Who cares about being a size 0?



  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    Think before you write.

    If think size/weight/measurements ______ look gross/ill/sick/unhealthy.

    No matter the size it's not okay to write this.

    You have your opinions but you can keep them to yourselves.

    Good call.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    I'm surprised to hear that about Marilyn...I always thought she was a little on the plump side...if I'm allowed to use that word :)

    I'd be careful!!! People are wayy to sensitive here and someone will get offended and start saying you're "fat girl bashing" now as opposed to the "skinny girl" bashing that was just going on.

    People are PATHETIC!!!!! Ugh *rolling eyes*

    No, no. Because no one will EVER fat girl bash, but skinny girl bashing is in the clear.

    Poor you! Get over yourself!!

    If you'd read the post over again, and actually read what was being said instead of looking for something to get offended over and get all defensive and start S*** you might just realize that she wasn't saying all girls who are a size zero aren't "real women" but that in hollywood the celebrities who have their bones showing and look like they're knocking on death's door don't look healthy.

    Grow up!

    This is why I have guy friends!!!

    Excuse me? I am in no way looking for pity, I just find it total bullsh*t that you all can go around calling people "sticks" and unhealthy and *kitten*, while if I were to call anyone FAT I'd get a sh*tstorm thrown at me.

    How about you grow up and start giving people respect and not bashing others?
  • HikeRunLift
    Size 0? Is that like ironing board thin?? No thanks
  • ket_the_jet
    ket_the_jet Posts: 1,257 Member
    Why so much animosity on the boards? We're ALL beautiful.
    You know what...I'll bite. Because I disagree with this sentiment.

    Truth is, most everyone in the world will probably be beautiful to someone. But this universality of "we're all equal and the same in our differences?" That's bogus. I don't mind everyone acknowledging who and what they are, but it's a gross misuse of the word "beautiful" if you just want to mean "different."

    But everyone has a different perception of beauty. You can hide behind your computer with your provincial world view because the argument will never end anyway.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member

    This has gone so far off course that I'm not going to attempt to clean it up so its a lock I'm afraid.

    Please folks, think about how your words may come across before you post them. Women, whether they be obese or anorexic, are still women. (ETA I wasn't going for antonyms here, just pointing out that any woman, from anorexics to the morbidly obese and all those in between the two extremes are still REAL women)

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