Food Diary ... less is NOT more.



  • redshoeshelley
    redshoeshelley Posts: 206 Member

    It pisses me off to no end when I blow 240 calories on 2 slices of rye bread for pete's sake. I hate it when my Tim Hortons tea costs me 150 calories but there are days when I make the sacrifice. It's not about eliminating the things I love. It's about making better choices.

    This seems borderline obsessive to me? Freaking out over 240 cals of bread or 150 cals in your coffee? Just go to the gym and work it off.

    ETA: I think somebody's a bit grumpypants 'cause others are enjoying junk food and they aren't. Maybe you should go have a burger, fries and a shake. :flowerforyou:

    I enjoy my 150 calorie tea :drinker: ... and I do go to the gym.
    As for being grumpy when I'm not enjoying junk food ... how can feeling like crap after eating crap make someone grumpy? Rather the opposite. I choose wiser options and opt out of the majority of crap that used to be part of my life. I still enjoy a handful of chips, my favorite crackers and black licorice but let me tell you, I don't miss that "lead brick in my belly" feeling after I've eaten a meal that is loaded with processed crap. A burger, fries and shake would make me physically ill :sick: ...
  • redshoeshelley
    redshoeshelley Posts: 206 Member

    It drives me crazy to hear people say they don't have time to exercise or prepare fresh foods. Seriously people? Do you know how many hours there are in a day? Trade one sedentary activity for an activity of some sort ... trade that sedentary activity in and take care of your body! Mentally AND physically you'll feel better.


    I love to exercise, but sometimes my work doesn't allow time to exercise. I'm a freelance creative practitioner and production manager. Sometimes I'm rigging equipment, climbing up and down 8m for hours every day. Sometimes I'm sat at my desk, at home, researching, coordinating and planning.

    Working a 14hr day in theatre isn't unheard of, in fact, plenty of theatre professionals do it. I work anything from an easy 45hrs per week to a horrendous 90hr week. Some weeks I'm doing a lot of hours at home, so I spend time breaking every couple of hours to either do my housework or prepare my meals, from scratch. On 90hr weeks I've got the choice between eating well or not eating and exercising, otherwise I'm cutting into sleep time or the odd hour I get to spend with my partner.

    Where I am, the hours I work and the company I keep are all factors that contribute to my food choices. I'm dedicated to losing weight - yes I've had my falls, I've gotten distracted, gained again and lost again, but like everyone else, I learn from these moments and overall I've managed to lose 5st so far (11lb in the last 3wks on here).

    Yesterday I wanted to workout - I worked 9am-6pm, took a break from 6pm-9pm (in which time I slept for 40 mins, ate food and dashed around the flat doing housework) I then spent 30mins with my partner then got back to work for 10pm and carried on working until 4am. I slept from 4.30am-7.30am, had breakfast, walked to the gym for 9am, worked out for an hour, walked home and started work again at 1pm...I then worked 9 out of 13 hours, slept for 3 out 13 and the final hour was spent doing...I don't know what. At 7am this morning I was due to work out, but there was no way I could drag myself to the gym, I could barely get myself a cup of tea. Some days I need to rest.

    I can't afford to be ruled by diet and exercise (my pockets just aren't that deep), but instead attempt to find balance, and this is the only way I've managed to keep losing weight, without the pitfalls. Telling myself that I can't spend a lazy hour, sitting in front of the lake with my partner because I should spend that sedentary hour exercising some fat off or that we can't share some ice cream whilst watching a film once a month is not going to keep me happy OR healthy.

    I guess not everyone works a 9-5.

    PS - I know I'm not the only one with a weird routine, I just wanted to point out that most of us with strange routines don't rant about it, we just manage our lives the best we can. Sometimes that means sleep, compassion and money HAVE to come before exercise.

    Point taken, absolutely but it sounds to me like the lifestyle you lead is a work out in itself girl !! :smile:
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    It drives me crazy to hear people say they don't have time to exercise or prepare fresh foods. Seriously people? Do you know how many hours there are in a day? Trade one sedentary activity for an activity of some sort ... trade that sedentary activity in and take care of your body! Mentally AND physically you'll feel better.

    My response: do you have "time" to die a few years early?
  • redshoeshelley
    redshoeshelley Posts: 206 Member

    I used to work a similar shift and I went to work out before I came home and then showered and laid down.

    There is 24 hours in a day........and it doesn't take long, drawn out workouts. Get in, get out in 20-30 minutes.

    Where this is a will, there is a way.

    :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • Phrak
    Phrak Posts: 353 Member

    I used to work a similar shift and I went to work out before I came home and then showered and laid down.

    There is 24 hours in a day........and it doesn't take long, drawn out workouts. Get in, get out in 20-30 minutes.

    Where this is a will, there is a way.

    :happy: :happy: :happy:

    Can only wish my work-outs took that long.
  • redshoeshelley
    redshoeshelley Posts: 206 Member

    Leave people alone. You have no right to sit here and negatively criticize anyone. Just because someone leaves their diary public doesn't give you the God given right to belittle them, judge them, and make this pathetic post about them. Do you know what constructive criticism is? It's meant to help someone improve.. not make them feel bad about themselves, we are all here to learn and we are all here for a reason. If we all knew everything, NOBODY would be here!!! What works for someone else may or may not work for you.

    Again, leave people alone.. if you can't say something nice, then just don't say it at all..

    Criticize your diary?? Your diary is not open..So, how can anyone give you any constructive criticism? Unless they are on your friends list.. So, save it.

