How to calculate calorie goals according to NROLFW



  • 84jeepster
    84jeepster Posts: 198 Member
  • Barribomb
    Barribomb Posts: 284 Member
  • jamiesadler
    jamiesadler Posts: 634 Member
    Thank you for posting this. I just bought the kindle edition of this book, and started reading today, but had not hit any actual recommendations yet. E-books are a pain to flip back through, so I'm glad to have found this all laid out clearly!

    You might want to buy the hard copy book. It is a great resource to flip through when you first start out with the program.
  • joeykat16
    joeykat16 Posts: 81 Member
  • Iluvchopsticks
    Iluvchopsticks Posts: 130 Member
  • MaryDreamer
    MaryDreamer Posts: 439
    Waiting for my book to come in the mail! I upped my caloric goal to 1600 and exercise at least 300 cals daily leaving me a net of 1300 to lose 1 lb a week. I'm about to do the NROLFW formula provided now to see what I come up with. Or I can eat 1800 cals a day as long as I burn 500 calories in exercise to net at 1300. (1850 is my maintenance weight) We should subtract 500 calories from our Maintenance NOT our BMR. But we should net at our BMR. My BMR is 1400 so I net at a bit less than that for now. But I'm still a work in progress! Also my TDEE is 2219 - 333 (15%) = 1886 which should be my MAX net and my BMR of 1400 should be my MIN net. I'm terrified to eat on the high end right now, but can't wait to read the book!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    If you don't want to do all that math for yourself there is a spreadsheet specific to NROL4W:

    Click the link in the white box in the middle of the page that says: Download: New Rules of Lifting for Women Diet Calculator and Workout Logs

    login: perturbation
    password: dominance


    nope, it doesn't want to be displayed...that sucks, i need decent log sheets
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    If you don't want to do all that math for yourself there is a spreadsheet specific to NROL4W:

    Click the link in the white box in the middle of the page that says: Download: New Rules of Lifting for Women Diet Calculator and Workout Logs

    login: perturbation
    password: dominance


    Aww....I'm sorry. I guess it doesn't work. :( It was really good too....sorry girls!
  • RachRice29
  • MaryDreamer
    MaryDreamer Posts: 439
    Bummer I wish that link had worked, thanks anyway ladies! So I did the Math and came up with:

    1777 calories on Non-Workout days
    2036 calories on Workout days

    These numbers were after I subtracted 300 calories from each day to lose pounds. My original numbers were 2077 NW & 2336 W!

    I'm afraid VERY afraid LOL! I will bump up calories SLOWLY as long as I'm still losing! Right now I'm doing 1600 on W days and 1300 on NW days. (I still net 1300 on my workout days but I eat 1600)
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Bummer I wish that link had worked, thanks anyway ladies! So I did the Math and came up with:

    1777 calories on Non-Workout days
    2036 calories on Workout days

    These numbers were after I subtracted 300 calories from each day to lose pounds. My original numbers were 2077 NW & 2336 W!

    I'm afraid VERY afraid LOL! I will bump up calories SLOWLY as long as I'm still losing! Right now I'm doing 1600 on W days and 1300 on NW days. (I still net 1300 on my workout days but I eat 1600)

    don't be afraid...i was too when i had to increase my calories. but honestly it works. if you can't eat your calories, then drink them. smoothies packed with fruit, peanut butter, protein powder, what ever you can squeeze in there. You'll get use to it really quick lol
  • jkt1127
    jkt1127 Posts: 6
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    For those skeptical/scared of upping calories. I love this book!! I eat 1900-2200 cals everyday and lose on average a lb per week, lost 2 last week. More importantly then the scale though is the fact I am getting stronger and inches are falling off as are my clothes. Try it for at least 4 weeks, if you're eating low cals now you more than likely will see a gain at first but ride it out. It will even out and shift the other direction. Good luck!
  • Vonnie2006
    Vonnie2006 Posts: 246 Member
    Muahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh thank you for sharing this! I had no idea what everyone was talking about or how to go about finding out and then I stumbled on this! You are a godsend!
  • vickystrand1
    vickystrand1 Posts: 47 Member

    Great resource. :flowerforyou:
    FAVORED1 Posts: 81 Member
  • fittiephd
    fittiephd Posts: 608 Member
    Hey, i know Alen Cosgrove is a fantastic author and has vast knowledge in training but weight loss really comes down to how much you want to lose and in how much time

    1. Fat is not metabolically active. for a kilo of fat to sit on your body you burn about an extra 2 calories a day. if someone is 30 kilos over wight that equation would let that person eat huge amounts of calories, i'm a male at 6ft and i don't need to eat any more than 2000 cals and that's on working and training days.

    2.your bmr is your bmr it wont change, you will have pretty much the same resting metabolic rate and the person who is the same sex and height as you. you metabolism is largly made of of your organs, bones and yea a little bit for muscle. but for you to function frm day to day just to stay alive...thats what you are actually eating for. if you eat less you will lose fat if you eat more you will gain

    i highly recomend you and anyone trying to lose weight. find out your bmr and eat 500 cals less as a bar minimum. if you want to lose fat faster it a little less each day. You will not starve!

    i highly recomend reading up on Eat stop Eat by brad Pilon

    Your BMR is the basic amount your body needs to function. You should eat 3-500 less than your TDEE, not your BMR. If you eat less than your BMR then your body literally does not have enough calories to function. If you include your exercise AND your lifestyle activity in your BMR calculations, then yes, you can eat less than that because that is actually your TDEE NOT your BMR!!

    Everyone can believe whatever they want, but I'm just sharing the math and also I'll share some links here to multiple other threads where everyone is showing that they have eaten more and lost weight. Our bodies need food to survive, there is no reason to starve them.

    Everyone needs to make their own decision, but please do research on the topic and read up until you understand it and decide what is best for you. That was my biggest regret, was taking MFP's suggestions at face value and assuming they knew what they were doing. You should always research something related to your health and wellness before doing it.

    Good luck everyone! xox
  • fittiephd
    fittiephd Posts: 608 Member
    Muahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh thank you for sharing this! I had no idea what everyone was talking about or how to go about finding out and then I stumbled on this! You are a godsend!

    Of course!!! I wish I could send it to every single MFPer .. :)
  • sarahc0714
  • OnWisconsin84
    OnWisconsin84 Posts: 409 Member