Messing with complete strangers is such fun



  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    It makes me sad that there are people out there who don't appreciate teasing and ribbing anymore. People are too uptight!

    Me too... I come from a family of jokesters... unfortunately I didn't get the wit gene (along with the tall, skinny gene)... but even though it sometimes takes me a minute, I do appreciate a good ribbing... :drinker:
  • jennp1129
    jennp1129 Posts: 277 Member
    Oh, I just remembered... my dad would screw around with people from the banks that would call to try and get him to refinance his mortgage... well my dad, has a 0% mortgage (it was a very limited time offer back in the mid-90's) that a group in Texas was doing for Texas veterans... well, they would call, claiming to be able to lower his interest rate, so he would ask if they were going to pay HIM for the loan, since it was already at 0%, they would get all tripped up and start bumbling all over the place... It made for some good laughs for my dad.

    I love it. Ever since I was in high school I would mess with those callers... Usually they would start with "mam you've been selected..." And I would start screaming for joy and tell them "oh my gosh!!! I've never won anything before! How.did you know I would be here? I don't even live here! I'm so excited!" Then I would run around the house yelling "I won! This is the most incredible thing that's ever happened to me" they would feel so bad explaining it was an offer for a loan or different phone service.
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    It makes me sad that there are people out there who don't appreciate teasing and ribbing anymore. People are too uptight!
    I do appreciate a good ribbing... :drinker:
    Thus a new slogan was born for Trojan Condoms.
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member

    Carry on...I'm outta here to go grocery shopping, ironically.

    Yay!!! Let's have some fun now :drinker:

    thought we already were

    SMH... that wasn't very fun :sigh:

    i guess i'm easily amused :smile:
  • mrnls
    mrnls Posts: 95 Member
    I pay in $1 bills for everything $20 items $50 items doesn't matter I pay in ones. My comment is always "yeah last night was pretty good" being as I should never be a dancer of any sort this gets some of the best looks ever. I had one cashier tell me "well you go girl" and I loved it :wink:
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    It makes me sad that there are people out there who don't appreciate teasing and ribbing anymore. People are too uptight!
    I do appreciate a good ribbing... :drinker:
    Thus a new slogan was born for Trojan Condoms.
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • HWeatherholt
    HWeatherholt Posts: 283 Member
    One of my friends had this exchange when shopping in October for his annual holloween party....

    Thank you to the associates at Lowe's for providing humor to my day.

    Me: Excuse me, I need some rope.
    Guy: How much do you need?
    Me: Well, this is for a noose, so maybe 10 feet...?
    Guy: Ok.
    Me: (noticing this guy is just out there) Will this rope be strong enough to hold my weight?
    Guy: Yes it should. (hands me the rope)
    Me: I thank you and the recipients of my will thank you.
    Guy: Ok. Have a good day.
    (I go to the check out counter)
    Girl: Will this be all?
    Me: Yes, I just need it to make a noose.
    Girl: Can I get your phone number if you want to return it?
    Me: Oh it's ok. This is for a one time use.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I am white, but have a child who is not (her "sperm donor" was Hatian and DARK) When she was a baby and I had her in the baby seat in the cart, perfect strangers would ooh and ahh over her then say "She is so adorable! Where did you get her?" I got tired of answering "my vag!na" so I started saying "Aisle 14...they are on sale. Really good deal too" then walk away. I always loved the look of shock they would have.

    I had a pediatrician ask me where did my daughter come "from", when she was an infant (dark skin, loads of long dark hair-I was blonde with green eyes). I just looked at her and said...from me!! :explode: Dumb!$*& !@#)*.
  • CountryBoy65
    CountryBoy65 Posts: 908 Member
    I can say anything with a complete and earnest face.

    yeah, in your picture, you look completely complete and earnest.......

    Damn clowns....
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,858 Member
    When in a crowd with one or both of my sons, I will lean close to one of them and say rather loud, 'On NO! Are you going to vomit again?" This works best with my youngest who will now make appropriate barfing noises while people run away from us.
  • CountryBoy65
    CountryBoy65 Posts: 908 Member

    My daughter's first day of cashiering, some guy came up to her and said, "You're lucky I don't have my gun. I'd shoot you if I did."

    Some jokes aren't funny at all.
    That is not a joke at all... it is a threat.. and threats are not funny.

    Really, its not a threat. I threat would have been "I am going to go get my gun and shoot you." The above is just a very disturbing observation....
  • kkjay
    kkjay Posts: 62
    I love messing with people.

    I work in the cafeteria at school in the pizza area. Me and a few coworkers would mess with the customers who ordered pizzas. They would come and pick it up and it would be a pepperoni (or something) pizza. So we would take their receipt (which tells us which pizza is theirs) and say some bizarre combination. "The jalapeño and mushroom pizza?" the look on their faces is HILARIOUS, people look so confused. I was good at it, I could sometimes make them think that that's what they ordered. Even the customers thought it was funny and would tell us how convincing we were. :laugh:
  • CountryBoy65
    CountryBoy65 Posts: 908 Member

    My daughter's first day of cashiering, some guy came up to her and said, "You're lucky I don't have my gun. I'd shoot you if I did."

