I'm not knocking anyones "diet" but....



  • addisondisease2
    addisondisease2 Posts: 348 Member
    Doesn't matter if it's a large or small loss, success is success. Even if she didn't win this competition, yet lost weight, that's still success.

    person one lost 28 pounds 24 pounds of that was pure body fat

    person two lost 30 pounds 10 pounds of that was pure body fat

    According to this the person who lost less is better off. That is was she is saying, there isn't enough information to even know if this was a good loss or not.
  • cfrollins
    cfrollins Posts: 21 Member
    paragraphs are good, but I still read your post :):) very useful, thank you!
  • latinqueencee
    latinqueencee Posts: 120 Member
    Thanks everyone!!!! I get a kick out of just how mean MFP'ers can be. The reason why we are here is for support, right? Maybe you guys read something else into it rather than what I posted? I dont know....either way, as I stated before, do what works for you. I'll continue doing what works for me!!!!
    One year Paleo and proud of it!!!! :)
  • Escarda
    Escarda Posts: 131 Member
    I think the paleo diet sounds very good, and im sure it works great.

    But i couldnt sustain a diet like that, not because it is an unreasonable diet,
    but because im like addicted to processed foods..

    I do agree, that eating healthier is the better way of looseing weight.
    And i do try to eat that way, i just always seem to be stumbling.
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member

    Straight up. This forum is about encouragement along life's journey in a healthy and supportive way. Bashing someone's language or writing issues does not fit the spirit of encouraging all to participate and allowing them to feel welcome. Play nice people. If someone's grammer or twitter typing drives you nuts, just move on instead of trying to see who you can discourage.

    I'm not trying to discourage anyone, I was actually really interested in reading this post.
    If anything me being called lazy for having dyslexia is discouraging!

    @paigemarie - I apologize if the intent of my post did not come clear - it was meant to be supportive of you and discouraging others from name calling and picking at other's imperfections. I used to tutor dyslexic children and am fully aware of how much work it can take to decode the written language.

    So sorry!
    I honestly thought you where directing it at my post. :embarassed:
  • harleygirlT
    harleygirlT Posts: 223 Member
    Wow, I can't believe all the negativity. We all have to find what works for us. If it works for you great and keep up the good work! For myself, I am trying to elimate all the processed food out there (too much sodium), eat lots of fresh veggies (not so much fruit too much sugar), and lots of brown grains and chicken/fish. Heathly is the main thing here and each person's healthy is different. Your not taking pills and starving yourself, so you go girl!
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    I'm not slating Paleo or the OP. I'm saying that I didn't understand the point of her post; it was supposedly an NSV according to one fella on here (but surely if it's weight related then its not an NSV, It's an SCALE VICTORY?!) Great if so, but as I said, paint the picture clearer for forum users so they can see how much of a percentage each lost which is a more scientific way of putting it across and far more credible.

    On the other hand; to stick up for OP; people slating her grammar/spelling and what not should take a look at MFP rules. Whereas it can be frustrating, there are much more polite ways of informing the OP, for an example, in a private message tactfully explaining why writing in paragraphs is a more suitable form.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    ok what is paleo?

    another fad diet :D
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    In my experience, paleos are some of the meanest, most judgmental, ANGRY folks on MFP.
    In my experience this generally describes everyone who goes into the forums at MFP; that is, mean, judgmental and angry.
  • Meg177
    Meg177 Posts: 215 Member
    The problem with grains right now is that they are almost all GMO even if listed as organic because it is almost impossible to prevent cross-pollination. GMOs haven’t been tested well enough, have greatly increased the gluten in varieties like wheat causing sensitivities and allergies in many people. Dropping it may be a great choice for a lot of people, not because it’s bad, or that cavemen did so much better, but because it’s become polluted. Ditto for meat.

