Dangers of Vegetarian & Vegan Diets Long-Term



  • paisley2288
    paisley2288 Posts: 913 Member
    I have a serious question. What's the difference between a vegetarian diet and a vegan diet?
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    I have a serious question. What's the difference between a vegetarian diet and a vegan diet?

    Vegetarians don't eat animal flesh, including that of chickens and fish. They may eat eggs andor dairy products. Vegans don't eat any of those things, and may also avoid buying honey, leather, wool and cosmetics/cleaners which contain animal products and/or are tested on animals.
  • Malrose01
    Malrose01 Posts: 25 Member
    This will get buried, but I was a strict vegetarian for two years. I ate cheese and eggs, but no meat whatsoever. I felt very good for the first 3 months or so, but then my energy started to rapidly decline. It got to where, during any kind of physical exertion, I would feel a crushing tiredness, like all my energy was being sapped out through my feet. I got an iron/vitamin d test, and both were fine. About 9 months ago, I started eating meat again. The tired feeling went away. Now I feel great, normal again. So, I guess Vegetarianism/Veganism works for some people, but not for me.
  • hbunting86
    hbunting86 Posts: 952 Member
    Eat what you want and stop caring what other people think... I mean does it REALLY matter?

    So you blast vegetarians? Good for you.

    What about low carb?

    What about low fat?

    What about low carb AND low fat?


    Genetically modified foods?

    Point being that what people is really and truly is THEIR business. There will always be some research (and I use that term incredibly loosely, as scientific rigor does vary significantly) promoting or demonising a particular way of living.

    The vegetarians are happy - leave them alone. The omnivores are happy - leave them alone too.

    If vegetarianism was SO bad and unhealthy, why do people today STILL choose not to eat meat?

    At the end of the day we all eat to stay alive - what we choose to eat to do so is entirely a matter of personal choice, rather than public opinion.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Look, I can understand that you've obviously lived an incredibly sheltered life, but If you can't see how bringing up slavery is ignorant and offensive, then I have nothing to say.

    Do animals have rights? If they can survive by themselves, then they have the right to live until they die or are killed. If they require human intervention to survive, then they have the right to live as long as humans intervene to keep them that way.

    I got an idea, why don't you walk right up to a black person, and tell them that animals are just as much slaves as their ancestors were. See how much they appreciate that sentiment.
    would you have said that to me if i wasn't white?
    i never said anything about black slaves. there were jewish slaves. there were roman slaves. there were greek slaves. there are south asian slaves. there are sex slaves. there are debt slaves. i never said anything about race or even what kind of slaves. i simply said slaves.

    Ok, so go find a Greek, or Jew, or Roman, or Armenian, or any other rationalization you want to throw out there and go tell them that an animal is just as much a slave as their ancestors. Or go find a mother whose child was kidnapped and sold to another country as a sex slave, and tell her an animal is a slave just like her child is.

    You can justify and rationalize all you like, it just makes what you said even more insensitive, ignorant, and offensive, not less.

    You seem very persistent in making your point. I believe at this point, you may be arguing with yourself. I read the thread, and I think you probably yelled 'busted' to yourself when she took the bait. Insensitive? Ignorant? Offensive? Hmmmmmm....

    I'm not arguing as much as I'm flabbergasted that someone would actually make that comment, and then attempt to justify it because they didn't "specify the type of slave."
  • Birder150
    Birder150 Posts: 677 Member
    Or people could, ya know, stop having so many goddamn kids.

    What, you mean like your parents?
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    Look, I can understand that you've obviously lived an incredibly sheltered life, but If you can't see how bringing up slavery is ignorant and offensive, then I have nothing to say.

    Do animals have rights? If they can survive by themselves, then they have the right to live until they die or are killed. If they require human intervention to survive, then they have the right to live as long as humans intervene to keep them that way.

    I got an idea, why don't you walk right up to a black person, and tell them that animals are just as much slaves as their ancestors were. See how much they appreciate that sentiment.
    would you have said that to me if i wasn't white?
    i never said anything about black slaves. there were jewish slaves. there were roman slaves. there were greek slaves. there are south asian slaves. there are sex slaves. there are debt slaves. i never said anything about race or even what kind of slaves. i simply said slaves.

    Ok, so go find a Greek, or Jew, or Roman, or Armenian, or any other rationalization you want to throw out there and go tell them that an animal is just as much a slave as their ancestors. Or go find a mother whose child was kidnapped and sold to another country as a sex slave, and tell her an animal is a slave just like her child is.

    You can justify and rationalize all you like, it just makes what you said even more insensitive, ignorant, and offensive, not less.

    You seem very persistent in making your point. I believe at this point, you may be arguing with yourself. I read the thread, and I think you probably yelled 'busted' to yourself when she took the bait. Insensitive? Ignorant? Offensive? Hmmmmmm....

    I'm not arguing as much as I'm flabbergasted that someone would actually make that comment, and then attempt to justify it because they didn't "specify the type of slave."

    There are vegetarians who consider themselves abolitionists, in that they would like the confinement and slaughter of animals to be illegal and simply, gone. Such vegetarians wish for the day when people will look back on our present relationship to animals in shame and disgust. Drawing parallels to slavery isn't something I would personally do, since it hurts people who have been hurt enough by this blight upon our history.
  • katiew00t
    katiew00t Posts: 164
    :heart: brendan brazier, vegan professional triathlete :heart:


    Does he ever win?

    don't troll my posts just because you didn't like what I had to say in your forum.
  • razzmahtazz
    razzmahtazz Posts: 78 Member
    Bump....healthy vegetarian here!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    In fact, if someone has been a vegetarian for some time, eating meat will actually make them ill because they no longer produce an enzyme that we need to process meat. If that enzyme stops being produced if you stop eating meat, how can you say we are 'made to eat meat'. It would be more accurate to say we can adapt to eat meat.

