I'm not knocking anyones "diet" but....



  • gleechick609
    For the record, just because YOU can't do it does not make it unsustainable.

    Sure, but as far as weight loss goes the paleo diet isn't a must, making it "just another diet" "if it work for you...". As far as maintaining, having grains and dairy are AMAZING food sources that are capable of being just as healthy as meats and veggies. That is the problem I have. That once the weight is lost grains and dairy should be made part of the diet.

    Cavemen didn't eat grains and dairy because meats and veggies were "better", its because they didn't have the technology we have. If you offered a sandwich and yogurt to a caveman he would eat it.

  • latinqueencee
    latinqueencee Posts: 120 Member
    For the record, just because YOU can't do it does not make it unsustainable.

    Sure, but as far as weight loss goes the paleo diet isn't a must, making it "just another diet" "if it work for you...". As far as maintaining, having grains and dairy are AMAZING food sources that are capable of being just as healthy as meats and veggies. That is the problem I have. That once the weight is lost grains and dairy should be made part of the diet.

    Cavemen didn't eat grains and dairy because meats and veggies were "better", its because they didn't have the technology we have. If you offered a sandwich and yogurt to a caveman he would eat it.

    I totally see your point here. It makes sense. Myself nor the OP are claiming that Paleo is the end all be all diet. However, I help a personal trainer teach his clients about the diet because it works for me and I have yet to see one person not have major improvements to their health in the course of a month. And no, you probably won't find a Paleo ice-cream cake that doesn't tast like s***. Then again you probably won't find one that is GOOD for you either no matter what "low carb" "sugar free" propaganda they put on the box.

    The bottom line is that Paleo isn't for everyone. Not everyone can give up bread and pasta (which by the way you don't have to give up 100%) but those of us are doing it seem to be pleased with it. All I'm saying is to be open minded and not so quick to label it as a 'fad' or 'unsustainable' just because you choose a different path. We're all, well most, here for the same goal and that's to get healthy.
    THIS!!!! I did not suggest that anyone try it. It was simply about my experience vs someone on HCG diet. Funny how they only see Paleo and bypassed HCG!! LOL. I DID SAY WHATEVER WORKS FOR YOU, GREAT!!! Paleo has worked for me and I LOVE IT!!!!
  • Usbornegal
    Usbornegal Posts: 601 Member

    Actually, I'm fully educated, I happen to have a mild form of dyslexia which makes it hard for me to read blocks of text with no paragraphs, the words jump around, I lose my concentration on it & forget what I've read.
    Dyslexia is NOT the same as being lazy!

    Straight up. This forum is about encouragement along life's journey in a healthy and supportive way. Bashing someone's language or writing issues does not fit the spirit of encouraging all to participate and allowing them to feel welcome. Play nice people. If someone's grammer or twitter typing drives you nuts, just move on instead of trying to see who you can discourage.
  • tinaruby
    tinaruby Posts: 74 Member
    I don't follow paleo, but I agree with the above post. Everyone is so different!! There are so many serious health conditions out there now that a diet that works wonderful for one person, can kill another person. It's all about personal success and what success means to that individual. :-)
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    I don't get your point? Do Paleo over HCG possibly? Anyone in their right mind wouldn't do HCG as is dangerous, silly and unsustainable. Plus when a website here strongly is against it that says a lot. Paleo is "caveman's" diet, neolithic eating.

    Its basically going back to totally natural eating so it isn't a surprise it helps you lose weight as any natural health diet or healthy eating will induce in general. You could call it anything you want and at the end of the day it's pretty much just healthy eating from natural "raw sources" without processing it. However, you can't have a truly paleolithic diet anymore because unless you are literally killing an animal there and then and not hanging the meat then that's not paelo, that and animals and plants (including us!) have evolved since then so it's not the same stuff we're putting in as they did then. With that, our digestive system has evolved... why do we have an appendix again?! We can't really tolerate unhung meat very well and we rely on getting a lot of our food from grocery stores because we don't grow our own and live in built up areas where there isn't much natural stuff available around us except in the shops. Even then most of this is not organic and has had some kind of pesticide or fertiliser used be it natural or "man made" chemical types.

    The OP didn't say what percentage of weight was lost either and the test wasn't using two control specimens. Both could be very different, with different metabolic function/rate and lifestyles outside of work.

