Dog owners, am i being selfish?



  • timjai
    timjai Posts: 113
    No one's suggested leaving an animal alone by itself with nothing but a bed and a blanket.

    When my dog has evolved into being able to enjoy a good novel or check the daily goings on in the world via the www I'll leave him a book and a computer. In the mean time he'll be left with mental stimulation from the radio and plenty of toys to play with.

    You're surely not moronic enough to think the point of this thread was whether it's OK to leave a dog alone in a cage for 8 hours a day????

    Meh, you're not worth of another wor......
  • timjai
    timjai Posts: 113
    @Chairless - Do it, you'd be a great owner.
  • ivyamom
    ivyamom Posts: 16
    Can u afford doggy daycare, a pet sitter or can u swap care with a friend? how about come home on your lunch?
  • branflake6
    branflake6 Posts: 115
    I say adopt an adult dog from a shelter or rescue. You are saving a life, it is not a puppy so it won't go nuts

    plus everyone has to work, so it will be fine. Get a dog!! :bigsmile:
  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 588 Member
    Can u afford doggy daycare, a pet sitter or can u swap care with a friend? how about come home on your lunch?

    Have found several walking services in the area so thats a possibility if i do go for it and getting home at lunch wouldnt be impossible, just would have to be a quick hello and out for a toilet break job, wouldnt have time for anything else.
    FORIANN Posts: 273 Member
    No one's suggested leaving an animal alone by itself with nothing but a bed and a blanket.

    When my dog has evolved into being able to enjoy a good novel or check the daily goings on in the world via the www I'll leave him a book and a computer. In the mean time he'll be left with mental stimulation from the radio and plenty of toys to play with.

    You're surely not moronic enough to think the point of this thread was whether it's OK to leave a dog alone in a cage for 8 hours a day????

    Meh, you're not worth of another wor......

    Mental stimulation from the radio....what's his favorite station? If you think a piece of plastic and some illegible noise is adequate social stimulation, for the sake of soothing your conscience, go for it. Depending on the breed of the dog let me recommend either blues or trip hop.
  • Naybelline
    Naybelline Posts: 407 Member
    Not nice to leave a puppy for 8 hours without having a toilet break.
  • timjai
    timjai Posts: 113
    blah blah blah ......ther blues or trip hop.

  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    I have a toy poodle now 15 months old, from a pup. I never leave him alone for more than 3 hours. If it is going to be longer he goes to the dog minders. It cost me £5 for the day. I would much rather do that than leave him alone as he likes to have constant attention and trots about after me everywhere.

    I love my little dog and wouldn`t be without him, but it does put a lot of restraints on my life. So I would think long and hard.

    so as for breeds, as some have mentioned, some breeds like to have constant affection and can get separation anxiety if left alone for long periods of time.

    If you are out all day for 8 hours+ then you can`t really say for certain that your dog is happy, as you don`t know if it is whining or barking whilst you are out at work. Just because you get home and it is thrilled to see you doesn`t mean it has been happy and content whilst you were out.

    If you enjoy long walks, have you not got a neighbour with a dog? Maybe they would be pleased if you were to offer to walk it...then you get your walks and don`t have to worry about leaving the dog home alone?

    When we are out walking I meet a lot of people who are walking other peoples dogs.
  • amy4586
    amy4586 Posts: 96 Member
    I think it is perfectly fine to have a dog with your work schedule. I would not recommend a puppy (they require a lot of work/attention and housebreaking is something you need to really devote time to...

    There are SO many dogs that need homes, ADOPT! You can find them from a mere 8 wks old to senior age. Pick a dog that suits your lifestyle. Many different breds are high energy, low energy, working dogs, hunting dogs, ect.

    I adopted my pit mix at 8 wks. I work 10 hours a day three days a week. I used to feel guilty until I realized that on my days off...he sleeps all day anyway, lol. I try to take him to the dog park weather permitting or I take him to my aunts farm to play with her dog. He runs around so much he sleeps most of the next day. As long as you spend time with them when you are not working it's fine. If working was an issue a lot less ppl would have dogs.

