Public Transportation & Giving up your seat



  • caroleslaststand
    caroleslaststand Posts: 178 Member
    Men should give up their seats for women. Young people should give up their seats for the elderly. The able should give up their seats for the disabled. It saddens me that this is even a question.

    this really pisses me off lol Women want to be equal but men should give up their seat for a woman lol

    I always give my seat to someone on the bus if they have bags or have trouble standing or they are elderly because I am a decent human being...not because it is expected of me as a man though.

    I've noticed in recent years that men and younger women sometimes offer me their seat and I thought they were just very sweet and of course turned them down. One day I realized that they offered me their seats because I'm lookin' kinda old. I can't get this weight off fast enough. I'm so excited about the surgery I have to have for a chronic abdominal infection (it's a peniculectomy which is otherwise a fat and skin removal) anyway I'm so excited I might be dancing into the surgery if they don't belt me to a gurney. Anyway, it's weird to have men and young ones offering me a seat. I still feel like I'm about 30 on the inside - maybe even 25.
  • caroleslaststand
    caroleslaststand Posts: 178 Member
    In Portland OR a lot of TriMet bus drivers will order you to give up your seat for someone who needs it more. There are also seats on our busses and light rail that have signs next to them reminding people that the elderly and handicapped have priority and you have to give it up if they get on... I think TriMet gave up on the lost art of good's a rare quality.
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    You offer your seat to a lady. Period.

    I'd like to smack that kid. Some 19 year old futzing with his iPod and wants some old woman to stand while he sits comfortably. That's not a man. That's a little boy who could use some manners.


    I ride the train everyday. And readily give up my seat to pregnant women, women with small children, anyone with a cane or obvious handicap... even a really old frail looking person. I am the first to offer up my seat. Or if someone asks, sometimes you dont feel well and really want a seat, people ask and I will stand.

    But ANY lady? That is just plain craziness. She and I both worked all day, and I happened to be lucky enough to score a seat for 20 minutes. Such are the breaks we are all equal in the world! I actually think offering your seat to an able bodied woman other then some lame attempt to hit on her should be considered an insult to her. why does she need your seat, is her vagina too heavy to stand with?

    That is so rude! Pregnant women start showing about the 5th month into their pregnancy. I used to dread taking the bus/subway in NYC because I would start to black out when I was standing. I would get dizzy had have to sit down when walking. At least there were benches along the side of the street, but on buses! oh that was dreadful.

    That is when I learned first hand why women were called the weaker sex. I can imagine that in the days when the birth rate was normal, that a lot of women would have been pregnant without it showing.

    When I started to show, it was the women who would give up their seats. In two pregnancies, only one man ever gave up his seat for me, and that was two weeks before I gave birth, so I was carrying rather low, and he obviously was a family man who could tell. I am even now grateful for those people who helped me then, and I always give my seat to women who are pregnant, and who are carrying newborns in their arms.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I've had the incredibly awkward experience of an older gentleman offering his seat up to (clearly able-bodied) me. I always feel like we are judging each other - "you sit down, because you are a woman", "no you sit down, because you are old and frail". Agh!

    Hahaha this gave me a good laugh!
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Men should give up their seats for women. Young people should give up their seats for the elderly. The able should give up their seats for the disabled. It saddens me that this is even a question.

    this really pisses me off lol Women want to be equal but men should give up their seat for a woman lol

    I always give my seat to someone on the bus if they have bags or have trouble standing or they are elderly because I am a decent human being...not because it is expected of me as a man though.

    Me, too. And it's weird to me when people I think need the seat more offer theirs to me.