How do you feel about Diet Soda?



  • drtim12760
    Diet soda is horrible for you. The artificial sweeteners make you retain water to "flush" the toxins associated with the chemicals out of your tissues, therefore it takes longer to see weight loss on the scale and it causes an imbalance of acids in the muscles when you exercise which makes you more sore.
    There is nothing healthy in diet soda.
  • Zalovar
    Zalovar Posts: 92 Member
    who loves (diet) orange soda?!!

    I used to but I found out recently that the Diet Orange Crush actually has 25 calories a can (and corresponding sugar)...shows you how important it is to read labels. I drink about 2-3 diet sodas a day, usually at meal time. For some reason, I'm not a big fan of drinking water while I'm eating (although I often drink a glass before my meal). I asked my Dr. about diet sodas some time ago and he had no problem with them. Only thing he said was that for some people, drinking diet soda can increase sugar cravings. Luckily, I don't have that problem.
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    The way I feel about diet soda is that nobody better get between me and my daily can of Diet Mt Dew with lunch or there will be hell to pay!
  • jtheiss
    jtheiss Posts: 14
    I used to drink about 3-4 cans of diet coke a day. When I got serious about losing weight, I drank up what was left in the house and I stopped buying it. I find that if it's in the house I will usually have that instead of water, and we all know water is better for you and an important element to weight loss. And since I've stopped drinking it I find that I feel a lot better and I don't crave as many sweets. I will occasionally buy a 20oz bottle of Diet Coke when checking out at the grocery store if I"m really craving it, and I typically drink it when we go out to eat, but I find that after I have it I often feel bloated and gross. Just a good reminder that I'm doing what's right for my body by sticking to H2O.
  • jennyjo79
    jennyjo79 Posts: 95 Member
    Before I started my weight loss journey, I thought giving up regular soda was going to be the hardest thing ever. Needless to say, I made the switch to Diet (sometimes even Caffeine Free Diet) and haven't looked back. I love me some Diet Mountain Dew. Probably sometimes a little too much. ;)

    I know they say diet soda isn't good for you either because of the aspartame, so I try not to drink *too* much of it, but SO many things have that in it ... even if I'm trying to be 'good' and drinking Crystal Light or flavored water, it has the same thing in there.

    I figure there are definitely worse habits I could have ...
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    Diet soda is horrible for you. The artificial sweeteners make you retain water to "flush" the toxins associated with the chemicals out of your tissues, therefore it takes longer to see weight loss on the scale and it causes an imbalance of acids in the muscles when you exercise which makes you more sore.
    There is nothing healthy in diet soda.

    wow. that's a lot of wrong to cram into one post.
  • EoinMag
    EoinMag Posts: 25 Member
    I don't personally drink it - but, it isn't because I think it is poison or whatever. I don't drink it because it makes me have terrible headaches and stomach issues (I have a sensitivity to aspartame). I do occasionally drink sugar free energy drinks (with sucrose), but I've been trying to limit those too.

    Sop it gives you bad headaches and stomach issues but it's not because it's a poison? Weird that. You really do like to sit on the the fence, what?
  • lk227
    lk227 Posts: 28
    I just think diet soda is nasty. It tastes gross. My husband prefers it over regular soda and I just don't get it.
  • Cathyvil
    Cathyvil Posts: 230 Member
    I hate diet soda. Tastes like chemicals to me. But if I did enjoy it, I'd drink it in moderation. Everything is pretty much bad for you. If you enjoy something I see no reason to cut it out completely.
  • sweetpickle66
    who loves (diet) orange soda?!!

    I DO! I DO!