I'm not knocking anyones "diet" but....

I started a Paleo-like lifestyle on and off for a year now, but have become more stricter with it since Nov. I mostly eliminated all processed foods, except on "spike days", which are mostly every other weekend or when I crave them during that time of the month (TOM), and even STILL I lose, suprisingly to me. At the time I started paleo in Nov. a co-worker started the HCG diet.
We entered a 10 week weight loss competition at our job and guess what? I WON!! She started looking very thin and drawn in the face, almost sickly. I too started thinning out with paleo and light exercise. When it came down to numbers though, I lost the most, granted it was less than 5 pounds that I beat her with. The point of my story is why turn to artificial methods?
I get the whole you want to lose weight FAST, but realistically speaking, and you hear this all of the time, you didnt gain weight overnight, it took a little while to put those extra pounds on. Wouldnt it make more sense to lose it slowly and keep it off rather than dropping unrealistic amounts of weight every week only to turn around and gain it back and then some? I personally like the first option.
I get to eat unlimited amounts of fruit, veggies, meats without feeling guilty, but here's the best part, these foods, in itself are SO filling that you dont eat all day long. The whole, eat 6 meals a day thing doesnt work with me, Honestly, the most I eat is maybe 2 meals with a snack because I eat my meals and it keeps me, not only full, but energized. I know most will read this and say 2 meals? She's starving herself! but I'm not. I am full all day long and if I do get hungry, I eat, I am not starving! Like I said, I'm not knocking anyone's diet, I am stating what has worked for me and hope it can help someone else out.
Let's do this naturally instead of artificially. The $$ you spend on these drops/injections you can put towards buying healthier foods, some work out gear and get to moving!! There's no science behind it really, there isnt.
I am not the poster child for paleo because trust me, i have my effed up days, but then I get right back on the wagon.
I am close to what I'd like to be in weight, I have 20 pounds to go, how long it takes is anybody's guess, but even if I lose only 1 pound a month, I'll take it. Dont look at my ticker because I re set it all of the time, new weight loss competition starts March 19th and yup, I've signed up. The wether is getting nicer here in NY and I am restarting C25k and will continue to spin, that's my drug of choice, hopefully the 20 last pounds will melt off this year. It's not a race, at least not for me. Keep up the good work everyone!!! :)


  • latinqueencee
    latinqueencee Posts: 120 Member
    Again, I am not promoting Paleo, you do what works for you. I am promoting HEALTH. And I meant the WEATHER is getting nicer.
  • grod45
    grod45 Posts: 20
    ok what is paleo?
  • billtonkin
    billtonkin Posts: 109
    Paragraphs are your friend. You'd probably get more readers if you didn't post a wall of text.
  • latinqueencee
    latinqueencee Posts: 120 Member
    Paragraphs are your friend. You'd probably get more readers if you didn't post a wall of text.
    ok paragraph police!
  • kaseyAnne425
    Paragraphs are your friend. You'd probably get more readers if you didn't post a wall of text.
    ok paragraph police!

    Its true, shorter posts attract more readers
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,688 Member
    Good luck on doing this type of diet for life. Your post isn't the first that promotes it and have personally only know of a couple of people who did it an sustained it for more than a year, while I've seen hundreds do it just to lose weight.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • modernmom70
    modernmom70 Posts: 373 Member
    ok what is paleo?

    Another "fad" diet
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    ok what is paleo?


  • unmitigatedbadassery
    unmitigatedbadassery Posts: 653 Member
    Wow, lot of Paleo hate here. I encourage those of you to enlighten the class as to why A) it is a 'fad', B) why it cannot be sustained.

    We'll wait...
  • addisondisease2
    addisondisease2 Posts: 348 Member
    ok what is paleo?

    Its where you have to stop eating some really healthy foods because cavemen didn't eat them, and look how well the cavemen are doing....
  • fieldsy4life
    I got your back - been Paleo for a while; roommate has been Paleo for 3 years. If you love it, keep it up and don't listen to anyone else.

