MFP Runner's Club



  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Got the results of the xrays. They are negative for a stress fracture. Now before you go jumping for joy for me (because I can't jump right now :happy: ) that doesn't really mean anything. My doctor said that sometimes stress fractures would NOT show up but you know how HMO's are. I have to do the simple tests to have the big tests done. My next step is a bone scan so I will call my PC doctor and have him write me a script for the bone scan and hopefully get that done by the end of the week.

    Oh Sherry:flowerforyou: Hang in there! Keep us posted.
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    That's bummers Sherry!

    Rest and ice/motrin for me again today. Hopefully it will help my knee, and can maybe run tomorrow????
    I see an othapedic doc Wed. for my knee. The sooner, the quicker I can get back at it!!!

    Oh no Sonia:flowerforyou: I was looking forward to hearing that you were ok today. Still hurts, huh.
    Keep us posted.
  • hessied
    hessied Posts: 460 Member
    Got the results of the xrays. They are negative for a stress fracture. Now before you go jumping for joy for me (because I can't jump right now :happy: ) that doesn't really mean anything. My doctor said that sometimes stress fractures would NOT show up but you know how HMO's are. I have to do the simple tests to have the big tests done. My next step is a bone scan so I will call my PC doctor and have him write me a script for the bone scan and hopefully get that done by the end of the week.

    Thanks for the update, Sherry. I'll continue to keep you in my thoughts. I'm holding out hope that it's not a stress fracture! Hang in there.
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Leash - AWESOME! I would love to say I've done a marathon!

    Sonia and Sherry - I hope you guys get better soon. I know how it is to be hindered by an injury and it's absolutely no fun. But at least when you are good to go, you'll be pumped about getting out there!

    I did another 5k road race yesterday. My friend ask me to pace her because she wanted me to keep her from walking. We had so much fun though...I love running with my best friend.

    I ran 5 miles just now. Feels pretty good actually. I've been varying between 3, 5, and 7 miles during my runs through the week. I think it's time to boot the 3 miler unless time is an issue.
  • hessied
    hessied Posts: 460 Member
    Hi everyone.

    Today was my official start to my 1/2 marathon training. I was just maintaining for a little over a month now, so I'm kind of glad to be running with a purpose again. I did 6 today. I discovered a little trick today that actually helped my running. So...I'm already developing these hideous tan lines - you know, the tan that abruptly ends at my ankle and the lovely racerback lines. In a feeble attempt to tan my mid-section, I rolled up my tank top to reveal my pasty white, stretchmarked belly during today's run. This is the one part of my body I am completely self-conscious about. I've lost much weight around this part, but the nasty loose skin remains. Ok, enough disgusting details about my gut! :laugh: anyway, my point is this. Because I had my belly exposed I made a huge effort to suck in my belly as I was running. No need for the neighbors to be completely grossed out, right. In doing that, I found that my running posture was much improved, my breathing was right on, and my pace wasn't nearly as sluggish. So there you have it...hold in your belly and run strong!:bigsmile:

    Sonia - good luck with you knee. Hope you're feeling better soon.

    Krysten - welcome. I'm still working to find my balance with running and food. Initially, I lost a bunch of weight by running. However, I have found that once I started upping my mileage, I began eating more to refuel. Needless to say, I think I am over-fueling because my weight is on the upswing. I'm really making an effort to watch what I'm eating. I'm finding it kind of frustrating and difficult. Sorry, that wasn't much of a help, was it??:wink:
  • SherryRH
    SherryRH Posts: 810 Member
    Heather, what 1/2 are you training for? I wanted to start training in a couple of weeks for the Philly 1/2 in Sept. I wanted to try and improve my time by 15 minutes. Don't know how that is gonna go yet.
  • hessied
    hessied Posts: 460 Member
    Heather, what 1/2 are you training for? I wanted to start training in a couple of weeks for the Philly 1/2 in Sept. I wanted to try and improve my time by 15 minutes. Don't know how that is gonna go yet.

    Hey Sherry.

    The ING Distance Run is September 20th. I'm aiming for that one, and hopefully the Philly Half. If you need a long run buddy just let me know. I usually do Lake Galena. Also, if you decide on the Distance Run use the coupon code PDRBUCK when you register online for $10 off. The offer expires on the 15th of this month, though.
  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,392 Member
    Hi all! Sherry and Sonia: I hope you both are on the mend soon!

