How do you feel about Diet Soda?



  • Taylerr88
    Taylerr88 Posts: 320 Member
    diet dr pepper cherry for me.. keeps me sane when i am cutting.
  • Iamkim73
    Iamkim73 Posts: 924 Member
    I had a serious love affair with diet come... I broke up with it on sept.... And never looked back!
  • skinnytayy
    skinnytayy Posts: 459
    I avoid any soda, including diet. I *might* treat myself to a few sips if i want something carbonated once a month or so. But aspartame is incredibly unhealthy from what I've heard/read. I've heard that diet can actually be worse then regular. I just read about a study that says diet soda could increase risk for cardiovascular disease (link below). I'm posting links below about aspartame below. If I were you, I'd try to cut back and limit consumption or cut it all together. There is nothing in them that your body needs and soda gets expensive after some time. If its the carbonation you crave, try 1/2 lemon in some sparkling water. Lemon is extremely good for you (link below just because its interesting).
  • superstarcassie
    superstarcassie Posts: 296 Member
    I can't give it up- its a vice for me....I have cut back though! Pre-weight loss, I would easily take down 6 cans a day. Now I stick to one at lunch....and an occasional evening soda or when I go out to eat.
  • akjstyles
    akjstyles Posts: 75 Member
    I love my diet Coke, with an ounce and a half of rum. lol Other then that I don't drink any soda diet or otherwise.
  • KristenStone
    KristenStone Posts: 106 Member
    I have rekindled my relationship with water. We broke up for a long while and I started seeing diet coke. But DC got too distracting because I was hittin that 4-5 times a day. Well water and I got back together (what can I say, water has a nice dental plan!) and i'm back on board. NBD. I still see diet coke maybe once a week.. What can ya do, I get around.
  • Nessa0311
    I use to drink several a day. I gave it up for lent. Since then I have been doing some research on metabolism and weight loss. What I have been reading says that diet soda can make you gain weight. That it tricks your metabolism. When you drink it and it being sweet your body starts looking for those calories and they aren't there. What I have read says that your body will retrain itself to think that anything sweet has no calories and will quit using those calories like it should. I don't think I will be drinking anymore after reading that. I don't want to take that chance that diet soda could be really messing up the way my body burns calories.
  • gingersnaps828
    I really wish there was a clear cut definite answer regarding "the diet soda" dilemma as I've been asking myself, and my doctors, that for years as I live on diet soda (diet mount dew, an occasional diet coke or diet pepsi), and I use to flavor my water with those crystal light packs but stopped using them because I got scared off because of the aspartame they contained (although I didn't give up the diet soda since when I tried I got headaches, was tired and well to be honest just missed it too much). Diet soda is something I don't think I could live without. I don't drink coffee so it's my java, and sometimes it's my breakfast or my snack.

    I have epilepsy so I worried about the effects of diet soda (aspartame) on me and not even my neurologist could give me an answer. He him-hawed and went back and forth with himself and never said I couldn't drink it or that it was bad for my condition or with the medications I'm on.

    So I am not worried about it. I think I felt worse not drinking it, than drinking it. And I LOVE it. The only thing I don't like is the bloatedness I sometimes get, but it's not all the time, so I think other factors come into play like other foods I've eaten that day, water, exercise etc.

    I personally won't be giving it up. But I don't drink a ton of it a day except on rare occassions, and now I'm trying to work in more water too. But everyone is different and while one person might be OK with it someone else might not feel OK with it. And it's personal opinion too. It's like any food or drink where one day it's OK, and then one day you find out on the news it's bad for you, but then 5-10 yrs later you find out it was OK all along and it was actually something else.

