Black Team week 2



  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Sorry she didn't win Marla but sounds like she still did pretty good! Congrats to her! And yea we were stalking the threads waiting on some news.
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    :ohwell: Fudgesicles--

    Sarah left her birdie putt one foot short on her second playoff hole, and her opponent drained hers--

    She lost in a playoff.

    Good news is, she's a lock for the Junior Solheim Cup this summer--

    Strong outing for her. Couple too many bogeys, though-- :ohwell:

    Thanks for watching her-- she'll be disappointed, but this is her second second place finish in a "major" this year, so all in all, not bad.

    You must be a proud mama lady. That girl of yours does some great stuff on a golf course. I love golf but never play. That and I kinda suck. Look forward to hacking up the fairway when the kids get older and I have more time lol. Congrats again.

  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    This is what Emma, the ugly little Chi-chi poo that evilly resides in my house thinks of the scale..she's a nasty little critter.


    As triumph the insult comic dog would say.

    "Lynne's scale is great.....FOR ME TO POOP ON!"

    Tee hee. And I agree with my teammate- I think your pooch is sending us all a message. That only weighing in once a week thing has been an EPIC failure for me.

  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Hello, my name is Lori and I am addicted to my scale too..... I can't help myself.

    I really should avoid it tomorrow becasue we had a picnic at our house today.
    Picnic = tasting and munching on food all morning while preparing.
    Picnic= food out to eat for 8 hours straight.
    Picnic= sweets challenge out the window.
    Picnic= no self control.
    Picnic= bad, bad day!
    Picnic=Chewbacca like howl when I step on the scale in the AM.

    What was I thinking? Oh wait! I wasn't. I feel so darn gross right now. This getting back on track stuff hasn't worked out so well for me this week.

    On a good note.... well, I don't have one from me, but it sounds like a lot of you had a great day!

    To Lori's point....This is the very reason that I am now glad that I had to work today. lol
    And btw...I do an excellent "Chewbacca like howel".

    you crack me up. :laugh: :laugh:
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Good morning black team friends.

    Marla - glad your evening run worked better for you - BTW, vampires are in now, so your cool :smokin: .

    We had some awesome thunderstorms with clouds very similar to your photo, Marla. I just love weather - so exciting.

    Lynnie - I love your little dog - I think she is trying to send us all a message.

    Lori - don't sweat the picnic - I did the same thing at the lacrosse champ yesterday - a lot of crap food. Just get back on it today, it will be OK..:flowerforyou:

    Loree - a night out with the girls is priceless - always make time for yourself, it makes you better for your family - I don't know what I would do without my horse. Now and then I think of giving up riding to have more time with my family, but I become this nasty witch when I do, so they are better off if I ride a couple times a week.

    Trying to figure out what to do with the kids today. Oldest wants to go to Lake Compounce - kind of like a smaller scale Six Flags. Not sure I have enough energy for that yet, but perhaps I could rest on benches now and then while kids ride.. :yawn: :yawn: Younest DD is recovering well from bronchitis, but my sinus infection is still knocking me silly.. Hope to get out for a ride today and a swim tomorrow - keep your fingers crossed..:bigsmile: :bigsmile:


    Hope your feeling better Janie,

    The boys have been sick and I am trying like heck to avoid it but yesterday riley climbed into bed with me cause he didnt feel well and wanted his da da. So I was lying there admiring is little pityful face and just as I realized that I was face to face with a sick child he let out a huge sneeze and my face was COVERED. come on immune system don't fail me now!

  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Hello Black Team!

    Hope you've had a great holiday weekend! :flowerforyou:

  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Hello, my name is Lori and I am addicted to my scale too..... I can't help myself.

    I really should avoid it tomorrow becasue we had a picnic at our house today.
    Picnic = tasting and munching on food all morning while preparing.
    Picnic= food out to eat for 8 hours straight.
    Picnic= sweets challenge out the window.
    Picnic= no self control.
    Picnic= bad, bad day!
    Picnic=Chewbacca like howl when I step on the scale in the AM.

    What was I thinking? Oh wait! I wasn't. I feel so darn gross right now. This getting back on track stuff hasn't worked out so well for me this week.

    On a good note.... well, I don't have one from me, but it sounds like a lot of you had a great day!

    At least a dog didn't chit on your scale.

    LOL! True. I have a 110 pound Golden Retriever, so what a surprise that would have been. He does do his business outside but has has sulpher like rotten egg smelling gas that hangs in a room like a thick cloud of green funk. I want to know what he's been eating and who has been feeding it to him!

    It's a new day black team. I'm mentally back in the game. Have a good one all!

    Way to go my sweet friend. Get your head in the right place and your body will follow.
    It's gun be a good day, tater.

    Love the ron white refrences. I spend many a day wishing I would awake with an M&M in my jowels.

    He is a funny man.
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Hey team--

    Wow-- went for a run this morning, about 11:30-- 70+ degrees, a bit humid, and sunny-- I felt like my legs weighed 1,000 pounds.

