New Black Team WEEK 1



  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I should have figured it out.

    Black Team thread:
    posts: 289
    views: 1,934

    Those views are not ALL me! :laugh:

    Hahaha. That's the result of several dedicated thread stalkers. :laugh:

    Ladies we have a lot of thread stalkers who are not even on the team! How do you think we got our pretty little mascot! :flowerforyou:
    That is soooo true Sam! I used to stalk your threads when I was on the Purple Team just to see what you were doing!!

    No team has more fun than we do-- !!!!!!
    smiley-face-tantrum.gif We B+tch
    smiley-face-grouphug.gif We hug
    smiley-face-groupwave.gif we cheer each other on
    smiley-face-phone.gif we have even been known to try to track someone down when they disappeared for a few days

    smiley-face-cheer.gifGOOOOOOOOOOOOO Black Team!!smiley-face-cheer.gif
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Yea and i have to work the next three days! Ugghhhh!!! How much can one person miss when they work 12 hour days? I will have too much reading to do by the time I get back!!! Someone should take notes to keep me informed. Shouldn't that be done by our fearless MASCOT???? Lol!!! That way I can stay informed!


    Thank you very much for helping me out! I hate to miss anything this great!

    Hi Renae, good to see you! Your looking fanTAStic!!:flowerforyou:
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Looks like it's gonna rain the rest of the day. Guess my workout will be indoors. Now the decision is to do Wii fit, Jillian Wii, or Jillian DVD????

    Yep, rainy and chilly all day here too. Im leaning more towards a Leslie Sansone DVD. I used her dvd's all winter long and did well with the weight loss so Leslie here I come!!:drinker:

    95 pounds!!!!!!!

    Unreal, Roni-- so amazing!!!

    I'm so proud of you!

    Thanks Marla:blushing: your pretty amazing yourself lady!!:drinker:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    We are having us a black team par-tay when you hit 100, Roni! You are an amazing inspiration to us! :heart:
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    We are having us a black team par-tay when you hit 100, Roni! You are an amazing inspiration to us! :heart:

    Party? Please tell me someone didnt say PARTY!:noway: Girly-Beans I been avoiding parties at all costs lately lol. Partys ALWAYS mean there will be CAKE:noway: :laugh: But I do have one coming up for my youngests' 8th grade graduation on the 28th. Im trying real hard to hit that 100 lbs gone mark before then so I can treat myself to just one little tiny sliver of his cake as a reward:blushing:
    Thank you so much for your kind words and Jeannie and Marla and a few others have been with me from "the start" it feels like and were always there and ready to give me words of encouragment and keep me moving on when I felt like I wasnt getting anywhere. I just wanted to say that and you ladies will never know how much its meant to me. Now, before I start a cry-fest I will end this subject with a simple I :heart: my Black Team!:flowerforyou: :drinker:
    P.S. I could never forget the guy that keeps me moving on either...Andrew:heart:
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Evening all.

    Still busy I see. Well hitting the gym actually made the achey back feel better. got 530 calories burned and feeling much better. Anyhoo I have another long day at work tommorow but at least I am not doing a rediculous amount of driving for a change. Have a great night friends!

    :bigsmile: :drinker:

    Im so glad your back is better Andrew, please be careful! NO INJURIES my friend:smile: And just so you feel "at home"...I only burned 518 calories yesterday. You got me my friend:wink::laugh: :flowerforyou:
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Good Morning Black Team!! :flowerforyou:

    What can I do for you today??:wink::laugh:
  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    good morning everyone. geez last time i posted was like 10 pages ago :laugh: busy busy busy. although i do admit i am a thread stalker, too (which my hubby outed me for and i'm so glad he did cause now i get to be a part of this incredible team) :love: i just couldn't motivate myself to workout yesterday, but stayed pretty close to my cals. i was up more than 3 lbs this week, but TOM showed up today so i'm looking forward to a loss this week (i hope). have a great day guys, see ya in another 10 pages :wink:
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Good morning everyone!

    I didn't wake up early this morning because it's supposed to be a "rest" day...well, that and it's hard to get up at 5 am to exercise! I'm hoping to sneak in a workout tonight after I get home from work. Hopefully hubby or 19 yr old will watch the little ones for me.