    Edit: oh and another reason it's a vice for me is because unlike the majority, i cannot drink alchohol, so when everyone else is drinking a beer, wine, or something else, i get to enjoy a diet soda :)
  • triinityz
    triinityz Posts: 146 Member
    It actually goes pretty good with vodka if you squeeze a lemon into it!
  • KilikiMom
    KilikiMom Posts: 237 Member
    i dont like has a gross taste to most diet things do LOL....but that being said i dont drink pop/soda at all....i stopped drinking it 2 months ago....and i could care less if i ever had it again....i'd rather drink water or tea
  • PALady4JC
    PALady4JC Posts: 99 Member
    Diet orange and diet cream soda mixed....very yummy!
  • PALady4JC
    PALady4JC Posts: 99 Member
    I try not to drink soda, the reason being simply that it's just crap for your body. Since my goal is to eat and drink healthier, then why should I put that chemical-absolutely-nothing-nutritious stuff in my body? I've started brewing my own iced tea and making my own lemonade as additions to drinking water. When I make them myself, not only is it cheaper, I can also pronounce all the ingredients in them and know what they actually are. :bigsmile: Oh, and I do drink wine. There are some diet sodas I really like as made obvious in my last reply to this topic, but I am really striving to not have them.
  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    As a diabetic, it's either water or diet soda. I don't have any problems with it, though I've switched to diet green tea lately. It's tastier, and the carbonation in soda is supposedly rough on your kidneys. And since diabetics already have kidney issues I decided to switch.
  • Thomakk
    Thomakk Posts: 25 Member
    I love my Diet Coke. No other soda will do. Although I only average about one 12 oz can a day, I've given it up this week all together just to jump start my weight loss.

    I really miss it...look forward to tomorrow when I can have one again.
  • Yasmine91
    Yasmine91 Posts: 599 Member
    For me 'personally' it doesn't do me any good :P

    I bloat like crazy, I have trouble sleeping, I break out like crazy and it stalls my weight loss too. So I have to avoid it.
  • PHATmommy68
    PHATmommy68 Posts: 112
    I've heard so many different views on drinking Diet Soda. How do you feel about it and why do you feel that way?

    -- gatorgirlyyy

    get set for craziness---

    I drink 4-8 diet cokes a day. 12 ounce cans. I have for more than 15 years. Before that I drank Coke. Had to switch to diet as I went from a job where I walked miles of stairs every day to sitting on my butt. I have had none of the problems that you see scaremongers talk about with diet sodas. And I've had no problem losing 30 pounds in 5 months. Some people have claimed that diet soda causes spikes in your blood chemistry, etc. I've checked my glucose levels many times while drinking, before drinking, after drinking diet soda and my blood sugar changes the same as if I drink water.

    Some people have bad reactions to artificial sweetners. They shouldn't drink diet sodas. Most people have no problems. Go with what works for you.

    I can beat that craziness!!! I drink a 2 liter a DAY!!!! My only crutch! I just had blood work and its normal!
  • mmstgr
    mmstgr Posts: 578 Member
    I drink it.
    I really like pop, and this way, it keeps me from going crazy.
    If I can just have 1 can of diet, it would keep me from eating a bunch of food that I just didn't want to have anyways.
    I think of things like this... If I have a craving, I better settle it, otherwise when I try to fill that temptation with something I don't want, I end up having like 5 things before I feel satisfied. Instead, I can have that 1 thing I really want, in diet format, and it makes me feel better.
  • dg09
    dg09 Posts: 754
    i dont like has a gross taste to most diet things do LOL....but that being said i dont drink pop/soda at all....i stopped drinking it 2 months ago....and i could care less if i ever had it again....i'd rather drink water or tea

    What diets have you tried? There has been some great new flavors recently... at least new to me.

    Diet Sunkist
    Diet Mt Dew Supernova
    Fresca Citrus and Fresca Black Cherry
    Mello Yello Zero

    Some of the best diets out there, in my opinion.

    As for OP's question. I love diet, I drink it and water daily.
  • PHATmommy68
    PHATmommy68 Posts: 112
    who loves (diet) orange soda?!!

    Kel (sp?) likes (diet) orange soda