Grocery Store Rant! Some people are idiots!



  • tnrunningnurse
    tnrunningnurse Posts: 549 Member
    you go girl...congrats on the lost weight.
  • has001
    has001 Posts: 29 Member
    That is incredible to show how judgemental people can be. But maybe your comments in response to here snide comments made her realize she needs to make a change!
    I would have done way worse if it were me in your place, but great job taking a stand for yourself!
    Your weight loss is inspiring and keep up the great work!
  • trixirn
    trixirn Posts: 130 Member
    I am 39 years old and my mother would still kick my *kitten* if i forgot my manners like that. Sorry you had to deal with her.
  • chell53
    chell53 Posts: 356 Member
    So I made my weekly trip to the grocery store to stock up my yummy healthy foods. I was standing in the line waiting to pay for my fresh fruits and veggies, super lean turkey burger, fish, morning star items, frozen veggies, greek yogurt, nonfat cottage cheese, whole grain pasta, beans, etc. This woman (and I use that term lightly) behind me loudly says to her husband "You see? That's why I don't eat's obviously not working for HER". Mind you this woman had probably 50 lbs on me, the cart was filled with TV dinners, fatty ground beef, beer (no problem with that, just making a point), tons of non-diet soda, sour cream, etc. The only veggies was some canned corn. I felt sorry for the husband cause he was trying to hide behind her when I did the dramatic slow-turn, gave her a hard-a$$ed stare, looked her up and down, and said "Actually, not that I would ever need to answer to you, but I have lost over 187 lbs eating this way. What's your excuse?"

    I turned around and she starts grumbling to her husband "I bet she's so b!tchy because she is hungry" I turned around again and said "you know, one of the benefits of a healthy diet is 1. I am not deaf, so I can hear you, and 2. I am able to eat quite a bit more healthy food with lower calories than unhealthy calorie-dense food. I am never hungry, and in fact I am a generally happy person. Perhaps you should try it sometime, maybe then you won't be so irritable." I turned back around again to hear the husband tell her to shut her mouth before I rightfully punched her in the face. I have never been criticised for eating healthy...most people ask me for recipes when I am in line. Goes to show that the miserable ones aren't those of us on this site getting fit, but rather the rest of them wishing for a better life but not caring enough to persue it.

    I appauled you for your loss and the way you handled the stuck up bi-otch in the grocery line........hats off to you keep up the great work..........
  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    Oh my gosh, what a miserable ***** (excuse my language). I have always used the saying that misery loves company. Some people have the nerve. I would have let her have it. I commend you for keeping your cool. BTW, You look awsome, and you are beautiful, which is probably alot more than that woman at the grocery store. Wow, the nerve of people.
  • RumOne
    RumOne Posts: 266 Member
    you are my Hero for the day, Hands Down! :love:
  • Txnurse97
    Txnurse97 Posts: 275 Member
    Bump to read for later.
  • j77r68
    j77r68 Posts: 271 Member
    that's hilarious. good on you for sticking up for yourself and new life
  • mdj1501
    mdj1501 Posts: 392 Member
    Bitzches are gonna bitzch. That's why they are bitzches. Just sayin...

    True Elizabeth...she'll find a reason to b!tch no matter what

    Seriously, this girl is a piece of garbage. She's obviously a miserable human being, and her husband probably thought you looked hawt.

    D: All of the above.. You rock.!!!! I need more friends like you!!:drinker:
  • Stella_Leigh
    Stella_Leigh Posts: 189 Member
    1. I love your retort :)
    2. OMG I cannot believe the ba!!s on some people! Hmprh!

  • LovingCruz
    LovingCruz Posts: 640 Member
    I am glad you said something to her, maybe the next time she will keep her mouth shut and not think she can talk to anyone like that....smh the nerve of people. Glad it wasn't me, they would have been saying clean up in line 14 after i would of tore a whole in and congrats on the weight loss
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    I turned around and she starts grumbling to her husband "I bet she's so b!tchy because she is hungry" I turned around again and said "you know, one of the benefits of a healthy diet is 1. I am not deaf, so I can hear you, and 2. I am able to eat quite a bit more healthy food with lower calories than unhealthy calorie-dense food. I am never hungry, and in fact I am a generally happy person. Perhaps you should try it sometime, maybe then you won't be so irritable."

    I actually lol'd at this part. GO YOU!
  • vanishingirl77
    I have a friend (who lives in Idaho, too!) and she encounters this all of the time at the grocery store when she does her shopping. She's extremely healthy (has a fitness athlete type body), and every time she goes shopping someone comments on what she's buying - and she only eats clean - mostly veggies & protein and nothing processed. Must be something about being around here. Gr...
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    It sucks when people are ignorant.