    I am not paleo btw but I do try to eat clean so when I can get my hands on good grain (like emmer…) I cook and eat with a smile on my face and love in my tummy.
  • Isolt
    Isolt Posts: 70
    Next time you meet a paleo, ask him or her if they eat:

    >Small game - really small game - like rats, mice and squirrels.

    I eat squirrels, yes. They're vermin and rather tasty vermin at that. I'd have absolutely no issue about eating mice or rats - dormice are still eaten in rural Romania and I believe Guinea Pigs in Peru?
    >Unpleasant plants, pre-selective breeding.
    There's no need to eat 'unpleasant plants' since there are plenty of 'pleasant plants' to be foraged. At this time of year, in the UK, I'm looking forward to the wild garlic coming into season soon and we're starting to see young Dandelions, Sorrel, Pignuts, Mallow and Ground Elder.

    >Organ meat - a critical part of paleolithic man's diet. Does the average paleo dieter eat brains, tongues, stomach, eyes, liver, or kidneys? All of these bring important nutrition to our "healthy" ancestors that doesn't exist in white meat and cuts of grazing beef.
    Erm yes...doesn't *everyone* eat offal? Stomach aka Tripe is delicious, steak and kidney, some nice calves liver pan-fried in butter. Sweetmeats, tongue, heart.....yup, it's safe to say I eat offal.
    >Insects, especially grubs and large beetles, including roaches.

    I've not needed to eat insects regularly as other food is rather plentiful. I have eaten scorpians (crunchy, tasted like a kit-kat) and ants. Eating insects wouldn't phase me at all....good source of protein.
    >Lizards, newts, frogs, turtles and anything else that had meat on its bones.

    Turtles are not native to the UK and we don't have many lizards or newts for that matter. I have eaten frogs legs though, many times. They're lovely.
    >Grains and other starches such as sorghum, wild corn (in both North and South American), potatoes (South America), and a large variety of seeds. Evidence for consumption of legumes such as wild lentils has also been found, along with stone tools associated with processing them.[9]

    Pass on that since I don't live in North or South America; I eat what's local to me here in the UK and ideally within a certain range of my house. The town I live in is both Fairtrade and operates a 'food zone' of 30 miles.

    And yes, I also eat roadkill.....nowt wrong with a nice fat pheasant or rabbit that's just been hit.
  • unmitigatedbadassery
    unmitigatedbadassery Posts: 653 Member
    >Small game - really small game - like rats, mice and squirrels.
    -Yes. I eat squirrel when available.
    >Unpleasant plants, pre-selective breeding.
    -Not readily available.
    >Organ meat - a critical part of paleolithic man's diet. Does the average paleo dieter eat brains, tongues, stomach, eyes, liver, or kidneys?
    >Insects, especially grubs and large beetles, including roaches.
    - I have. If it was socially accepted and available in the local market I'd have no problem with it.
    >Lizards, newts, frogs, turtles and anything else that had meat on its bones.
    >Grains and other starches such as sorghum, wild corn (in both North and South American), potatoes (South America), and a large variety of seeds.
    - I stay away from most grains but small amounts of rice and some other starchy vegetables such as sweet potatoes are fine on occasion. I eat many types of seeds.

    One of the tenets of most Paleo experts is to make the best of what you have. Not everyone has access or can afford to eat organic, pre-selectively bred dung beetles. Stop nitpicking.
  • latinqueencee
    latinqueencee Posts: 120 Member
    >Small game - really small game - like rats, mice and squirrels.
    -Yes. I eat squirrel when available.
    >Unpleasant plants, pre-selective breeding.
    -Not readily available.
    >Organ meat - a critical part of paleolithic man's diet. Does the average paleo dieter eat brains, tongues, stomach, eyes, liver, or kidneys?
    >Insects, especially grubs and large beetles, including roaches.
    - I have. If it was socially accepted and available in the local market I'd have no problem with it.
    >Lizards, newts, frogs, turtles and anything else that had meat on its bones.
    >Grains and other starches such as sorghum, wild corn (in both North and South American), potatoes (South America), and a large variety of seeds.
    - I stay away from most grains but small amounts of rice and some other starchy vegetables such as sweet potatoes are fine on occasion. I eat many types of seeds.