    Guys and gals, stick to what you know best and don't be suckered into "Fad" diets. People lost weight and kept it off successfully before these stupid fad diets came along through healthy sensible eating with a slight deficit and moderate exercise. That's all you really need. If you need a nutritionist to explain to you about a healthy balanced diet and portion control, that's fine. Likewise if you need a personal trainer to get your butt in to gear and show you how to exercise, thats also fine.
  • Isolt
    Isolt Posts: 70
    Its where you have to stop eating some really healthy foods because cavemen didn't eat them, and look how well the cavemen are doing....

    Ummm.....I hate to point this out, but if Paleolithic man didn't do well you wouldn't be sitting there typing and neither would I. Paleolithic man is US.....but you knew that......right???

    A fad diet, which is sometimes referred to as a crash diet, is a diet that employs unhealthy eating strategies to help you lose weight quickly.

    How can a hunter/gatherer diet be an 'unhealthy eating strategy'? I eat fresh, seasonal, organic fruit and vegetables , locally reared pasture-fed meat (from traditional rare breeds if I can), game and sustainable fish. I cook everything from scratch. I just happen not to eat grains and sugars (other than the lactose and fructose naturally occuring in milk and fruit).

    Please explain to me how......under any definition......that could be described as unhealthy, unsustainable or a 'fad'.
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    ok what is paleo?

    Its where you have to stop eating some really healthy foods because cavemen didn't eat them, and look how well the cavemen are doing....

    This! hahahaha
  • lauehorn
    lauehorn Posts: 183

    Paleolithic diets necessarily included things that most Americans (who are the primary consumers of this woo) wouldn't touch with a 10-foot squeamish pole. Next time you meet a paleo, ask him or her if they eat:

    >Small game - really small game - like rats, mice and squirrels.

    >Unpleasant plants, pre-selective breeding. Sour and bitter tastes existed in many plant foods before human interference. Although paleolithic man probably would avoid downright foul-tasting (and likely poisonous food) the plants that they ate were hardly nice, friendly spinach or carrots. Many modern vegetables are more pleasant mutations of less pleasant or even poisonous plants such as the genuses solanum (tomatoes, potatoes, peppers) and prunus (almonds, peaches, apricots, plums, cherries). Safe varieties were likely discovered by just eating them and hoping it didn't kill anybody. In addition, paleolithic people are known to have eaten woody stems, stripped bark, and pith: things suspiciously absent from the modern paleo diet that probably contributed to the extreme wear and tear on their teeth observed in fossil individuals.

    >Organ meat - a critical part of paleolithic man's diet. Does the average paleo dieter eat brains, tongues, stomach, eyes, liver, or kidneys? All of these bring important nutrition to our "healthy" ancestors that doesn't exist in white meat and cuts of grazing beef.

    >Insects, especially grubs and large beetles, including roaches.

    >Lizards, newts, frogs, turtles and anything else that had meat on its bones.

    >Grains and other starches such as sorghum, wild corn (in both North and South American), potatoes (South America), and a large variety of seeds. Evidence for consumption of legumes such as wild lentils has also been found, along with stone tools associated with processing them.[9]
  • billtonkin
    billtonkin Posts: 109
    The last two years the Paleo diet was ranked dead last on diets evaluated based on factors including health, weight-loss and ease of following.

  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member

    Actually, I'm fully educated, I happen to have a mild form of dyslexia which makes it hard for me to read blocks of text with no paragraphs, the words jump around, I lose my concentration on it & forget what I've read.
    Dyslexia is NOT the same as being lazy!

    Straight up. This forum is about encouragement along life's journey in a healthy and supportive way. Bashing someone's language or writing issues does not fit the spirit of encouraging all to participate and allowing them to feel welcome. Play nice people. If someone's grammer or twitter typing drives you nuts, just move on instead of trying to see who you can discourage.

    I'm not trying to discourage anyone, I was actually really interested in reading this post.
    If anything me being called lazy for having dyslexia is discouraging!
  • latinqueencee
    latinqueencee Posts: 120 Member
    I don't get your point? Do Paleo over HCG possibly? Anyone in their right mind wouldn't do HCG as is dangerous, silly and unsustainable. Plus when a website here strongly is against it that says a lot. Paleo is "caveman's" diet, neolithic eating.

    Its basically going back to totally natural eating so it isn't a surprise it helps you lose weight as any natural health diet or healthy eating will induce in general. You could call it anything you want and at the end of the day it's pretty much just healthy eating from natural "raw sources" without processing it. However, you can't have a truly paleolithic diet anymore because unless you are literally killing an animal there and then and not hanging the meat then that's not paelo, that and animals and plants (including us!) have evolved since then so it's not the same stuff we're putting in as they did then. With that, our digestive system has evolved... why do we have an appendix again?! We can't really tolerate unhung meat very well and we rely on getting a lot of our food from grocery stores because we don't grow our own and live in built up areas where there isn't much natural stuff available around us except in the shops. Even then most of this is not organic and has had some kind of pesticide or fertiliser used be it natural or "man made" chemical types.