    Never once did I belittle or judge a single, solitary person on MFP. Did you see me name drop? Nope, didn't think so. If I had criticized one person in particular, publicly I would expect this kind of remark. You'd almost think I was looking at YOURS for this kind of reaction !!!
    My opinion is my opinion, just as is yours. Diaries are made public for a reason ... and I will say it again ... mine is open for review.
  • scthomas01
    scthomas01 Posts: 17 Member
    Geez, I'm so tired of all these rants about what other people are doing and not doing. Unless you have a degree in nutrition and exercise, I'm not trying to hear what you have to say. Let people eat and exercise how they want to. How does it hurt you, if someone else isn't eating enough/working out enough IF you are? Worry about yourself and your weight loss and Lead by your ACTIONS NOT YOUR RANTS.
    Thank you!
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    I still eat fast food and processed food, sometimes I only eat 2-3 meals a day... there are days that I don't fit in a workout... yet somehow I'm still making progress.

    It's nice that you found something that works for you, but maybe it's better to keep your focus on what's working for YOU and not what bothers you about what might or might not be working for others.
  • Lynnmi07
    Lynnmi07 Posts: 131 Member
    My boyfriend eats 1 meal a day (or well 3-4 meals at 1x). No matter how hard I try that is just how he is, he doesn't eat breakfast, rarely eats lunch (unless work meeting or something). So he just eats all evening. As long as he maintains his calories he doesn't gain weight.

    So it is definitely calories in vs calories out. I think meal timing and amount of meals is a personality thing. For me eating all my calories in 1 meal would be very bad because I like to eat all day long so I would just end up eating more calories than I should.
  • TamImbrogno
    TamImbrogno Posts: 72 Member
    While I do see your point what works for you may not work for everyone. Some people have much busier lives than others and cant always eat fresh foods and excercise. I have 3 kids myself and I do manage to get my workouts in and eat mainly healthy foods. But with that said I would never judge because someone doesnt live just like I do.
  • sarge634
    sarge634 Posts: 42
    Just a thought but isnt the whole idea of the counter to have all your numbers in the green and not in the red,or am i wrong?
  • griebelt
    griebelt Posts: 4 Member
    I do not judge others - if it works for them - good for them. And I am glad yours works for you. Have a nice day ;)
  • abnerner
    abnerner Posts: 452 Member
    Geez, I'm so tired of all these rants about what other people are doing and not doing. Unless you have a degree in nutrition and exercise, I'm not trying to hear what you have to say. Let people eat and exercise how they want to. How does it hurt you, if someone else isn't eating enough/working out enough IF you are? Worry about yourself and your weight loss and Lead by your ACTIONS NOT YOUR RANTS.
    Thank you!

    ^^ This
  • Ebwash89
    Ebwash89 Posts: 180 Member
    I have to disagree. I eat fast food, frozen meals, etc. and still reached goal. Double cheeseburgers, burritos, fries, everything. Not all people work the same but I've always believed in not depriving yourself of anything. As long as I keep my calories under control, spread it out with snacks in between(healthy ones, I've done just fine.
  • nikkif87
    nikkif87 Posts: 193 Member
    Geez, I'm so tired of all these rants about what other people are doing and not doing. Unless you have a degree in nutrition and exercise, I'm not trying to hear what you have to say. Let people eat and exercise how they want to. How does it hurt you, if someone else isn't eating enough/working out enough IF you are? Worry about yourself and your weight loss and Lead by your ACTIONS NOT YOUR RANTS.
    Thank you!


    Like my mom always told me "mind your own business" heh

  • UFCGirl1988
    UFCGirl1988 Posts: 75 Member
    I feel as long as your losing weight and not doing it in a unhealthy manner (anorexia/ bulimia etc.) It doesn't matter when or what you are eating. Naturally your body might get used to your exercise routine or food intake so it might be wise to switch it up if you hit a plateau but i feel its up to the individual.
  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member
    Each human body is unique
    we all lose weight differently
    What works for one will not work for another
    I am a twin and my twin only has to work out twice a week to maintain her weight
    I have to work out 4 or 5
    and we technically have identical genes
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    For goodness sake just have your dam bread and tea already so we can move on. LOL!!!!!
  • nnapieralski
    nnapieralski Posts: 132 Member
    I still eat fast food and processed food, sometimes I only eat 2-3 meals a day... there are days that I don't fit in a workout... yet somehow I'm still making progress.

    It's nice that you found something that works for you, but maybe it's better to keep your focus on what's working for YOU and not what bothers you about what might or might not be working for others.

    Agreed. I'm here for one else. The only thing that matters is what works for me.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I am amazed at the public food diaries I see. I don't understand how my MFP peeps expect to lose weight cramming all their calories in one, maybe two meals.

    I'm not so sure it really matters when you eat your calories. There are some days I eat half of mine in one meal, but hasn't hindered me in the slightest. The body doesn't care if you eat three meals, two or seven.

    Actually it does. I mean you will see your self lose weight by just counting calories and staying under a certain number, but you would be even more successful by eating more low-calorie meals in a day. The more meals you eat in a day the more "exercise" your metabolism gets. If you eat all your calories in one meal, your metabolism is "turned off" or however you want to put it...So when you start eating, it takes time for your metabolism to catch up to you, not burning off as much as you could if you spread out your calories in your day with more frequent meals. It then doesn't have a chance to completely shut down, allowing for it to be active at the beginning of your meals instead of in the middle of it.
    When you turn off your metabolism, you die. There are plenty of studies showing that over the course of time, how many calories you consume is the key, not when you consume them.