Skinny girls are "better" than fat girls ?



  • Flugangst
    Flugangst Posts: 98 Member
    Haters gonna hate.
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    just because her self-esteem is all effed up and she's deluded into believing she is worth something because of how she looks - you guys dont have to tear her apart so heartlessly and viciously and publicly where she cannot defend herself.

    How is any of this motivating any of you to become better physically or socially? Motivation via tearing down the neighbor of someone you've never met?


    Where is all of your inner beauty today? on another thread?
    Um...the woman is anonymous. Only the OP knows who she is. Take a chill pill.

    Please dont tell me to take a 'chill pill' like Im having a temper tantrum in the early nineties. Im just thinking aloud- with everyone saying that inner beauty is what's more important and that you only tear down other to make yourself feel better and then I read this:

    like a disease
    twatwaffle (in other words the crisscross dents left on a commando vagina after sporting too-tight fishnets or jeans while walking the streets all night...- nice thing to call a defeated unhappy stranger)
    threats to assault her? to socially blacklist her?
    skinny piece of bat-**** insane
    deciding that her being small must be the ONLY thing going for her in the entire world- cause you obviously know her so well

    Yes the OP does know her- but everyone flocking to rip her apart is working against their own pleas for others to be kind and be beautiful from the inside. And you fuss me for simply offering up a different opinion?
    It's called a rant. Nobody is telling this woman that's she's shallow and conceited to her face. That would be way too effective. Unfortunately, only the OP can do that and I'd advise that she do it ASAP.

    I can understand ranting, it just seemed strange that to offset misled thinking, the best fix is to have strangers tear her apart. I'll shush.
    It's not a "fix" any more than complaining about bad drivers or fad diets is a fix. It's about being reassured that not everyone is as shallow and petty as the neighbor. Mission accomplished despite the minority opinion.

    Only if your mission is to feel superior, or be justified in your bashing.
    I am superior to a superficial, shallow person. I take pride in being better than that.
  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member
    It's my personality that makes me better than everyone. *hair-flip, smile-bling*
    I can vouch for that :-)
  • mandyjoy12
    mandyjoy12 Posts: 31 Member
    Queen said "fat-bottomed girls make the rockin' world go 'round" and you don't argue with Queen.

    True story
  • RedBullLiz
    RedBullLiz Posts: 469 Member
    Oh, come on!! Really??
    She may be "hot & skinny" and whatnot, but I bet in a couple years, her looks will wear out.
    If not, I'm positive she have some sort of mental problems.
  • AliceKlaar
    AliceKlaar Posts: 275 Member
    this is the definition of a twatwaffle

    I have nothing useful to add. I just wanted to bump this thread back up so that as many people as possible get to appreciate the glory of the word that is 'twatwaffle'.
  • Yatashie
    Yatashie Posts: 61 Member
    Fat women are easier to "catch"... we tend to trip and fall and get winded faster.

    Hahahahahaha :) Too true.