Black Team week 2



  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Working on memorial day = yuck! :grumble: :grumble:

    Look on the bright side - at least you don't have to try to eat healthy at a picnic. :wink:
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Happy Memorial Day, my wonderful Black Team!

    Lynnie, Lori- I'm sorry to laugh, but that's pretty damn funny about your dogs. My 9-pound cat goes in her box, but I swear her farts are worse than the product. She smells like a big giant dog sometimes.

    Marla- I don't run after dark, but I can definitely agree about the early morning runs. I got out there yesterday around 8 and the sun was BLAZING. Think I like my early evenings much better.

    Lori- Glad you had a good time with your friends. Time with old buddies is always a good thing.

    Andrew- Sorry you have to work. Hopefully people keep themselves out of your store!

    Janie- Glad you are starting to feel better, and I hope you get your energy back soon :wink:

    Off to continue my lazy day, talk to you all later!
  • laniirvin
    laniirvin Posts: 94
    Hey team--

    Wow-- went for a run this morning, about 11:30-- 70+ degrees, a bit humid, and sunny-- I felt like my legs weighed 1,000 pounds.

    I'd only intended to run two miles since hubs and I are running tonight, as well-- but, I stopped halfway through the second lap-- unreal. Heart was a-flutterin' with my mitral valve nonsense, couldn't breathe-- I am SO not a sunlight runner.

    So I ran a mile and a half and then walked a half mile. What a weenie.

    Must be said I have, uh, feminine issues as well which totally saps my strength-- great to be nearly 45, dontcha know-- :grumble: -- so I'm always drop-dead exhausted during that anyway--

    In-laws were here for dinner, but then didn't stay--

    Yes, that makes no sense-- but, then again, neither do my in-laws-- they came intending to stay for dinner, got here around 2 and told us they hadn't even had breakfast-- ( and there's no Meals on Wheels in their area-- :angry: ) so we fixed them some eggs for brunch. Then they tell us about 5:00, after we'd been watching the online golf progress of Sarah (who's in Arizona at a tourney) that, "Well, see ya-- "

    But, they're coming back tomorrow for the chicken we were supposed to have today--

    Does anybody make sense of any of this?

    No, me neither-- life as a Brown-- always keeps you hopping. :noway:

    Heading to type a bit-- had a great relaxing day. Sarah shot -3 under today, even par yesterday and is three shots behind the leader, in solo 3rd place, going into the final round tomorrow-- go Sarah.

    Later, troops--

    Sounds like my inlaws!! Very flakey and wishey washey!!LOL
  • laniirvin
    laniirvin Posts: 94
    Ugh!! Fell off the wagon yesterday, kids wanted to go to their favorite pizza place for dinner, I made them eat white pie with veggies and a salad. They are tired of the dieting thing. I felt like I can't keep them away every now and then from their favorite place to eat. My daughter who is 5'5 and weighed 126 is now 116. Guess I need to put a little bit on her bones. She is a cheerleader, so I guess I need to amp up her calorie intake before she looks They just don't get any junk food in the house no more, so they have no choice but to eat healthy snacks. Now my son can put away salad like there is no tomorrow. Wish I could lose like them! I hope I ate ok yesterday and it doesn't hinder my weight loss. Also I haven' t been able to excersise all weekend due to work. I feel crappy when I don't get to go to the gym. I will make up for it today!!! Happy Memorial Day today. Hopefully my food choices will be better. We are having a ham picnic....should be interesting. Love all my black teamers. Leilani
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Hey team--

    Wow-- went for a run this morning, about 11:30-- 70+ degrees, a bit humid, and sunny-- I felt like my legs weighed 1,000 pounds.

    I'd only intended to run two miles since hubs and I are running tonight, as well-- but, I stopped halfway through the second lap-- unreal. Heart was a-flutterin' with my mitral valve nonsense, couldn't breathe-- I am SO not a sunlight runner.

    So I ran a mile and a half and then walked a half mile. What a weenie.

    Must be said I have, uh, feminine issues as well which totally saps my strength-- great to be nearly 45, dontcha know-- :grumble: -- so I'm always drop-dead exhausted during that anyway--

    In-laws were here for dinner, but then didn't stay--

    Yes, that makes no sense-- but, then again, neither do my in-laws-- they came intending to stay for dinner, got here around 2 and told us they hadn't even had breakfast-- ( and there's no Meals on Wheels in their area-- :angry: ) so we fixed them some eggs for brunch. Then they tell us about 5:00, after we'd been watching the online golf progress of Sarah (who's in Arizona at a tourney) that, "Well, see ya-- "

    But, they're coming back tomorrow for the chicken we were supposed to have today--

    Does anybody make sense of any of this?