    The OP didn't say what percentage of weight was lost either and the test wasn't using two control specimens. Both could be very different, with different metabolic function/rate and lifestyles outside of work.

    Guys and gals, stick to what you know best and don't be suckered into "Fad" diets. People lost weight and kept it off successfully before these stupid fad diets came along through healthy sensible eating with a slight deficit and moderate exercise. That's all you really need. If you need a nutritionist to explain to you about a healthy balanced diet and portion control, that's fine. Likewise if you need a personal trainer to get your butt in to gear and show you how to exercise, thats also fine.
    I beg to differ, there have been many posts from people either thinking about starting or have started HCG diet. I was simply sharing MY experience with someone who was on HCG. That is it. At no point did I say choose either or. Everyone will always criticize on here, where everyone is supposed to be encouraging. I dont post negativity on ANYONE'S post because like I said, whatever works for you, great. Ease up everyone, it's not that freakin serious!
  • zoominzozo
    zoominzozo Posts: 92 Member
    I personally love the idea of Paleo- it seems really healthy and natural... unfortunately that's why I can't do it- I love choclate, I love pizza so I'm all over portion control instead :happy:
  • Callidreamr
    Callidreamr Posts: 52 Member
    Thanks for sharing YOUR experience! I hope you have continued success!
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    The op adopted a eating method she likes, she's getting good results... yet a lot of people talk crap?? Seems like a bunch of haters to me. This is supposed to be a supportive site, yet most people aren't being supportive.

    Low carb FTW!

    She's not doing true paelo then and has made no decent point with any credible data or statistics nor has she posted this as a NSV or SV ... more a do paleo. Don't do HCG or anything else (she has a point with HCG but not for the right reasons!?)

    Also, there's no way she's following a true paleo diet... is she eating raw unhung meat? Roadkill? Offal? random plants she hasn't a clue what they are? Probably not me thinks.
  • Birder150
    Birder150 Posts: 677 Member
    While it may not be for everyone i LOVE eating paleo, i feel so much less cranky have heaps of energy and can eat a lot more whilst still losing :D

    Your achievement is awesome, congrats and keep it up!

    I peeked at your food diary. All those 'fad' foods you're eating how will you ever be able to maintain that nonsense?! :tongue:
    (of course I'm being sarcastic ... it looks awesome)

    to the OP ... great results and congrats!
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    I don't get your point? Do Paleo over HCG possibly? Anyone in their right mind wouldn't do HCG as is dangerous, silly and unsustainable. Plus when a website here strongly is against it that says a lot. Paleo is "caveman's" diet, neolithic eating.

    Its basically going back to totally natural eating so it isn't a surprise it helps you lose weight as any natural health diet or healthy eating will induce in general. You could call it anything you want and at the end of the day it's pretty much just healthy eating from natural "raw sources" without processing it. However, you can't have a truly paleolithic diet anymore because unless you are literally killing an animal there and then and not hanging the meat then that's not paelo, that and animals and plants (including us!) have evolved since then so it's not the same stuff we're putting in as they did then. With that, our digestive system has evolved... why do we have an appendix again?! We can't really tolerate unhung meat very well and we rely on getting a lot of our food from grocery stores because we don't grow our own and live in built up areas where there isn't much natural stuff available around us except in the shops. Even then most of this is not organic and has had some kind of pesticide or fertiliser used be it natural or "man made" chemical types.

    The OP didn't say what percentage of weight was lost either and the test wasn't using two control specimens. Both could be very different, with different metabolic function/rate and lifestyles outside of work.

    Guys and gals, stick to what you know best and don't be suckered into "Fad" diets. People lost weight and kept it off successfully before these stupid fad diets came along through healthy sensible eating with a slight deficit and moderate exercise. That's all you really need. If you need a nutritionist to explain to you about a healthy balanced diet and portion control, that's fine. Likewise if you need a personal trainer to get your butt in to gear and show you how to exercise, thats also fine.
    I beg to differ, there have been many posts from people either thinking about starting or have started HCG diet. I was simply sharing MY experience with someone who was on HCG. That is it. At no point did I say choose either or. Everyone will always criticize on here, where everyone is supposed to be encouraging. I dont post negativity on ANYONE'S post because like I said, whatever works for you, great. Ease up everyone, it's not that freakin serious!