    Some jokes aren't funny at all.
    That is not a joke at all... it is a threat.. and threats are not funny.

    I used to think that too, but everyone seems to laugh at my threats. We'll see how hard they're laughing when I am wearing their heads as hats! this guy was random. Just walking by. Looked crazy as a loon, and threatened to shoot my daughter. Haha! Funny. Right. And there was no punchline, either. She feared he might be getting his gun to shoot her and couldn't leave her post. Great. That guy sure made my daughter piss her pants, but not from laughing.

    Not for anything, but I'm pretty sure if you feel like your life is in danger, you are allowed to leave the bagging station.

    Umm, no. That guy would have to bag his own groceries if she left the bagging station. Not professional. At. All.

    Bull****! I was assistant manager of a grocery store in college, and have been in law enforcement. If she felt that she was in danger, she could have asked for assistance, or left the area. No way anyone can make her stay there in fear for her life against her will.
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    At bars I make up randoms names and stories....the bartenders know me so they go along with it. My best story was when I was Gertrude(Gertie for short) and one of the other patrons joined in and was Hans!!!

    My younger sis and I also sound alike so when people call they never know who they are talking to.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member

    My daughter's first day of cashiering, some guy came up to her and said, "You're lucky I don't have my gun. I'd shoot you if I did."

    Some jokes aren't funny at all.
    That is not a joke at all... it is a threat.. and threats are not funny.

    I used to think that too, but everyone seems to laugh at my threats. We'll see how hard they're laughing when I am wearing their heads as hats! this guy was random. Just walking by. Looked crazy as a loon, and threatened to shoot my daughter. Haha! Funny. Right. And there was no punchline, either. She feared he might be getting his gun to shoot her and couldn't leave her post. Great. That guy sure made my daughter piss her pants, but not from laughing.

    Not for anything, but I'm pretty sure if you feel like your life is in danger, you are allowed to leave the bagging station.

    Umm, no. That guy would have to bag his own groceries if she left the bagging station. Not professional. At. All.

    Bull****! I was assistant manager of a grocery store in college, and have been in law enforcement. If she felt that she was in danger, she could have asked for assistance, or left the area. No way anyone can make her stay there in fear for her life against her will.

    This was true, and happened her first day on the job. For real. I would have handled it much differently than she did, she she wanted to please her employers, so she just continued to work in fear. She's an intelligent girl, but was just feeling that extreme uncertainty of working a first job. No manager compelled her to stay. She just remained mum about what happened. BTW, she is 6 months on the job, and nothing like this has happened to her since. Just bad luck that it happened her first day.
  • Schraudt814
    Schraudt814 Posts: 496 Member
    as much as Id like to screw with people i find if difficult to keep a straight face :drinker:

    ^^definitely this!!^^ I cannot keep a straight face to save my life.
  • Cmh1211
    Cmh1211 Posts: 104
    me and a friend of mine are always messing with ppl. long time ago when i actually used to go club hoppin, lol, we walked into a bathroom everything was real quiet accept for like 3 guys talking in there. so we start using urinals at opposite ends and theres one guy in the middle. my friend yells at the guys in the middle " quit staring at my d!ck!" he zipped his pants and started to walk off. i then followed him out, looked at the guy, and shook my head in a dissapointed manner. lol

    before the door closed i heard the kid tell his friends " man i swear i didnt look at his d!ck" and his friends laughing at him calling him a hommo. it was pretty funny.
  • rob_v
    rob_v Posts: 270 Member
    Pretty much whoever we are if I see someone taking a group shot picture, I will always get one with me in it. 99% of the people find it funny as hell. Every once in a while there is a **** that gets pissy. Best one ever was a group of ladies in Vegas were looking for someone go take a pic of them. I volunteered, then immediately found someone else to take the pictures with me in the group.
    It was pretty funny.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    This was true, and happened her first day on the job. For real. I would have handled it much differently than she did, she she wanted to please her employers, so she just continued to work in fear. She's an intelligent girl, but was just feeling that extreme uncertainty of working a first job. No manager compelled her to stay. She just remained mum about what happened. BTW, she is 6 months on the job, and nothing like this has happened to her since. Just bad luck that it happened her first day.

    So a completely bizarre and unfortunate situation should prevent of from joking with folks?
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    This was true, and happened her first day on the job. For real. I would have handled it much differently than she did, she she wanted to please her employers, so she just continued to work in fear. She's an intelligent girl, but was just feeling that extreme uncertainty of working a first job. No manager compelled her to stay. She just remained mum about what happened. BTW, she is 6 months on the job, and nothing like this has happened to her since. Just bad luck that it happened her first day.

    So a completely bizarre and unfortunate situation should prevent of from joking with folks?

    Okay. I think this just isn't my sort of thread. I like lighthearted banter, but I'm just not a practical joker. Joke on, people!