    Check out or visit a local shelter, save a life :-)
  • kb455
    kb455 Posts: 679 Member
    If people who had to work 8 hours a day never got dogs, most households wouldn't have them!!! I say go for it. I do agree with those that suggested crate training and getting an older dog (not a puppy).
  • NakedLunchTime
    I agree with coliemarie on the first page. I am in a very simillar situation and my dog is sooo happy all the time. I just make sure I play alot with her and she is such a happy great dog! I think you sound like a good canidate for a dog!!
  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    Im really toying with the idea of getting a furry buddy.

    I live alone and work at least 8 hours a day, when im not in work i am always itching for an excuse to stomp around the local countryside.

    I know i can give a dog a good, relaxed and stable home with plenty of care and exercise but the poor thing would have to be alone while im working.

    Thoughts please.

    honestly, if you have a yard, that could be the best roommate's dog stays inside all day, and while he would prefer having someone there, he's fine being inside. it takes training and patience, but they can handle it.
  • thekarens
    thekarens Posts: 254 Member
    I wonder if all the judgmental people on here are aware of how many dogs are killed each year at the shelters due to lack of a home. Would you think it's better that the dog die then be home alone for 8 hours a day?

    I also don't think a puppy would be good in this situation because there's no time to train him/her, but there are a boatload of adult dogs that would be happy to have an owner and be well treated and loved even if they did have to stay in a crate 8 hours a day.
  • _Kitten_Kate
    _Kitten_Kate Posts: 520 Member
    I agree with some of the others... go for a dog that is 2-3+ years.

    I have a black lab...he is a bear! 130lbs... (miniature great dane)
    I've had him since he was 15 weeks old... I crate trained him... spent all my free time with him in the beginning.. I had a hard time leaving him in the crate all day. Made me sad. But he was quickly house trained that way. Even when he was crate trained I couldn't leave him out in the house when I wasn't there. He destroyed everything.. ...CD's DVDs, tv remotes., books. Odd that is was never blankets or pillows or furniture.
    Anyway. He couldn't stay in the house alone for extended time until he was about 3. So, he had to stay in the yard ...even in bad weather. (he out grew the crate)
    But he was fine sleeping in the house at night... as long as I was there.
    He is almost 9 now. .. Still prefers to be near me... but I can leave him in the house unattended. He actually thinks he is human, or is some dog of special powers... doesn't belong in the yard... sits on the couch...
    It's really unreal the personalities they have.

    I have to say, though it was many trials in the beginning... I wouldn't have changed it for the world. I love my dog more than I like most people.

    Do some research,... figure out if you have the patience to train a dog... to spend time with them... to be their BFF.... that's all they want. And if you don't have that patience and understanding... then dont get a dog.
  • Hambone23
    Hambone23 Posts: 486 Member
    Couple things: Don't get a puppy. They need constant supervision and cannot be left alone 8 hours a day unless you cage them, which is it's own controversial topic. I personally wouldn't want to do that, so I'd suggest you research the breed you might want. Don't get a high energy breed. They won't do well left alone that long. Also, think about adopting a rescue dog, maybe a little older. My dogs have always mellowed out around 1 1/2 - 2 years old. And think about getting the dog either on a Friday or on some vacation time so you have some at home time to bond, gain their trust, get them used to you and the house, etc.
    FORIANN Posts: 273 Member

    Here's a list of some of the smarter and not so smarter dog breeds. In general the smarter the dog the more stimulation they need mentally and the less intelligent ones typically don't need as much. It kinda' makes sense.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Simples. Get TWO dogs. :wink:

    Hahahaha... I was thinking, get a cat too... we had two cats before we got our dog... and one of the cats and the dog are always chasing each other and otherwise terrorizing each other (in a playful manner of course)...
  • Farfourah
    Farfourah Posts: 899 Member
    I didn't read the thread, but the dog owners that don't clean up after their dogs in the park, or where ever, can go to be frank.
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sometimes my dogs seem a bit irritated that we are in "their" house "bothering" them. LOL