    I had a similar experience at the gym. I was doing interval running and some girl was behind me with her boyfriend, both going super slow on the bike, and I heard the girl lean over and say "Doesn't she know that she's not going to do anything by doing that? She's just going to stay fat." At the moment, I was between songs, so I heard her clear as day, and I glanced back to look at her. She was probably about 50 lbs heavier than me.

    ETA: I'm not sure why people who are trying to get fit are so scared of the smaller people who are doing the same things as they are, for me, it's always the bigger ones that are mean. I know there are good and bad people in every group, but for me, when it comes to weightloss, the bigger people seem to be more vicious.
  • lax75
    lax75 Posts: 118 Member
    LOVE LOVE LOVE your answers!! I wouldn't have thought of anything witty to say until I'd driven halfway home.
  • xginanax
    xginanax Posts: 333 Member
    hahahah shes probably jealous. she probably saw her partner checking u out so she decided to put her to cents in... hahaha some women need to learn to get over their jealousy.. jealousy is a ugly thing.
  • laughingnome
    laughingnome Posts: 259 Member
    Way to put her in her place...congrats to you
  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    So I made my weekly trip to the grocery store to stock up my yummy healthy foods. I was standing in the line waiting to pay for my fresh fruits and veggies, super lean turkey burger, fish, morning star items, frozen veggies, greek yogurt, nonfat cottage cheese, whole grain pasta, beans, etc. This woman (and I use that term lightly) behind me loudly says to her husband "You see? That's why I don't eat's obviously not working for HER". Mind you this woman had probably 50 lbs on me, the cart was filled with TV dinners, fatty ground beef, beer (no problem with that, just making a point), tons of non-diet soda, sour cream, etc. The only veggies was some canned corn. I felt sorry for the husband cause he was trying to hide behind her when I did the dramatic slow-turn, gave her a hard-a$$ed stare, looked her up and down, and said "Actually, not that I would ever need to answer to you, but I have lost over 187 lbs eating this way. What's your excuse?"

    I turned around and she starts grumbling to her husband "I bet she's so b!tchy because she is hungry" I turned around again and said "you know, one of the benefits of a healthy diet is 1. I am not deaf, so I can hear you, and 2. I am able to eat quite a bit more healthy food with lower calories than unhealthy calorie-dense food. I am never hungry, and in fact I am a generally happy person. Perhaps you should try it sometime, maybe then you won't be so irritable." I turned back around again to hear the husband tell her to shut her mouth before I rightfully punched her in the face. I have never been criticised for eating healthy...most people ask me for recipes when I am in line. Goes to show that the miserable ones aren't those of us on this site getting fit, but rather the rest of them wishing for a better life but not caring enough to persue it.

    I like the sound of your grocery cart, do you post recipes here?:smile:
  • 8bitAlina
    8bitAlina Posts: 353 Member
    So I made my weekly trip to the grocery store to stock up my yummy healthy foods. I was standing in the line waiting to pay for my fresh fruits and veggies, super lean turkey burger, fish, morning star items, frozen veggies, greek yogurt, nonfat cottage cheese, whole grain pasta, beans, etc. This woman (and I use that term lightly) behind me loudly says to her husband "You see? That's why I don't eat's obviously not working for HER". Mind you this woman had probably 50 lbs on me, the cart was filled with TV dinners, fatty ground beef, beer (no problem with that, just making a point), tons of non-diet soda, sour cream, etc. The only veggies was some canned corn. I felt sorry for the husband cause he was trying to hide behind her when I did the dramatic slow-turn, gave her a hard-a$$ed stare, looked her up and down, and said "Actually, not that I would ever need to answer to you, but I have lost over 187 lbs eating this way. What's your excuse?"

    I turned around and she starts grumbling to her husband "I bet she's so b!tchy because she is hungry" I turned around again and said "you know, one of the benefits of a healthy diet is 1. I am not deaf, so I can hear you, and 2. I am able to eat quite a bit more healthy food with lower calories than unhealthy calorie-dense food. I am never hungry, and in fact I am a generally happy person. Perhaps you should try it sometime, maybe then you won't be so irritable." I turned back around again to hear the husband tell her to shut her mouth before I rightfully punched her in the face. I have never been criticised for eating healthy...most people ask me for recipes when I am in line. Goes to show that the miserable ones aren't those of us on this site getting fit, but rather the rest of them wishing for a better life but not caring enough to persue it.

    I like the sound of your grocery cart, do you post recipes here?:smile:

    ^ This!!!
  • boyslie72487
    boyslie72487 Posts: 181 Member
    the nerve of some people!! good for you, standing your ground and telling her to stfu!