what I want to be able to do that I can't do because of my weight.

    My two cents worth...
  • mnishi
    mnishi Posts: 422 Member
    I have a skinny friend (5'2" 115 lbs.) I am 5'3" 158. When she says "I'm fat", what I hear is "I'm fat and so that makes you absolutely grotesque." She absolutely has the right to complain feel the way she does about her body, it's my issue, I know, but it still hurts.

    "Skinny" girls - if you complain about how fat you are to someone significantly bigger, there is a very good chance that they'll take that personally.
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    i think some of us need to go eat a cheeseburger! :drinker:
    blood sugar is a little low!
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    A little sensitivity would be nice.

    I am really trying to lose weight, but I don't call myself fat in front of friends of mine who are bigger than me.

    Now, if the skinny girl wasn't saying it to you, then it is none of your business.

    If, however, she is telling you directly that she is fat, then she needs to grow up and show a little more sensitivity.

    Maybe skinny people should just lock themselves in a closet & hide themselves away as not to make you feel like a whale, maybe that's the most sensitive thing they could do, right?
    If someone thinner than you makes you feel bad about yourself then DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    A little sensitivity would be nice.

    I am really trying to lose weight, but I don't call myself fat in front of friends of mine who are bigger than me.

    Now, if the skinny girl wasn't saying it to you, then it is none of your business.

    If, however, she is telling you directly that she is fat, then she needs to grow up and show a little more sensitivity.

    I'm sorry, but I think you're totally off. If she's complaining that she's fat, then maybe you should show some sensitivity and give her the tools (same as someone did you) to help her get healthy.
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    Why not be a supportive friend rather than complain. Maybe she has body dysmorphia, or other mental issues with her physical appearance.

    Amen, dude, AMEN.
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    I actually agree with OP, but for different reasons. The fact that people who already are in good shape feel this way is just a shame. Of course nobody should feel horrible about themself, but its such a warped perception for some of the people that are in shape.
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    i think some of us need to go eat a cheeseburger! :drinker:
    blood sugar is a little low!

    I just ate two double cheese burgers! I'm gonna go complain to my skinny friends about how insecure they make me feel.

    -- true story, I just had those for my tea :P
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,468 Member
    Everyone has their own body image issues. Just because someone is bigger than someone else doesn't mean their body issues are more important.
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    i think some of us need to go eat a cheeseburger! :drinker:
    blood sugar is a little low!

    I just ate two double cheese burgers! I'm gonna go complain to my skinny friends about how insecure they make me feel.

    -- true story, I just had those for my tea :P

    i love you!
  • cardiokitten
    cardiokitten Posts: 401 Member
    I hate it when girls who are heavier than other girls automatically assume they're crazy for wanting to loose weight or better their appearance. JUST SAYIN'
  • CBranson0503
    one last thing. I live my life by a few simple rules. One of those, is life is too short to be offended. People's comments will only make you feel certain way about yourself if you let them. Especially when those comments have nothing to do with you.
    If you can't pull yourself out of feeling crappy over her comments, then cut ties and move on. There's no sense in trying to make a relationship work with someone you can't stand being around.
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    i think some of us need to go eat a cheeseburger! :drinker:
    blood sugar is a little low!

    I just ate two double cheese burgers! I'm gonna go complain to my skinny friends about how insecure they make me feel.

    -- true story, I just had those for my tea :P

    i love you!

  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    She didn't compare herself to you. YOU compared her to you. Sounds like you're angry with the wrong person.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    I can honestly tell you if my friends ever felt that way about me, I'd prefer they no longer be my friends. If I cannot openly express how I feel to a girlfriend or my husband, should I just hold it in, because I don't deserve to think or feel that way because I've worked to get smaller and am working to get rid of my pooch (that you cannot see through clothes)? Um, no. So, yea, I'd rather not have friends who thought what I was thinking of myself was an indication of what I thought of them. Fortunately, my friends are not like that and do not take what I say about me in that manner, either.
  • JeffreyC83
    Proly my top pet peave of all time!!!
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