Dog owners, am i being selfish?

Chairless Posts: 588 Member
Im really toying with the idea of getting a furry buddy.

I live alone and work at least 8 hours a day, when im not in work i am always itching for an excuse to stomp around the local countryside.

I know i can give a dog a good, relaxed and stable home with plenty of care and exercise but the poor thing would have to be alone while im working.

Thoughts please.


  • Dnsnyder
    Dnsnyder Posts: 263 Member
    Perhaps you could invest in "Doggie Day Care" a couple of times a week? This will allow the dog to be in a social environment, able to run around, play, and expend some energy. This would help to break up the routine so that the dog wouldn't be alone 5 days a week for 8+ hours a day. And, the important thing is that when you do get home from work, you spend time with the dog and ensure that they are getting proper exercise and socialization.
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    I've had my beagle for 5 years, since he was a puppy. I work 8 hour days and I work about 45 minutes away from my house. I leave the house at 545 am for work and I don't get back til around 345 pm. My fiance works from 7 am to 8-9pm everyday. The dog is there alone for about 8-9 hours a day, and he's perfectly fine. I make sure he has water and food everyday and plenty of toys and I turn the TV on in the living room for him and the radio on in the kitchen. Just be sure, when you are home to pay attention to the dog and take him outside to play, etc. More than likely the dog will sleep most of the time you are gone.
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    Quite a tricky one and probably depends on the dog. I had a greyhound and whilst they're incredibly placid they, as all dogs, need a bit of company every few hours. This is costly...but on days myself or my boyfriend couldn't get home within 8 hours we had a dog-walker that would take him out for an hour (it used to cost us about £8) and feed him if necessary. It was quite good in the end because the dog-walker built up a relationship with the pooch and they'd also take him in when we went on holiday or away for weekends.
    Also really research your breeds thoroughly before committing. Smaller dogs tend to be more 'yappy' as is next doors which we're on the verge of feeding chocolate covered chicken bones in a bid to put it out of it's incessant barking misery! Large dogs are calmer (less to prove) and also look into the difference into female/male temperaments of a breed.

    One thing I quickly learned is that the commitment is HUGE! I thought that because I loved being out walking in the country-side a dog would be perfect, but at times like 1am when Muttly's got the raging trots and HAS to be taken out can be a different matter! ; )
    Overall though, I absolutely adored my dog and won't hesitate to get another one in the future.
  • Monkeylost
    Monkeylost Posts: 132 Member
    A hound is worth every penny you pay for it. We've got a Springer Spaniel and bought her from the breeder she gives back so much love all the time. She is the best thing we have ever bought in our lives.

    All you really have to consider is the breed you buy as some are better at being left than others. Ours needs constant attention so it's a good job I'm home most days but not all dogs need that. Have a look at which hound suits your lifestyle and go for it, they get you out of the house, are always pleased to see you and will be your best friend for life. Xxx
  • bio_fit
    bio_fit Posts: 307 Member
    Simples. Get TWO dogs. :wink:
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    That's a tough one. On one hand, dogs are extremely social and extended periods of being alone will cause some dogs to act out in destructive ways, simply from being bored or because they are lonely. On the other hand, many dogs do very well alone while their owner works - crate training is especially helpful in this. So it is somewhat dependent on the temperament of your dog. Doggy daycare is a great option if that is feasible for you.

    Consider adopting an older dog with an established personality and less of the annoying puppiness :smile: I love my furry buddy. We go for long walks most days, he has a yard to play in, and he sleeps at the foot of my bed. Make sure you have a reliable dog-sitter or boarder if you have to go out of town without him. That is the one thing about my pup - he makes going away for.the weekend much more complicated than it was when we just had a cat!
  • Dunkirk
    Dunkirk Posts: 465 Member
    Consider fostering a dog as a 'test run'.
  • _LilPowerHouse
    _LilPowerHouse Posts: 365 Member
    I had the same problem when My family and I wanted a dog.. so I went to this website: and you answer some questions and the match you up with the best breed possible for your lifestyle. its like
    match dot com but for people and dogs..LOL.. It matched us up with a toy fox terrier and we absolutely love this breed.. I hope it works out for you as well.. :happy:
  • Mustlovepugs11
    I have one dog currently and am adding a second next week as I feel bad for my one dog being alone throughout the day... He is alone for about 8.5 hours monday - Friday. He seems fine and we have had no problems with him acting out in any way. Plus he is a pug which they sleep most of the time. I still do feel bad for him which is why we are getting him a friend to keep him company during the day while we are away. If you do get a dog just make sure he gets plenty of attention when you get home. Good luck!
  • ooOOooGravy
    ooOOooGravy Posts: 476 Member
    2 ideas for you!

