Dog owners, am i being selfish?



  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    Anyone who says its selfish is a fool. A pet is a pet. As long as you take the time every day to nurtue and care for it, then get one. This is being able take the dog out for daily exercise AND play. I highly suggest getting a dog from some form of a shelter that is a cole year old. This will minimize the boredome stage fora puppy and saves a dog from being killed.
  • iamstaceywood
    iamstaceywood Posts: 383 Member
    I agree with the rescue comments and the adult dog comments. Defnitly consider an adult pet because puppies are such a pita. My dog is my bestie and id never trade in her puppyhood for housetraining but, its hard. Also, selfish? get a cat? pft. Cats are an entierly different animal. Anyone who has a dog knows that. And dogs not only can't tell time, and dig structure but, i doubt they would mind being left alone with the radio on and some toys/bones to chew on. My lab sleeps when i'm not here. Saving up her energy for when i am!
  • itsuki
    itsuki Posts: 520 Member
    You have a couple of options.

    The first would be to get two dogs, so he has a friend while you're at work. Dogs are pack animals and like having other friends around. :) Of course if you were planning on getting a big dog this might not work for you. :)

    The other option would be just to make sure the dog has plenty of stuff to keep him occupied while you're gone. After he's crate trained, make sure he's got toys and other goodies to play with to keep him happy while you're away!
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    I say go for it, SAVE one from a kill shelter. Then you are definitely giving it a better home and life than it would ever have had, and trust me the dog will appreciate it, I swear my dog knows. Also consider saving two because then it would have a buddy and wouldn't be so lonely at home :) Everytime I look at my two saved dogs it just fills my heart with joy!
  • Lorleee
    Lorleee Posts: 369 Member
    Could you do doggie day care once a week or hire a dogwalker a couple times a week? Some places offer pack walks that last a couple of hours and the dogs are exhausted the rest of the day until you come home! A tired dog is a happy dog.:smile:
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    Im really toying with the idea of getting a furry buddy.

    I live alone and work at least 8 hours a day, when im not in work i am always itching for an excuse to stomp around the local countryside.

    I know i can give a dog a good, relaxed and stable home with plenty of care and exercise but the poor thing would have to be alone while im working.

    Thoughts please.

    I grew up on a farm and dogs are ment to be free and have companionship all the time, the most humane thing you could do is NOT get a dog living in the city. it really upsets me to see animals in cages and left alone for most of the day, its wrong and it is not fair to the dog, your doing it for your own selfish reasons. don't do it, we have 2 cats that have cat doors that come and go as they please, i have never cleaned cat litter because we have 17 acres for them to do there business, plus it cuts down on food, they tend to hunt for themselves. we want a dog but know the huge maintenance they are, and the thought of leaving it alone for more than 8 hours just breaks my heart. they are more demanding than kids, the difference is you can ignore your dog which is the worst. i urge you, do not get a dog, for the dogs sake.

    You know what, there are too many animals that really need homes that will live in cages at the pound until they die for you to have that stupid attitude about it. Really you think they are better off in those kill shelters at the pound.................geez way to think it out.
  • minnesota_deere
    minnesota_deere Posts: 232 Member
    Im really toying with the idea of getting a furry buddy.

    I live alone and work at least 8 hours a day, when im not in work i am always itching for an excuse to stomp around the local countryside.

    I know i can give a dog a good, relaxed and stable home with plenty of care and exercise but the poor thing would have to be alone while im working.

    Thoughts please.
    we have had them for 5 years and they play with the coyotes, just because your cats are stupid doesn't mean all cats are.

    I grew up on a farm and dogs are ment to be free and have companionship all the time, the most humane thing you could do is NOT get a dog living in the city. it really upsets me to see animals in cages and left alone for most of the day, its wrong and it is not fair to the dog, your doing it for your own selfish reasons. don't do it, we have 2 cats that have cat doors that come and go as they please, i have never cleaned cat litter because we have 17 acres for them to do there business, plus it cuts down on food, they tend to hunt for themselves. we want a dog but know the huge maintenance they are, and the thought of leaving it alone for more than 8 hours just breaks my heart. they are more demanding than kids, the difference is you can ignore your dog which is the worst. i urge you, do not get a dog, for the dogs sake.

