MAC or PC..... why?



  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I prefer a Mac, but that's because in my field, you kind of need one. All I have to compare it to is a horrible Dell laptop, which I don't think really reflects all of the good things about PCs. Apple computers are so pricey that you should make sure it's worth it before you spend the money. That said, I love my Mac. =D It's four and a half years old now.
  • KitTheRoadie
    KitTheRoadie Posts: 641 Member
    Macs are for the more creative people out there. Heck, thanks to my Mac I have my own beautiful website. I'd have no idea how to do that on a PC.

    This person does realise that the internet on a WINDOWS PC is the same as the internet on a MAC and therefore written in the same language just using different software?! :mad: Oh and it would be interesting to see the OS breakdown of hits to her website to see just how many of the people that visit her website are so called 'creative'?! :grumble:

    I live in a house where we use both MACS and WINDOWS and I am not going to come down on a side but please don't call me un-creative just because I don't use a MAC! They both do the same thing people...
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    I've been hearing the same tired gloating from Windows folks for the past two decades ... give it a rest: you've made a different choice, but you're not more sophisticated/technical/brilliant/whatever for doing so. While you've been screwing around with printer drivers and fixing register problems, I've been getting my work done. And all the time, Windows folks point with glee at what they perceive as every "misstep" Apple has made, and have predicted it's just a matter of time before Apple goes down the toilet. Then when those of us who have chosen Macs protest, we're dismissed as "fanboys". This endless battle is getting old, people.
    I get the feeling there's a fallacy in here somewhere.

    You're foolish if you enter into a thread with such a title as this and think it's not going to be obnoxious "proofs" on either side ;)

    Also, to the fellow who stated "When will people like you learn ..." in regard to my post, thank you for clearly ignoring my statement that Macs will work for most people. I stand by my statement that PCs are more for people who are looking to DO more with their machines (more techy type of things), but I also recognize that's not everyone, and that for most people, a Mac will do just fine.
  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    You're foolish if you enter into a thread with such a title as this and think it's not going to be obnoxious "proofs" on either side ;)

    I think this is the first time in this thread someone has engaged in a personal attack. Nice one.
    I stand by my statement that PCs are more for people who are looking to DO more with their machines (more techy type of things),

    What "techy" things?
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    I think this is the first time in this thread someone has engaged in a personal attack. Nice one.
    That was less a personal attack and more an obvious statement ... I've never seen a thread (or conversation, for that matter) regarding Mac v. PC not go into obnoxious "proving" that one system is better than another. If you read a personal attack into that, you read too far into the statement.
    What "techy" things?
    Animation, gaming (it falls into techy in regard to computers), production, manufacturing processes, etc.
  • Tinkerbell1369
    Tinkerbell1369 Posts: 32 Member
    I've used both and prefer a Mac. It's more intuitive and I like having the iCloud feature - if you have an iPhone, all your photos and calendars update automatically on all your devices. Take a photo with your phone - automatically have it on your Mac at home. Pretty cool. Also works for the iPad.

    I cloud can work on your PC as well
  • lirenep
    lirenep Posts: 4
    I used to work for IBM and was a real PC proponent. But, my husband got a Mac for me a few years ago. I love it! It can do everything I need, including running Microsoft Office.
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    I like my PC, because I organize my mind how a PC organizes files. Everything has folders, and those folders are within other folders, and it's a beautiful world. I don't like how a Mac is set up to interact, because I just don't think that way, plain and simple. They each have their fun tech specs and everything, but my brain is wired for a PC.
  • theoriginaljayne
    theoriginaljayne Posts: 562 Member
    To the people who say that Macs/PCs are "junk":

    Let's agree on one thing.

    ALL computers are motherflippin' awesome, BECAUSE THEY ARE COMPUTERS.

    However, some computers are sexier than others, and we all have different preferences, anyway.