    I'd only intended to run two miles since hubs and I are running tonight, as well-- but, I stopped halfway through the second lap-- unreal. Heart was a-flutterin' with my mitral valve nonsense, couldn't breathe-- I am SO not a sunlight runner.

    So I ran a mile and a half and then walked a half mile. What a weenie.

    Must be said I have, uh, feminine issues as well which totally saps my strength-- great to be nearly 45, dontcha know-- :grumble: -- so I'm always drop-dead exhausted during that anyway--

    In-laws were here for dinner, but then didn't stay--

    Yes, that makes no sense-- but, then again, neither do my in-laws-- they came intending to stay for dinner, got here around 2 and told us they hadn't even had breakfast-- ( and there's no Meals on Wheels in their area-- :angry: ) so we fixed them some eggs for brunch. Then they tell us about 5:00, after we'd been watching the online golf progress of Sarah (who's in Arizona at a tourney) that, "Well, see ya-- "

    But, they're coming back tomorrow for the chicken we were supposed to have today--

    Does anybody make sense of any of this?

    No, me neither-- life as a Brown-- always keeps you hopping. :noway:

    Heading to type a bit-- had a great relaxing day. Sarah shot -3 under today, even par yesterday and is three shots behind the leader, in solo 3rd place, going into the final round tomorrow-- go Sarah.

    Later, troops--

    Sounds like my inlaws!! Very flakey and wishey washey!!LOL

    In laws are funny. I like mine, they are good folks. They have their quirks. But poor Beth, her in-laws are off the wagon nuts. I love my folks to death but MAN.......This apple fell off the crazy tree.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Sorry she didn't win Marla but sounds like she still did pretty good! Congrats to her! And yea we were stalking the threads waiting on some news.

    Thank you Renae--

    And after a good sound slapping upside the head, may I offer apologies not telling you all how damn proud I am of her. I already told HER how proud I am, which is infinitely more important-- but lest it be said that I'm a negligent mother, I'm very proud of how tough she hung in there.

    Yes, she coulda/shoulda won. She had opportunities that slipped through her fingers. She had the tournament in her hands on many occasions and gave it back. She's devastated. My heart breaks for her. And I'm so proud of the character she showed today in her strong play, considering what she overcame.

    Last night's events could have done her in--

    She went to the player's party thrown by the tournament and participated in the closest to the pin contest. Long story short, one of the international players picked up Sarah's pitching wedge to hit his shot, and lost grip of it and sent it flying into the lake.

    She was on the phone last night sobbing to me. We feared the worst for today that she would enter the round and fall apart-- but she hung tough.

    The superintendent of the course finally donned scuba gear and found it for her on her 10th hole, but she didn't use it at all today.

    I'm so impressed that the whole ordeal didn't cause a collapse.

    So-- to my friend who was upset with me for a less than exuberant public "hip-hip-hooray" to my little girl, you happy now?

    See, here in this house, we keep a very realistic grip, or try to anyway, on our kids strengths and achievements. If you come in second in a golf tournament because you threw away first place, well, that's a whole different ballgame than clawing your way into second with no chance of first. You know?

    of course, I'm proud of my girl-- I don't care how she plays golf. She's a darling, beautiful child who brings me great joy and honors me everywhere she goes with how hard she tries to do what's right. She's a wonderful child. But, she let a golf tournament slip through her fingers today--

    I'm proud she hung tough, I'm bummed (for her, because she wants victory so badly) that she snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. It happens. I'm sorry it happened to her.

    I'm rambling-- he does that to me. :grumble:

  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Hi Black Team....Hope everyone is having a great holiday. So sorry you had to work it Batman. Just got back from what was supposed to be my run. MAN, what 2 weeks of inconsistent exercise did to me. I had to settle for a race walk pace, the old legs are going to be sore tomorrow. If I can't get the pace back up in time we are going to walk the first 5K and run the second one in July. Yeah I'm upset that the run didn't go as planned but I wouldn't trade the time with my grandson for anything.

    Marla..Sarah is an amazing young talent, her day to shine is just around the corner.

  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Dave - Leave Marla alone. That's right. I'm a mind reader. :wink:

    Marla - *hugs* You are raising your children similar to how I was raised. The tennis court + my dad = me sobbing...I used to be overly sensitive, but he was realistic & I couldn't take the heat! I thank him for it now. It forms character, I believe. Not everyone can be #1, ya know? Anyways, I'm proud of Sarah & proud of her mama! I hope when she comes home, you can celebrate accordingly!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Dave - Leave Marla alone. That's right. I'm a mind reader. :wink:

    Marla - *hugs* You are raising your children similar to how I was raised. The tennis court + my dad = me sobbing...I used to be overly sensitive, but he was realistic & I couldn't take the heat! I thank him for it now. It forms character, I believe. Not everyone can be #1, ya know? Anyways, I'm proud of Sarah & proud of her mama! I hope when she comes home, you can celebrate accordingly!

    You're a riot-- yes, you can read minds.

    I'm the gentle one, believe me-- Papa Bear is the tough guy.