    I could say the same about you with your cats. We stopped letting ours out because when we lived in the country with tons of room for them to roam, they got hit by cars and a couple killed by wild animals. So, I could call you selfish for letting your cats out just so you don't have to clean a litter box.

    But I won't. Because I don't judge people so harshly.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    none of that annoying barking, whining, or howling. And they dont eat your shoes, couch, or other items.

    not my cats - Marlon yodels - he just likes the sound of his own voice and has chewed the heels of at least 3 pairs of shoes and Gene has destroyed almost every piece of furniture I own.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    I say go for it, SAVE one from a kill shelter. Then you are definitely giving it a better home and life than it would ever have had, and trust me the dog will appreciate it, I swear my dog knows. Also consider saving two because then it would have a buddy and wouldn't be so lonely at home :) Everytime I look at my two saved dogs it just fills my heart with joy!

    I completely agree. I am also very against breeding animals. I personally think it is just plain selfish to buy a pedigree animal just because it looks pretty when thousands of dogs and cats are waiting for homes in kill shelters.
  • minnesota_deere
    minnesota_deere Posts: 232 Member
    Im really toying with the idea of getting a furry buddy.

    I live alone and work at least 8 hours a day, when im not in work i am always itching for an excuse to stomp around the local countryside.

    I know i can give a dog a good, relaxed and stable home with plenty of care and exercise but the poor thing would have to be alone while im working.

    Thoughts please.

    ok lets dwell on that, who put them in the pound in the first place? hhmmm???

    I grew up on a farm and dogs are ment to be free and have companionship all the time, the most humane thing you could do is NOT get a dog living in the city. it really upsets me to see animals in cages and left alone for most of the day, its wrong and it is not fair to the dog, your doing it for your own selfish reasons. don't do it, we have 2 cats that have cat doors that come and go as they please, i have never cleaned cat litter because we have 17 acres for them to do there business, plus it cuts down on food, they tend to hunt for themselves. we want a dog but know the huge maintenance they are, and the thought of leaving it alone for more than 8 hours just breaks my heart. they are more demanding than kids, the difference is you can ignore your dog which is the worst. i urge you, do not get a dog, for the dogs sake.

    You know what, there are too many animals that really need homes that will live in cages at the pound until they die for you to have that stupid attitude about it. Really you think they are better off in those kill shelters at the pound.................geez way to think it out.
  • minnesota_deere
    minnesota_deere Posts: 232 Member
    Im really toying with the idea of getting a furry buddy.

    I live alone and work at least 8 hours a day, when im not in work i am always itching for an excuse to stomp around the local countryside.

    I know i can give a dog a good, relaxed and stable home with plenty of care and exercise but the poor thing would have to be alone while im working.

    Thoughts please.
    how did they get to that point in the first place?? think about it.

    I grew up on a farm and dogs are ment to be free and have companionship all the time, the most humane thing you could do is NOT get a dog living in the city. it really upsets me to see animals in cages and left alone for most of the day, its wrong and it is not fair to the dog, your doing it for your own selfish reasons. don't do it, we have 2 cats that have cat doors that come and go as they please, i have never cleaned cat litter because we have 17 acres for them to do there business, plus it cuts down on food, they tend to hunt for themselves. we want a dog but know the huge maintenance they are, and the thought of leaving it alone for more than 8 hours just breaks my heart. they are more demanding than kids, the difference is you can ignore your dog which is the worst. i urge you, do not get a dog, for the dogs sake.
    Wow, so dogs are better off being euthanized because no one wants them then they are being left alone for 8 hours? I think the dogs would beg to differ.
  • snowhunny
    Im really toying with the idea of getting a furry buddy.

    I live alone and work at least 8 hours a day, when im not in work i am always itching for an excuse to stomp around the local countryside.

    I know i can give a dog a good, relaxed and stable home with plenty of care and exercise but the poor thing would have to be alone while im working.

    Thoughts please.

    I grew up on a farm and dogs are ment to be free and have companionship all the time, the most humane thing you could do is NOT get a dog living in the city. it really upsets me to see animals in cages and left alone for most of the day, its wrong and it is not fair to the dog, your doing it for your own selfish reasons. don't do it, we have 2 cats that have cat doors that come and go as they please, i have never cleaned cat litter because we have 17 acres for them to do there business, plus it cuts down on food, they tend to hunt for themselves. we want a dog but know the huge maintenance they are, and the thought of leaving it alone for more than 8 hours just breaks my heart. they are more demanding than kids, the difference is you can ignore your dog which is the worst. i urge you, do not get a dog, for the dogs sake.

