Always single!



  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    Ah age. Life's great equalizer. No matter how much you hate it you have to go through it.
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    You are not alone. I am in the same boat as you. I've met too many *kitten* and because of that I have not gone out on a date in awhile...and I am ok with it. I figure he will come along at some point :)

    Seems there are zero "good" guys left plus I get hit on by 21-24 yr olds or 70+ year olds. Never someone my own age :(

    For me I would rather go with the 21-24 year old dudes than being with someone who is even older than your own grandfather. At least the younger ones makes you feel young.

    And yet my dating range is 35-45 because I don't want immaturity, but that's all I find. I couldn't get rid of one ex. He even went as far as having others tell me, because I blocked him on all communications, he was dead and I was his ICE. Seriously, you're 40 dude. GROW UP. Boys will be boys no matter what age. I'm thinking maybe I'll try 28-35 now. lol. Trial and error!
  • mwyatt005
    mwyatt005 Posts: 21 Member
    Just remember, your the greatest thing they'll never have. If they bail then that is what you gotta tell yourself and one day someone will realize how great you are and that will be the day you know you found the right guy.
  • sjmgde
    sjmgde Posts: 381 Member
    I mean you can't realistically say to someone you just met
    "Well, you seem like a great person, I'm just not interested."...we'll I suppose you could...but it'd be awkward.

    You totally can tell a person that you are not interested. You usuallyy know right away. That would be the mature adult non game playing thing to do.
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    Just remember, your the greatest thing they'll never have. If they bail then that is what you gotta tell yourself and one day someone will realize how great you are and that will be the day you know you found the right guy.

    What a sweet thing to say.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    I have a friend who is always single. He's a great guy, but he dominates conversations and is just so relentlessly high-energy that I get exhausted just having lunch with him. So, maybe you are like that. I myself have a very "acquired taste" personality, but I did manage to tone it down enough to find my other half, so don't give up.

    That said, guys who don't reply to multiple texts are *kitten*.
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    I called and left a message and sent a couple of response.

    That sucks. I hate that. It's time to move on. Anymore texts/calls to him and you are starting down the path of stalker.

    Yes. I think being desperate to have a relationship is easy to sniff out. It is dumb to say this, but try less! The less you care / have invested, the more likely you are to relax, have fun, and not stress. Those are all critical before you can get into something serious.
  • MrsGoHard
    MrsGoHard Posts: 150 Member
    Stop blaming yourself. There is NOTHING wrong with you. Don't change for a guy. They won't change for you, and you shouldn't change for them. Be yourself. If it isn't meant to be, it isn't meant to be. You will find someone...don't worry.

    However, maybe you should just ask. It might not hurt to find out why...especially if it will stop you from scrutinizing yourself.

    I think this is the worst dating advice in the world.

    Ladies.... we have to stop telling each other nonsense like this...

    1. There is NOTHING wrong with you- LIES. There's SOMETHING wrong with ALL of us. The BETTER advice is this: "EXAMINE YOURSELF." WHAT'S wrong with you? Is it something you're willing to rock with and let the pieces fall where they may when it comes to dating, or is it something you'd rather NOT be an "attribute"? Step outside of yourself. Would YOU date you if you weren't you? Men chase. Women choose. Are you chasing more than choosing? "You will find someone" suggests that you should be on the chase and not the choosing end.

    2. Don't change for a guy- This is half true. DON'T change for a guy. DO change for yourself. But if you want a relationship and one of your personality traits is that you're clingy, naggy, and unable to express yourself without cursing, crying, or hitting, and you are chasing men off.... you MIGHT want to ".... change yourself for a guy."

    Understand, this is NOT me saying there's ANYTHING wrong with you. I don't know you and you haven't given enough details to judge. But I am saying don't listen to THAT type of advice. It's pacifying and it's not fair.
  • mwyatt005
    mwyatt005 Posts: 21 Member
    Just remember, your the greatest thing they'll never have. If they bail then that is what you gotta tell yourself and one day someone will realize how great you are and that will be the day you know you found the right guy.