    And I agree-- it forms character. Hers is golden.

    Thanks for the kind words.

    (:tongue: Dave.:angry: )
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Dave - Leave Marla alone. That's right. I'm a mind reader. :wink:

    Marla - *hugs* You are raising your children similar to how I was raised. The tennis court + my dad = me sobbing...I used to be overly sensitive, but he was realistic & I couldn't take the heat! I thank him for it now. It forms character, I believe. Not everyone can be #1, ya know? Anyways, I'm proud of Sarah & proud of her mama! I hope when she comes home, you can celebrate accordingly!

    You're a riot-- yes, you can read minds.

    I'm the gentle one, believe me-- Papa Bear is the tough guy.

    And I agree-- it forms character. Hers is golden.

    Thanks for the kind words.

    (:tongue: Dave.:angry: )

    Dave :angry:

    :laugh: The "angry" face cracks me up. My mom was always the gentle one as well simply b/c she didn't know what the heck was going on!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Dave - Leave Marla alone. That's right. I'm a mind reader. :wink:

    Marla - *hugs* You are raising your children similar to how I was raised. The tennis court + my dad = me sobbing...I used to be overly sensitive, but he was realistic & I couldn't take the heat! I thank him for it now. It forms character, I believe. Not everyone can be #1, ya know? Anyways, I'm proud of Sarah & proud of her mama! I hope when she comes home, you can celebrate accordingly!

    You're a riot-- yes, you can read minds.

    I'm the gentle one, believe me-- Papa Bear is the tough guy.

    And I agree-- it forms character. Hers is golden.

    Thanks for the kind words.

    (:tongue: Dave.:angry: )

    Dave :angry:

    :laugh: The "angry" face cracks me up. My mom was always the gentle one as well simply b/c she didn't know what the heck was going on!

    Me, neither!!!
  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    Good evening black team..

    Marla - I'm sorry Sarah didn't win. Hope she learns from the experience, but isn't too hard on herself. I'm probably just still in awe of what she has achieved.

    Andrew - hope you don't get the kids cold. I just started feeling like I might live today..

    Bobbi - don't worry, you'll be back in no time, just listen to your body - the last thing you need is an injury

    Hi Dave - lurking out there..

    I did get my ride in today (after teaching DD to ride a bike - again..) and managed an energetic 60 minutes of convincing Will (new horse) that we were not, in fact, on a race track. Burned off some good calories on that one.

    Tomorrow I try swimming again - assuming I can breathe correctly.

    Hope everyone had a great Memorial Day.. :drinker: :drinker:

  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    Bicycle! Bicycle!

  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    Please disregard my thunderous thighs in my bike picture. I am just so happy to have finally found a bike that fits me perfectly! I rode 6 miles today and could have kept going but hubby was tired. In case you didn't know, there is a thread floating around with my bicycle venting on it somewhere. My first attempt with a walmart bike..not pretty.
  • Vanessa414
    Vanessa414 Posts: 644
    So I tried riding bike today for the first time in 11 years. (half my life ago) and it was awful. But I think that's because the bike I was riding was one of those really old types and it was way too big (which doesn't make sense, because i'm not exactly short... 5'7") and it hurt and it was one of those bikes with the really skinny tires and I kept thinking I was going to fall and it just plain sucked. By the time I got done my hands hurt so bad I could hardly move them from the handles and supporting my upper body weigh on them. AHHHH

    BUT I did get a good work out in. BF's mom has a mountain bike that just needs a link taken out of the chain so it doesn't pop off every 5 minutes and my brothers are both bike wizards so I might take it over there and have them fix it. That way I can ride it whenever I want.

    Marla - Sorry Sarah didn't win, but I hope shes not too hard on herself. I've never been golfing myself so I'm especially impressed with how good she is! She'll get 1st some day and it'll be a party! :flowerforyou:
  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    Hey Andrew -

    Is this your dog?


    I borrowed from kellch on the "nothing" thread..
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    So I tried riding bike today for the first time in 11 years. (half my life ago) and it was awful. But I think that's because the bike I was riding was one of those really old types and it was way too big (which doesn't make sense, because i'm not exactly short... 5'7") and it hurt and it was one of those bikes with the really skinny tires and I kept thinking I was going to fall and it just plain sucked. By the time I got done my hands hurt so bad I could hardly move them from the handles and supporting my upper body weigh on them. AHHHH

    BUT I did get a good work out in. BF's mom has a mountain bike that just needs a link taken out of the chain so it doesn't pop off every 5 minutes and my brothers are both bike wizards so I might take it over there and have them fix it. That way I can ride it whenever I want.

    Marla - Sorry Sarah didn't win, but I hope shes not too hard on herself. I've never been golfing myself so I'm especially impressed with how good she is! She'll get 1st some day and it'll be a party! :flowerforyou:

    Being hard on herself isn't the end of the world. She's learning to accurately give herself credit where it's due, and knock herself around where it's due. I have no problems with it--

    Thanks for the kind words, everyone-- she had a good trip. I'll be glad to have her home tomorrow!