    Wouldn't it be more accurate to say that we adapt to NOT eating meat.

    Also, question for the vegetarians. Are you vegetarian for health reasons or because of moral ones? If you lived on a farm and knew your cows and such are being treated right and fed right and all that jazz, could you eat those animals?

    No it would not - we do not produce the enzyme if we do not eat meat - there is no enzyme we need to produce to be a vegeterian.

    I do not care how an animal is kept, I would still not eat it. I would obviously prefer all animals to be raised humanely for those who do eat meat.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Cavemen went to ALOT of time, effort and considable RISK to hunt down red meat for the tribe.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    Also, question for the vegetarians.

    Are you vegetarian for health reasons or because of moral ones?


    If you lived on a farm and knew your cows and such are being treated right and fed right and all that jazz, could you eat those animals?

    No, not now. I actually grew up on a small farm, named our family's steers and chickens, and ate them. Some of my meat-eating childhood friends would come over to eat and refuse to eat 'Betsy', 'Shadow' or 'Someday'. At the time, I saw those friends as hypocrites, since they would eat animals they didn't know personally. Now, I reject all of it. Our animals were treated like pets and showed innocent trust and we betrayed it. Vile.
  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
    I don't want to draw fire from vegans and vegetarians but I've never met a really healthy looking one! I always assumed that they just weren't balancing their meals right. But maybe it's because strictly vegetarian eating goes against that fact that we are meat-eating animals.
    If you are healthy and a vegatarian more power to you. BUT isn't it a good idea to keep an open mind particularly when it comes to your health? Also I'm not against vegetarian meals..I find them delicious and eat them a lot.

    Brendan Brazier, triathlete, vegan.

    Chad Ochocinco, NFL athlete, vegetarian.

    This tofu is delicious.

    This exactly!!! And WWE World Champion Daniel Bryan, and MMA fighter Jake Shields, who I believe has recently taken up a full vegan diet!
    dont forget Alicia Silverstone. Im hoping to add myself to that list too :-)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    You know you're not going to change anyone's mind so why bother posting this? Are you just bored or something?
    Pretty sure it was just posted as a response to the "Eating meat gives you cancer and you will die horribly" topic.

    I was thinking that myself!
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Also, question for the vegetarians.

    Are you vegetarian for health reasons or because of moral ones?


    If you lived on a farm and knew your cows and such are being treated right and fed right and all that jazz, could you eat those animals?

    No, not now. I actually grew up on a small farm, named our family's steers and chickens, and ate them. Some of my meat-eating childhood friends would come over to eat and refuse to eat 'Betsy', 'Shadow' or 'Someday'. At the time, I saw those friends as hypocrites, since they would eat animals they didn't know personally. Now, I reject all of it. Our animals were treated like pets and showed innocent trust and we betrayed it. Vile.

    What the hell does this have to do with anything? I'll go to church if I need preachin'
  • twelbies
    twelbies Posts: 31
    I don't want to draw fire from vegans and vegetarians but I've never met a really healthy looking one! I always assumed that they just weren't balancing their meals right. But maybe it's because strictly vegetarian eating goes against that fact that we are meat-eating animals.
    If you are healthy and a vegatarian more power to you. BUT isn't it a good idea to keep an open mind particularly when it comes to your health? Also I'm not against vegetarian meals..I find them delicious and eat them a lot.

    Brendan Brazier, triathlete, vegan.

    Chad Ochocinco, NFL athlete, vegetarian.

    This tofu is delicious.

    This exactly!!! And WWE World Champion Daniel Bryan, and MMA fighter Jake Shields, who I believe has recently taken up a full vegan diet!
    dont forget Alicia Silverstone. Im hoping to add myself to that list too :-)

    ^^ lovely points.
    I have been vegetarian for over ten years and haven't had any medical problems whatsoever.
    Unless I have already died from the dangers of long term vegetarianism......................and didn't know it................................. bahaha
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Come on people, we have incisors for a reason.........................duh
    i dunno, i never really used my incisors when i was eating meat. or the chik'n patty i'm eating as i type. i use my incisors to bite bananas or apples or clementines.
    we have appendixes, too, but we evolved so we don't (appear to) need them anymore.

    Agreed - have you seen the incisors on a gorilla - and they are vegetarian for the most part (they do eat bugs)?
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    I don't want to draw fire from vegans and vegetarians but I've never met a really healthy looking one! I always assumed that they just weren't balancing their meals right. But maybe it's because strictly vegetarian eating goes against that fact that we are meat-eating animals.
    If you are healthy and a vegatarian more power to you. BUT isn't it a good idea to keep an open mind particularly when it comes to your health? Also I'm not against vegetarian meals..I find them delicious and eat them a lot.

    Brendan Brazier, triathlete, vegan.

    Chad Ochocinco, NFL athlete, vegetarian.

    This tofu is delicious.

    This exactly!!! And WWE World Champion Daniel Bryan, and MMA fighter Jake Shields, who I believe has recently taken up a full vegan diet!
    dont forget Alicia Silverstone. Im hoping to add myself to that list too :-)

    ^^ lovely points.
    I have been vegetarian for over ten years and haven't had any medical problems whatsoever.
    Unless I have already died from the dangers of long term vegetarianism......................and didn't know it................................. bahaha

    Very healthy vegetarians, and easy on the eyes.
  • soymisato
    I'm a vegetarian.. and I'm happy XD
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    If you are HERE on this site, you are more than likely want to lose weight. Some need to lose more than others. If you need to lose a considerable amount and you are vegan, you certainly have some possible health issues. Excess fat isn't healthy. Not for a vegan or a meat eater.