    Strength for me today; run tomorrow. I'm at a loss a bit; I rememer being this way after last year's 20K. I focus so much on that training and when it's done, I'm not sure what to do.

    I think my main goals will be to start working with my daughter (thanks for the great tips, Kelch!); work on improving my 5K time. There are a couple of 5ks this summer I'd like to do. After a bit, I'll start training harder again. I think I'll try the Des Moines Half-Marathon in Oct.
  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,392 Member
    Nice, easy 5K this morning.

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    I just wanted to add...

    I did pretty well yesterday with my food. I had about 1500 net calories. I have noticed some things with my eating.

    3:30 p.m. is pretty much going to be my largest intake of the day. I am hungry at this point and really the only time I feel hunger otherwise is before breakfast. My husband doesn't get home from work till about 7:00 and I do cook, so I just need to prepare for this. A few bites at 7:00 is just fine for me; I don't have to eat a "whole meal".

    Diet soda is the devil! I am not addicted. If I have any, it is usually one a day if that. I drink water all the rest....1-2 cups of coffee in the mornings sometimes. But anyway, I HATE diet drinks. It's just pure chemicals and I think it really does cause me to crave sugar and sweets. I've read things about aspartame that are awful. I know you can find both sides to every argument on the internet. But I just know it my gut they are horrible. I'm serious about cutting them completely out.

    I worry that I will be a diabetic one day. Diabetes runs in my aunt just found out she was a diabetic about 3 years ago in her 50's. I know they say eating sweets doesn't "cause" diabetes, but I also know being "addicted" to sugar like I am is no good.

    My friend took a picture of me from this past weekend and I thought I looked AWFUL! Like awful as in what I looked like before I lost weight. Pictures don't lie and I'm using it as motivation, once again, to keep my eating in check. Obviously working out and running is not an issue.

    Anyway, just wanted to write that all out. haha :flowerforyou:
  • SherryRH
    SherryRH Posts: 810 Member
    Heather, what 1/2 are you training for? I wanted to start training in a couple of weeks for the Philly 1/2 in Sept. I wanted to try and improve my time by 15 minutes. Don't know how that is gonna go yet.

    Hey Sherry.

    The ING Distance Run is September 20th. I'm aiming for that one, and hopefully the Philly Half. If you need a long run buddy just let me know. I usually do Lake Galena. Also, if you decide on the Distance Run use the coupon code PDRBUCK when you register online for $10 off. The offer expires on the 15th of this month, though.

    Heather, I think I might slow you down on a run. LOL But I would like to meet you. It is kinda neat to meet people over the internet that have some of the same interests as you. Yes the one I was going to start training for was the ING Distance Run. I think I will still register before the 15th and hope that the dr. will be able to mend me sooner rather than later. Thanks for the coupon code. I will definitely use it.
  • sonia2
    sonia2 Posts: 154
    Well, rest -ice-motrin helped me for my run this morning. I only did 3.5 miles, and my knee didn't bother me as bad as it did on the 7 miler Sunday. It still was not completely stable , though. I'm still going to see the doctor tomorrow.

    Good news. My dear hubby got me the Garmin 305 forerunner for my b-day, and I love it. It came yesterday, so I was able to use it this morn. It is so accurate with distance!!! I did my usual route, and it was right on. I can't believe I ran without it!??

    Have a great day everyone, and thanks for all your stories, motivation, and inspiration!!
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Good Morning Everyone!!

    No running for me today since it is my rest day!

    Sherry and Sonia, good luck to you...I'm rooting for you and hope things go well!

    12by - I've cut out diet soda too and am now just drinking water. I may drink one or two a week at most. Also, don't be so critical of yourself. From your pics that I see here, you look great. I'm like that too...I criticize myself harshly which can really bring me down.

    Raymond, thanks so much for your advice!!!! You really gave me a boost in confidence! I agree with you...I have been reading about people having a reason to run. I told my husband that I would like to do my first 5k in August....there's one in a near by town then. Now I'm really nervous about it lol but I'm going to focus my training on that for the time being. Thanks again!!
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    I did 5.5 this morning....did 1 mile slow -- 1 mile fast -- then speed work for the last 3.5 miles. After my run I did leg work (squats, lunges, etc.) at rainman's suggestion. I truly think he's trying to kill me :bigsmile: I think I shall sit at my desk all day cause getting up is tough -- but in a good way - I haven't had muscle fatigue like this in a long time.:sad: Guess it was time to step it up -- now as long as I can avoid the steps for the rest of the day I should be good to go!