    What a sweet thing to say.

    thanks, but i think it's a true statement not everyone will like you for who you are or what you do. However there will always be someone that will be "wow you like that to?" Why be done over what someone can't see because they are to blinded by what they are "expected" to see.
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    You and me both.. :sigh: At least you get dates. :/
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    you need to kiss a few frogs to find the prince! (that's how it goes, right?)

    i kissed a LOT of frogs for a LOT of years until i met my husband and i thought he'd run away too but he didn't :)
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    Stop blaming yourself. There is NOTHING wrong with you. Don't change for a guy. They won't change for you, and you shouldn't change for them. Be yourself. If it isn't meant to be, it isn't meant to be. You will find someone...don't worry.

    However, maybe you should just ask. It might not hurt to find out why...especially if it will stop you from scrutinizing yourself.

    I think this is the worst dating advice in the world.

    Ladies.... we have to stop telling each other nonsense like this...

    1. There is NOTHING wrong with you- LIES. There's SOMETHING wrong with ALL of us. The BETTER advice is this: "EXAMINE YOURSELF." WHAT'S wrong with you? Is it something you're willing to rock with and let the pieces fall where they may when it comes to dating, or is it something you'd rather NOT be an "attribute"? Step outside of yourself. Would YOU date you if you weren't you? Men chase. Women choose. Are you chasing more than choosing? "You will find someone" suggests that you should be on the chase and not the choosing end.

    2. Don't change for a guy- This is half true. DON'T change for a guy. DO change for yourself. But if you want a relationship and one of your personality traits is that you're clingy, naggy, and unable to express yourself without cursing, crying, or hitting, and you are chasing men off.... you MIGHT want to ".... change yourself for a guy."

    Understand, this is NOT me saying there's ANYTHING wrong with you. I don't know you and you haven't given enough details to judge. But I am saying don't listen to THAT type of advice. It's pacifying and it's not fair.

    Best answer I have seen in a long time. Honesty!
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    nothing wrong with being single...until you start crushing on someone hard that doesn't pay attention to you or until hormones kick in :P
  • SofaKingRad
    SofaKingRad Posts: 1,592 Member
  • Blessedmommy_2x
    Blessedmommy_2x Posts: 419 Member
    Honestly I think you are gorgeous! So the only thing I can figure is this man was just scooting out of the way for the "right one"to come along. You only need one... :smile:
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    ... my dating range is 35-45 because I don't want immaturity, but that's all I find. ...Boys will be boys no matter what age. I'm thinking maybe I'll try 28-35 now. lol. Trial and error!

    The Law of Attraction says you will get what you put out into the universe. Perhaps you should start looking at individuals and not age brackets... and deeply reflect upon yourself and what you have to offer.

  • lisakyle_11
    lisakyle_11 Posts: 420 Member
    ..... age ranges aren't the best way to gauge maturity. just saying.....
  • ChrisGoldn
    ChrisGoldn Posts: 473 Member
    Are they blind? You look great, and sounds like you have a good personality.. don't know what's wrong with them, but I don't think it's you.

    This .... so much This... You are beautiful.... Dont sweat the idiots that walk out of your life... Cuz someone better will walk in!!!! Keep Smiling!!!
  • moonspells
    moonspells Posts: 126 Member
    Options I'm not sure what is wrong with me. But yet another guy just disappeared....Asked me out on a few dates....I thought they went well....all of a sudden the texts slow down and then nada. I just don't get it. Used to blame my I'm afraid its just me haha. Ugh...sorry just wanted to vent :(

    Maybe he just wasn't that into you, in which case you don't want him anyway. NEVER settle for someone who's settling for you...if you aren't the person he wants, you will always feel "less than" and everyone deserves more than that.
    Good luck! :o)
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    Scizophrenia beats being alone