    Yesterday I burned 700 cals working out. 45 min in the morning with My Fitness Coach, and a half an hour "run" in the evening (lol, I'm no where near running - more like a slow jiggly jog - but I'm hoping to get there someday!). I actually ran up the hill (when I say hill, I live in the Appalachian Mountains in WV, so they are STEEP) though I had to stop and walk here and there.

    I think I have an exercise addiction. I quit one addiction for another lol - smoking to exercising - but I think that's a step in the right direction :smile:
  • maiasmommy
    maiasmommy Posts: 39
    Good morning. I think I might start my 30 day shred DVD today. I joined a challenge that begins next week, but I thought I might start it today just to see what it's like, and get my exercise in, as it's very nasty outside today.
  • sniffles
    sniffles Posts: 295
    Unfortunately I can't join the Pound for Pound challenge. Apparently Canadians aren't allowed to partake?

    200 calories a day I can do just walking up and down the stairs at home. These things are a MONSTER and normally once I'm up I stay up... or once I'm down I stay down but maybe this will be an excuse to go up and down. On the side I'm scared of stairs so it'll be a good exercise in more way than one.

    Sorry I'm so late getting here. The last few days were kind of crazy. You should see me right now! Blackened eyes, pale skin... everyone keeps looking at me as if I'm diseased so I snort... which is followed by giggles and; "Swine flu?"

    Anyway, it's not. It's just allergy season and stress. Sorry, probably shouldn't make jokes like that anyway!

    And that's my story.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Good morning. I think I might start my 30 day shred DVD today. I joined a challenge that begins next week, but I thought I might start it today just to see what it's like, and get my exercise in, as it's very nasty outside today.

    Indeed-- do not put off till tomorrow that which you can do today-- excellent !!!!

    Shred'll kick your butt, it's a good little workout.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    We are having us a black team par-tay when you hit 100, Roni! You are an amazing inspiration to us! :heart:

    Party? Please tell me someone didnt say PARTY!:noway: Girly-Beans I been avoiding parties at all costs lately lol. Partys ALWAYS mean there will be CAKE:noway: :laugh: But I do have one coming up for my youngests' 8th grade graduation on the 28th. Im trying real hard to hit that 100 lbs gone mark before then so I can treat myself to just one little tiny sliver of his cake as a reward:blushing:
    Thank you so much for your kind words and Jeannie and Marla and a few others have been with me from "the start" it feels like and were always there and ready to give me words of encouragment and keep me moving on when I felt like I wasnt getting anywhere. I just wanted to say that and you ladies will never know how much its meant to me. Now, before I start a cry-fest I will end this subject with a simple I :heart: my Black Team!:flowerforyou: :drinker:
    P.S. I could never forget the guy that keeps me moving on either...Andrew:heart:

    Yes, Ma'am-- I remember you first coming on-- and started talking about your son--

    We've been through a lot-- and you mean just as much to me-- all of you do-- I was thinking of you all while I was running. Knowing I couldn't stop because I wanted to be accountable to you all-- I wouldn't have made it this far without you-- thank God I found this site.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Annaliza-- way to burn those calories, woman--

    Beth-- TOM is one big, fat, pain in the fanny-- my cycle is totally screwed up. I got a premature visit two days after my surgery, which was two weeks early-- so now I'm totally confused when I'm due. But, judging by my demeanor, (de meaner, de better) I'm due. I've been ready to rip some heads off. :noway:

    Sniffles-- don't sweat the pound for pound-- no worries-- hope you feel better-- allergies stink.

    Morning Vanessa, Janie, Bobbi, Shuntae, Andrew, Jeannie, Shuntae, Amanda, Lynnie, Kati, Sam, Sara, Kristen, the lady the red hair :blushing: , leckl, the other new lady that posted today whose name I don't remember-- fudgesicles. :grumble: Heck-- all of you, good morning!!!

    Getting too damn old :grumble: -- when y'all get a chance, throw your names in your signatures, please, if they're not in your screen name. Senior moments over here cause me to forget names these days--

    Edit-- ha! Just noticed I greeted Shuntae twice-- well good morning again, Shuntae!
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Annaliza-- way to burn those calories, woman--

    Beth-- TOM is one big, fat, pain in the fanny-- my cycle is totally screwed up. I got a premature visit two days after my surgery, which was two weeks early-- so now I'm totally confused when I'm due. But, judging by my demeanor, (de meaner, de better) I'm due. I've been ready to rip some heads off. :noway:

    Sniffles-- don't sweat the pound for pound-- no worries-- hope you feel better-- allergies stink.

