MFP Runner's Club



  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    I am so glad that there is a runner's club on here, I just joined the site yesterday and I am sooo already addicted! I ran my first 5k last month in 29:02, and have another coming up next week. I want to be able to work up to a 10K and then a half marathon....anyone have suggestions on how I can improve my run time and stamina?

    Glad you found us:flowerforyou: Welcome!

    Consistency has been a key ingredient for me. Once I started running 3 days a week no matter what, I experienced real progress.

    Awesome time for your first 5K!:drinker:
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Just got back from a Horrible 5.2 miler! Had to pee at mile 0.5 even though I went before I left. Felt like I was going to throw up from mile 1.5-2.5!! Think I didn't wait long enough after lunch!! Oops. Walked to mile 3... then did a jog/sprint the last 2.2 miles! I have never been so glad to be home from a run!!!! I really hope everyone else's runs today were/are much better than mine!!!


    Way to go Kristin:drinker:
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    3.75 miles is 29 minutes!!! :smile: even got a compliment from one of the "fast guys"

    :tongue: :drinker: :drinker: :tongue:

    :smokin: :drinker: :smokin: :drinker: :smokin: :drinker: :smokin: :drinker:
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    65degrees, 43% humidity, sunny skies and my favorite wooded trail only a short jog from my house. About 14 miles later and I am that happy dude on those “life is good” shirts! What a run tonight! Sorry if that was cruel to most of you schlepping in the heat & humidity.

    Tom, great post on hydration. I never tried the tablets but know some folks who really like them. I don't like to experiment with pills, supplements, new drinks, etc….. It is great to hear about good results and I will be sure to try them this summer.

    My 9yo son jogged the last 2 miles with me today and wants to do a 5k this summer, so that will be fun. I’ll wear a sign “Ethan’s 1st race” and he will get cheered the whole way.
  • gustergirl
    gustergirl Posts: 534 Member
    When I first started I was just walking and throwing in running around the cul de sac loops etc. I was progressing but then got divorced and moved. Then I signed up for the 5K and have done really well. I can easily run for 30 minutes straight now. The other day I dropped the kids off at their dads and realized--I bet I could run my WHOLE old course! haha! So wednesday morning I did just that. It was awesome! Thursday I am thinking will be a rest day for me! My body is tired!!

    Question: My 5K is on Wednesday night--Can you help me schedule the rest of the days until the race?? Thanks!!
  • christine918
    christine918 Posts: 261
    Good Morning!:flowerforyou:

    I'm going to the gym today...its raining here. Gonna do upper body and abs. I'm contemplating on trying to run, although I probably shouldn't. My hip is still hurting, but this running stuff is very addictive!:happy: I guess if you are gonna be addicted to something, running is not such a bad thing. :laugh:
    Gustergirl: Good luck on your 5K!

    Created by - Free Food Diary
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    I had a great 4 mile run yesterday.....It's raining here so I may have to go the treadmill today (ugh:cry: )
    Does anyone know some good stretches for your knees? I know that sounds weird, but my knees are always super tight when I get done running, and all the stretches I do don't seem to help.

    Everyone have a great day! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    When I first started I was just walking and throwing in running around the cul de sac loops etc. I was progressing but then got divorced and moved. Then I signed up for the 5K and have done really well. I can easily run for 30 minutes straight now. The other day I dropped the kids off at their dads and realized--I bet I could run my WHOLE old course! haha! So wednesday morning I did just that. It was awesome! Thursday I am thinking will be a rest day for me! My body is tired!!

    Question: My 5K is on Wednesday night--Can you help me schedule the rest of the days until the race?? Thanks!!

    Congrats on the progress! :happy:
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Does anyone know some good stretches for your knees? I know that sounds weird, but my knees are always super tight when I get done running, and all the stretches I do don't seem to help.

    Try that hip stretch that I posted a few pages back. I know what you mean by that tightness in the knees. Sometimes it feels like mine needs to "pop" or something. But try that stretch before and after your run.
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    I'm seeing/hearing great results from those of you that do speedwork. What exactly do you do? I have been working to do 3 minutes at my desired 1/2 marathon pace -- 1 minute sprinting -- 1 minute walking then repeat for 3+ miles.

    Would love to hear how you all are breaking it down.

    I use Runner's World's Smart Coach tool. If you plug in a current time and distance, it'll give you a custom workout schedule. Let me know if you have questions about the plan you get. Some people have a hard time understanding the speed/interval workout lingo.:heart:

    Thanks - I just printed it out -- and will let you know if I need help deciphering. thank you so much!
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    When I first started I was just walking and throwing in running around the cul de sac loops etc. I was progressing but then got divorced and moved. Then I signed up for the 5K and have done really well. I can easily run for 30 minutes straight now. The other day I dropped the kids off at their dads and realized--I bet I could run my WHOLE old course! haha! So wednesday morning I did just that. It was awesome! Thursday I am thinking will be a rest day for me! My body is tired!!