    To me, a fad diet is something like Sensa, where it just seems silly. Losing weight from eliminating bread and pasta and eating more fresh meat and produce isn't really that crazy...

    Funny how most of us Paleo and low-carbers are friendly and supportive, while the annorexic (1000 calorie a day) MFP elite knock everyone else's dietary choices.

    I'm probably not going to check this thread, so send the hate mail directly to me please ;)
  • unmitigatedbadassery
    unmitigatedbadassery Posts: 653 Member
    I got your back - been Paleo for a while; roommate has been Paleo for 3 years. If you love it, keep it up and don't listen to anyone else.

    To me, a fad diet is something like Sensa, where it just seems silly. Losing weight from eliminating bread and pasta and eating more fresh meat and produce isn't really that crazy...

    Funny how most of us Paleo and low-carbers are friendly and supportive, while the annorexic (1000 calorie a day) MFP elite knock everyone else's dietary choices.

    I'm probably not going to check this thread, so send the hate mail directly to me please ;)

  • modernmom70
    modernmom70 Posts: 373 Member
    A fad diet, which is sometimes referred to as a crash diet, is a diet that employs unhealthy eating strategies to help you lose weight quickly. Many of these diets require you to follow strict eating guidelines that may include eating only one type of food or eating only a small amount of at least one food group. Because of the strict dieting rules, it isn't likely that you are going to be able to follow the diet for the long term. Fad diets may claim that by eating "super foods," you can lose weight; however, according to the American Heart Association, "super foods" that can help you safely lose weight do not exist.

    Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/372613-definition-of-a-fad-diet/#ixzz1op8xDRgw
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    Paragraphs are your friend. You'd probably get more readers if you didn't post a wall of text.
    ok paragraph police!

    Its true, shorter posts attract more readers

    Yupp & blocks of text play havoc with my dyslexia. So, as interested as I am, I couldn't read it.
  • unmitigatedbadassery
    unmitigatedbadassery Posts: 653 Member
    I had no idea there were this many people that don't do their homework before condemning someone's lifestyle.
  • elysecea
    elysecea Posts: 161 Member
    Their are so many different healthy ways to change your lifestyle. Its different for everyone. I prefer the lifestyle change approach. I eat healthy and make smart choices most of the week but I always have room for those days that are not so good. Its all about balance. You are right some things work for certain people. I am glad you found what works for you :)
  • addisondisease2
    addisondisease2 Posts: 348 Member
    A) it is a 'fad'
    Fad - Noun:
    An intense and widely shared enthusiasm for something, esp. one that is short-lived; a craze.

    Like niner said not many people stay strict paleo for very long making it short-lived.
    B) why it cannot be sustained.

    1. Because grain based carbs are delicious!
  • deekaydee
    deekaydee Posts: 158 Member
    Its where you have to stop eating some really healthy foods because cavemen didn't eat them, and look how well the cavemen are doing....

  • unmitigatedbadassery
    unmitigatedbadassery Posts: 653 Member
    A fad diet, which is sometimes referred to as a crash diet, is a diet that employs unhealthy eating strategies to help you lose weight quickly. Many of these diets require you to follow strict eating guidelines that may include eating only one type of food or eating only a small amount of at least one food group. Because of the strict dieting rules, it isn't likely that you are going to be able to follow the diet for the long term. Fad diets may claim that by eating "super foods," you can lose weight; however, according to the American Heart Association, "super foods" that can help you safely lose weight do not exist.

    Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/372613-definition-of-a-fad-diet/#ixzz1op8xDRgw

    Great info there but anyone who actually does the research on Paleo realizes that this doesn't apply at all.
  • Sofithomas
    Sofithomas Posts: 118
    While it may not be for everyone i LOVE eating paleo, i feel so much less cranky have heaps of energy and can eat a lot more whilst still losing :D

    Your achievement is awesome, congrats and keep it up!