    I know you didn't...which is my point... your post seems to make no clear statement or point about, well, anything really! It's not like you have shared a great story with us about a weight loss journey...in fact you make yourself sound ill by the "thinner in the face" bit although am sure it's just bad wording and you mean you just noticed you'd lost some fat from your face. (that sounds awful written like that as a literal statement I know!)

    It seems a bit of a pointless post comparing HCG vs a "version" of paleo... it doesn't provide much useful info to forum users or even a decent story, just a place for people to vent their opinions on the two and open up a forum for expressing trouble!

    Out of curiosity, what was the key point you were trying to get across with your post?
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    The op adopted a eating method she likes, she's getting good results... yet a lot of people talk crap?? Seems like a bunch of haters to me. This is supposed to be a supportive site, yet most people aren't being supportive.

    Low carb FTW!

    She's not doing true paelo then and has made no decent point with any credible data or statistics nor has she posted this as a NSV or SV ... more a do paleo. Don't do HCG or anything else (she has a point with HCG but not for the right reasons!?)

    Also, there's no way she's following a true paleo diet... is she eating raw unhung meat? Roadkill? Offal? random plants she hasn't a clue what they are? Probably not me thinks.

    If we went back to our "TRUE ROOTS" we'd be eating plankton. She mentioned how she won a little bet that was based around weight loss, that seems like a good NSV.

    We're not talking about before we were human, we were talking about when we did become human and what we ate back then. Not when we were amoeba.

    She also didn't say if it was a larger percentage loss or just a larger loss. She could have had more weight to lose. In addition, she didn't do the two things in a controlled way i.e. both partaking in the same exercise for the same amount of time etc etc.
  • billtonkin
    billtonkin Posts: 109

    Actually, I'm fully educated, I happen to have a mild form of dyslexia which makes it hard for me to read blocks of text with no paragraphs, the words jump around, I lose my concentration on it & forget what I've read.
    Dyslexia is NOT the same as being lazy!

    Straight up. This forum is about encouragement along life's journey in a healthy and supportive way. Bashing someone's language or writing issues does not fit the spirit of encouraging all to participate and allowing them to feel welcome. Play nice people. If someone's grammer or twitter typing drives you nuts, just move on instead of trying to see who you can discourage.

    I'm not trying to discourage anyone, I was actually really interested in reading this post.
    If anything me being called lazy for having dyslexia is discouraging!

    Yeah i was supposedly told i have "learning disabilities" yet it doesn't stop me from majoring i computer science and biochemistry. So no need to wave that "i suffer from x" in my face.

    Well haven't majored yet, but working on it. My GPA is in between 3.0-4.0 Yet i am the poor dumb one according to the authorities.

    Wow, that's impressive. How do you find the time with all the game you must hunt to sustain that paleo diet?
  • Usbornegal
    Usbornegal Posts: 601 Member

    Straight up. This forum is about encouragement along life's journey in a healthy and supportive way. Bashing someone's language or writing issues does not fit the spirit of encouraging all to participate and allowing them to feel welcome. Play nice people. If someone's grammer or twitter typing drives you nuts, just move on instead of trying to see who you can discourage.

    I'm not trying to discourage anyone, I was actually really interested in reading this post.
    If anything me being called lazy for having dyslexia is discouraging!

    @paigemarie - I apologize if the intent of my post did not come clear - it was meant to be supportive of you and discouraging others from name calling and picking at other's imperfections. I used to tutor dyslexic children and am fully aware of how much work it can take to decode the written language.
  • Adrenaline_Queen
    Adrenaline_Queen Posts: 626 Member
    Paleo is now my life style choice a way I will always eat.

    I have been doing paleo for only 2 months, but did the Candida (over 2 years) a strict version of the paleo, ie no fruit apart from blue berries and a couple of others... No potatoes, no carrots, the list goes on and on......... xxxxxxx

    Then at a martial arts camp I was told I needed my carbs, so made some flap jacks.......... That was my downfall............ I was doing all right!!!!!!!!!!!

    Anyway, I have lost 1lb in 2 months, I am not bothered by this.......... I know this way of eating (diet) will work for me as it did before, I could train and feel good about myself with a no hunger pains. I do eat 3 or 4 meals a day depending on training and how much I burn.

    Each to their own, this works for me, I love it, yes it is a lifestyle and I get a lot of support from my cross fit friends and coaches xx Also it cost nothing, just the food I need to eat!!!!!!!!

    Love you all, but myself more, ....... Off to stretch now, after running a half with no lucozade at all!! I took honey!! LOL xxxxxxxxxx It was amazing and worked so much better, in my own personal experience xx