    1) get 2, they keep each others company, i have 3 and they are happy together for the 9 to 10 hours we leave them.
    2) get a rescue dog! this have many more advantages to a fresh puppy
    - already older and house trained
    - more than likely already used to being left alone for long periods of time
    - supporting buying rescue dogs rather than puppy breeding

    honestly there are thousands of dogs that needs re-homing and be perfect for your lifestyle.

    ps i want a picture of said dog, when you get it :D
  • SunshineAndLove
    SunshineAndLove Posts: 194 Member
    We got two for the reason that we didn't want one being on his own all the time. We are lucky though in that the in-laws have them two days a week for us and they get walked every day by FIL and I can work from home sometimes. Do feel really guilty when we have to leave them for 5+ hours on their own. Make sure you get one that likes walking, we didn't think it through when we got ours and they have got very little legs so not great for walking long distances.

    I don't think it's a bad idea, would be good if you had some sort of interaction for it during some days if not all of the days though. Do you have a next door neighbour that could pop in?
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    Consider an adult dog. Lots of people work full time and have dogs. I happen to live close enough to go home for lunch every day, but many dogs can go 8+ hours without needing to potty. I agree with the others, rescue is a great way to go. Both of my goldens are rescue dogs.
  • thekarens
    thekarens Posts: 254 Member
    Get a couple of pound puppies. They can keep each other company and they are great workout buddies. We have 4 dogs. I work about 45 minutes from our place. Only one of our dogs is really good for working out (standard poodle, who was a rescue) The others are little and prefer short walks.

    PS........if you own your home a dog door is an option.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I was working full time when I got my dog, and I've been out of work for quite a while now. You know what my dog does most of the day? Sleep.

    Eight hours is too long for a puppy to be home alone, since they don't have enough bladder control, but perfectly fine for an adult dog. Rescue dogs are the best. :smile:
  • Skeemer118
    Skeemer118 Posts: 397 Member
    I've had my beagle for 5 years, since he was a puppy. I work 8 hour days and I work about 45 minutes away from my house. I leave the house at 545 am for work and I don't get back til around 345 pm. My fiance works from 7 am to 8-9pm everyday. The dog is there alone for about 8-9 hours a day, and he's perfectly fine. I make sure he has water and food everyday and plenty of toys and I turn the TV on in the living room for him and the radio on in the kitchen. Just be sure, when you are home to pay attention to the dog and take him outside to play, etc. More than likely the dog will sleep most of the time you are gone.

    ^ Same for me. My 2 guys stay home for at least 8 hrs a day by themselves. They're happily wasting their day away & I find the evidence by seeing fur all over my bed where they've managed to roll around playing & sleep. LOL. We pay lots of attention to them when we get home & try to exercise them outside to keep them active & fit. They're my babies! =)
  • shaybethxo
    shaybethxo Posts: 153 Member
    we had one dog for 7 seven years and she was left alone for probably 8 hours a day, 3-5 days a week, and we left her with plenty of food water treats and toys and she never seemed stressed out by it. she's perfectly happy, and we walk her daily. :) we got another puppy in january, mainly because we lost our cat and the house felt a bit lonely. and now he keeps her company through the days we're out, and he has settled in fine. no destructive behaviour, he's calm and chilled out - amazing since he's only 4 and a half months old! so in short, provided they are stimulated when you are home, a dog could be great for you :)

    edit: our dogs a re small breeds - jack russel cross and a cavalier king charles, so a small breed would probably be your best bet :)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Most dogs are alone that long. A lot fewer people would have dogs if they worried about leaving them that long.

    I would recommend against a puppy, though. Get a grown dog with a good temperment that's house trained. As long as you spend plenty of time with the dog when you're not at work, it will be fine.

    And to add, you could get either two dogs or a cat (low-maintenance) and the dog wouldn't be alone.
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    The dog whisperer says dogs cant tell time :) You can't humanize them ( as much as we want to...)

    My Boyfriend adopted a Pit/American Bull dog and he too works 8 a day, 5 days a week, sometimes longer. You just need to make sure your dog gets alot of exercise when you are with him :)

    Good Luck :)
  • KellyTSmith
    Well, since you like being active outside, I think as long as you take your new buddy with you, you'll be alright. My dog is home alone for about 6 hours a day, but I make sure to get her outside the moment I come home- and if the weather is bad, then we go to Petsmart or for a drive- as long as the time you spend with him/her is active, he or she will nap for those 8 hours you're at work. I dont think you're being selfish at all.
  • nammer79
    nammer79 Posts: 707 Member
    pick a dog that will match you but honestly most pet owners are full tome workers too ... having one isn't free and and cost a bit of money when you take care of them correctly. (vet bills, food, toys and other things) just make sure you spend all the time you can with it and show the dog that you love it.