    That is all.
  • lirenep
    lirenep Posts: 4
    I used to work for IBM and was a real PC proponent. But, my husband got a Mac for me a few years ago. I love it! It can do everything I need, including running Microsoft Office. It has the folder structure like the PC, so that's not a difference.
    TOYGRRRL Posts: 251 Member
    MAC now runs windows faster than most PC's out there today. You no longer are only tied to one OS. Just saying. We run manywindows based apps on our MAC PRO. We get the best of both worlds. I can't say the same for any PC out there today.
  • Tourney3p0
    Tourney3p0 Posts: 290 Member
    They're both going to be capable of doing everything you need to do. The PC will likely be cheaper, assuming similar specifications. Seems pretty obvious, but I'm not one to pay the "shiny trinket" surcharge.

    Not to mention my girlfriend's Mac laptop battery bulged out so badly that it nearly snapped her keyboard in half and her trackpad stopped working. I refused to let it back in my house after that
  • Tourney3p0
    Tourney3p0 Posts: 290 Member
    MAC now runs windows faster than most PC's out there today.

    This is not true. If you have evidence to the contrary, please post it.
  • JoDeeD
    JoDeeD Posts: 391
    Mac! We got our first mac (and still have it) 5 years ago. Our teenager now 18, completely ruined our pc in about 12 months with just surfing. Our mac has never had a virus or even weird things happen. My hp laptop started having problems and had to be replaced at about 1.5 years old. My macbook is now 2 years without any problems. My husband's macbook is also still in perfect shape at 4 years. Never a problem.
  • kiminikimkim
    kiminikimkim Posts: 746 Member
    I switched to Mac when my desktop died in 2007.

    I bought a Macbook Pro but had to partition the drive to install Windows so that I could work on Solidworks (engineering software). Everything else, Photoshop, illustrator and personal documents are on the Mac side.

    The reason was because I was divorcing someone who was a Windows certified technician and I knew I wouldn't have anyone anymore to fix bugs, virus attacks or constant crashes.

    Been happy ever since.
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    My Dell is close to three years old and works wonderfully.
    I've found dell's to be much easier to repair and are often cheaper to repair if anything happens like dropping it or spilling something.

    I work in an IT department that only owns dell so it's what I know. I do think Macs are nice computers and my friend has had great luck in receiving repair help from apple, however I'm not sure it was very cheap. Both companies will charge based on time to fix things.

    The main benefit of dell/hp/whatever is they are common, and people know how to fix them. Macs are loads harder to fix or replace parts if it's a hardware issue.
  • Birder150
    Birder150 Posts: 677 Member
    I'm not an art student or in my 70s.
    I own a Mac. :happy:
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    PC. Macs are great for people who have NO IDEA about their computer and need it to walk them through everything, and who don't mind the fact that their PC isn't always compatible with everything.... So in my opinion, "art students" and people in their seventies.

    I work in IT, we all hate macs. Useless trash!

    It would be interesting to ask people who own a Mac and advocate it what their level of experience with IT is, and people who own a PC and what their level of experience with IT is.

    If you're a beginner, go for a PC (Windows) and complain it's bad because you've got no clue.

    If you've got no clue but owned a PC (Windows), go for a Mac. It's locked and simple enough so that you can enjoy it without hassle. Just put the extra cash in.

    If you've got experience, and aren't scared of getting your hands dirty, if you want to destroy your machine all the time, or if you're a cheap @ss, go for a PC (Windows or even Linux).
  • Tourney3p0
    Tourney3p0 Posts: 290 Member
    There have been a dozen of so people pointing out that "the Mac can run Windows".

    If you need to do that, just run Windows. Buy whatever tool accomplishes your task. Don't buy a screwdriver when you need a hammer, then brag to your friends about how it's fine, because you can just beat nails down with the handle. Buy a hammer and be done with it.
  • samcee
    samcee Posts: 307
    Do you even need to ask! Mac of course!! Get a Mac now and you'll never go back on the PC again.. ever!