    No, me neither-- life as a Brown-- always keeps you hopping. :noway:

    Heading to type a bit-- had a great relaxing day. Sarah shot -3 under today, even par yesterday and is three shots behind the leader, in solo 3rd place, going into the final round tomorrow-- go Sarah.

    Later, troops--

    Sounds like my inlaws!! Very flakey and wishey washey!!LOL

    Lovely people, don't get me wrong-- I adore 'em-- but, uh, yeah, flaky and wishy-washy for sure.
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Hello fellow teammates! The weather here is dreadful. Supposed to rain all week long so no outside play for me! (Or my wild 4 year old!) So I get to find some ways to exercise in the house. Guess it's time to break out the eliptical machine again and some Jillian Michaels videos. I hope you are all having a great day! Happy Memorial Day Black team!

    Andrew sorry to hear you are working today. I know that sucks!

    Janie get better soon!

    Lynnie and Lori I think I would cry if my animals pooed on my scales. Now my overweight cat uses mine for a seat! Every single day! Lol!

    Leilani have a great picnic today!

    Way to go runners! Ya'll are awesome! Told my hubby I am ready to get started! Is it a sign that I don't need to since it is raining for a whole week straight? I sure hope not because I wanna be a RUNNER!!

    Everyone else have a great day! I will be stalking today!!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member

    Need all your good vibes-- Sarah's in a 2 way tie for first right now-- final round underway in Arizona. She's +1 for the day, but -2 for the tournament. She has 8 more holes to play.


    Can't wait til she's done.
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member

    Need all your good vibes-- Sarah's in a 2 way tie for first right now-- final round underway in Arizona. She's +1 for the day, but -2 for the tournament. She has 8 more holes to play.


    Can't wait til she's done.

    I wish her so much luck Marla! Btw, she is beautiful like her momma!!
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member

    Need all your good vibes-- Sarah's in a 2 way tie for first right now-- final round underway in Arizona. She's +1 for the day, but -2 for the tournament. She has 8 more holes to play.


    Can't wait til she's done.

  • Vanessa414
    Vanessa414 Posts: 644
    Hey all!!!

    Marla - I hope Sarah wins! That's so exciting!!!!

    So i figured out what's up with my scale....

    TOM. :mad: :sad: :grumble: :noway:

    I'm on the Depo Provera shot so I don't usually get them. Last time was like 6 months ago, and that was only because i got my shot late. but I'm thinking it's probably because of the sudden increase in physical activity. I'm still mad. :mad:

    Just trying to eat as little sodium and drink as much water as possible to wash away all this bloat and hopefully still put a number up on Wednesday.

    Hope everyone's having a great day! I'll check in later.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,770 Member
    Marla--- good vibes headed your way!
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member

    Need all your good vibes-- Sarah's in a 2 way tie for first right now-- final round underway in Arizona. She's +1 for the day, but -2 for the tournament. She has 8 more holes to play.


    Can't wait til she's done.

    How exciting! Wishing her the best of luck! BTW, she's gorgeous! But then, apple trees make apples so this is no surprise. :happy:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,770 Member
    Checking in for a Marla update on golfing.....

    My head is mentally back in the taking care of myself game, now if my hand would stay out of food and my mouth would stop opening up for it life would be grand.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    She's on the second hole of a playoff!!!!!!!!!

  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member

    Need all your good vibes-- Sarah's in a 2 way tie for first right now-- final round underway in Arizona. She's +1 for the day, but -2 for the tournament. She has 8 more holes to play.


    Can't wait til she's done.

    How exciting! Wishing her the best of luck! BTW, she's gorgeous! But then, apple trees make apples so this is no surprise. :happy:

    Shucks, Shuntae--:blushing: thanks so much!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member

    Need all your good vibes-- Sarah's in a 2 way tie for first right now-- final round underway in Arizona. She's +1 for the day, but -2 for the tournament. She has 8 more holes to play.


    Can't wait til she's done.

    I wish her so much luck Marla! Btw, she is beautiful like her momma!!

    Thanks, Renae-- :flowerforyou:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Oooohhh! i can't wait to hear how she does, Marla! ACK!!! :heart:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    We're dying!!!!!!!!

    Getting updates now by text message from an official on the course watching her--

    Wait till I tell you all what happened last night--

  • Vanessa414
    Vanessa414 Posts: 644
    Lol, if you haven't noticed, Marla, everyone is thread stalking waiting for news! We're all so excited for you and Sarah!!!! :heart:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    :ohwell: Fudgesicles--

    Sarah left her birdie putt one foot short on her second playoff hole, and her opponent drained hers--

    She lost in a playoff.

    Good news is, she's a lock for the Junior Solheim Cup this summer--

    Strong outing for her. Couple too many bogeys, though-- :ohwell:

    Thanks for watching her-- she'll be disappointed, but this is her second second place finish in a "major" this year, so all in all, not bad.
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