    Question: My 5K is on Wednesday night--Can you help me schedule the rest of the days until the race?? Thanks!!

    Way to go gustergirl! That is an awesome accomplishment. Be proud :drinker:

    As for the 5k -- I can tell you it is NOT a good idea to consume large quantities of meat on a stick (went out to a Brazilian churiscaria (sp?)) -- and don't drink fabulously fruity drinks with it -- oh and don't stay somewhere where the pipes burst and you have no water -- and ultimately only get 3 hours of sleep :blushing: Not that I would EVER do something so silly -- but I HEAR it makes for a bad race!
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    I had a good run today -- 6 miles -- and am headed off for some camping in the Shenandoah mountains tomorrow! Woo hoo! hope you all have a fabulous weekend -- and pray that the mountain trails don't kill me on my long run!
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Good morning everyone!!

    Shoot, it's raining hard here too so I guess I'm going to go ahead and pay that gym membership and go try the treadmill. We have a great gym here at the college, but facutly/staff pay dues each semester (cheap, too, like $40 for 4 months). I haven't used it for years so I'm kind of nervous about it. It's the summer time so there shouldn't be too many people there - lol especially those young hard college girls. I feel like such a blob around them. I'm not looking forward to running on a treadmill.

    vrdz, good question....the same thing happens to me. I'm going to try those stretches 12by suggested.

    Raymond, that is so cute!! I'm hoping my children will run with me someday. If I were there, I'd cheer for him too.

    Ketchie, thanks for the info on the smart coach information. I'm going to try it. I think that will make a big difference.

    Tiddle, you were smoking!

    Kristin, welcome aboard. Sorry you had such a terrible run....I have days like that too.

    Jab, I'm jealous! Have fun camping!
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Good morning:flowerforyou:

    Brutal speedwork for me today. 83 degrees and 65% humidity. I've got to start getting up early again.:grumble:

    Today's goal:
    1 easy paced mile to warm up
    4x800s in 4:16 w/400m jogs
    (Translation: Run half mile in 4:16. Then jog a quarter mile to recover. Repeat 4 times.)
    1 easy paced mile to cool down

    I am exhausted! Off to start the day.:laugh:

    Enjoy the day
  • beckyi88
    beckyi88 Posts: 604
    Rain held off until the end of my 5.5 miles..then it felt like a wonderful shower!!! :happy:
    Dragging today, but still managed to get it done!
    Sipped at a Gatorade before and after ...tasted wretched, but no queasyness and just a light headache. It probably also helped that the sun wasn't out today!

    Have a wonderful run everyone!

  • Lesli
    Lesli Posts: 46 Member
    I jogged 4.5 miles today. Have a great day everyone!
  • natalie523
    natalie523 Posts: 12
    I got 5 miles in today...the weather has been great here. In the pacific northwest the mornings don't get to hot:wink: Have a great day everyone!
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    Had to cut the usual run short today, only got 4 miles in, but it was still a good run.
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Getting nervous here because my first 1.5 mile race is on saturday. Still only running it in around 15 minutes, but hey, I could care less where I place - it's all about finishing.

    However, I tried asking before and I never got a response... lately when I run I've been getting a burning pain in the front of my right shin. Only my right shin, the left is fine. The wierd thing is as soon as I stop running the pain goes away, so I know it isn't shinsplints. It's also the wrong sort of pain. It goes from my ankle (where I'd tie my shoes) up to just below my knee. It's a burning sensation, as if I'd been working a muscle way too long. This is with shoes that were professionally fitted for me at a running store - so I don't think the shoes are an issue either.

    For now I'm going to try stretching more, but has anyone else encountered this? Any pointers would be really helpful.
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Getting nervous here because my first 1.5 mile race is on saturday. Still only running it in around 15 minutes, but hey, I could care less where I place - it's all about finishing.

    However, I tried asking before and I never got a response... lately when I run I've been getting a burning pain in the front of my right shin. Only my right shin, the left is fine. The wierd thing is as soon as I stop running the pain goes away, so I know it isn't shinsplints. It's also the wrong sort of pain. It goes from my ankle (where I'd tie my shoes) up to just below my knee. It's a burning sensation, as if I'd been working a muscle way too long. This is with shoes that were professionally fitted for me at a running store - so I don't think the shoes are an issue either.

    For now I'm going to try stretching more, but has anyone else encountered this? Any pointers would be really helpful.

    Maybe it’s a stress fracture. Maybe you’ve pulled the strap of muscle that goes across the shin. Maybe it’s just one of those running aches and pains. If you ice it, rest it, and take some anti-inflammatory meds and it doesn’t go away, maybe you should go to the doctor.
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