    I could say the same about you with your cats. We stopped letting ours out because when we lived in the country with tons of room for them to roam, they got hit by cars and a couple killed by wild animals. So, I could call you selfish for letting your cats out just so you don't have to clean a litter box.

    But I won't. Because I don't judge people so harshly.

    Ok, I don't even usually participate in the forums because I'm not the type of person to get into a conflict with someone online of all places... But I cant continue reading this and not say anything. Its not about judging anyone, my feelings are purely compassion for all the dogs left alone all day. Just because "There are lots of people who leave their dogs for 8 hours a day" doesn't mean it's right. All that means is that too many people justify their actions this way. Everyone is free to do what they want with their pets (except abuse them!) but when you decide to get a dog, you need to be able to make a commitment to that life you are taking on. It's about them, not you! If you leave them for 8 hours a day, then spend less than that with them after your done work, how is that fair to that dog? I am extremely passionate about the humane treatment of animals, and I agree with the post about not getting a dog if you live in a city. And don't even get me started on crate training.... Again, I'm not attacking anyone, or questioning your love for your little buddy, this is about the dogs, and what they deserve, and so many deserve sooo much more.

    Edit to add: While i was typing it was mentioned about euthanizing dogs and the pound, I'm obviously against this due to my passion for dogs. unfortunately, most people wont go that route to get a dog. if you do get a dog, please get a rescue, but keep in mind, most of the time these dogs need MORE attention than a non-pound dog, not less.
  • JScarbo
    JScarbo Posts: 30
    Don't worry about it. My family has three dogs and they all know the sound of my engine when returning from work and gather for some attention. You will be well welcomed at the end of your day with a pal eagerly ready to greet you.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    most dogs are alone all day....but then there's people like me.... I was a professional dog walker for a year and a half - full time, that's what I did. worked out good - dog gets some luvin and a break during the day while his/her human is at work! Now I help run the dog walking company i worked for. :) get a dog - and a dog walker!
  • UpToTheChallenge
    My fiance and I got a Rottweiler puppy in January. He works 2 weeks days and 2 weeks nights and I am always on days, so there are times when she is left alone for 8 hours but she is doing fine! she will be 4 months this Sunday and is such a smart puppy. We also got her younger than usual (6 weeks) and yes, there were times when she had to go into her crate for an extended period of time, but she has turned out well! She is obedient, she knows so many tricks, and she is the best behaved dog in puppy classes.

    Just make sure you have the time commitment to provide the dog once you are home.
  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    Depends on the dog. Dogs like labs need lots of attention or they can become destructive. My dog can destroy a couch, a bed, and a bathroom in as little as 30 minutes. I would get a dog that you wouldn't have to crate all day. Our labs stay outside during the day in our backyard because I feel horrible having to crate them for 8 hours, but they often can't be trusted.
  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 588 Member
    For those who are against the idea rest assured that i would not even consider it if i didnt feel it would be in the best interest of the dog and would discuss the details with whatever shelter i deal with and see what they think about it.

    I just wanted to know what other dog owners had experienced with working etc.

    And it is selfish i know, but im hoping it can be a mutually beneficial arrangement for me and the fluffy friend.
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I have 4 dogs and they stay inside (my puppy stays in a kennel) while we are at work. They are fine. The stay outside the majority of the time on the weekends and afternoon/ evenings. They are all in shape, healthy and happy. I believe that if you can give an animal a good home, you should. 3 Boxers and a beagle here if that helps.

    I also wanted to add that 3 of mine are rescues.
  • pcox0624
    pcox0624 Posts: 20
    Get a dog, hopefully rescue! I have two dogs and work 8 hours Monday through Friday. They go out in my backyard while at work but pretty much are in the house otherwise!!!!!

    Good luck:)
  • fmouco
    fmouco Posts: 100 Member
    Hi, did you consider the possibility of having two of them? They really keep company to each other and play around even when you are not home. I suggest you two *****es or a couple (two males could dispute territory).