    Liza -- Good job on picking a 5k -- it's great to have a reasons or purpose -- and gettin gin shape will be just be the added bonus.

    Sherry -- hope you are able to get back on track for your race.

    Sonia -- take care of that knee. Have you ever tried supplements to help? Ask you doc -- I take a joint medicine to help with my knees -- it has chondroitin, glucosamine and MSM -- really seems to help.

    Have a great day!
  • beckyi88
    beckyi88 Posts: 604
    I just wanted to add...

    I did pretty well yesterday with my food. I had about 1500 net calories. I have noticed some things with my eating.

    3:30 p.m. is pretty much going to be my largest intake of the day. I am hungry at this point and really the only time I feel hunger otherwise is before breakfast. My husband doesn't get home from work till about 7:00 and I do cook, so I just need to prepare for this. A few bites at 7:00 is just fine for me; I don't have to eat a "whole meal".

    Diet soda is the devil! I am not addicted. If I have any, it is usually one a day if that. I drink water all the rest....1-2 cups of coffee in the mornings sometimes. But anyway, I HATE diet drinks. It's just pure chemicals and I think it really does cause me to crave sugar and sweets. I've read things about aspartame that are awful. I know you can find both sides to every argument on the internet. But I just know it my gut they are horrible. I'm serious about cutting them completely out.

    I worry that I will be a diabetic one day. Diabetes runs in my aunt just found out she was a diabetic about 3 years ago in her 50's. I know they say eating sweets doesn't "cause" diabetes, but I also know being "addicted" to sugar like I am is no good.

    My friend took a picture of me from this past weekend and I thought I looked AWFUL! Like awful as in what I looked like before I lost weight. Pictures don't lie and I'm using it as motivation, once again, to keep my eating in check. Obviously working out and running is not an issue.

    Anyway, just wanted to write that all out. haha :flowerforyou:

    I know where you are coming from!
    I started working out last August and through April had not lost an ounce! Not one! And we're talking serious workouts...3-4 hours a day 5-6 days a week!
    Then I discovered MFP and realized I was eating 3000 calories a day! Duh!!!

    I am also trying to cut back on diet soda. I WAS addicted...2 years ago I was drinking at least a 6 pack a day. I had cut back to one baby 8oz. can every day or even every other. Then about 2 weeks ago I upped my diet coke habit again and bam! the brakes slammed back on my weight loss. I was hungrier and craved more sweets. It is so hard to give it up even though I know it is horrible. BUT, the scale also doesn't lie, so I'm cutting back down!
    Maybe we can start a diet coke anonymous thread! :laugh: LOL! :laugh:

    A good 5 mile run today! First really, really hot and humid run this year! Whew! Makes a difference!
    Just some abs to finish out today's workout. Too much going on this week to get my usual in...graduation, company, etc.

    I hope everyone is having a great Tuesday!

  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Anything but my Diet Coke! NO!!!!!!
  • beckyi88
    beckyi88 Posts: 604
    Anything but my Diet Coke! NO!!!!!!

    AHA! So you DO have a vice! :wink:
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Yes, diet coke and coffee big time. :drinker:

    Absolute hypocrit there! :grumble:

    OK, Going clean on the DCA 12 step program starting... NOW... :sad:
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    What's the deal on the flavor packs for water? Like Crystal Light and Lipton Green Tea. Plain water makes me queasy -- is adding the flavor pack ruining the whole "good for you" aspect of the water???
  • christine918
    christine918 Posts: 261
    Ohhh.. Diet Cherry Pepsi! I used to drink about 3-4 a day. I'm down to only drinking one when I visit my 92 year old Mamaw every afternoon. :laugh: She gets upset when I don't eat a cookie and drink a pop! :laugh: :drinker:

    I did get 6 miles in this morning, but I think I may have pulled something in my groin/hip area. HURTS:sad: Also did arms and abs!

    I have no idea on the flavor packs.... I don't like them. :tongue: I'd rather have plain water I think. So, I hope everyone has a wonderful day!!!

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