This lady said that Kim Kardashian is FAT!



  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I suppose this would be thin enough for those calling Kim K fat. This is a model from Romania. Her name is Ioana-Spangenberg. And she has a 20-inch waist.
    I think this is gross honestly

    Agree x
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Just read in the paper that there is an uproar over Kate Upton being on the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit cover, wait for it, BECAUSE SHE"S TOO FAT!!!!!! She is not fat people and she damn sure looks better that say, Kate Olsen. When did striving to have the body of a 12 year old boy become fashionable for women? God help us with curves!!!!

    had to look--didn't know about kate upton.this is what they're calling fat.

    Now that's a body that I'd work towards having. She looks natural, healthy, and really freaking good.

    She's stunning! X
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    Think its a bit ridiculous that its not ok to say Kim K could do with some toning up or anything, but its ok to say someone else is gross looking. Not a huge fan of either of their body types, just saying, if its not ok to comment on one, its not ok to comment on the other.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Think its a bit ridiculous that its not ok to say Kim K could do with some toning up or anything, but its ok to say someone else is gross looking. Not a huge fan of either of their body types, just saying, if its not ok to comment on one, its not ok to comment on the other.

    one is uNHEALTHY --anorexic--the other is HEALTHY. huge difference. although calling someone "gross" is a bit mean. I think it's sad.
  • osualex
    osualex Posts: 409 Member
    All three of these women have different SHAPES. Kim will never look like Kate because her hips (like, her actual hip bones) are too wide. There is nothing that can be done about that, I'm shaped the same way, even at my current weight I can see my ribs and hip bones simply because they are large. As for the really thin model...well, she could stand to gain a few but she will probably always be small, it's just the way she is.

    Obviously everyone has their preferences on which body they like best, but both Kim and Kate have attractive, healthy, yet DIFFERENT bodies. It is not feasible for them to look like each other. They're both beautiful women.
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    I agree that anorexia is unhealthy, although we don't necessarily know that Kim is healthy, we don't know what she eats, or what her activity level is.
    But yeah, I was talking more about the name calling, that wasn't concern about her health, it was picking on the way she looks, which is just the same as picking on someone for being to big or whatever else.
  • kylesmommy89
    kylesmommy89 Posts: 356 Member
    This thread cracks me up, seriously. Yeah, Kim K with her tons and tons of surgeries that make her look the way she does (if you think that that is her real body or face, you are a fool!) really gives us a more positive image of what a woman is supposed to look like than a model does??? Not so much. Spending obscene amounts of money on plastic surgery because you are unhappy with yourself is not that much better than starving yourself to get model skinny in my opinion. Both are unhealthy.
  • LenaMena87
    LenaMena87 Posts: 469 Member
  • missfancy1980
    Just read in the paper that there is an uproar over Kate Upton being on the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit cover, wait for it, BECAUSE SHE"S TOO FAT!!!!!! She is not fat people and she damn sure looks better that say, Kate Olsen. When did striving to have the body of a 12 year old boy become fashionable for women? God help us with curves!!!!

    Are you talking about THIS girl?


    Holy crap!!!

    I think the ones who say girls this size and shape are fat are the ones who only see muscles as being slim. They call anyone with actual curves "fat".

    THIS ^^ is the size/ shape body I want! She's about an 8 if that (UK size)
  • futmom
    futmom Posts: 23 Member
    It must be nice when we are so perfect that we can criticize another person's body. Its rude when someone says negative things about a person's body whether it is to their face or in a supposedly supportive weight managment message board. I don't care how rich and famous she is, you don't think she struggles with being happy with her body just like the rest of us? You don't think it hurts her if she sees headlines calling her fat? Judgemental people are not supportive people. Period.

    As for her making something out of nothing . . . I don't get her or the family's popularity but all I can say is good for them. If I had nothing to offer yet was able to make millions anyway you're damn sure I would. And so would most people. I say congratulations, ride that wave and make as much money as you can, cause in a few years it'll be Kim who? ala Paris who? Nichole who? If she's doing something morally wrong (ex the questionable marriage) - it will either bite her in the end (if you believe in God & His judgement) or she's going to turn into worm food like the Pope or John Wayne Gacy.

    Well said!!! Totally agree.
  • vanishingirl77
    And we wonder why bullying still exists in school.

    agree. this thread makes me so sad.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I think she's beautiful and I would love to have her figure.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    If she is fat, I am in much worse shape than I thought. I think she looks beautiful.

    lol me too!! I think she is hot! I would love to have her body!! I cant beelive the other post on here saying she can lose a few WTheck!! I really am fat then!! More then fat im discusting geez, hmm lol
    yeah for real.. reading this thread could really throw a normal woman's self esteem in the toilet.. if KK is 'freakin fat" or " a big girl" then I guess the rest of us should just give it up and stop trying because we will never be able to measure up to the ideal.Personally I think she looks pretty awesome and would love to have her figure. I suspect those that are saying she is fat are either jelous of her body or shallow.. but that's just my opinion..

    I don't think KK is fat but if you get low self esteem from seeing others call her fat.. don't. KK is a fantasy with professionally touched up photos and gads of cosmetic surgery. Would you get low self esteem if someone called Wilma Flintstone fat? :laugh: Same deal. I can't believe people get so upset over this stuff. Celebrities ask for it. KK in particular.. she is a fame w***e who would do, literally, ANYTHING for fame and FORTUNE. It is, obviously, working for her.. for this very reason. People talk. People are horrified. People want to BE her! That's why she has her photo in this post.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    I suppose this would be thin enough for those calling Kim K fat. This is a model from Romania. Her name is lona-Spangenberg. And she has a 20-inch waist.

    This model with the 20 inch waist. The one and only reason she is a model is for her freak-show value. She hasn't done anything noteworthy, so she's not really meant to be a role model for anyone. Why else would she wear an extreme corset to make her small waist even smaller? People can't stop looking because she's freaky and she's making (some) money off of it. Same premise as KK.

    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
  • BeautifulRedButterfly
    BeautifulRedButterfly Posts: 316 Member
    Nicest butt i ever saw
    My dream butt:


    My dream body, so i can rock something like this: :D


    They photoshopped half her hips/butt out that's for sure.

    i know every picture is photoshopped...
    I still wanna look like that!
  • Kristiina67
    Kristiina67 Posts: 142 Member
    This thread cracks me up, seriously. Yeah, Kim K with her tons and tons of surgeries that make her look the way she does (if you think that that is her real body or face, you are a fool!) really gives us a more positive image of what a woman is supposed to look like than a model does??? Not so much. Spending obscene amounts of money on plastic surgery because you are unhappy with yourself is not that much better than starving yourself to get model skinny in my opinion. Both are unhealthy.


    I actually read a funny, IMHO, article when one of her butt cheek implants exploded when her pilot tried avoiding turbulence and took her to high altitude that can cause implant rupture :D
  • Kristiina67
    Kristiina67 Posts: 142 Member
    Sorry double post :(
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    She might be an attention *kitten*, but she has a great figure.
  • Phrak
    Phrak Posts: 353 Member
    Not an ounce of muscle on Kim. Do not want.
  • kalilioness
    kalilioness Posts: 49 Member
    She looks amazing! I am not a fan of Kim and her clan but there is no doubt that she is a beautiful woman. People get so caught up in their own heads about beauty. We are all very different according to bone structure, heredity etc. Thank Goodness! It would be so boring if we all looked the same :)