    Morning Vanessa, Janie, Bobbi, Shuntae, Andrew, Jeannie, Shuntae, Amanda, Lynnie, Kati, Sam, Sara, Kristen, the lady the red hair :blushing: , leckl, the other new lady that posted today whose name I don't remember-- fudgesicles. :grumble: Heck-- all of you, good morning!!!

    Getting too damn old :grumble: -- when y'all get a chance, throw your names in your signatures, please, if they're not in your screen name. Senior moments over here cause me to forget names these days--

    Edit-- ha! Just noticed I greeted Shuntae twice-- well good morning again, Shuntae!

    You greeted me twice 'cause I'm your fave. Don't worry, I can keep a secret. :laugh:
  • Vanessa414
    Vanessa414 Posts: 644
    hey all!!!

    Marla - Great job on finishing the 3 miles and pushing on when you wanted to quit. I bet you feel proud! You're such an inspiration and I can't wait until I can run 3 miles just like you!!!

    Beans - 750 CALORIES!!!! Holy cow girl!! Great job!

    Sniffles - (Sorry, I didn't catch your real name) I've never had allergies before, but I'm sure they suck. And on top of that being stressed? No good. I hope you start feeling better soon!!!

    Miasmommy - (Sorry, didn't catch your name either) I've done 30 Day Shred before and it is KILLER. But before long it starts to get easier as you build up some strength in your thighs and arms. I love it, and I might start doing it again, but not everyday cuz i like to switch it up. But I bet after your first work you, you're going to be shocked at how hard it is!

    Beth - I'm glad Andrew outed you! This team is so fun and the more the merrier!

    Annalize - 700 Calories!! wow. Great job girl!!!!

    My legs are CRAZY sore today, I don't know what to do about burning 200 calories. Any suggestions?

    I forgot my Slimfast for breakfast :explode: :mad: . A girl here says she has Toaster Streudels (sp) in the freezer, so i'm going to check out how many calories they are and maybe have one of those. I stayed up WAY too late last night watching the Twin/Tigers 13 inning game, but went to bed smiling since we won with a walkoff grand slam (Go Crede!!)

    Hope everyone is having a great day!!!!! :heart: :heart:
  • ToniAnn45
    ToniAnn45 Posts: 78 Member
    Hey Marla! Why is June 5 so special? It's special to me because it's my older daughter's birthday.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Hey Marla! Why is June 5 so special? It's special to me because it's my older daughter's birthday.

    'Morning Toni-- June 5 is my birthday, too !!-- and was the day I'd hoped to reach goal.

    Don't think I'm gonna get there, but I'll die trying!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Annaliza-- way to burn those calories, woman--

    Beth-- TOM is one big, fat, pain in the fanny-- my cycle is totally screwed up. I got a premature visit two days after my surgery, which was two weeks early-- so now I'm totally confused when I'm due. But, judging by my demeanor, (de meaner, de better) I'm due. I've been ready to rip some heads off. :noway:

    Sniffles-- don't sweat the pound for pound-- no worries-- hope you feel better-- allergies stink.

    Morning Vanessa, Janie, Bobbi, Shuntae, Andrew, Jeannie, Shuntae, Amanda, Lynnie, Kati, Sam, Sara, Kristen, the lady the red hair :blushing: , leckl, the other new lady that posted today whose name I don't remember-- fudgesicles. :grumble: Heck-- all of you, good morning!!!

    Getting too damn old :grumble: -- when y'all get a chance, throw your names in your signatures, please, if they're not in your screen name. Senior moments over here cause me to forget names these days--

    Edit-- ha! Just noticed I greeted Shuntae twice-- well good morning again, Shuntae!

    You greeted me twice 'cause I'm your fave. Don't worry, I can keep a secret. :laugh:

  • ToniAnn45
    ToniAnn45 Posts: 78 Member
    Hey Marla! Why is June 5 so special? It's special to me because it's my older daughter's birthday.

    'Morning Toni-- June 5 is my birthday, too !!-- and was the day I'd hoped to reach goal.

    Don't think I'm gonna get there, but I'll die trying!

    Don't be so hard on yourself. 40 lbs. lost is fantastic. I'm trying for 25 & I can't seem to lose 1.