    One of the tenets of most Paleo experts is to make the best of what you have. Not everyone has access or can afford to eat organic, pre-selectively bred dung beetles. Stop nitpicking.
    LMAO!!!! yeah,,,,what he said!!!!
  • missjoci
    missjoci Posts: 412 Member
    Wow, lot of Paleo hate here. I encourage those of you to enlighten the class as to why A) it is a 'fad', B) why it cannot be sustained.

    We'll wait...

    This. I see no problem with the Paleo diet. It's all natural. Totally sustainable if done right. It's just difficult for most people. Cutting out all the crappy over processed foods that are causing people to develop allergies, yeah terrible idea. Who would dare think that we could survive on foods that only come from the earth?

    Just like Vegan-ism, Atkins, Low Sugar, Low Fat, Low Carb, etc...blah whatever. It may be the latest "fad" diet. Just like any diet, it has to be a lifestyle choice not a quick weight loss method. To each there own. I think the idea behind the Paleo diet makes more sense than a lot of diets out there. It worked for people way back before we had factories processing everything and before they started spraying all our produce. Please tell me why this isn't sustainable...
  • billtonkin
    billtonkin Posts: 109
    Paragraphs are your friend. You'd probably get more readers if you didn't post a wall of text.

    Next stop for you?


    Yep, I'm such a douche for trying to get someone to format their post to make it easier for others to read and help the OP get her post read by more people. The next stop for you sir, should be a tanning bed.
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    The last two years the Paleo diet was ranked dead last on diets evaluated based on factors including health, weight-loss and ease of following.

    This was a great article - puts a lot of the current diets out there in prospective. I think I'll go for the Dash eating before I go for Paleo
  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    I've been doing Paleo for a year, it has been easy to maintain and I have been very happy with the results. I guess for other people it is difficult -- no big deal, there are other approaches that people have been very successful with also. Why can't people be different?

    I think the important thing is that people simply get in the habit of being mindful about what they eat and maintain that habit for the rest of their lives.
  • Birder150
    Birder150 Posts: 677 Member
    I've been doing Paleo for a year, it has been easy to maintain and I have been very happy with the results. I guess for other people it is difficult -- no big deal, there are other approaches that people have been very successful with also. Why can't people be different?

    I think the important thing is that people simply get in the habit of being mindful about what they eat and maintain that habit for the rest of their lives.

  • fatguyweightloss
    Cavemen didn't eat grains and dairy because meats and veggies were "better", its because they didn't have the technology we have. If you offered a sandwich and yogurt to a caveman he would eat it.
    THIS. When foods with higher sugars in it were found (berries, sugar cane etc.) you can bet your *kitten* the cavemen fought tooth and nail over it.

    Try grabbing a piece of sugar cane and consume it, sure they went after the berries when they are in season...just like I do. I personally do not consider my diet "Paleo" I eat foods that are naturally nutrient dense. Once you remove the "enhanced" nutrients added to grains/rice they are really nutrient poor (even without removing not a lot of micronutrients there)

    If you look at the most nutrient dense foods out there you will see meats, eggs/dairy, nuts, veggies at the top and grains/fruit at the bottom. That being said I still keep berries in my diet because they are delicious and of antioxidant properties as well as trace vitamins/minerals that are lacking from my prefered choice of veggies.

    Reference: http://www.fatguyweightloss.com/real-nutrient-densities-of-foods-we-eat/
  • latinqueencee
    latinqueencee Posts: 120 Member
    As I re-read my post, I still don't see where most people got that I am saying choose Paleo over ANY and EVERY diet out there. I suggest you all go back and read it again dammit!!! lol